"use strict"; /* Copyright (C) 2012 by Jeremy P. White <jwhite@codeweavers.com> This file is part of spice-html5. spice-html5 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. spice-html5 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with spice-html5. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** FIXME: putImageData does not support Alpha blending ** or compositing. So if we have data in an ImageData ** format, we have to draw it onto a context, ** and then use drawImage to put it onto the target, ** as drawImage does alpha. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function putImageDataWithAlpha(context, d, x, y) { var c = document.createElement("canvas"); var t = c.getContext("2d"); c.setAttribute('width', d.width); c.setAttribute('height', d.height); t.putImageData(d, 0, 0); context.drawImage(c, x, y, d.width, d.height); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** FIXME: Spice will send an image with '0' alpha when it is intended to ** go on a surface w/no alpha. So in that case, we have to strip ** out the alpha. The test case for this was flux box; in a Xspice ** server, right click on the desktop to get the menu; the top bar ** doesn't paint/highlight correctly w/out this change. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function stripAlpha(d) { var i; for (i = 0; i < (d.width * d.height * 4); i += 4) d.data[i + 3] = 255; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** SpiceDisplayConn ** Drive the Spice Display Channel **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function SpiceDisplayConn() { SpiceConn.apply(this, arguments); } SpiceDisplayConn.prototype = Object.create(SpiceConn.prototype); SpiceDisplayConn.prototype.process_channel_message = function(msg) { if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_MODE) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Mode"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_MARK) { // FIXME - DISPLAY_MARK not implemented (may be hard or impossible) this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Mark"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_RESET) { DEBUG > 2 && console.log("Display reset"); this.surfaces[this.primary_surface].canvas.context.restore(); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_COPY) { var draw_copy = new SpiceMsgDisplayDrawCopy(msg.data); DEBUG > 1 && this.log_draw("DrawCopy", draw_copy); if (! draw_copy.base.box.is_same_size(draw_copy.data.src_area)) this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawCopy src_area is a different size than base.box; we do not handle that yet."); if (draw_copy.base.clip.type != SPICE_CLIP_TYPE_NONE) this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawCopy we don't handle clipping yet"); if (draw_copy.data.rop_descriptor != SPICE_ROPD_OP_PUT) this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawCopy we don't handle ropd type: " + draw_copy.data.rop_descriptor); if (draw_copy.data.mask.flags) this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawCopy we don't handle mask flag: " + draw_copy.data.mask.flags); if (draw_copy.data.mask.bitmap) this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawCopy we don't handle mask"); if (draw_copy.data && draw_copy.data.src_bitmap) { if (draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.flags && draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.flags != SPICE_IMAGE_FLAGS_CACHE_ME && draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.flags != SPICE_IMAGE_FLAGS_HIGH_BITS_SET) { this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawCopy unhandled image flags: " + draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.flags); DEBUG <= 1 && this.log_draw("DrawCopy", draw_copy); } if (draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.type == SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_QUIC) { var canvas = this.surfaces[draw_copy.base.surface_id].canvas; if (! draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.quic) { this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawCopy could not handle this QUIC file."); return false; } var source_img = convert_spice_quic_to_web(canvas.context, draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.quic); return this.draw_copy_helper( { base: draw_copy.base, src_area: draw_copy.data.src_area, image_data: source_img, tag: "copyquic." + draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.quic.type, has_alpha: (draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.quic.type == QUIC_IMAGE_TYPE_RGBA ? true : false) , descriptor : draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor }); } else if (draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.type == SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_FROM_CACHE || draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.type == SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_FROM_CACHE_LOSSLESS) { if (! this.cache || ! this.cache[draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.id]) { this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawCopy did not find image id " + draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.id + " in cache."); return false; } return this.draw_copy_helper( { base: draw_copy.base, src_area: draw_copy.data.src_area, image_data: this.cache[draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.id], tag: "copycache." + draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.id, has_alpha: true, /* FIXME - may want this to be false... */ descriptor : draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor }); /* FIXME - LOSSLESS CACHE ramifications not understood or handled */ } else if (draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.type == SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_SURFACE) { var source_context = this.surfaces[draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.surface_id].canvas.context; var target_context = this.surfaces[draw_copy.base.surface_id].canvas.context; var source_img = source_context.getImageData( draw_copy.data.src_area.left, draw_copy.data.src_area.top, draw_copy.data.src_area.right - draw_copy.data.src_area.left, draw_copy.data.src_area.bottom - draw_copy.data.src_area.top); var computed_src_area = new SpiceRect; computed_src_area.top = computed_src_area.left = 0; computed_src_area.right = source_img.width; computed_src_area.bottom = source_img.height; /* FIXME - there is a potential optimization here. That is, if the surface is from 0,0, and both surfaces are alpha surfaces, you should be able to just do a drawImage, which should save time. */ return this.draw_copy_helper( { base: draw_copy.base, src_area: computed_src_area, image_data: source_img, tag: "copysurf." + draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.surface_id, has_alpha: this.surfaces[draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.surface_id].format == SPICE_SURFACE_FMT_32_xRGB ? false : true, descriptor : draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor }); } else if (draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.type == SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_JPEG) { if (! draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.jpeg) { this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawCopy could not handle this JPEG file."); return false; } // FIXME - how lame is this. Be have it in binary format, and we have // to put it into string to get it back into jpeg. Blech. var tmpstr = "data:image/jpeg,"; var img = new Image; var i; var qdv = new Uint8Array(draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.jpeg.data); for (i = 0; i < qdv.length; i++) { tmpstr += '%'; if (qdv[i] < 16) tmpstr += '0'; tmpstr += qdv[i].toString(16); } img.o = { base: draw_copy.base, tag: "jpeg." + draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.surface_id, descriptor : draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor, sc : this, }; img.onload = handle_draw_jpeg_onload; img.src = tmpstr; return true; } else if (draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.type == SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_JPEG_ALPHA) { if (! draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.jpeg_alpha) { this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawCopy could not handle this JPEG ALPHA file."); return false; } // FIXME - how lame is this. Be have it in binary format, and we have // to put it into string to get it back into jpeg. Blech. var tmpstr = "data:image/jpeg,"; var img = new Image; var i; var qdv = new Uint8Array(draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.jpeg_alpha.data); for (i = 0; i < qdv.length; i++) { tmpstr += '%'; if (qdv[i] < 16) tmpstr += '0'; tmpstr += qdv[i].toString(16); } img.o = { base: draw_copy.base, tag: "jpeg." + draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.surface_id, descriptor : draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor, sc : this, }; if (this.surfaces[draw_copy.base.surface_id].format == SPICE_SURFACE_FMT_32_ARGB) { var canvas = this.surfaces[draw_copy.base.surface_id].canvas; img.alpha_img = convert_spice_lz_to_web(canvas.context, draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.jpeg_alpha.alpha); } img.onload = handle_draw_jpeg_onload; img.src = tmpstr; return true; } else if (draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.type == SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_BITMAP) { var canvas = this.surfaces[draw_copy.base.surface_id].canvas; if (! draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.bitmap) { this.log_err("null bitmap"); return false; } var source_img = convert_spice_bitmap_to_web(canvas.context, draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.bitmap); if (! source_img) { this.log_warn("FIXME: