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import re
import socket
import threading
import libvirt
from django.conf import settings
from libvirt import libvirtError
from vrtManager import util
from vrtManager.rwlock import ReadWriteLock
TLS_PORT = 16514
TCP_PORT = 16509
class wvmEventLoop(threading.Thread):
""" Event Loop Class"""
def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}):
# register the default event implementation
# of libvirt, as we do not have an existing
# event loop.
if name is None:
name = "libvirt event loop"
super(wvmEventLoop, self).__init__(group, target, name, args, kwargs)
# we run this thread in deamon mode, so it does
# not block shutdown of the server
self.daemon = True
def run(self):
while True:
# if this method will fail it raises libvirtError
# we do not catch the exception here so it will show up
# in the logs. Not sure when this call will ever fail
class wvmConnection(object):
class representing a single connection stored in the Connection Manager
# to-do: may also need some locking to ensure to not connect simultaniously in 2 threads
def __init__(self, host, login, passwd, conn):
Sets all class attributes and tries to open the connection
# connection lock is used to lock all changes to the connection state attributes
# (connection and last_error)
self.connection_state_lock = threading.Lock()
self.connection = None
self.last_error = None
# credentials
self.host = host
self.login = login
self.passwd = passwd
self.type = conn
# connect
def connect(self):
# recheck if we have a connection (it may have been
if not self.connected:
if self.type == CONN_TCP:
elif self.type == CONN_SSH:
elif self.type == CONN_TLS:
elif self.type == CONN_SOCKET:
raise ValueError(f'"{self.type}" is not a valid connection type')
if self.connected:
# do some preprocessing of the connection:
# * set keep alive interval
# * set connection close/fail handler
connection_manager.keepalive_interval, connection_manager.keepalive_count
self.connection.registerCloseCallback(self.__connection_close_callback, None)
except Exception:
# Temporary fix for libvirt > libvirt-0.10.2-41
except libvirtError as e:
# hypervisor driver does not seem to support persistent connections
self.last_error = str(e)
def connected(self):
return self.connection is not None and self.connection.isAlive()
except libvirtError:
# isAlive failed for some reason
return False
def __libvirt_auth_credentials_callback(self, credentials, user_data):
for credential in credentials:
if credential[0] == libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME:
credential[4] = self.login
if len(credential[4]) == 0:
credential[4] = credential[3]
elif credential[0] == libvirt.VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE:
credential[4] = self.passwd
return -1
return 0
def __connection_close_callback(self, connection, reason, opaque=None):
# on server shutdown libvirt module gets freed before the close callbacks are called
# so we just check here if it is still present
if libvirt is not None:
self.last_error = reason
# prevent other threads from using the connection (in the future)
self.connection = None
def __connect_tcp(self):
flags = [libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME, libvirt.VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE]
auth = [flags, self.__libvirt_auth_credentials_callback, None]
uri = f"qemu+tcp://{self.host}/system"
self.connection = libvirt.openAuth(uri, auth, 0)
self.last_error = None
except libvirtError as e:
self.last_error = f"Connection Failed: {str(e)}"
self.connection = None
def __connect_ssh(self):
uri = "qemu+ssh://%s@%s/system" % (self.login, self.host)
self.connection = libvirt.open(uri)
self.last_error = None
except libvirtError as e:
self.last_error = f"Connection Failed: {str(e)} --- " + repr(libvirt.virGetLastError())
self.connection = None
def __connect_tls(self):
flags = [libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME, libvirt.VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE]
auth = [flags, self.__libvirt_auth_credentials_callback, None]
uri = "qemu+tls://%s@%s/system" % (self.login, self.host)
self.connection = libvirt.openAuth(uri, auth, 0)
self.last_error = None
except libvirtError as e:
self.last_error = f"Connection Failed: {str(e)}"
self.connection = None
def __connect_socket(self):
uri = "qemu:///system"
self.connection = libvirt.open(uri)
self.last_error = None
except libvirtError as e:
self.last_error = f"Connection Failed: {str(e)}"
self.connection = None
def close(self):
closes the connection (if it is active)
if self.connected:
