#!/bin/bash #/ Usage: webvirtcloud.sh [-vh] #/ #/ Install Webvirtcloud virtualization web interface. #/ #/ OPTIONS: #/ -v | --verbose Enable verbose output. #/ -h | --help Show this message. ######################################################## # Webvirtcloud Install Script # # Script created by Mike Tucker(mtucker6784@gmail.com) # # adapted by catborise # # catborise@gmail.com # # # # Feel free to modify, but please give # # credit where it's due. Thanks! # ######################################################## # Parse arguments while true; do case "$1" in -h|--help) show_help=true shift ;; -v|--verbose) set -x verbose=true shift ;; -*) echo "Error: invalid argument: '$1'" 1>&2 exit 1 ;; *) break ;; esac done print_usage () { grep '^#/' <"$0" | cut -c 4- exit 1 } if [ -n "$show_help" ]; then print_usage else for x in "$@"; do if [ "$x" = "--help" ] || [ "$x" = "-h" ]; then print_usage fi done fi # ensure running as root if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then #Debian doesnt have sudo if root has a password. if ! hash sudo 2>/dev/null; then exec su -c "$0" "$@" else exec sudo "$0" "$@" fi fi clear readonly APP_USER="wvcuser" readonly APP_REPO_URL="https://github.com/retspen/webvirtcloud.git" readonly APP_NAME="webvirtcloud" readonly APP_PATH="/srv/$APP_NAME" readonly PYTHON="python3" progress () { spin[0]="-" spin[1]="\\" spin[2]="|" spin[3]="/" echo -n " " while kill -0 "$pid" > /dev/null 2>&1; do for i in "${spin[@]}"; do echo -ne "\\b$i" sleep .3 done done echo "" } log () { if [ -n "$verbose" ]; then eval "$@" |& tee -a /var/log/webvirtcloud-install.log else eval "$@" |& tee -a /var/log/webvirtcloud-install.log >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } install_packages () { case $distro in ubuntu|debian) for p in $PACKAGES; do if dpkg -s "$p" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " * $p already installed" else echo " * Installing $p" log "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y $p" fi done; ;; centos) for p in $PACKAGES; do if yum list installed "$p" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " * $p already installed" else echo " * Installing $p" log "yum -y install $p" fi done; ;; fedora|openEuler|openAnolis) for p in $PACKAGES; do if dnf list installed "$p" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " * $p already installed" else echo " * Installing $p" log "dnf -y install $p" fi done; ;; uos) if test "${codename}" == "eagle"; then check_package_cmd=("dpkg" "-s") install_package_cmd="apt-get install -y" else check_package_cmd=("dnf" "list" "installed") install_package_cmd="dnf -y install" fi for p in $PACKAGES; do # shellcheck disable=SC2048 if ${check_package_cmd[*]} "$p" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " * $p already installed" else echo " * Installing $p" log "${install_package_cmd} $p" fi done ;; esac } configure_nginx () { # Remove default configuration rm /etc/nginx/nginx.conf if [ -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default ]; then rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default fi chown -R "$nginx_group":"$nginx_group" /var/lib/nginx # Copy new configuration and webvirtcloud.conf echo " * Copying Nginx configuration" local nginx_template_conf nginx_template_conf="${APP_PATH}/conf/nginx/${distro}_${codename}_nginx.conf" if ! test -f "${nginx_template_conf}"; then nginx_template_conf="${APP_PATH}/conf/nginx/${distro}_nginx.conf" fi cp "${nginx_template_conf}" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf cp "$APP_PATH"/conf/nginx/webvirtcloud.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/ if [ -n "$fqdn" ]; then fqdn_escape="$(echo -n "$fqdn"|sed -e 's/[](){}<>=:\!\?\+\|\/\&$*.^[]/\\&/g')" sed -i "s|\\(#server_name\\).*|server_name $fqdn_escape;|" "$nginxfile" fi novncd_port_escape="$(echo -n "$novncd_port"|sed -e 's/[](){}<>=:\!\?\+\|\/\&$*.^[]/\\&/g')" sed -i "s|\\(server\\).*|\\1$novncd_port_escape;|" "$nginxfile" } configure_supervisor () { # Copy template supervisor service for gunicorn and novnc echo " * Copying supervisor configuration" cp "$APP_PATH"/conf/supervisor/webvirtcloud.conf "$supervisor_conf_path"/"$supervisor_file_name" nginx_group_escape="$(echo -n "$nginx_group"|sed -e 's/[](){}<>=:\!