{% extends "console-base.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load static %}

{% block head %}
<title>WebVirtCloud - XTerm</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/xterm.css' %}"/>
<script src="{% static 'js/xterm@3.6.0/xterm.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'js/xterm@3.6.0/addons/fit/fit.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'js/xterm@3.6.0/addons/fullscreen/fullscreen.js' %}"></script>

<script src="{% static 'js/socket.io.js' %}"></script>

{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div style="background: white; padding-bottom: 5px;">
    <span style="font-size: small;">Status: <span style="font-size: small;" id="status">connecting...</span></span>
    <button id="button" type="button" onclick="myFunction();">Connect</button>

<div style="width: 100%; height:100%;" id="terminal"></div>
<script crossorigin="anonymous">

        let host = readQueryVariable('host', '{{ socketio_host }}');
        let port = readQueryVariable('port', '{{ socketio_port }}');
        let path = readQueryVariable('path', '{{ socketio_path }}');

        // Build the websocket URL used to connect
        let url;
        if (window.location.protocol === "https:") {
            url = 'wss';
        } else {
            url = 'ws';
        url += '://' + host;
        if (port) {
            url += ':' + port;

        var socket = io.connect(url, {transports: ["websocket", "polling"]});

        const status = document.getElementById("status");
        const button = document.getElementById("button");

        var term = new Terminal({
            cursorBlink: true,


        term.on('key', (key, ev) => {
            console.log("pressed key", key)
            socket.emit("pty_input", {"input": key})

        socket.on("pty_output", function(output){

        socket.on("connect", () => {
            status.innerHTML = '<span style="background-color: lightgreen;">connected</span>'
            button.innerHTML = 'Disconnect'

        socket.on("disconnect", () => {
            status.innerHTML =  '<span style="background-color: #ff8383;">disconnected</span>'
            button.innerHTML = 'Connect'

        function myFunction(){
            if (button.innerHTML =='Connect'){

            else if (button.innerHTML == "Disconnect"){

        function resize(){
            socket.emit("resize", {"cols": term.cols, "rows": term.rows})

        // This function extracts the value of one variable from the
        // query string. If the variable isn't defined in the URL
        // it returns the default value instead.
        function readQueryVariable(name, defaultValue) {
        // A URL with a query parameter can look like this:
        // https://www.example.com?myqueryparam=myvalue
        // Note that we use location.href instead of location.search
        // because Firefox < 53 has a bug w.r.t location.search
        const re = new RegExp('.*[?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)'),
            match = document.location.href.match(re);

        if (match) {
            // We have to decode the URL since want the cleartext value
            return decodeURIComponent(match[1]);

        return defaultValue;

        window.onresize = resize
        window.onload = resize
{% endblock %}