Unable to interpret bitmap of format: " + draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.bitmap.format); return false; } return this.draw_copy_helper( { base: draw_copy.base, src_area: draw_copy.data.src_area, image_data: source_img, tag: "bitmap." + draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.bitmap.format, has_alpha: draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.bitmap == SPICE_BITMAP_FMT_32BIT ? false : true, descriptor : draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor }); } else if (draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.type == SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_LZ_RGB) { var canvas = this.surfaces[draw_copy.base.surface_id].canvas; if (! draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.lz_rgb) { this.log_err("null lz_rgb "); return false; } var source_img = convert_spice_lz_to_web(canvas.context, draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.lz_rgb); if (! source_img) { this.log_warn("FIXME: Unable to interpret bitmap of type: " + draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.lz_rgb.type); return false; } return this.draw_copy_helper( { base: draw_copy.base, src_area: draw_copy.data.src_area, image_data: source_img, tag: "lz_rgb." + draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.lz_rgb.type, has_alpha: draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.lz_rgb.type == LZ_IMAGE_TYPE_RGBA ? true : false , descriptor : draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor }); } else { this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawCopy unhandled image type: " + draw_copy.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.type); this.log_draw("DrawCopy", draw_copy); return false; } } this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawCopy no src_bitmap."); return false; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_FILL) { var draw_fill = new SpiceMsgDisplayDrawFill(msg.data); DEBUG > 1 && this.log_draw("DrawFill", draw_fill); if (draw_fill.data.rop_descriptor != SPICE_ROPD_OP_PUT) this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawFill we don't handle ropd type: " + draw_fill.data.rop_descriptor); if (draw_fill.data.mask.flags) this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawFill we don't handle mask flag: " + draw_fill.data.mask.flags); if (draw_fill.data.mask.bitmap) this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawFill we don't handle mask"); if (draw_fill.data.brush.type == SPICE_BRUSH_TYPE_SOLID) { // FIXME - do brushes ever have alpha? var color = draw_fill.data.brush.color & 0xffffff; var color_str = "rgb(" + (color >> 16) + ", " + ((color >> 8) & 0xff) + ", " + (color & 0xff) + ")"; this.surfaces[draw_fill.base.surface_id].canvas.context.fillStyle = color_str; this.surfaces[draw_fill.base.surface_id].canvas.context.fillRect( draw_fill.base.box.left, draw_fill.base.box.top, draw_fill.base.box.right - draw_fill.base.box.left, draw_fill.base.box.bottom - draw_fill.base.box.top); if (DUMP_DRAWS && this.parent.dump_id) { var debug_canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); debug_canvas.setAttribute('width', this.surfaces[draw_fill.base.surface_id].canvas.width); debug_canvas.setAttribute('height', this.surfaces[draw_fill.base.surface_id].canvas.height); debug_canvas.setAttribute('id', "fillbrush." + draw_fill.base.surface_id + "." + this.surfaces[draw_fill.base.surface_id].draw_count); debug_canvas.getContext("2d").fillStyle = color_str; debug_canvas.getContext("2d").fillRect( draw_fill.base.box.left, draw_fill.base.box.top, draw_fill.base.box.right - draw_fill.base.box.left, draw_fill.base.box.bottom - draw_fill.base.box.top); document.getElementById(this.parent.dump_id).appendChild(debug_canvas); } this.surfaces[draw_fill.base.surface_id].draw_count++; } else { this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawFill can't handle brush type: " + draw_fill.data.brush.type); } return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_OPAQUE) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Draw Opaque"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_BLEND) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Draw Blend"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_BLACKNESS) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Draw Blackness"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_WHITENESS) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Draw Whiteness"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_INVERS) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Draw Invers"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_ROP3) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Draw ROP3"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_STROKE) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Draw