# to-do: handle errors?
except libvirtError:
self.connection = None
self.last_error = None
def __del__(self):
if self.connection is not None:
# unregister callback (as it is no longer valid if this instance gets deleted)
except Exception:
def __str__(self):
if self.type == CONN_TCP:
type_str = "tcp"
elif self.type == CONN_SSH:
type_str = "ssh"
elif self.type == CONN_TLS:
type_str = "tls"
type_str = "invalid_type"
return f"qemu+{type_str}://{self.login}@{self.host}/system"
def __repr__(self):
return f"<wvmConnection {str(self)}>"
class wvmConnectionManager(object):
def __init__(self, keepalive_interval=5, keepalive_count=5):
self.keepalive_interval = keepalive_interval
self.keepalive_count = keepalive_count
# connection dict
# maps hostnames to a list of connection objects for this hostname
# atm it is possible to create more than one connection per hostname
# with different logins or auth methods
# connections are shared between all threads, see:
# http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/FAQ#Is_libvirt_thread_safe.3F
self._connections = dict()
self._connections_lock = ReadWriteLock()
# start event loop to handle keepalive requests and other events
self._event_loop = wvmEventLoop()
def _search_connection(self, host, login, passwd, conn):
search the connection dict for a connection with the given credentials
if it does not exist return None
if host in self._connections:
connections = self._connections[host]
for connection in connections:
if connection.login == login and connection.passwd == passwd and connection.type == conn:
return connection
return None
def get_connection(self, host, login, passwd, conn):
returns a connection object (as returned by the libvirt.open* methods) for the given host and credentials
raises libvirtError if (re)connecting fails
# force all string values to unicode
host = str(host)
login = str(login)
passwd = str(passwd) if passwd is not None else None
connection = self._search_connection(host, login, passwd, conn)
if connection is None:
# we have to search for the connection again after acquiring the write lock
# as the thread previously holding the write lock may have already added our connection
connection = self._search_connection(host, login, passwd, conn)
if connection is None:
# create a new connection if a matching connection does not already exist
connection = wvmConnection(host, login, passwd, conn)
# add new connection to connection dict
if host in self._connections:
self._connections[host] = [connection]
elif not connection.connected:
# try to (re-)connect if connection is closed
if connection.connected:
# return libvirt connection object
return connection.connection
# raise libvirt error
raise libvirtError(connection.last_error)
def host_is_up(self, conn_type, hostname):
returns True if the given host is up and we are able to establish
a connection using the given credentials.
socket_host = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
if conn_type == CONN_SSH:
if ":" in hostname:
libvirt_host, PORT = hostname.split(":")
PORT = int(PORT)
libvirt_host = hostname
socket_host.connect((libvirt_host, PORT))
if conn_type == CONN_TCP:
socket_host.connect((hostname, TCP_PORT))
if conn_type == CONN_TLS:
socket_host.connect((hostname, TLS_PORT))
if conn_type == CONN_SOCKET:
socket_host = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
return True
except Exception as err:
return err
connection_manager = wvmConnectionManager(
settings.LIBVIRT_KEEPALIVE_COUNT if hasattr(settings, "LIBVIRT_KEEPALIVE_COUNT") else 5,
class wvmConnect(object):
def __init__(self, host, login, passwd, conn):
self.login = login
self.host = host
self.passwd = passwd
self.conn = conn
# get connection from connection manager
self.wvm = connection_manager.get_connection(host, login, passwd, conn)
def is_qemu(self):
return self.wvm.getURI().startswith("qemu")
def get_cap_xml(self):
"""Return xml capabilities"""
return self.wvm.getCapabilities()
def get_dom_cap_xml(self, arch, machine):
""" Return domain capabilities xml"""
emulatorbin = self.get_emulator(arch)
virttype = "kvm" if "kvm" in self.get_hypervisors_domain_types()[arch] else "qemu"
machine_types = self.get_machine_types(arch)
