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1486 lines
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Executable file
1486 lines
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Executable file
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global.BrowserESModuleLoader = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
* Environment
var isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined';
var isNode = typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.versions && process.versions.node;
var isWindows = typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.platform === 'string' && process.platform.match(/^win/);
var envGlobal = typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : global;
* Simple Symbol() shim
var hasSymbol = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined';
function createSymbol (name) {
return hasSymbol ? Symbol() : '@@' + name;
var toStringTag = hasSymbol && Symbol.toStringTag;
* Environment baseURI
var baseURI;
// environent baseURI detection
if (typeof document != 'undefined' && document.getElementsByTagName) {
baseURI = document.baseURI;
if (!baseURI) {
var bases = document.getElementsByTagName('base');
baseURI = bases[0] && bases[0].href || window.location.href;
else if (typeof location != 'undefined') {
baseURI = location.href;
// sanitize out the hash and querystring
if (baseURI) {
baseURI = baseURI.split('#')[0].split('?')[0];
var slashIndex = baseURI.lastIndexOf('/');
if (slashIndex !== -1)
baseURI = baseURI.substr(0, slashIndex + 1);
else if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.cwd) {
baseURI = 'file://' + (isWindows ? '/' : '') + process.cwd();
if (isWindows)
baseURI = baseURI.replace(/\\/g, '/');
else {
throw new TypeError('No environment baseURI');
// ensure baseURI has trailing "/"
if (baseURI[baseURI.length - 1] !== '/')
baseURI += '/';
* LoaderError with chaining for loader stacks
var errArgs = new Error(0, '_').fileName == '_';
function LoaderError__Check_error_message_for_loader_stack (childErr, newMessage) {
// Convert file:/// URLs to paths in Node
if (!isBrowser)
newMessage = newMessage.replace(isWindows ? /file:\/\/\//g : /file:\/\//g, '');
var message = (childErr.message || childErr) + '\n ' + newMessage;
var err;
if (errArgs && childErr.fileName)
err = new Error(message, childErr.fileName, childErr.lineNumber);
err = new Error(message);
var stack = childErr.originalErr ? childErr.originalErr.stack : childErr.stack;
if (isNode)
// node doesn't show the message otherwise
err.stack = message + '\n ' + stack;
err.stack = stack;
err.originalErr = childErr.originalErr || childErr;
return err;
var resolvedPromise$1 = Promise.resolve();
* Simple Array values shim
function arrayValues (arr) {
if (arr.values)
return arr.values();
if (typeof Symbol === 'undefined' || !Symbol.iterator)
throw new Error('Symbol.iterator not supported in this browser');
var iterable = {};
iterable[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
var keys = Object.keys(arr);
var keyIndex = 0;
return {
next: function () {
if (keyIndex < keys.length)
return {
value: arr[keys[keyIndex++]],
done: false
return {
value: undefined,
done: true
return iterable;
* 3. Reflect.Loader
* We skip the entire native internal pipeline, just providing the bare API
// 3.1.1
function Loader () {
this.registry = new Registry();
// 3.3.1
Loader.prototype.constructor = Loader;
function ensureInstantiated (module) {
if (module === undefined)
if (module instanceof ModuleNamespace === false && module[toStringTag] !== 'module')
throw new TypeError('Module instantiation did not return a valid namespace object.');
return module;
// 3.3.2
Loader.prototype.import = function (key, parent) {
if (typeof key !== 'string')
throw new TypeError('Loader import method must be passed a module key string');
// custom resolveInstantiate combined hook for better perf
var loader = this;
return resolvedPromise$1
.then(function () {
return loader[RESOLVE_INSTANTIATE](key, parent);
.catch(function (err) {
throw LoaderError__Check_error_message_for_loader_stack(err, 'Loading ' + key + (parent ? ' from ' + parent : ''));
// 3.3.3
var RESOLVE = Loader.resolve = createSymbol('resolve');
* Combined resolve / instantiate hook
* Not in current reduced spec, but necessary to separate RESOLVE from RESOLVE + INSTANTIATE as described
* in the spec notes of this repo to ensure that loader.resolve doesn't instantiate when not wanted.