Stroke"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_TRANSPARENT) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Draw Transparent"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_ALPHA_BLEND) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Draw Alpha Blend"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_COPY_BITS) { var copy_bits = new SpiceMsgDisplayCopyBits(msg.data); DEBUG > 1 && this.log_draw("CopyBits", copy_bits); var source_canvas = this.surfaces[copy_bits.base.surface_id].canvas; var source_context = source_canvas.context; var width = source_canvas.width - copy_bits.src_pos.x; var height = source_canvas.height - copy_bits.src_pos.y; if (width > (copy_bits.base.box.right - copy_bits.base.box.left)) width = copy_bits.base.box.right - copy_bits.base.box.left; if (height > (copy_bits.base.box.bottom - copy_bits.base.box.top)) height = copy_bits.base.box.bottom - copy_bits.base.box.top; var source_img = source_context.getImageData( copy_bits.src_pos.x, copy_bits.src_pos.y, width, height); //source_context.putImageData(source_img, copy_bits.base.box.left, copy_bits.base.box.top); putImageDataWithAlpha(source_context, source_img, copy_bits.base.box.left, copy_bits.base.box.top); if (DUMP_DRAWS && this.parent.dump_id) { var debug_canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); debug_canvas.setAttribute('width', width); debug_canvas.setAttribute('height', height); debug_canvas.setAttribute('id', "copybits" + copy_bits.base.surface_id + "." + this.surfaces[copy_bits.base.surface_id].draw_count); debug_canvas.getContext("2d").putImageData(source_img, 0, 0); document.getElementById(this.parent.dump_id).appendChild(debug_canvas); } this.surfaces[copy_bits.base.surface_id].draw_count++; return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_INVAL_ALL_PIXMAPS) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Inval All Pixmaps"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_INVAL_PALETTE) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Inval Palette"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_INVAL_ALL_PALETTES) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Inval All Palettes"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_SURFACE_CREATE) { if (! ("surfaces" in this)) this.surfaces = []; var m = new SpiceMsgSurfaceCreate(msg.data); DEBUG > 1 && console.log(this.type + ": MsgSurfaceCreate id " + m.surface.surface_id + "; " + m.surface.width + "x" + m.surface.height + "; format " + m.surface.format + "; flags " + m.surface.flags); if (m.surface.format != SPICE_SURFACE_FMT_32_xRGB && m.surface.format != SPICE_SURFACE_FMT_32_ARGB) { this.log_warn("FIXME: cannot handle surface format " + m.surface.format + " yet."); return false; } var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.setAttribute('width', m.surface.width); canvas.setAttribute('height', m.surface.height); canvas.setAttribute('id', "spice_surface_" + m.surface.surface_id); canvas.setAttribute('tabindex', m.surface.surface_id); canvas.context = canvas.getContext("2d"); if (DUMP_CANVASES && this.parent.dump_id) document.getElementById(this.parent.dump_id).appendChild(canvas); m.surface.canvas = canvas; m.surface.draw_count = 0; this.surfaces[m.surface.surface_id] = m.surface; if (m.surface.flags & SPICE_SURFACE_FLAGS_PRIMARY) { this.primary_surface = m.surface.surface_id; /* This .save() is done entirely to enable SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_RESET */ canvas.context.save(); document.getElementById(this.parent.screen_id).appendChild(canvas); /* We're going to leave width dynamic, but correctly set the height */ document.getElementById(this.parent.screen_id).style.height = m.surface.height + "px"; this.hook_events(); } return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_SURFACE_DESTROY) { var m = new SpiceMsgSurfaceDestroy(msg.data); DEBUG > 1 && console.log(this.type + ": MsgSurfaceDestroy id " + m.surface_id); this.delete_surface(m.surface_id); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_CREATE) { var m = new SpiceMsgDisplayStreamCreate(msg.data); STREAM_DEBUG > 0 && console.log(this.type + ": MsgStreamCreate id" + m.id + "; type " + m.codec_type + "; width " + m.stream_width + "; height " + m.stream_height + "; left " + m.dest.left + "; top " + m.dest.top ); if (!this.streams) this.streams = new Array(); if (this.streams[m.id]) console.log("Stream " + m.id + " already exists"); else this.streams[m.id] = m; if (m.codec_type == SPICE_VIDEO_CODEC_TYPE_VP8) { var media = new MediaSource(); var v = document.createElement("video"); v.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(media); v.setAttribute('autoplay', true); v.setAttribute('width', m.stream_width); v.setAttribute('height', m.stream_height); var left = m.dest.left; var top = m.dest.top; if (this.surfaces[m.surface_id] !