if not machine or machine not in machine_types:
machine = "pc" if "pc" in machine_types else machine_types[0]
return self.wvm.getDomainCapabilities(emulatorbin, arch, machine, virttype)
def get_capabilities(self, arch):
""" Host Capabilities for specified architecture """
def guests(ctx):
result = dict()
for arch_el in ctx.xpath("/capabilities/guest/arch[@name='{}']".format(arch)):
result["wordsize"] = arch_el.find("wordsize").text
result["emulator"] = arch_el.find("emulator").text
result["domain"] = [v for v in arch_el.xpath("domain/@type")]
result["machines"] = []
for m in arch_el.xpath("machine"):
{"machine": m.text, "max_cpu": m.get("maxCpus"), "canonical": m.get("canonical")}
guest_el = arch_el.getparent()
for f in guest_el.xpath("features"):
result["features"] = [t.tag for t in f.getchildren()]
result["os_type"] = guest_el.find("os_type").text
return result
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_cap_xml(), func=guests)
def get_dom_capabilities(self, arch, machine):
"""Return domain capabilities"""
result = dict()
xml = self.get_dom_cap_xml(arch, machine)
result["path"] = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/domainCapabilities/path")
result["domain"] = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/domainCapabilities/domain")
result["machine"] = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/domainCapabilities/machine")
result["vcpu_max"] = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/domainCapabilities/vcpu/@max")
result["iothreads_support"] = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/domainCapabilities/iothreads/@supported")
result["os_support"] = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/domainCapabilities/os/@supported")
result["loader_support"] = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/domainCapabilities/os/loader/@supported")
if result["loader_support"] == "yes":
result["loaders"] = self.get_os_loaders(arch, machine)
result["loader_enums"] = self.get_os_loader_enums(arch, machine)
result["cpu_modes"] = self.get_cpu_modes(arch, machine)
if "custom" in result["cpu_modes"]:
# supported and unknown cpu models
result["cpu_custom_models"] = self.get_cpu_custom_types(arch, machine)
result["disk_support"] = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/domainCapabilities/devices/disk/@supported")
if result["disk_support"] == "yes":
result["disk_devices"] = self.get_disk_device_types(arch, machine)
result["disk_bus"] = self.get_disk_bus_types(arch, machine)
result["graphics_support"] = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/domainCapabilities/devices/graphics/@supported")
if result["graphics_support"] == "yes":
result["graphics_types"] = self.get_graphics_types(arch, machine)
result["video_support"] = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/domainCapabilities/devices/video/@supported")
if result["video_support"] == "yes":
result["video_types"] = self.get_video_models(arch, machine)
result["hostdev_support"] = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/domainCapabilities/devices/hostdev/@supported")
if result["hostdev_support"] == "yes":
result["hostdev_types"] = self.get_hostdev_modes(arch, machine)
result["hostdev_startup_policies"] = self.get_hostdev_startup_policies(arch, machine)
result["hostdev_subsys_types"] = self.get_hostdev_subsys_types(arch, machine)
result["features_gic_support"] = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/domainCapabilities/features/gic/@supported")
result["features_genid_support"] = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/domainCapabilities/features/genid/@supported")
result["features_vmcoreinfo_support"] = util.get_xml_path(
xml, "/domainCapabilities/features/vmcoreinfo/@supported"
result["features_sev_support"] = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/domainCapabilities/features/sev/@supported")
return result
def get_version(self):
:return: libvirt version
ver = self.wvm.getVersion()
major = ver // 1000000
ver = ver % 1000000
minor = ver // 1000
ver = ver % 1000
release = ver
return f"{major}.{minor}.{release}"
def get_lib_version(self):
ver = self.wvm.getLibVersion()
major = ver // 1000000
ver %= 1000000
minor = ver // 1000
ver %= 1000
release = ver