* We implement RESOLVE_INSTANTIATE as a single hook instead of a separate INSTANTIATE in order to avoid
* the need for double registry lookups as a performance optimization.
var RESOLVE_INSTANTIATE = Loader.resolveInstantiate = createSymbol('resolveInstantiate');
// default resolveInstantiate is just to call resolve and then get from the registry
// this provides compatibility for the resolveInstantiate optimization
Loader.prototype[RESOLVE_INSTANTIATE] = function (key, parent) {
var loader = this;
return loader.resolve(key, parent)
.then(function (resolved) {
return loader.registry.get(resolved);
function ensureResolution (resolvedKey) {
if (resolvedKey === undefined)
throw new RangeError('No resolution found.');
return resolvedKey;
Loader.prototype.resolve = function (key, parent) {
var loader = this;
return resolvedPromise$1
.then(function() {
return loader[RESOLVE](key, parent);
.catch(function (err) {
throw LoaderError__Check_error_message_for_loader_stack(err, 'Resolving ' + key + (parent ? ' to ' + parent : ''));
// 3.3.4 (import without evaluate)
// this is not documented because the use of deferred evaluation as in Module.evaluate is not
// documented, as it is not considered a stable feature to be encouraged
// Loader.prototype.load may well be deprecated if this stays disabled
/* Loader.prototype.load = function (key, parent) {
return Promise.resolve(this[RESOLVE_INSTANTIATE](key, parent || this.key))
.catch(function (err) {
throw addToError(err, 'Loading ' + key + (parent ? ' from ' + parent : ''));
}; */
* 4. Registry
* Instead of structuring through a Map, just use a dictionary object
* We throw for construction attempts so this doesn't affect the public API
* Registry has been adjusted to use Namespace objects over ModuleStatus objects
* as part of simplifying loader API implementation
var iteratorSupport = typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.iterator;
var REGISTRY = createSymbol('registry');
function Registry() {
this[REGISTRY] = {};
// 4.4.1
if (iteratorSupport) {
// 4.4.2
Registry.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
return this.entries()[Symbol.iterator]();
// 4.4.3
Registry.prototype.entries = function () {
var registry = this[REGISTRY];
return arrayValues(Object.keys(registry).map(function (key) {
return [key, registry[key]];
// 4.4.4
Registry.prototype.keys = function () {
return arrayValues(Object.keys(this[REGISTRY]));
// 4.4.5
Registry.prototype.values = function () {
var registry = this[REGISTRY];
return arrayValues(Object.keys(registry).map(function (key) {
return registry[key];
// 4.4.6
Registry.prototype.get = function (key) {
return this[REGISTRY][key];
// 4.4.7
Registry.prototype.set = function (key, namespace) {
if (!(namespace instanceof ModuleNamespace || namespace[toStringTag] === 'module'))
throw new Error('Registry must be set with an instance of Module Namespace');
this[REGISTRY][key] = namespace;
return this;
// 4.4.8
Registry.prototype.has = function (key) {
return Object.hasOwnProperty.call(this[REGISTRY], key);
// 4.4.9
Registry.prototype.delete = function (key) {
if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(this[REGISTRY], key)) {
delete this[REGISTRY][key];
return true;
return false;
* Simple ModuleNamespace Exotic object based on a baseObject
* We export this for allowing a fast-path for module namespace creation over Module descriptors
// var EVALUATE = createSymbol('evaluate');
var BASE_OBJECT = createSymbol('baseObject');
// 8.3.1 Reflect.Module
* Best-effort simplified non-spec implementation based on
* a baseObject referenced via getters.
* Allows:
* loader.registry.set('x', new Module({ default: 'x' }));
* Optional evaluation function provides experimental Module.evaluate
* support for non-executed modules in registry.
function ModuleNamespace (baseObject/*, evaluate*/) {
Object.defineProperty(this, BASE_OBJECT, {
value: baseObject
// evaluate defers namespace population
/* if (evaluate) {
Object.defineProperty(this, EVALUATE, {
value: evaluate,
configurable: true,
writable: true
else { */
Object.keys(baseObject).forEach(extendNamespace, this);
// 8.4.2
ModuleNamespace.prototype = Object.create(null);
if (toStringTag)
Object.defineProperty(ModuleNamespace.prototype, toStringTag, {
value: 'Module'
function extendNamespace (key) {
Object.defineProperty(this, key, {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return this[BASE_OBJECT][key];
/* function doEvaluate (evaluate, context) {
try {
catch (e) {
return e;
// 8.4.1 Module.evaluate... not documented or used because this is potentially unstable
Module.evaluate = function (ns) {
var evaluate = ns[EVALUATE];
if (evaluate) {
ns[EVALUATE] = undefined;
var err = doEvaluate(evaluate);
if (err) {
// cache the error
ns[EVALUATE] = function () {
throw err;
throw err;
Object.keys(ns[BASE_OBJECT]).forEach(extendNamespace, ns);
// make chainable
return ns;
}; */
* Optimized URL normalization assuming a syntax-valid URL parent
function throwResolveError (relUrl, parentUrl) {
throw new RangeError('Unable to resolve "' + relUrl + '" to ' + parentUrl);
var backslashRegEx = /\\/g;
function resolveIfNotPlain (relUrl, parentUrl) {
