{% extends "base.html" %} {% load staticfiles %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %}{% trans "Instance" %} - {{ vname }}{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% include 'pleasewaitdialog.html' %}
{% trans "This action sends an ACPI shutdown signal to the instance." %}
{% trans "This action forcibly powers off and start the instance and may cause data corruption." %}
{% trans "This action forcibly powers off the instance and may cause data corruption." %}
{% trans "This action suspends the instance." %}
{% trans "This action restore the instance after suspend." %}
{% trans "Administrator blocked your instance." %}
{% trans "Click on Boot button to start this instance." %}
{% trans "This action opens a new window with a VNC connection to the console of the instance." %}
{% ifequal status 1 %}{% trans "You need shut down your instance and enter a new root password." %}
{% trans "You need shut down your instance and choose your public key." %}
{% trans "This action opens a remote viewer with a connection to the console of the instance." %}
{% trans "VDI" %}{% trans "This may take more than an hour, depending on how much content is on your droplet and how large the disk is." %}
{% else %}{% trans "To take a snapshot please Power Off the instance." %}
{% endifequal %}{% trans "Choose a snapshot for restore" %}
{% trans "Name" %} | {% trans "Date" %} | {% trans "Action" %} | |
{{ snap.name }} | {{ snap.date|date:"M d H:i:s" }} |
{% trans "You do not have any snapshots" %}
{% endif %} {% else %}{% trans "To restore snapshots you need Power Off the instance." %}
{% endifequal %}{% trans "Autostart your instance when host server is power on" %}
{% trans "To set console's type, shutdown the instance." %}
{% trans "To set console listen address, shutdown the instance." %}
{% trans "To create console password, shutdown the instance." %}
{% trans "To set console's keymap, shutdown the instance." %}
{% trans "Assign network device to bridge" %} {% include 'add_instance_network_block.html' %}
{% trans "Create a clone" %}
{% trans "For migration both host servers must have equal settings and OS type" %}
{% trans "If you need to edit xml please Power Off the instance" %}
{% trans "Instance owners" %} {% include 'add_instance_owner_block.html' %}
{{ userinstance.user }} |
{% trans "Date" %} | {% trans "User" %} | {% trans "Message" %} |
None ... |
{% trans "Delete storage for instance?" %}
{% if request.user.is_superuser or userinstance.is_delete %} {% ifequal status 3 %} {% else %} {% endifequal %} {% else %} {% endif %}