"use strict"; /* Copyright (C) 2012 by Jeremy P. White <jwhite@codeweavers.com> This file is part of spice-html5. spice-html5 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. spice-html5 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with spice-html5. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import { KeyNames } from './atKeynames.js'; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Utility settings and functions for Spice **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var DEBUG = 0; var PLAYBACK_DEBUG = 0; var STREAM_DEBUG = 0; var DUMP_DRAWS = false; var DUMP_CANVASES = false; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** We use an Image temporarily, and the image/src does not get garbage ** collected as quickly as we might like. This blank image helps with that. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var EMPTY_GIF_IMAGE = ""; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** combine_array_buffers ** Combine two array buffers. ** FIXME - this can't be optimal. See wire.js about eliminating the need. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function combine_array_buffers(a1, a2) { var in1 = new Uint8Array(a1); var in2 = new Uint8Array(a2); var ret = new ArrayBuffer(a1.byteLength + a2.byteLength); var out = new Uint8Array(ret); var o = 0; var i; for (i = 0; i < in1.length; i++) out[o++] = in1[i]; for (i = 0; i < in2.length; i++) out[o++] = in2[i]; return ret; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** hexdump_buffer **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function hexdump_buffer(a) { var mg = new Uint8Array(a); var hex = ""; var str = ""; var last_zeros = 0; for (var i = 0; i < mg.length; i++) { var h = Number(mg[i]).toString(16); if (h.length == 1) hex += "0"; hex += h + " "; if (mg[i] == 10 || mg[i] == 13 || mg[i] == 8) str += "."; else str += String.fromCharCode(mg[i]); if ((i % 16 == 15) || (i == (mg.length - 1))) { while (i % 16 != 15) { hex += " "; i++; } if (last_zeros == 0) console.log(hex + " | " + str); if (hex == "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ") { if (last_zeros == 1) { console.log("."); last_zeros++; } else if (last_zeros == 0) last_zeros++; } else last_zeros = 0; hex = str = ""; } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Convert arraybuffer to string **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function arraybuffer_to_str(buf) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint16Array(buf)); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Converting browser keycodes to AT scancodes is very hard. ** Spice transmits keys using the original AT scan codes, often ** described as 'Scan Code Set 1'. ** There is a confusion of other scan codes; Xorg synthesizes it's ** own in the same atKeynames.c file that has the XT codes. ** Scan code set 2 and 3 are more common, and use different values. ** Further, there is no formal specification for keycodes ** returned by browsers, so we have done our mapping largely with ** empirical testing. ** There has been little rigorous testing with International keyboards, ** and this would be an easy area for non English speakers to contribute. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var common_scanmap = []; /* The following appear to be keycodes that work in most browsers */ common_scanmap['1'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_1; common_scanmap['2'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_2; common_scanmap['3'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_3; common_scanmap['4'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_4; common_scanmap['5'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_5; common_scanmap['6'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_6; common_scanmap['7'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_7; common_scanmap['8'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_8; common_scanmap['9'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_9; common_scanmap['0'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_0; common_scanmap[145] = KeyNames.KEY_ScrollLock; common_scanmap[103] = KeyNames.KEY_KP_7; common_scanmap[104] = KeyNames.KEY_KP_8; common_scanmap[105] = KeyNames.KEY_KP_9; common_scanmap[100] = KeyNames.KEY_KP_4; common_scanmap[101] = KeyNames.KEY_KP_5; common_scanmap[102] = KeyNames.KEY_KP_6; common_scanmap[107] = KeyNames.KEY_KP_Plus; common_scanmap[97] = KeyNames.KEY_KP_1; common_scanmap[98] = KeyNames.KEY_KP_2; common_scanmap[99] = KeyNames.KEY_KP_3; common_scanmap[96] = KeyNames.KEY_KP_0; common_scanmap[109] = KeyNames.KEY_Minus; common_scanmap[110] = KeyNames.KEY_KP_Decimal; common_scanmap[191] = KeyNames.KEY_Slash; common_scanmap[190] = KeyNames.KEY_Period; common_scanmap[188] = KeyNames.KEY_Comma; common_scanmap[220] = KeyNames.KEY_BSlash; common_scanmap[192] = KeyNames.KEY_Tilde; common_scanmap[222] = KeyNames.KEY_Quote; common_scanmap[219] = KeyNames.KEY_LBrace; common_scanmap[221] = KeyNames.KEY_RBrace; common_scanmap['Q'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_Q; common_scanmap['W'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_W; common_scanmap['E'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_E; common_scanmap['R'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_R; common_scanmap['T'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_T; common_scanmap['Y'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_Y; common_scanmap['U'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_U; common_scanmap['I'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_I; common_scanmap['O'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_O; common_scanmap['P'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