if (relUrl[0] === ' ' || relUrl[relUrl.length - 1] === ' ')
relUrl = relUrl.trim();
var parentProtocol = parentUrl && parentUrl.substr(0, parentUrl.indexOf(':') + 1);
var firstChar = relUrl[0];
var secondChar = relUrl[1];
// protocol-relative
if (firstChar === '/' && secondChar === '/') {
if (!parentProtocol)
throwResolveError(relUrl, parentUrl);
if (relUrl.indexOf('\\') !== -1)
relUrl = relUrl.replace(backslashRegEx, '/');
return parentProtocol + relUrl;
// relative-url
else if (firstChar === '.' && (secondChar === '/' || secondChar === '.' && (relUrl[2] === '/' || relUrl.length === 2 && (relUrl += '/')) ||
relUrl.length === 1 && (relUrl += '/')) ||
firstChar === '/') {
if (relUrl.indexOf('\\') !== -1)
relUrl = relUrl.replace(backslashRegEx, '/');
var parentIsPlain = !parentProtocol || parentUrl[parentProtocol.length] !== '/';
// read pathname from parent if a URL
// pathname taken to be part after leading "/"
var pathname;
if (parentIsPlain) {
// resolving to a plain parent -> skip standard URL prefix, and treat entire parent as pathname
if (parentUrl === undefined)
throwResolveError(relUrl, parentUrl);
pathname = parentUrl;
else if (parentUrl[parentProtocol.length + 1] === '/') {
// resolving to a :// so we need to read out the auth and host
if (parentProtocol !== 'file:') {
pathname = parentUrl.substr(parentProtocol.length + 2);
pathname = pathname.substr(pathname.indexOf('/') + 1);
else {
pathname = parentUrl.substr(8);
else {
// resolving to :/ so pathname is the /... part
pathname = parentUrl.substr(parentProtocol.length + 1);
if (firstChar === '/') {
if (parentIsPlain)
throwResolveError(relUrl, parentUrl);
return parentUrl.substr(0, parentUrl.length - pathname.length - 1) + relUrl;
// join together and split for removal of .. and . segments
// looping the string instead of anything fancy for perf reasons
// '../../../../../z' resolved to 'x/y' is just 'z' regardless of parentIsPlain
var segmented = pathname.substr(0, pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + relUrl;
var output = [];
var segmentIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < segmented.length; i++) {
// busy reading a segment - only terminate on '/'
if (segmentIndex !== -1) {
if (segmented[i] === '/') {
output.push(segmented.substring(segmentIndex, i + 1));
segmentIndex = -1;
// new segment - check if it is relative
if (segmented[i] === '.') {
// ../ segment
if (segmented[i + 1] === '.' && (segmented[i + 2] === '/' || i + 2 === segmented.length)) {
i += 2;
// ./ segment
else if (segmented[i + 1] === '/' || i + 1 === segmented.length) {
i += 1;
else {
// the start of a new segment as below
segmentIndex = i;
// this is the plain URI backtracking error (../, package:x -> error)
if (parentIsPlain && output.length === 0)
throwResolveError(relUrl, parentUrl);
// it is the start of a new segment
segmentIndex = i;
// finish reading out the last segment
if (segmentIndex !== -1)
return parentUrl.substr(0, parentUrl.length - pathname.length) + output.join('');
// sanitizes and verifies (by returning undefined if not a valid URL-like form)
// Windows filepath compatibility is an added convenience here
var protocolIndex = relUrl.indexOf(':');
if (protocolIndex !== -1) {
if (isNode) {
// C:\x becomes file:///c:/x (we don't support C|\x)
if (relUrl[1] === ':' && relUrl[2] === '\\' && relUrl[0].match(/[a-z]/i))
return 'file:///' + relUrl.replace(backslashRegEx, '/');
return relUrl;
var resolvedPromise = Promise.resolve();
* Register Loader
* Builds directly on top of loader polyfill to provide:
* - loader.register support
* - hookable higher-level resolve
* - instantiate hook returning a ModuleNamespace or undefined for es module loading
* - loader error behaviour as in HTML and loader specs, caching load and eval errors separately
* - build tracing support by providing a .trace=true and .loads object format
var REGISTER_INTERNAL = createSymbol('register-internal');
function RegisterLoader$1 () {
var registryDelete = this.registry.delete;
this.registry.delete = function (key) {
var deleted = registryDelete.call(this, key);
// also delete from register registry if linked
if (records.hasOwnProperty(key) && !records[key].linkRecord) {
delete records[key];
deleted = true;
return deleted;
var records = {};
// last anonymous System.register call
lastRegister: undefined,
// in-flight es module load records
records: records
// tracing
this.trace = false;
RegisterLoader$1.prototype = Object.create(Loader.prototype);
RegisterLoader$1.prototype.constructor = RegisterLoader$1;
var INSTANTIATE = RegisterLoader$1.instantiate = createSymbol('instantiate');
// default normalize is the WhatWG style normalizer
RegisterLoader$1.prototype[RegisterLoader$1.resolve = Loader.resolve] = function (key, parentKey) {
return resolveIfNotPlain(key, parentKey || baseURI);
RegisterLoader$1.prototype[INSTANTIATE] = function (key, processAnonRegister) {};
// once evaluated, the linkRecord is set to undefined leaving just the other load record properties
// this allows tracking new binding listeners for es modules through importerSetters
// for dynamic modules, the load record is removed entirely.