\?\+\|\/\&$*.^[]/\\&/g')" sed -i "s|^\\(user=\\).*|\\1$nginx_group_escape|" "$supervisor_conf_path/$supervisor_file_name" } create_user () { echo "* Creating webvirtcloud user." if [ "$distro" == "ubuntu" ] || [ "$distro" == "debian" ] || [[ "$distro" == "uos" && "$codename" == "eagle" ]]; then adduser --quiet --disabled-password --gecos '""' "$APP_USER" else adduser "$APP_USER" fi usermod -a -G "$nginx_group" "$APP_USER" } run_as_app_user () { if ! hash sudo 2>/dev/null; then su -c "$@" "$APP_USER" else sudo -i -u "$APP_USER" "$@" fi } activate_python_environment () { cd "$APP_PATH" || exit virtualenv -p "$PYTHON" venv # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source venv/bin/activate } generate_secret_key() { "$PYTHON" - <=:\!\?\+\|\/\&$*.^[]/\\&/g')" secret_key_escape="$(echo -n "$secret_key"|sed -e 's/[](){}<>=:\!\?\+\|\/\&$*.^[]/\\&/g')" novncd_port_escape="$(echo -n "$novncd_port"|sed -e 's/[](){}<>=:\!\?\+\|\/\&$*.^[]/\\&/g')" novncd_public_port_escape="$(echo -n "$novncd_public_port"|sed -e 's/[](){}<>=:\!\?\+\|\/\&$*.^[]/\\&/g')" novncd_host_escape="$(echo -n "$novncd_host"|sed -e 's/[](){}<>=:\!\?\+\|\/\&$*.^[]/\\&/g')" #TODO escape SED delimiter in variables sed -i "s|^\\(TIME_ZONE = \\).*|\\1$tzone_escape|" "$APP_PATH/webvirtcloud/settings.py" sed -i "s|^\\(SECRET_KEY = \\).*|\\1\'$secret_key_escape\'|" "$APP_PATH/webvirtcloud/settings.py" sed -i "s|^\\(WS_PORT = \\).*|\\1$novncd_port_escape|" "$APP_PATH/webvirtcloud/settings.py" sed -i "s|^\\(WS_PUBLIC_PORT = \\).*|\\1$novncd_public_port_escape|" "$APP_PATH/webvirtcloud/settings.py" sed -i "s|^\\(WS_HOST = \\).*|\\1\'$novncd_host_escape\'|" "$APP_PATH/webvirtcloud/settings.py" echo "* Activate virtual environment." activate_python_environment echo "* Install App's Python requirements." pip3 install -U pip pip3 install -r conf/requirements.txt -q chown -R "$nginx_group":"$nginx_group" "$APP_PATH" echo "* Django Migrate." log "$PYTHON $APP_PATH/manage.py migrate" $PYTHON $APP_PATH/manage.py makemigrations $PYTHON $APP_PATH/manage.py migrate echo "* Django Collect Static" log "$PYTHON $APP_PATH/manage.py collectstatic --noinput" $PYTHON $APP_PATH/manage.py collectstatic --noinput chown -R "$nginx_group":"$nginx_group" "$APP_PATH" } set_firewall () { if test -n "$(command -v firewall-cmd)" && test "$(firewall-cmd --state)" == "running"; then echo "* Configuring firewall to allow HTTP & novnc traffic." log "firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=http/tcp --permanent" log "firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=$novncd_port/tcp --permanent" #firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=$novncd_port/tcp --permanent log "firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=$novncd_public_port/tcp --permanent" #firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=$novncd_public_port/tcp --permanent log "firewall-cmd --reload" #firewall-cmd --reload fi } set_selinux () { #Check if SELinux is enforcing if [ "$(getenforce)" == "Enforcing" ]; then echo "* Configuring SELinux." #Sets SELinux context type so that scripts running in the web server process are allowed read/write access chcon -R -h -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "$APP_PATH/" setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1 fi } set_hosts () { echo "* Setting up hosts file." echo >> /etc/hosts " $(hostname) $fqdn" } restart_supervisor () { echo "* Setting Supervisor to start on boot and restart." log "systemctl enable $supervisor_service" #systemctl enable $supervisor_service log "systemctl restart $supervisor_service" #systemctl restart $supervisor_service } restart_nginx () { echo "* Setting Nginx to start on boot and starting Nginx." log "systemctl enable nginx.service" #systemctl enable nginx.service log "systemctl restart nginx.service" #systemctl restart nginx.service } if [[ -f /etc/lsb-release || -f /etc/debian_version ]]; then