== undefined) { left += this.surfaces[m.surface_id].canvas.offsetLeft; top += this.surfaces[m.surface_id].canvas.offsetTop; } document.getElementById(this.parent.screen_id).appendChild(v); v.setAttribute('style', "position: absolute; top:" + top + "px; left:" + left + "px;"); media.addEventListener('sourceopen', handle_video_source_open, false); media.addEventListener('sourceended', handle_video_source_ended, false); media.addEventListener('sourceclosed', handle_video_source_closed, false); var s = this.streams[m.id]; s.video = v; s.media = media; s.queue = new Array(); s.start_time = 0; s.cluster_time = 0; s.append_okay = false; media.stream = s; media.spiceconn = this; v.spice_stream = s; } else if (m.codec_type == SPICE_VIDEO_CODEC_TYPE_MJPEG) this.streams[m.id].frames_loading = 0; else console.log("Unhandled stream codec: "+m.codec_type); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_DATA || msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_DATA_SIZED) { var m; if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_DATA_SIZED) m = new SpiceMsgDisplayStreamDataSized(msg.data); else m = new SpiceMsgDisplayStreamData(msg.data); if (!this.streams[m.base.id]) { console.log("no stream for data"); return false; } var time_until_due = m.base.multi_media_time - this.parent.relative_now(); if (this.streams[m.base.id].codec_type === SPICE_VIDEO_CODEC_TYPE_MJPEG) process_mjpeg_stream_data(this, m, time_until_due); if (this.streams[m.base.id].codec_type === SPICE_VIDEO_CODEC_TYPE_VP8) process_video_stream_data(this.streams[m.base.id], m); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_ACTIVATE_REPORT) { var m = new SpiceMsgDisplayStreamActivateReport(msg.data); var report = new SpiceMsgcDisplayStreamReport(m.stream_id, m.unique_id); if (this.streams[m.stream_id]) { this.streams[m.stream_id].report = report; this.streams[m.stream_id].max_window_size = m.max_window_size; this.streams[m.stream_id].timeout_ms = m.timeout_ms } return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_CLIP) { var m = new SpiceMsgDisplayStreamClip(msg.data); STREAM_DEBUG > 1 && console.log(this.type + ": MsgStreamClip id" + m.id); this.streams[m.id].clip = m.clip; return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_DESTROY) { var m = new SpiceMsgDisplayStreamDestroy(msg.data); STREAM_DEBUG > 0 && console.log(this.type + ": MsgStreamDestroy id" + m.id); if (this.streams[m.id].codec_type == SPICE_VIDEO_CODEC_TYPE_VP8) { document.getElementById(this.parent.screen_id).removeChild(this.streams[m.id].video); this.streams[m.id].source_buffer = null; this.streams[m.id].media = null; this.streams[m.id].video = null; } this.streams[m.id] = undefined; return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_DESTROY_ALL) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Stream Destroy All"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_INVAL_LIST) { var m = new SpiceMsgDisplayInvalList(msg.data); var i; DEBUG > 1 && console.log(this.type + ": MsgInvalList " + m.count + " items"); for (i = 0; i < m.count; i++) if (this.cache[m.resources[i].id] != undefined) delete this.cache[m.resources[i].id]; return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_MONITORS_CONFIG) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Monitors Config"); return true; } if (msg.type == SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_COMPOSITE) { this.known_unimplemented(msg.type, "Display Draw Composite"); return true; } return false; } SpiceDisplayConn.prototype.delete_surface = function(surface_id) { var canvas = document.getElementById("spice_surface_" + surface_id); if (DUMP_CANVASES && this.parent.dump_id) document.getElementById(this.parent.dump_id).removeChild(canvas); if (this.primary_surface == surface_id) { this.unhook_events(); this.primary_surface = undefined; document.getElementById(this.parent.screen_id).removeChild(canvas); } delete this.surfaces[surface_id]; } SpiceDisplayConn.prototype.draw_copy_helper = function(o) { var canvas = this.surfaces[o.base.surface_id].canvas; if (o.has_alpha) { /* FIXME - This is based on trial + error, not a serious thoughtful analysis of what Spice requires. See display.js for more. */ if (this.surfaces[o.base.surface_id].format == SPICE_SURFACE_FMT_32_xRGB) { stripAlpha(o.image_data); canvas.context.putImageData(o.image_data, o.base.box.left, o.base.box.top); } else putImageDataWithAlpha(canvas.context, o.image_data, o.base.box.left, o.base.box.top); } else canvas.context.putImageData(o.image_data, o.base.box.left, o.base.box.top); if (o.src_area.left > 0 || o.src_area.top > 0) { this.log_warn("FIXME: DrawCopy not shifting draw copies just yet..."); } if (o.descriptor && (o.descriptor.flags & SPICE_IMAGE_FLAGS_CACHE_ME)) { if (! ("cache" in this)) this.cache = {}; this.cache[o.descriptor.id] = o.image_data; } if (DUMP_DRAWS && this.parent.dump_id) { var debug_canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); debug_canvas.setAttribute('width', o.image_data.width); debug_canvas.setAttribute('height', o.image_data.height); debug_canvas.setAttribute('id', o.tag + "." + this.surfaces[o.base.surface_id].draw_count + "." + o.base.surface_id + "@" + o.base.box.left + "x" + o.base.box.top); debug_canvas.getContext("2d").putImageData(o.image_data, 0, 0); document.getElementById(this.parent.dump_id).appendChild(debug_canvas); } this.surfaces[o.base.surface_id].draw_count++; return true; } SpiceDisplayConn.prototype.log_draw = function(prefix, draw) { var str = prefix + "." + draw.base.surface_id + "." + this.surfaces[draw.base.surface_id].draw_count + ": "; str += "base.box " + draw.base.box.left + ", " + draw.base.box.top + " to " + draw.base.box.right + ", " + draw.base.box.bottom; str += "; clip.type " + draw.base.clip.type; if (draw.data) { if (draw.data.src_area) str += "; src_area " + draw.data.src_area.left + ", " + draw.data.src_area.top + " to " + draw.data.src_area.right + ", " + draw.data.src_area.bottom; if (draw.data.src_bitmap && draw.data.src_bitmap != null) { str += "; src_bitmap id: " + draw.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.id; str += "; src_bitmap width " + draw.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.width + ", height " + draw.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.height; str += "; src_bitmap type " + draw.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.type + ", flags " + draw.data.src_bitmap.descriptor.flags; if (draw.data.src_bitmap.surface_id !== undefined) str += "; src_bitmap surface_id " + draw.data.src_bitmap.surface_id; if (draw.data.src_bitmap.quic) str += "; QUIC type " + draw.data.src_bitmap.quic.type + "; width " + draw.data.src_bitmap.quic.width + "; height " + draw.data.src_bitmap.quic.height ; if (draw.data.src_bitmap.lz_rgb) str += "; LZ_RGB length " + draw.data.src_bitmap.lz_rgb.length + "; magic " + draw.data.src_bitmap.lz_rgb.magic + "; version 0x" + draw.data.src_bitmap.lz_rgb.version.toString(16) + "; type " + draw.data.src_bitmap.lz_rgb.type + "; width " + draw.data.src_bitmap.lz_rgb.width + "; height " + draw.data.src_bitmap.lz_rgb.height + "; stride " + draw.data.src_bitmap.lz_rgb.stride + "; top down " + draw.data.src_bitmap.lz_rgb.top_down; } else str += "; src_bitmap is null"; if (draw.data.brush) { if (draw.data.brush.type == SPICE_BRUSH_TYPE_SOLID) str += "; brush.color 0x" + draw.data.brush.color.toString(16); if (draw.data.brush.type == SPICE_BRUSH_TYPE_PATTERN) { str += "; brush.pat "; if (draw.data.brush.pattern.pat != null) str += "[SpiceImage]"; else str += "[null]"; str += " at " + draw.data.brush.pattern.pos.x + ", " + draw.data.brush.pattern.pos.y; } } str += "; rop_descriptor " + draw.data.rop_descriptor; if (draw.data.scale_mode !== undefined) str += "; scale_mode " + draw.data.scale_mode; str += "; mask.flags " + draw.data.mask.flags; str += "; mask.pos " + draw.data.mask.pos.x + ", " + draw.data.mask.pos.y; if (draw.data.mask.bitmap != null) { str += "; mask.bitmap width " + draw.data.mask.bitmap.descriptor.width + ", height " + draw.data.mask.bitmap.descriptor.height; str += "; mask.bitmap type " + draw.data.mask.bitmap.descriptor.type + ", flags " + draw.data.mask.bitmap.descriptor.flags; } else str += "; mask.bitmap is null"; } console.log(str); } SpiceDisplayConn.prototype.hook_events = function() { if (this.primary_surface !== undefined) { var canvas = this.surfaces[this.primary_surface].canvas; canvas.sc = this.parent; canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', handle_mousemove); canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', handle_mousedown); canvas.addEventListener('contextmenu', handle_contextmenu); canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', handle_mouseup); canvas.addEventListener('keydown', handle_keydown); canvas.addEventListener('keyup', handle_keyup); canvas.addEventListener('mouseout', handle_mouseout); canvas.addEventListener('mouseover', handle_mouseover); canvas.addEventListener('wheel', handle_mousewheel); canvas.focus(); } } SpiceDisplayConn.prototype.unhook_events = function() { if (this.primary_surface !== undefined) { var canvas = this.surfaces[this.primary_surface].canvas; canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', handle_mousemove); canvas.removeEventListener('mousedown', handle_mousedown); canvas.removeEventListener('contextmenu', handle_contextmenu); canvas.removeEventListener('mouseup', handle_mouseup); canvas.removeEventListener('keydown', handle_keydown); canvas.removeEventListener('keyup', handle_keyup); canvas.removeEventListener('mouseout', handle_mouseout); canvas.removeEventListener('mouseover', handle_mouseover); canvas.removeEventListener('wheel', handle_mousewheel); } } SpiceDisplayConn.prototype.destroy_surfaces = function() { for (var s in this.surfaces) { this.delete_surface(this.surfaces[s].surface_id); } this.surfaces = undefined; } function handle_mouseover(e) { this.focus(); } function