interfaces-wifi(5) # NAME *interfaces-wifi* - WiFi vocabulary for the interfaces(5) file format # DESCRIPTION Wi-Fi (the IEEE 802.11 family of protocols) is a commonly used wireless networking standard. The following options allow for configuration of Wi-Fi client interfaces. WPA-secured networks are managed using *wpa_supplicant*(8), while insecure networks are managed directly with *iwconfig*(8). # WIFI-RELATED OPTIONS *wifi-config-path* _path_ Denotes the absolute _path_ to a *wpa_supplicant* configuration file. If no path is given, _/run/wpa_supplicant..conf_ will be used for a temporary configuration file. This option may not be used with other configuration options. *wifi-ssid* _ssid_ The SSID the Wi-Fi client should connect to. *wifi-psk* _psk_ The passphrase for connecting to the Wi-Fi network. If unset, the client will connect without WPA2 encryption. # EXAMPLES A typical setup may involve connecting to a home and work network. To achieve this, we can define a pair of virtual interfaces called *wifi-home* and *wifi-work*, which connect to their respective wifi networks: ``` iface wifi-home use dhcp wifi-ssid HomeNetwork wifi-psk ExamplePassphrase iface wifi-work use dhcp wifi-config-path /etc/network/wpa-work.conf ``` The virtual interfaces can be used with *ifup* and *ifdown*: ``` # ifup wlan0=wifi-home # ifdown wlan0 # ifup wlan0=wifi-work ``` # SEE ALSO *iwconfig*(8)++ *wpa_supplicant*(8) # AUTHORS Ariadne Conill