distro="$(lsb_release -is)" version="$(lsb_release -rs)" codename="$(lsb_release -cs)" elif [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1091 distro="$(source /etc/os-release && echo "$ID")" # shellcheck disable=SC1091 version="$(source /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_ID")" #Order is important here. If /etc/os-release and /etc/centos-release exist, we're on centos 7. #If only /etc/centos-release exist, we're on centos6(or earlier). Centos-release is less parsable, #so lets assume that it's version 6 (Plus, who would be doing a new install of anything on centos5 at this point..) #/etc/os-release properly detects fedora elif [ -f /etc/centos-release ]; then distro="centos" version="8" else distro="unsupported" fi echo ' WEBVIRTCLOUD ' echo "" echo " Welcome to Webvirtcloud Installer for RHEL&Alternatives, Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu!" echo "" shopt -s nocasematch case $distro in *ubuntu*) echo " The installer has detected $distro version $version codename $codename." distro=ubuntu nginx_group=www-data nginxfile=/etc/nginx/conf.d/$APP_NAME.conf supervisor_service=supervisord supervisor_conf_path=/etc/supervisor/conf.d supervisor_file_name=webvirtcloud.conf ;; *debian*) echo " The installer has detected $distro version $version codename $codename." distro=debian nginx_group=www-data nginxfile=/etc/nginx/conf.d/$APP_NAME.conf supervisor_service=supervisor supervisor_conf_path=/etc/supervisor/conf.d supervisor_file_name=webvirtcloud.conf ;; *centos*|*redhat*|*ol*|*rhel*|*rocky*|*alma*) echo " The installer has detected $distro version $version." distro=centos nginx_group=nginx nginxfile=/etc/nginx/conf.d/$APP_NAME.conf supervisor_service=supervisord supervisor_conf_path=/etc/supervisord.d supervisor_file_name=webvirtcloud.ini ;; *Uos*|*uos*) # codename may be fuyu, kongzi, eagle or empty string. output_expand="" if test -n "${codename}"; then output_expand=" codename ${codename}" fi echo " The installer has detected $distro version $version${output_expand}." distro=uos nginxfile=/etc/nginx/conf.d/$APP_NAME.conf if test "${codename}" == "eagle"; then nginx_group=www-data supervisor_service=supervisor supervisor_conf_path=/etc/supervisor/conf.d supervisor_file_name=webvirtcloud.conf else nginx_group=nginx supervisor_service=supervisord supervisor_conf_path=/etc/supervisord.d supervisor_file_name=webvirtcloud.ini fi ;; *OpenEuler*|*openEuler*) echo " The installer has detected $distro version $version." distro=openEuler nginx_group=nginx nginxfile=/etc/nginx/conf.d/$APP_NAME.conf supervisor_service=supervisord supervisor_conf_path=/etc/supervisord.d supervisor_file_name=webvirtcloud.ini ;; *OpenAnolis*|*openAnolis*) echo " The installer has detected $distro version $version." distro=uos nginx_group=nginx nginxfile=/etc/nginx/conf.d/$APP_NAME.conf supervisor_service=supervisord supervisor_conf_path=/etc/supervisord.d supervisor_file_name=webvirtcloud.ini ;; *) echo " The installer was unable to determine your OS. Exiting for safety." exit 1 ;; esac setupfqdn=default until [[ $setupfqdn == "yes" ]] || [[ $setupfqdn == "no" ]]; do echo -n " Q. Do you want to configure fqdn for Nginx? (y/n) " read -r setupfqdn case $setupfqdn in [yY] | [yY][Ee][Ss] ) echo -n " Q. What is the FQDN of your server? ($(hostname --fqdn)): " read -r fqdn if [ -z "$fqdn" ]; then readonly fqdn="$(hostname --fqdn)" fi setupfqdn="yes" echo " Setting to $fqdn" echo "" ;; [nN] | [n|N][O|o] ) setupfqdn="no" ;; *) echo " Invalid answer. Please type y or n" ;; esac done echo -n " Q. NOVNC service port number?(Default: 6080) " read -r novncd_port if [ -z "$novncd_port" ]; then readonly novncd_port=6080 fi echo " Setting novnc service port $novncd_port" echo "" echo -n " Q. NOVNC public port number for reverse proxy(e.g: 80 or 443)?(Default: 6080) " read -r novncd_public_port if [ -z "$novncd_public_port" ]; then readonly novncd_public_port=6080 fi echo " Setting novnc public port $novncd_public_port" echo "" echo -n " Q. NOVNC host listen ip?