return f"{major}.{minor}.{release}"
def is_kvm_supported(self):
:return: kvm support or not
return util.is_kvm_available(self.get_cap_xml())
def get_storages(self, only_actives=False):
:return: list of active or all storages
storages = []
for pool in self.wvm.listStoragePools():
if not only_actives:
for pool in self.wvm.listDefinedStoragePools():
return storages
def get_networks(self):
:return: list of host networks
virtnet = []
for net in self.wvm.listNetworks():
for net in self.wvm.listDefinedNetworks():
return virtnet
def get_ifaces(self):
:return: list of host interfaces
interface = []
for inface in self.wvm.listInterfaces():
for inface in self.wvm.listDefinedInterfaces():
return interface
def get_nwfilters(self):
:return: list of network filters
nwfilters = []
for nwfilter in self.wvm.listNWFilters():
return nwfilters
def get_cache_modes(self):
:return: Get cache available modes
return {
"default": "Default",
"none": "Disabled",
"writethrough": "Write through",
"writeback": "Write back",
"directsync": "Direct sync", # since libvirt 0.9.5
"unsafe": "Unsafe", # since libvirt 0.9.7
def get_io_modes(self):
:return: available io modes
return {
"default": "Default",
"native": "Native",
"threads": "Threads",
def get_discard_modes(self):
:return: available discard modes
return {
"default": "Default",
"ignore": "Ignore",
"unmap": "Unmap",
def get_detect_zeroes_modes(self):
:return: available detect zeroes modes
return {
"default": "Default",
"on": "On",
"off": "Off",
"unmap": "Unmap",
def get_hypervisors_domain_types(self):
:return: hypervisor domain types
def hypervisors(ctx):
result = {}
for arch in ctx.xpath("/capabilities/guest/arch"):
domain_types = arch.xpath("domain/@type")
arch_name = arch.xpath("@name")[0]
result[arch_name] = domain_types
return result
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_cap_xml(), func=hypervisors)
def get_hypervisors_machines(self):
:return: hypervisor and its machine types
def machines(ctx):
result = dict()
for arche in ctx.xpath("/capabilities/guest/arch"):
arch = arche.get("name")
result[arch] = self.get_machine_types(arch)
return result
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_cap_xml(), func=machines)
def get_emulator(self, arch):
:return: emulator list
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_cap_xml(), "/capabilities/guest/arch[@name='{}']/emulator".format(arch))
def get_machine_types(self, arch):
:return: canonical(if exist) name of machine types
def machines(ctx):
result = list()
canonical_name = ctx.xpath("/capabilities/guest/arch[@name='{}']/machine[@canonical]".format(arch))
if not canonical_name:
canonical_name = ctx.xpath("/capabilities/guest/arch[@name='{}']/machine".format(arch))
for archi in canonical_name:
return result
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_cap_xml(), func=machines)
def get_emulators(self):
:return: host emulators list
def emulators(ctx):
result = {}
for arch in ctx.xpath("/capabilities/guest/arch"):
emulator = arch.xpath("emulator")
arch_name = arch.xpath("@name")[0]
result[arch_name] = emulator
return result
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_cap_xml(), func=emulators)
def get_os_loaders(self, arch="x86_64", machine="pc"):
:param arch: architecture
:param machine:
:return: available os loaders list
def get_os_loaders(ctx):
return [v.text for v in ctx.xpath("/domainCapabilities/os/loader[@supported='yes']/value")]
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_dom_cap_xml(arch, machine), func=get_os_loaders)
def get_os_loader_enums(self, arch, machine):
:param arch: architecture
:param machine:
:return: available os loaders list
def get_os_loader_enums(ctx):
result = dict()
enums = [v for v in ctx.xpath("/domainCapabilities/os/loader[@supported='yes']/enum/@name")]
for enum in enums:
path = "/domainCapabilities/os/loader[@supported='yes']/enum[@name='{}']/value".format(enum)
result[enum] = [v.text for v in ctx.xpath(path)]
return result
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_dom_cap_xml(arch, machine), func=get_os_loader_enums)
def get_disk_bus_types(self, arch, machine):
:param machine:
:param arch:
:return: available disk bus types list
def get_bus_list(ctx):