function createLoadRecord (state, key, registration) {
return state.records[key] = {
key: key,
// defined System.register cache
registration: registration,
// module namespace object
module: undefined,
// es-only
// this sticks around so new module loads can listen to binding changes
// for already-loaded modules by adding themselves to their importerSetters
importerSetters: undefined,
loadError: undefined,
evalError: undefined,
// in-flight linking record
linkRecord: {
// promise for instantiated
instantiatePromise: undefined,
dependencies: undefined,
execute: undefined,
executingRequire: false,
// underlying module object bindings
moduleObj: undefined,
// es only, also indicates if es or not
setters: undefined,
// promise for instantiated dependencies (dependencyInstantiations populated)
depsInstantiatePromise: undefined,
// will be the array of dependency load record or a module namespace
dependencyInstantiations: undefined,
// top-level await!
evaluatePromise: undefined,
// NB optimization and way of ensuring module objects in setters
// indicates setters which should run pre-execution of that dependency
// setters is then just for completely executed module objects
// alternatively we just pass the partially filled module objects as
// arguments into the execute function
// hoisted: undefined
RegisterLoader$1.prototype[Loader.resolveInstantiate] = function (key, parentKey) {
var loader = this;
var state = this[REGISTER_INTERNAL];
var registry = this.registry[REGISTRY];
return resolveInstantiate(loader, key, parentKey, registry, state)
.then(function (instantiated) {
if (instantiated instanceof ModuleNamespace || instantiated[toStringTag] === 'module')
return instantiated;
// resolveInstantiate always returns a load record with a link record and no module value
var link = instantiated.linkRecord;
// if already beaten to done, return
if (!link) {
if (instantiated.module)
return instantiated.module;
throw instantiated.evalError;
return deepInstantiateDeps(loader, instantiated, link, registry, state)
.then(function () {
return ensureEvaluate(loader, instantiated, link, registry, state);
function resolveInstantiate (loader, key, parentKey, registry, state) {
// normalization shortpath for already-normalized key
// could add a plain name filter, but doesn't yet seem necessary for perf
var module = registry[key];
if (module)
return Promise.resolve(module);
var load = state.records[key];
// already linked but not in main registry is ignored
if (load && !load.module) {
if (load.loadError)
return Promise.reject(load.loadError);
return instantiate(loader, load, load.linkRecord, registry, state);
return loader.resolve(key, parentKey)
.then(function (resolvedKey) {
// main loader registry always takes preference
module = registry[resolvedKey];
if (module)
return module;
load = state.records[resolvedKey];
// already has a module value but not already in the registry (load.module)
// means it was removed by registry.delete, so we should
// disgard the current load record creating a new one over it
// but keep any existing registration
if (!load || load.module)
load = createLoadRecord(state, resolvedKey, load && load.registration);
if (load.loadError)
return Promise.reject(load.loadError);
var link = load.linkRecord;
if (!link)
return load;
return instantiate(loader, load, link, registry, state);
function createProcessAnonRegister (loader, load, state) {
return function () {
var lastRegister = state.lastRegister;
if (!lastRegister)
return !!load.registration;
state.lastRegister = undefined;
load.registration = lastRegister;
return true;
function instantiate (loader, load, link, registry, state) {
return link.instantiatePromise || (link.instantiatePromise =
// if there is already an existing registration, skip running instantiate
(load.registration ? resolvedPromise : resolvedPromise.then(function () {
state.lastRegister = undefined;
return loader[INSTANTIATE](load.key, loader[INSTANTIATE].length > 1 && createProcessAnonRegister(loader, load, state));
.then(function (instantiation) {
// direct module return from instantiate -> we're done
if (instantiation !== undefined) {
if (!(instantiation instanceof ModuleNamespace || instantiation[toStringTag] === 'module'))
throw new TypeError('Instantiate did not return a valid Module object.');
delete state.records[load.key];
if (loader.trace)
traceLoad(loader, load, link);
return registry[load.key] = instantiation;
// run the cached loader.register declaration if there is one
var registration = load.registration;
// clear to allow new registrations for future loads (combined with registry delete)
load.registration = undefined;
if (!registration)
throw new TypeError('Module instantiation did not call an anonymous or correctly named System.register.');
link.dependencies = registration[0];
load.importerSetters = [];
link.moduleObj = {};