(Default: " read -r novncd_host if [ -z "$novncd_host" ]; then readonly novncd_host="" fi echo " Setting novnc host ip $novncd_host" echo "" case $distro in debian) if [[ "$version" -ge 9 ]]; then # Install for Debian 9.x / 10.x tzone=\'$(cat /etc/timezone)\' echo -n "* Updating installed packages." log "apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade" & pid=$! progress echo "* Installing OS requirements." PACKAGES="git virtualenv python3-virtualenv python3-dev python3-lxml libvirt-dev zlib1g-dev libxslt1-dev nginx supervisor libsasl2-modules gcc pkg-config python3-guestfs uuid" install_packages set_hosts install_webvirtcloud echo "* Configuring Nginx." configure_nginx echo "* Configuring Supervisor." configure_supervisor restart_supervisor restart_nginx fi ;; ubuntu) if [ "$version" == "18.04" ] || [ "$version" == "20.04" ]; then # Install for Ubuntu 18 / 20 tzone=\'$(cat /etc/timezone)\' echo -n "* Updating installed packages." log "apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade" & pid=$! progress echo "* Installing OS requirements." PACKAGES="git virtualenv python3-virtualenv python3-pip python3-dev python3-lxml libvirt-dev zlib1g-dev libxslt1-dev nginx supervisor libsasl2-modules gcc pkg-config python3-guestfs" install_packages set_hosts install_webvirtcloud echo "* Configuring Nginx." configure_nginx echo "* Configuring Supervisor." configure_supervisor restart_supervisor restart_nginx fi ;; centos) if [[ "$version" =~ ^8 ]]; then # Install for CentOS/Redhat 8 tzone=\'$(timedatectl|grep "Time zone"| awk '{print $3}')\' echo "* Adding wget & epel-release repository." log "yum -y install wget epel-release" echo "* Installing OS requirements." PACKAGES="git python3-virtualenv python3-devel libvirt-devel glibc gcc nginx supervisor python3-lxml python3-libguestfs iproute-tc cyrus-sasl-md5" install_packages set_hosts install_webvirtcloud echo "* Configuring Nginx." configure_nginx echo "* Configuring Supervisor." configure_supervisor set_firewall set_selinux restart_supervisor restart_nginx else echo "Unsupported CentOS version. Version found: $version" exit 1 fi ;; uos) if [[ "$version" == "20" ]]; then # Install for uos 20 tzone=\'$(timedatectl|grep "Time zone"| awk '{print $3}')\' echo "* Installing OS requirements." if test "${codename}" == "eagle"; then PACKAGES="git virtualenv python3-virtualenv python3-dev python3-lxml libvirt-dev zlib1g-dev libxslt1-dev nginx supervisor libsasl2-modules gcc pkg-config python3-guestfs uuid" else PACKAGES="git python3-virtualenv python3-devel python3-pip libvirt-devel glibc gcc nginx supervisor python3-lxml python3-libguestfs iproute-tc cyrus-sasl-md5" fi install_packages set_hosts install_webvirtcloud echo "* Configuring Nginx." configure_nginx echo "* Configuring Supervisor." configure_supervisor set_firewall set_selinux restart_supervisor restart_nginx fi ;; openEuler) if [[ "$version" == "20.03" ]]; then # Install for openEuler 20.03 tzone=\'$(timedatectl|grep "Time zone"| awk '{print $3}')\' echo "* Installing OS requirements." PACKAGES="git python3-virtualenv python3-devel python3-pip libvirt-devel glibc gcc nginx supervisor python3-lxml python3-libguestfs iproute-tc cyrus-sasl-md5" install_packages set_hosts install_webvirtcloud echo "* Configuring Nginx." configure_nginx echo "* Configuring Supervisor." configure_supervisor set_firewall set_selinux restart_supervisor restart_nginx fi ;; openAnolis) if [[ "$version" == "20" ]]; then # Install for openAnolis 20 tzone=\'$(timedatectl|grep "Time zone"| awk '{print $3}')\' echo "* Installing OS requirements." PACKAGES="git python3-virtualenv python3-devel python3-pip libvirt-devel glibc gcc nginx supervisor python3-lxml python3-libguestfs iproute-tc cyrus-sasl-md5" install_packages set_hosts install_webvirtcloud echo "* Configuring Nginx." configure_nginx echo "* Configuring Supervisor." configure_supervisor set_firewall set_selinux restart_supervisor restart_nginx fi ;; esac echo "" echo " ***Open http://$fqdn to login to webvirtcloud.***" echo "" echo "" echo "* Cleaning up..." rm -f webvirtcloud.sh rm -f install.sh echo "* Finished!" sleep 1