"use strict"; /* Copyright (C) 2012 by Jeremy P. White <jwhite@codeweavers.com> This file is part of spice-html5. spice-html5 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. spice-html5 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with spice-html5. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Utility settings and functions for Spice **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var DEBUG = 0; var DUMP_DRAWS = false; var DUMP_CANVASES = false; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** combine_array_buffers ** Combine two array buffers. ** FIXME - this can't be optimal. See wire.js about eliminating the need. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function combine_array_buffers(a1, a2) { var in1 = new Uint8Array(a1); var in2 = new Uint8Array(a2); var ret = new ArrayBuffer(a1.byteLength + a2.byteLength); var out = new Uint8Array(ret); var o = 0; var i; for (i = 0; i < in1.length; i++) out[o++] = in1[i]; for (i = 0; i < in2.length; i++) out[o++] = in2[i]; return ret; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** hexdump_buffer **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function hexdump_buffer(a) { var mg = new Uint8Array(a); var hex = ""; var str = ""; var last_zeros = 0; for (var i = 0; i < mg.length; i++) { var h = Number(mg[i]).toString(16); if (h.length == 1) hex += "0"; hex += h + " "; if (mg[i] == 10 || mg[i] == 13 || mg[i] == 8) str += "."; else str += String.fromCharCode(mg[i]); if ((i % 16 == 15) || (i == (mg.length - 1))) { while (i % 16 != 15) { hex += " "; i++; } if (last_zeros == 0) console.log(hex + " | " + str); if (hex == "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ") { if (last_zeros == 1) { console.log("."); last_zeros++; } else if (last_zeros == 0) last_zeros++; } else last_zeros = 0; hex = str = ""; } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Converting keycodes to AT scancodes is very hard. ** luckly there are some resources on the web and in the Xorg driver that help ** us figure out what browser depenend keycodes match to what scancodes. ** ** This will most likely not work for non US keyboard and browsers other than ** modern Chrome and FireFox. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var common_scanmap = []; common_scanmap['Q'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_Q; common_scanmap['W'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_W; common_scanmap['E'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_E; common_scanmap['R'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_R; common_scanmap['T'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_T; common_scanmap['Y'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_Y; common_scanmap['U'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_U; common_scanmap['I'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_I; common_scanmap['O'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_O; common_scanmap['P'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_P; common_scanmap['A'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_A; common_scanmap['S'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_S; common_scanmap['D'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_D; common_scanmap['F'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_F; common_scanmap['G'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_G; common_scanmap['H'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_H; common_scanmap['J'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_J; common_scanmap['K'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_K; common_scanmap['L'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_L; common_scanmap['Z'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_Z; common_scanmap['X'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_X; common_scanmap['C'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_C; common_scanmap['V'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_V; common_scanmap['B'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_B; common_scanmap['N'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_N; common_scanmap['M'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_M; common_scanmap[' '.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_Space; common_scanmap[13] = KEY_Enter; common_scanmap[27] = KEY_Escape; common_scanmap[8] = KEY_BackSpace; common_scanmap[9] = KEY_Tab; common_scanmap[16] = KEY_ShiftL; common_scanmap[17] = KEY_LCtrl; common_scanmap[18] = KEY_Alt; common_scanmap[20] = KEY_CapsLock; common_scanmap[144] = KEY_NumLock; common_scanmap[112] = KEY_F1; common_scanmap[113] = KEY_F2; common_scanmap[114] = KEY_F3; common_scanmap[115] = KEY_F4; common_scanmap[116] = KEY_F5; common_scanmap[117] = KEY_F6; common_scanmap[118] = KEY_F7; common_scanmap[119] = KEY_F8; common_scanmap[120] = KEY_F9; common_scanmap[121] = KEY_F10; common_scanmap[122] = KEY_F11; common_scanmap[123] = KEY_F12; /* These externded scancodes do not line up with values from atKeynames */ common_scanmap[42] = 99; common_scanmap[19] = 101; // Break common_scanmap[111] = 0xE035; // KP_Divide common_scanmap[106] = 0xE037; // KP_Multiply common_scanmap[36] = 0xE047; // Home common_scanmap[38] = 0xE048; // Up common_scanmap[33] = 0xE049; // PgUp common_scanmap[37] = 0xE04B; // Left common_scanmap[39] = 0xE04D; // Right common_scanmap[35] = 0xE04F; // End common_scanmap[40] = 0xE050; // Down common_scanmap[34] = 0xE051; // PgDown common_scanmap[45] = 0xE052; // Insert common_scanmap[46] = 0xE053; // Delete common_scanmap[44] = 0x2A37; // Print /* These are not common between ALL browsers but are between Firefox and DOM3 */ common_scanmap['1'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_1; common_scanmap['2'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_2; common_scanmap['3'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_3; common_scanmap['4'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_4; common_scanmap['5'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_5; common_scanmap['6'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_6; common_scanmap['7'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_7; common_scanmap['8'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_8; common_scanmap['9'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_9; common_scanmap['0'.charCodeAt(0)] = KEY_0; common_scanmap[145] = KEY_ScrollLock; common_scanmap[103] = KEY_KP_7; common_scanmap[104] = KEY_KP_8; common_scanmap[105] = KEY_KP_9; common_scanmap[100] = KEY_KP_4; common_scanmap[101] = KEY_KP_5; common_scanmap[102] = KEY_KP_6; common_scanmap[107] = KEY_KP_Plus; common_scanmap[97] = KEY_KP_1; common_scanmap[98] = KEY_KP_2; common_scanmap[99] = KEY_KP_3; common_scanmap[96] = KEY_KP_0; common_scanmap[110] = KEY_KP_Decimal; common_scanmap[191] = KEY_Slash; common_scanmap[190] = KEY_Period; common_scanmap[188] = KEY_Comma; common_scanmap[220] = KEY_BSlash; common_scanmap[192] = KEY_Tilde; common_scanmap[222] = KEY_Quote; common_scanmap[219] = KEY_LBrace; common_scanmap[221] = KEY_RBrace; common_scanmap[91] = 0xE05B; //KEY_LMeta common_scanmap[92] = 0xE05C; //KEY_RMeta common_scanmap[93] = 0xE05D; //KEY_Menu /* Firefox/Mozilla codes */ var firefox_scanmap = []; firefox_scanmap[173] = KEY_Minus; firefox_scanmap[109] = KEY_Minus; firefox_scanmap[61] = KEY_Equal; firefox_scanmap[59] = KEY_SemiColon; /* DOM3 codes */ var DOM_scanmap = []; DOM_scanmap[189] = KEY_Minus; DOM_scanmap[187] = KEY_Equal; DOM_scanmap[186] = KEY_SemiColon; function get_scancode(code) { if (common_scanmap[code] === undefined) { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1) return firefox_scanmap[code]; else return DOM_scanmap[code]; } else return common_scanmap[code]; } function keycode_to_start_scan(code) { var scancode = get_scancode(code); if (scancode === undefined) { alert('no map for ' + code); return 0; } if (scancode < 0x100) { return scancode; } else { return 0xe0 | ((scancode - 0x100) << 8); } } function keycode_to_end_scan(code) { var scancode = get_scancode(code); if (scancode === undefined) return 0; if (scancode < 0x100) { return scancode | 0x80; } else { return 0x80e0 | ((scancode - 0x100) << 8); } }