return [v.text for v in ctx.xpath("/domainCapabilities/devices/disk/enum[@name='bus']/value")]
# return [ 'ide', 'scsi', 'usb', 'virtio' ]
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_dom_cap_xml(arch, machine), func=get_bus_list)
def get_disk_device_types(self, arch, machine):
:param arch: architecture
:param machine:
:return: available disk device type list
def get_device_list(ctx):
return [v.text for v in ctx.xpath("/domainCapabilities/devices/disk/enum[@name='diskDevice']/value")]
# return [ 'disk', 'cdrom', 'floppy', 'lun' ]
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_dom_cap_xml(arch, machine), func=get_device_list)
def get_graphics_types(self, arch, machine):
:param arch: architecture
:param machine:
:return: available graphics types
def get_graphics_list(ctx):
return [v.text for v in ctx.xpath("/domainCapabilities/devices/graphics/enum[@name='type']/value")]
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_dom_cap_xml(arch, machine), func=get_graphics_list)
def get_cpu_modes(self, arch, machine):
:param arch: architecture
:param machine:
:return: available cpu modes
def get_cpu_modes(ctx):
return [v for v in ctx.xpath("/domainCapabilities/cpu/mode[@supported='yes']/@name")]
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_dom_cap_xml(arch, machine), func=get_cpu_modes)
def get_cpu_custom_types(self, arch, machine):
:param arch: architecture
:param machine:
:return: available graphics types
def get_custom_list(ctx):
usable_yes = "/domainCapabilities/cpu/mode[@name='custom'][@supported='yes']/model[@usable='yes']"
usable_unknown = "/domainCapabilities/cpu/mode[@name='custom'][@supported='yes']/model[@usable='unknown']"
result = [v.text for v in ctx.xpath(usable_yes)]
result += [v.text for v in ctx.xpath(usable_unknown)]
return result
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_dom_cap_xml(arch, machine), func=get_custom_list)
def get_hostdev_modes(self, arch, machine):
:param arch: architecture
:param machine:
:return. available nodedev modes
def get_hostdev_list(ctx):
return [v.text for v in ctx.xpath("/domainCapabilities/devices/hostdev/enum[@name='mode']/value")]
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_dom_cap_xml(arch, machine), func=get_hostdev_list)
def get_hostdev_startup_policies(self, arch, machine):
:param arch: architecture
:param machine:
:return: available hostdev modes
def get_hostdev_list(ctx):
return [v.text for v in ctx.xpath("/domainCapabilities/devices/hostdev/enum[@name='startupPolicy']/value")]
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_dom_cap_xml(arch, machine), func=get_hostdev_list)
def get_hostdev_subsys_types(self, arch, machine):
:param arch: architecture
:param machine:
:return: available nodedev sub system types
def get_hostdev_list(ctx):
return [v.text for v in ctx.xpath("/domainCapabilities/devices/hostdev/enum[@name='subsysType']/value")]
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_dom_cap_xml(arch, machine), func=get_hostdev_list)
def get_network_models(self):
:return: network card models
return ["default", "e1000", "e1000e","rt18139", "virtio"]
def get_image_formats(self):
:return: available image formats
return ["raw", "qcow", "qcow2"]
def get_file_extensions(self):
:return: available image filename extensions
return ["img", "qcow", "qcow2"]
def get_video_models(self, arch, machine):
:param arch: architecture
:param machine:
:return: available graphics video types
def get_video_list(ctx):
result = []
for video_enum in ctx.xpath("/domainCapabilities/devices/video/enum"):
if video_enum.xpath("@name")[0] == "modelType":
for values in video_enum:
return result
return util.get_xml_path(self.get_dom_cap_xml(arch, machine), func=get_video_list)
def get_iface(self, name):
return self.wvm.interfaceLookupByName(name)
def get_secrets(self):
return self.wvm.listSecrets()
def get_secret(self, uuid):
return self.wvm.secretLookupByUUIDString(uuid)
def get_storage(self, name):
return self.wvm.storagePoolLookupByName(name)
def get_volume_by_path(self, path):
return self.wvm.storageVolLookupByPath(path)
def get_network(self, net):
return self.wvm.networkLookupByName(net)
def get_network_forward(self, net_name):
def get_forward(doc):