// process System.registerDynamic declaration
if (registration[2]) {
link.moduleObj.default = link.moduleObj.__useDefault = {};
link.executingRequire = registration[1];
link.execute = registration[2];
// process System.register declaration
else {
registerDeclarative(loader, load, link, registration[1]);
return load;
.catch(function (err) {
load.linkRecord = undefined;
throw load.loadError = load.loadError || LoaderError__Check_error_message_for_loader_stack(err, 'Instantiating ' + load.key);
// like resolveInstantiate, but returning load records for linking
function resolveInstantiateDep (loader, key, parentKey, registry, state, traceDepMap) {
// normalization shortpaths for already-normalized key
// DISABLED to prioritise consistent resolver calls
// could add a plain name filter, but doesn't yet seem necessary for perf
/* var load = state.records[key];
var module = registry[key];
if (module) {
if (traceDepMap)
traceDepMap[key] = key;
// registry authority check in case module was deleted or replaced in main registry
if (load && load.module && load.module === module)
return load;
return module;
// already linked but not in main registry is ignored
if (load && !load.module) {
if (traceDepMap)
traceDepMap[key] = key;
return instantiate(loader, load, load.linkRecord, registry, state);
} */
return loader.resolve(key, parentKey)
.then(function (resolvedKey) {
if (traceDepMap)
traceDepMap[key] = resolvedKey;
// normalization shortpaths for already-normalized key
var load = state.records[resolvedKey];
var module = registry[resolvedKey];
// main loader registry always takes preference
if (module && (!load || load.module && module !== load.module))
return module;
if (load && load.loadError)
throw load.loadError;
// already has a module value but not already in the registry (load.module)
// means it was removed by registry.delete, so we should
// disgard the current load record creating a new one over it
// but keep any existing registration
if (!load || !module && load.module)
load = createLoadRecord(state, resolvedKey, load && load.registration);
var link = load.linkRecord;
if (!link)
return load;
return instantiate(loader, load, link, registry, state);
function traceLoad (loader, load, link) {
loader.loads = loader.loads || {};
loader.loads[load.key] = {
key: load.key,
deps: link.dependencies,
dynamicDeps: [],
depMap: link.depMap || {}
* Convert a CJS module.exports into a valid object for new Module:
* new Module(getEsModule(module.exports))
* Sets the default value to the module, while also reading off named exports carefully.
function registerDeclarative (loader, load, link, declare) {
var moduleObj = link.moduleObj;
var importerSetters = load.importerSetters;
var definedExports = false;
// closure especially not based on link to allow link record disposal
var declared = declare.call(envGlobal, function (name, value) {
if (typeof name === 'object') {
var changed = false;
for (var p in name) {
value = name[p];
if (p !== '__useDefault' && (!(p in moduleObj) || moduleObj[p] !== value)) {
changed = true;
moduleObj[p] = value;
if (changed === false)
return value;
else {
if ((definedExports || name in moduleObj) && moduleObj[name] === value)
return value;
moduleObj[name] = value;
for (var i = 0; i < importerSetters.length; i++)
return value;
}, new ContextualLoader(loader, load.key));
link.setters = declared.setters || [];
link.execute = declared.execute;
if (declared.exports) {
link.moduleObj = moduleObj = declared.exports;
definedExports = true;
function instantiateDeps (loader, load, link, registry, state) {
if (link.depsInstantiatePromise)
return link.depsInstantiatePromise;
var depsInstantiatePromises = Array(link.dependencies.length);
for (var i = 0; i < link.dependencies.length; i++)
depsInstantiatePromises[i] = resolveInstantiateDep(loader, link.dependencies[i], load.key, registry, state, loader.trace && link.depMap || (link.depMap = {}));
var depsInstantiatePromise = Promise.all(depsInstantiatePromises)
.then(function (dependencyInstantiations) {
link.dependencyInstantiations = dependencyInstantiations;
// run setters to set up bindings to instantiated dependencies
if (link.setters) {
for (var i = 0; i < dependencyInstantiations.length; i++) {
var setter = link.setters[i];
if (setter) {
var instantiation = dependencyInstantiations[i];
if (instantiation instanceof ModuleNamespace || instantiation[toStringTag] === 'module') {
else {
if (instantiation.loadError)
throw instantiation.loadError;
setter(instantiation.module || instantiation.linkRecord.moduleObj);
// this applies to both es and dynamic registrations
if (instantiation.importerSetters)
return load;
if (loader.trace)
depsInstantiatePromise = depsInstantiatePromise.then(function () {
traceLoad(loader, load, link);
return load;
depsInstantiatePromise = depsInstantiatePromise.catch(function (err) {
// throw up the instantiateDeps stack