_P; common_scanmap['A'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_A; common_scanmap['S'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_S; common_scanmap['D'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_D; common_scanmap['F'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_F; common_scanmap['G'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_G; common_scanmap['H'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_H; common_scanmap['J'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_J; common_scanmap['K'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_K; common_scanmap['L'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_L; common_scanmap['Z'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_Z; common_scanmap['X'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_X; common_scanmap['C'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_C; common_scanmap['V'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_V; common_scanmap['B'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_B; common_scanmap['N'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_N; common_scanmap['M'.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_M; common_scanmap[' '.charCodeAt(0)] = KeyNames.KEY_Space; common_scanmap[13] = KeyNames.KEY_Enter; common_scanmap[27] = KeyNames.KEY_Escape; common_scanmap[8] = KeyNames.KEY_BackSpace; common_scanmap[9] = KeyNames.KEY_Tab; common_scanmap[16] = KeyNames.KEY_ShiftL; common_scanmap[17] = KeyNames.KEY_LCtrl; common_scanmap[18] = KeyNames.KEY_Alt; common_scanmap[20] = KeyNames.KEY_CapsLock; common_scanmap[44] = KeyNames.KEY_SysReqest; common_scanmap[144] = KeyNames.KEY_NumLock; common_scanmap[112] = KeyNames.KEY_F1; common_scanmap[113] = KeyNames.KEY_F2; common_scanmap[114] = KeyNames.KEY_F3; common_scanmap[115] = KeyNames.KEY_F4; common_scanmap[116] = KeyNames.KEY_F5; common_scanmap[117] = KeyNames.KEY_F6; common_scanmap[118] = KeyNames.KEY_F7; common_scanmap[119] = KeyNames.KEY_F8; common_scanmap[120] = KeyNames.KEY_F9; common_scanmap[121] = KeyNames.KEY_F10; common_scanmap[122] = KeyNames.KEY_F11; common_scanmap[123] = KeyNames.KEY_F12; /* TODO: Break and Print are complex scan codes. XSpice cheats and uses Xorg synthesized codes to simplify them. Fixing this will require XSpice to handle the scan codes correctly, and then fix spice-html5 to send the complex scan codes. */ common_scanmap[42] = 99; // Print, XSpice only common_scanmap[19] = 101;// Break, XSpice only /* Handle the so called 'GREY' keys, for the extended keys that were grey on the original AT keyboard. These are prefixed, as they were on the PS/2 controller, with an 0xE0 byte to indicate that they are extended */ common_scanmap[111] = 0xE0 | (KeyNames.KEY_Slash << 8);// KP_Divide common_scanmap[106] = 0xE0 | (KeyNames.KEY_KP_Multiply << 8); // KP_Multiply common_scanmap[36] = 0xE0 | (KeyNames.KEY_KP_7 << 8); // Home common_scanmap[38] = 0xE0 | (KeyNames.KEY_KP_8 << 8); // Up common_scanmap[33] = 0xE0 | (KeyNames.KEY_KP_9 << 8); // PgUp common_scanmap[37] = 0xE0 | (KeyNames.KEY_KP_4 << 8); // Left common_scanmap[39] = 0xE0 | (KeyNames.KEY_KP_6 << 8); // Right common_scanmap[35] = 0xE0 | (KeyNames.KEY_KP_1 << 8); // End common_scanmap[40] = 0xE0 | (KeyNames.KEY_KP_2 << 8); // Down common_scanmap[34] = 0xE0 | (KeyNames.KEY_KP_3 << 8); // PgDown common_scanmap[45] = 0xE0 | (KeyNames.KEY_KP_0 << 8); // Insert common_scanmap[46] = 0xE0 | (KeyNames.KEY_KP_Decimal << 8); // Delete common_scanmap[91] = 0xE0 | (0x5B << 8); //KeyNames.KEY_LMeta common_scanmap[92] = 0xE0 | (0x5C << 8); //KeyNames.KEY_RMeta common_scanmap[93] = 0xE0 | (0x5D << 8); //KeyNames.KEY_Menu /* Firefox/Mozilla codes */ var firefox_scanmap = []; firefox_scanmap[173] = KeyNames.KEY_Minus; firefox_scanmap[61] = KeyNames.KEY_Equal; firefox_scanmap[59] = KeyNames.KEY_SemiColon; /* DOM3 codes */ var DOM_scanmap = []; DOM_scanmap[189] = KeyNames.KEY_Minus; DOM_scanmap[187] = KeyNames.KEY_Equal; DOM_scanmap[186] = KeyNames.KEY_SemiColon; function get_scancode(code) { if (common_scanmap[code] === undefined) { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1) return firefox_scanmap[code]; else return DOM_scanmap[code]; } else return common_scanmap[code]; } function keycode_to_start_scan(code) { var scancode = get_scancode(code); if (scancode === undefined) { alert('no map for ' + code); return 0; } return scancode; } function keycode_to_end_scan(code) { var scancode = get_scancode(code); if (scancode === undefined) return 0; if (scancode < 0x100) { return scancode | 0x80; } else { return scancode | 0x8000; } } function dump_media_element(m) { var ret = "[networkState " + m.networkState + "|readyState " + m.readyState + "|error " + m.error + "|seeking " + m.seeking + "|duration " + m.duration + "|paused " + m.paused + "|ended " + m.error + "|buffered " + dump_timerange(m.buffered) + "]"; return ret; } function dump_media_source(ms) { var ret = "[duration " + ms.duration + "|readyState " + ms.readyState + "]"; return ret; } function dump_source_buffer(sb) { var ret = "[appendWindowStart " + sb.appendWindowStart + "|appendWindowEnd " + sb.appendWindowEnd + "|buffered " + dump_timerange(sb.buffered) + "|timeStampOffset " + sb.timeStampOffset + "|updating " + sb.updating + "]"; return ret; } function dump_timerange(tr) { var ret; if (tr) { var i = tr.length; ret = "{len " + i; if (i > 0) ret += "; start " + tr.start(0) + "; end " + tr.end(i - 1); ret += "}"; } else ret = "N/A"; return ret; } export { DEBUG, PLAYBACK_DEBUG, STREAM_DEBUG, DUMP_DRAWS, DUMP_CANVASES, EMPTY_GIF_IMAGE, combine_array_buffers, hexdump_buffer, arraybuffer_to_str, keycode_to_start_scan, keycode_to_end_scan, dump_media_element, dump_media_source, dump_source_buffer, };