forward_mode = util.get_xpath(doc, "/network/forward/@mode")
return forward_mode or "isolated"
net = self.get_network(net_name)
xml = net.XMLDesc(0)
return util.get_xml_path(xml, func=get_forward)
def get_nwfilter(self, name):
return self.wvm.nwfilterLookupByName(name)
def get_instance(self, name):
return self.wvm.lookupByName(name)
def get_instances(self):
instances = []
for inst_id in self.wvm.listDomainsID():
dom = self.wvm.lookupByID(int(inst_id))
for name in self.wvm.listDefinedDomains():
return instances
def get_snapshots(self):
instance = []
for snap_id in self.wvm.listDomainsID():
dom = self.wvm.lookupByID(int(snap_id))
if dom.snapshotNum(0) != 0:
for name in self.wvm.listDefinedDomains():
dom = self.wvm.lookupByName(name)
if dom.snapshotNum(0) != 0:
return instance
def get_net_devices(self):
netdevice = []
def get_info(doc):
dev_type = util.get_xpath(doc, "/device/capability/@type")
interface = util.get_xpath(doc, "/device/capability/interface")
return dev_type, interface
for dev in self.wvm.listAllDevices(0):
xml = dev.XMLDesc(0)
(dev_type, interface) = util.get_xml_path(xml, func=get_info)
if dev_type == "net":
return netdevice
def get_host_instances(self, raw_mem_size=False):
vname = {}
def get_info(doc):
mem = util.get_xpath(doc, "/domain/currentMemory")
mem = int(mem) // 1024
if raw_mem_size:
mem = int(mem) * (1024 * 1024)
cur_vcpu = util.get_xpath(doc, "/domain/vcpu/@current")
if cur_vcpu:
vcpu = cur_vcpu
vcpu = util.get_xpath(doc, "/domain/vcpu")
title = util.get_xpath(doc, "/domain/title")
title = title if title else ""
description = util.get_xpath(doc, "/domain/description")
description = description if description else ""
return mem, vcpu, title, description
for name in self.get_instances():
dom = self.get_instance(name)
xml = dom.XMLDesc(0)
(mem, vcpu, title, description) = util.get_xml_path(xml, func=get_info)
vname[dom.name()] = {
"status": dom.info()[0],
"uuid": dom.UUIDString(),
"vcpu": vcpu,
"memory": mem,
"title": title,
"description": description,
return vname
def get_user_instances(self, name):
dom = self.get_instance(name)
xml = dom.XMLDesc(0)
def get_info(ctx):
mem = util.get_xpath(ctx, "/domain/currentMemory")
mem = int(mem) // 1024
cur_vcpu = util.get_xpath(ctx, "/domain/vcpu/@current")
if cur_vcpu:
vcpu = cur_vcpu
vcpu = util.get_xpath(ctx, "/domain/vcpu")
title = util.get_xpath(ctx, "/domain/title")
title = title if title else ""
description = util.get_xpath(ctx, "/domain/description")
description = description if description else ""
return mem, vcpu, title, description
(mem, vcpu, title, description) = util.get_xml_path(xml, func=get_info)
return {
"name": dom.name(),
"status": dom.info()[0],
"uuid": dom.UUIDString(),
"vcpu": vcpu,
"memory": mem,
"title": title,
"description": description,
def close(self):
"""Close connection"""
# to-do: do not close connection ;)
# self.wvm.close()
def find_uefi_path_for_arch(self, arch, machine):
Search the loader paths for one that matches the passed arch
if not self.arch_can_uefi(arch):
loaders = self.get_os_loaders(arch, machine)
patterns = util.UEFI_ARCH_PATTERNS.get(arch)
for pattern in patterns:
for path in loaders:
if re.match(pattern, path):
return path
def label_for_firmware_path(self, arch, path):
Return a pretty label for passed path, based on if we know
about it or not
if not path:
if arch in ["i686", "x86_64"]:
return "BIOS"
for arch, patterns in util.UEFI_ARCH_PATTERNS.items():
for pattern in patterns:
if re.match(pattern, path):
return "UEFI %(arch)s: %(path)s" % {"arch": arch, "path": path}
return "Custom: %(path)s" % {"path": path}
def arch_can_uefi(self, arch):
Return True if we know how to setup UEFI for the passed arch
return arch in list(util.UEFI_ARCH_PATTERNS.keys())
def supports_uefi_xml(self, loader_enums):
Return True if libvirt advertises support for proper UEFI setup
return "readonly" in loader_enums and "yes" in loader_enums.get("readonly")
def is_supports_virtio(self, arch, machine):
if not self.is_qemu():
return False
# These _only_ support virtio so don't check the OS
if arch in ["aarch64", "armv7l", "ppc64", "ppc64le", "s390x", "riscv64", "riscv32"] and machine in [
return True
if arch in ["x86_64", "i686"]:
return True
return False