handle_mouseout(e) { if (this.sc && this.sc.cursor && this.sc.cursor.spice_simulated_cursor) this.sc.cursor.spice_simulated_cursor.style.display = 'none'; this.blur(); } function handle_draw_jpeg_onload() { var temp_canvas = null; var context; if (this.o.sc.streams[this.o.id]) this.o.sc.streams[this.o.id].frames_loading--; /*------------------------------------------------------------ ** FIXME: ** The helper should be extended to be able to handle actual HtmlImageElements ** ...and the cache should be modified to do so as well **----------------------------------------------------------*/ if (this.o.sc.surfaces[this.o.base.surface_id] === undefined) { // This can happen; if the jpeg image loads after our surface // has been destroyed (e.g. open a menu, close it quickly), // we'll find we have no surface. DEBUG > 2 && this.o.sc.log_info("Discarding jpeg; presumed lost surface " + this.o.base.surface_id); temp_canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); temp_canvas.setAttribute('width', this.o.base.box.right); temp_canvas.setAttribute('height', this.o.base.box.bottom); context = temp_canvas.getContext("2d"); } else context = this.o.sc.surfaces[this.o.base.surface_id].canvas.context; if (this.alpha_img) { var c = document.createElement("canvas"); var t = c.getContext("2d"); c.setAttribute('width', this.alpha_img.width); c.setAttribute('height', this.alpha_img.height); t.putImageData(this.alpha_img, 0, 0); t.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in'; t.drawImage(this, 0, 0); context.drawImage(c, this.o.base.box.left, this.o.base.box.top); if (this.o.descriptor && (this.o.descriptor.flags & SPICE_IMAGE_FLAGS_CACHE_ME)) { if (! ("cache" in this.o.sc)) this.o.sc.cache = {}; this.o.sc.cache[this.o.descriptor.id] = t.getImageData(0, 0, this.alpha_img.width, this.alpha_img.height); } } else { context.drawImage(this, this.o.base.box.left, this.o.base.box.top); // Give the Garbage collector a clue to recycle this; avoids // fairly massive memory leaks during video playback this.onload = undefined; this.src = EMPTY_GIF_IMAGE; if (this.o.descriptor && (this.o.descriptor.flags & SPICE_IMAGE_FLAGS_CACHE_ME)) { if (! ("cache" in this.o.sc)) this.o.sc.cache = {}; this.o.sc.cache[this.o.descriptor.id] = context.getImageData(this.o.base.box.left, this.o.base.box.top, this.o.base.box.right - this.o.base.box.left, this.o.base.box.bottom - this.o.base.box.top); } } if (temp_canvas == null) { if (DUMP_DRAWS && this.o.sc.parent.dump_id) { var debug_canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); debug_canvas.setAttribute('id', this.o.tag + "." + this.o.sc.surfaces[this.o.base.surface_id].draw_count + "." + this.o.base.surface_id + "@" + this.o.base.box.left + "x" + this.o.base.box.top); debug_canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(this, 0, 0); document.getElementById(this.o.sc.parent.dump_id).appendChild(debug_canvas); } this.o.sc.surfaces[this.o.base.surface_id].draw_count++; } if (this.o.sc.streams[this.o.id] && "report" in this.o.sc.streams[this.o.id]) process_stream_data_report(this.o.sc, this.o.id, this.o.msg_mmtime, this.o.msg_mmtime - this.o.sc.parent.relative_now()); } function process_mjpeg_stream_data(sc, m, time_until_due) { /* If we are currently processing an mjpeg frame when a new one arrives, and the new one is 'late', drop the new frame. This helps the browsers keep up, and provides rate control feedback as well */ if (time_until_due < 0 && sc.streams[m.base.id].frames_loading > 0) { if ("report" in sc.streams[m.base.id]) sc.streams[m.base.id].report.num_drops++; return; } var tmpstr = "data:image/jpeg,"; var img = new Image; var i; for (i = 0; i < m.data.length; i++) { tmpstr += '%'; if (m.data[i] < 16) tmpstr += '0'; tmpstr += m.data[i].toString(16); } var strm_base = new SpiceMsgDisplayBase(); strm_base.surface_id = sc.streams[m.base.id].surface_id; strm_base.box = m.dest || sc.streams[m.base.id].dest; strm_base.clip = sc.streams[m.base.id].clip; img.o = { base: strm_base, tag: "mjpeg." + m.base.id, descriptor: null, sc : sc, id : m.base.id, msg_mmtime : m.base.multi_media_time, }; img.onload = handle_draw_jpeg_onload; img.src = tmpstr; sc.streams[m.base.id].frames_loading++; } function process_stream_data_report(sc, id, msg_mmtime, time_until_due) { sc.streams[id].report.num_frames++; if (sc.streams[id].report.start_frame_mm_time == 0) sc.streams[id].report.start_frame_mm_time = msg_mmtime; if (sc.streams[id].report.num_frames > sc.streams[id].max_window_size || (msg_mmtime - sc.streams[id].report.start_frame_mm_time) > sc.streams[id].timeout_ms) { sc.streams[id].report.end_frame_mm_time = msg_mmtime; sc.streams[id].report.last_frame_delay = time_until_due; var msg = new SpiceMiniData(); msg.build_msg(SPICE_MSGC_DISPLAY_STREAM_REPORT, sc.streams[id].report); sc.send_msg(msg); sc.streams[id].report.start_frame_mm_time = 0; sc.streams[id].report.num_frames = 0; sc.streams[id].report.num_drops = 0; } } function handle_video_source_open(e) { var stream = this.stream; var p = this.spiceconn; if (stream.source_buffer) return; var s = this.addSourceBuffer(SPICE_VP8_CODEC); if (! s) { p.log_err('Codec ' + SPICE_VP8_CODEC + ' not available.'); return; } stream.source_buffer = s; s.spiceconn = p; s.stream = stream; listen_for_video_events(stream); var h = new webm_Header(); var te = new webm_VideoTrackEntry(this.stream.stream_width, this.stream.stream_height); var t = new webm_Tracks(te); var mb = new ArrayBuffer(h.buffer_size() + t.buffer_size()) var b = h.to_buffer(mb); t.to_buffer(mb, b); s.addEventListener('error', handle_video_buffer_error, false); s.addEventListener('updateend', handle_append_video_buffer_done, false); append_video_buffer(s, mb); } function handle_video_source_ended(e) { var p = this.spiceconn; p.log_err('Video source unexpectedly ended.'); } function handle_video_source_closed(e) { var p = this.spiceconn; p.log_err('Video source unexpectedly closed.'); } function append_video_buffer(sb, mb) { try { sb.stream.append_okay = false; sb.appendBuffer(mb); } catch (e) { var p = sb.spiceconn; p.log_err("Error invoking appendBuffer: " + e.message); } } function handle_append_video_buffer_done(e) { var stream = this.stream; if (stream.current_frame && "report" in stream) { var sc = this.stream.media.spiceconn; var t = this.stream.current_frame.msg_mmtime; process_stream_data_report(sc, stream.id, t, t - sc.parent.relative_now()); } if (stream.queue.length > 0) { stream.current_frame = stream.queue.shift(); append_video_buffer(stream.source_buffer, stream.current_frame.mb); } else { stream.append_okay = true; } if (!stream.video) { if (STREAM_DEBUG > 0) console.log("Stream id " + stream.id + " received updateend after video is gone."); return; } if (stream.video.buffered.length > 0 && stream.video.currentTime < stream.video.buffered.start(stream.video.buffered.length - 1)) { console.log("Video appears to have fallen behind; advancing to " + stream.video.buffered.start(stream.video.buffered.length - 1)); stream.video.currentTime = stream.video.buffered.start(stream.video.buffered.length - 1); } if (STREAM_DEBUG > 1) console.log(stream.video.currentTime + ":id " + stream.id + " updateend " + dump_media_element(stream.video)); } function handle_video_buffer_error(e) { var p = this.spiceconn; p.log_err('source_buffer error ' + e.message); } function push_or_queue(stream, msg, mb) { var frame = { msg_mmtime : msg.base.multi_media_time, }; if (stream.append_okay) { stream.current_frame = frame; append_video_buffer(stream.source_buffer, mb); } else { frame.mb = mb; stream.queue.push(frame); } } function video_simple_block(stream, msg, keyframe) { var simple = new webm_SimpleBlock(msg.base.multi_media_time - stream.cluster_time, msg.data, keyframe); var mb = new ArrayBuffer(simple.buffer_size()); simple.to_buffer(mb); push_or_queue(stream, msg, mb); } function new_video_cluster(stream, msg) { stream.cluster_time = msg.base.multi_media_time; var c = new webm_Cluster(stream.cluster_time - stream.start_time, msg.data); var mb = new ArrayBuffer(c.buffer_size()); c.to_buffer(mb); push_or_queue(stream, msg, mb); video_simple_block(stream, msg, true); } function process_video_stream_data(stream, msg) { if (stream.start_time == 0) { stream.start_time = msg.base.multi_media_time; new_video_cluster(stream, msg); } else if (msg.base.multi_media_time - stream.cluster_time >= MAX_CLUSTER_TIME) new_video_cluster(stream, msg); else video_simple_block(stream, msg, false); } function video_handle_event_debug(e) { var s = this.spice_stream; if (s.video) { if (STREAM_DEBUG > 0 || s.video.buffered.len > 1) console.log(s.video.currentTime + ":id " + s.id + " event " + e.type + dump_media_element(s.video)); } if (STREAM_DEBUG > 1 && s.media) console.log(" media_source " + dump_media_source(s.media)); if (STREAM_DEBUG > 1 && s.source_buffer) console.log(" source_buffer " + dump_source_buffer(s.source_buffer)); if (STREAM_DEBUG > 1 || s.queue.length > 1) console.log(' queue len ' + s.queue.length + '; append_okay: ' + s.append_okay); } function video_debug_listen_for_one_event(name) { this.addEventListener(name, video_handle_event_debug); } function listen_for_video_events(stream) { var video_0_events = [ "abort", "error" ]; var video_1_events = [ "loadstart", "suspend", "emptied", "stalled", "loadedmetadata", "loadeddata", "canplay", "canplaythrough", "playing", "waiting", "seeking", "seeked", "ended", "durationchange", "play", "pause", "ratechange" ]; var video_2_events = [ "timeupdate", "progress", "resize", "volumechange" ]; video_0_events.forEach(video_debug_listen_for_one_event, stream.video); if (STREAM_DEBUG > 0) video_1_events.forEach(video_debug_listen_for_one_event, stream.video); if (STREAM_DEBUG > 1) video_2_events.forEach(video_debug_listen_for_one_event, stream.video); }