link.depsInstantiatePromise = undefined;
throw LoaderError__Check_error_message_for_loader_stack(err, 'Loading ' + load.key);
depsInstantiatePromise.catch(function () {});
return link.depsInstantiatePromise = depsInstantiatePromise;
function deepInstantiateDeps (loader, load, link, registry, state) {
var seen = [];
function addDeps (load, link) {
if (!link)
return resolvedPromise;
if (seen.indexOf(load) !== -1)
return resolvedPromise;
return instantiateDeps(loader, load, link, registry, state)
.then(function () {
var depPromises;
for (var i = 0; i < link.dependencies.length; i++) {
var depLoad = link.dependencyInstantiations[i];
if (!(depLoad instanceof ModuleNamespace || depLoad[toStringTag] === 'module')) {
depPromises = depPromises || [];
depPromises.push(addDeps(depLoad, depLoad.linkRecord));
if (depPromises)
return Promise.all(depPromises);
return addDeps(load, link);
* System.register
RegisterLoader$1.prototype.register = function (key, deps, declare) {
var state = this[REGISTER_INTERNAL];
// anonymous modules get stored as lastAnon
if (declare === undefined) {
state.lastRegister = [key, deps, undefined];
// everything else registers into the register cache
else {
var load = state.records[key] || createLoadRecord(state, key, undefined);
load.registration = [deps, declare, undefined];
* System.registerDyanmic
RegisterLoader$1.prototype.registerDynamic = function (key, deps, executingRequire, execute) {
var state = this[REGISTER_INTERNAL];
// anonymous modules get stored as lastAnon
if (typeof key !== 'string') {
state.lastRegister = [key, deps, executingRequire];
// everything else registers into the register cache
else {
var load = state.records[key] || createLoadRecord(state, key, undefined);
load.registration = [deps, executingRequire, execute];
// ContextualLoader class
// backwards-compatible with previous System.register context argument by exposing .id, .key
function ContextualLoader (loader, key) {
this.loader = loader;
this.key = this.id = key;
this.meta = {
url: key
// scriptElement: null
/*ContextualLoader.prototype.constructor = function () {
throw new TypeError('Cannot subclass the contextual loader only Reflect.Loader.');
ContextualLoader.prototype.import = function (key) {
if (this.loader.trace)
return this.loader.import(key, this.key);
/*ContextualLoader.prototype.resolve = function (key) {
return this.loader.resolve(key, this.key);
function ensureEvaluate (loader, load, link, registry, state) {
if (load.module)
return load.module;
if (load.evalError)
throw load.evalError;
if (link.evaluatePromise)
return link.evaluatePromise;
if (link.setters) {
var evaluatePromise = doEvaluateDeclarative(loader, load, link, registry, state, [load]);
if (evaluatePromise)
return evaluatePromise;
else {
doEvaluateDynamic(loader, load, link, registry, state, [load]);
return load.module;
function makeDynamicRequire (loader, key, dependencies, dependencyInstantiations, registry, state, seen) {
// we can only require from already-known dependencies
return function (name) {
for (var i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) {
if (dependencies[i] === name) {
var depLoad = dependencyInstantiations[i];
var module;
if (depLoad instanceof ModuleNamespace || depLoad[toStringTag] === 'module') {
module = depLoad;
else {
if (depLoad.evalError)
throw depLoad.evalError;
if (depLoad.module === undefined && seen.indexOf(depLoad) === -1 && !depLoad.linkRecord.evaluatePromise) {
if (depLoad.linkRecord.setters) {
doEvaluateDeclarative(loader, depLoad, depLoad.linkRecord, registry, state, [depLoad]);
else {
doEvaluateDynamic(loader, depLoad, depLoad.linkRecord, registry, state, seen);
module = depLoad.module || depLoad.linkRecord.moduleObj;
return '__useDefault' in module ? module.__useDefault : module;
throw new Error('Module ' + name + ' not declared as a System.registerDynamic dependency of ' + key);
function evalError (load, err) {
load.linkRecord = undefined;
var evalError = LoaderError__Check_error_message_for_loader_stack(err, 'Evaluating ' + load.key);
if (load.evalError === undefined)
load.evalError = evalError;
throw evalError;
// es modules evaluate dependencies first
// returns the error if any
function doEvaluateDeclarative (loader, load, link, registry, state, seen) {
var depLoad, depLink;
var depLoadPromises;
for (var i = 0; i < link.dependencies.length; i++) {
var depLoad = link.dependencyInstantiations[i];
if (depLoad instanceof ModuleNamespace || depLoad[toStringTag] === 'module')
// custom Module returned from instantiate
depLink = depLoad.linkRecord;
if (depLink) {
if (depLoad.evalError) {
evalError(load, depLoad.evalError);
else if (depLink.setters) {
if (seen.indexOf(depLoad) === -1) {
try {
var depLoadPromise = doEvaluateDeclarative(loader, depLoad, depLink, registry, state, seen);
catch (e) {
evalError(load, e);
if (depLoadPromise) {
depLoadPromises = depLoadPromises || [];
depLoadPromises.push(depLoadPromise.catch(function (err) {
evalError(load, err);
else {
try {
doEvaluateDynamic(loader, depLoad, depLink, registry, state, [depLoad]);
catch (e) {
evalError(load, e);
if (depLoadPromises)
return link.evaluatePromise = Promise.all(depLoadPromises)
.then(function () {
if (link.execute) {
// ES System.register execute
// "this" is null in ES
try {
var execPromise = link.execute.call(nullContext);
catch (e) {
evalError(load, e);
if (execPromise)
return execPromise.catch(function (e) {
evalError(load, e);
.then(function () {
load.linkRecord = undefined;
return registry[load.key] = load.module = new ModuleNamespace(link.moduleObj);
// dispose link record
load.linkRecord = undefined;
registry[load.key] = load.module = new ModuleNamespace(link.moduleObj);
if (link.execute) {
// ES System.register execute
// "this" is null in ES
try {
var execPromise = link.execute.call(nullContext);
catch (e) {
evalError(load, e);
if (execPromise)
return link.evaluatePromise = execPromise.catch(function (e) {
evalError(load, e);
.then(function () {
load.linkRecord = undefined;
return registry[load.key] = load.module = new ModuleNamespace(link.moduleObj);
// dispose link record
load.linkRecord = undefined;
registry[load.key] = load.module = new ModuleNamespace(link.moduleObj);
// non es modules explicitly call moduleEvaluate through require
function doEvaluateDynamic (loader, load, link, registry, state, seen) {
// System.registerDynamic execute
// "this" is "exports" in CJS
var module = { id: load.key };
var moduleObj = link.moduleObj;
Object.defineProperty(module, 'exports', {
configurable: true,
set: function (exports) {
moduleObj.default = moduleObj.__useDefault = exports;
get: function () {
return moduleObj.__useDefault;
var require = makeDynamicRequire(loader, load.key, link.dependencies, link.dependencyInstantiations, registry, state, seen);
// evaluate deps first
if (!link.executingRequire)
for (var i = 0; i < link.dependencies.length; i++)
try {
var output = link.execute.call(envGlobal, require, moduleObj.default, module);
if (output !== undefined)
module.exports = output;
catch (e) {
evalError(load, e);
load.linkRecord = undefined;
// pick up defineProperty calls to module.exports when we can
if (module.exports !== moduleObj.__useDefault)
moduleObj.default = moduleObj.__useDefault = module.exports;
var moduleDefault = moduleObj.default;
// __esModule flag extension support via lifting
if (moduleDefault && moduleDefault.__esModule) {
for (var p in moduleDefault) {
if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(moduleDefault, p))
moduleObj[p] = moduleDefault[p];
registry[load.key] = load.module = new ModuleNamespace(link.moduleObj);
// run importer setters and clear them
// this allows dynamic modules to update themselves into es modules
// as soon as execution has completed
if (load.importerSetters)
for (var i = 0; i < load.importerSetters.length; i++)
load.importerSetters = undefined;
// the closest we can get to call(undefined)
var nullContext = Object.create(null);
if (Object.freeze)
var loader;
// <script type="module"> support
var anonSources = {};
if (typeof document != 'undefined' && document.getElementsByTagName) {
var handleError = function(err) {
// dispatch an error event so that we can display in errors in browsers
// that don't yet support unhandledrejection
if (window.onunhandledrejection === undefined) {
try {
var evt = new Event('error');
} catch (_eventError) {
var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
evt.initEvent('error', true, true);
evt.message = err.message;
if (err.fileName) {
evt.filename = err.fileName;
evt.lineno = err.lineNumber;
evt.colno = err.columnNumber;
} else if (err.sourceURL) {
evt.filename = err.sourceURL;
evt.lineno = err.line;
evt.colno = err.column;
evt.error = err;
// throw so it still shows up in the console
throw err;
var ready = function() {
document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ready, false );
var anonCnt = 0;
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
var script = scripts[i];
if (script.type == 'module' && !script.loaded) {
script.loaded = true;
if (script.src) {
// anonymous modules supported via a custom naming scheme and registry
else {
var uri = './<anon' + ++anonCnt + '>.js';
if (script.id !== ""){
uri = "./" + script.id;
var anonName = resolveIfNotPlain(uri, baseURI);
anonSources[anonName] = script.innerHTML;
// simple DOM ready
if (document.readyState !== 'loading')
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ready, false);
function BrowserESModuleLoader(baseKey) {
if (baseKey)
this.baseKey = resolveIfNotPlain(baseKey, baseURI) || resolveIfNotPlain('./' + baseKey, baseURI);
var loader = this;
// ensure System.register is available
envGlobal.System = envGlobal.System || {};
if (typeof envGlobal.System.register == 'function')
var prevRegister = envGlobal.System.register;
envGlobal.System.register = function() {
loader.register.apply(loader, arguments);
if (prevRegister)
prevRegister.apply(this, arguments);
BrowserESModuleLoader.prototype = Object.create(RegisterLoader$1.prototype);
// normalize is never given a relative name like "./x", that part is already handled
BrowserESModuleLoader.prototype[RegisterLoader$1.resolve] = function(key, parent) {
var resolved = RegisterLoader$1.prototype[RegisterLoader$1.resolve].call(this, key, parent || this.baseKey) || key;
if (!resolved)
throw new RangeError('ES module loader does not resolve plain module names, resolving "' + key + '" to ' + parent);
return resolved;
function xhrFetch(url, resolve, reject) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var load = function(source) {
var error = function() {
reject(new Error('XHR error' + (xhr.status ? ' (' + xhr.status + (xhr.statusText ? ' ' + xhr.statusText : '') + ')' : '') + ' loading ' + url));
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
// in Chrome on file:/// URLs, status is 0
if (xhr.status == 0) {
if (xhr.responseText) {
else {
// when responseText is empty, wait for load or error event
// to inform if it is a 404 or empty file
xhr.addEventListener('error', error);
xhr.addEventListener('load', load);
else if (xhr.status === 200) {
else {
xhr.open("GET", url, true);
var WorkerPool = function (script, size) {
var current = document.currentScript;
// IE doesn't support currentScript
if (!current) {
// Find an entry with out basename
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
if (scripts[i].src.indexOf("browser-es-module-loader.js") !== -1) {
current = scripts[i];
if (!current)
throw Error("Could not find own <script> element");
script = current.src.substr(0, current.src.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/" + script;
this._workers = new Array(size);
this._ind = 0;
this._size = size;
this._jobs = 0;
this.onmessage = undefined;
this._stopTimeout = undefined;
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
var wrkr = new Worker(script);
wrkr._count = 0;
wrkr._ind = i;
wrkr.onmessage = this._onmessage.bind(this, wrkr);
wrkr.onerror = this._onerror.bind(this);
this._workers[i] = wrkr;
WorkerPool.prototype = {
postMessage: function (msg) {
if (this._stopTimeout !== undefined) {
this._stopTimeout = undefined;
var wrkr = this._workers[this._ind % this._size];
_onmessage: function (wrkr, evt) {
this.onmessage(evt, wrkr);
_onerror: function(err) {
try {
var evt = new Event('error');
} catch (_eventError) {
var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
evt.initEvent('error', true, true);
evt.message = err.message;
evt.filename = err.filename;
evt.lineno = err.lineno;
evt.colno = err.colno;
evt.error = err.error;
_checkJobs: function () {
if (this._jobs === 0 && this._stopTimeout === undefined) {
// wait for 2s of inactivity before stopping (that should be enough for local loading)
this._stopTimeout = setTimeout(this._stop.bind(this), 2000);
_stop: function () {
this._workers.forEach(function(wrkr) {
var promiseMap = new Map();
var babelWorker = new WorkerPool('babel-worker.js', 3);
babelWorker.onmessage = function (evt) {
var promFuncs = promiseMap.get(evt.data.key);
// instantiate just needs to run System.register
// so we fetch the source, convert into the Babel System module format, then evaluate it
BrowserESModuleLoader.prototype[RegisterLoader$1.instantiate] = function(key, processAnonRegister) {
var loader = this;
// load as ES with Babel converting into System.register
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// anonymous module
if (anonSources[key]) {
anonSources[key] = undefined;
// otherwise we fetch
else {
xhrFetch(key, resolve, reject);
.then(function(source) {
// check our cache first
var cacheEntry = localStorage.getItem(key);
if (cacheEntry) {
cacheEntry = JSON.parse(cacheEntry);
// TODO: store a hash instead
if (cacheEntry.source === source) {
return Promise.resolve({key: key, code: cacheEntry.code, source: cacheEntry.source});
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
promiseMap.set(key, {resolve: resolve, reject: reject});
babelWorker.postMessage({key: key, source: source});
}).then(function (data) {
// evaluate without require, exports and module variables
// we leave module in for now to allow module.require access
try {
var cacheEntry = JSON.stringify({source: data.source, code: data.code});
localStorage.setItem(key, cacheEntry);
} catch (e) {
if (window.console) {
window.console.warn('Unable to cache transpiled version of ' + key + ': ' + e);
(0, eval)(data.code + '\n//# sourceURL=' + data.key + '!transpiled');
// create a default loader instance in the browser
if (isBrowser)
loader = new BrowserESModuleLoader();
return BrowserESModuleLoader;
//# sourceMappingURL=browser-es-module-loader.js.map