import string from vrtManager import util from vrtManager.connection import wvmConnect def get_rbd_storage_data(stg): xml = stg.XMLDesc(0) ceph_user = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/pool/source/auth/@username") def get_ceph_hosts(doc): hosts = list() for host in doc.xpath("/pool/source/host"): name = host.prop("name") if name: hosts.append({"name": name, "port": host.prop("port")}) return hosts ceph_hosts = util.get_xml_path(xml, func=get_ceph_hosts) secret_uuid = util.get_xml_path(xml, "/pool/source/auth/secret/@uuid") return ceph_user, secret_uuid, ceph_hosts class wvmCreate(wvmConnect): def get_storages_images(self): """ Function return all images on all storages """ images = list() storages = self.get_storages(only_actives=True) for storage in storages: stg = self.get_storage(storage) try: stg.refresh(0) except Exception: pass for img in stg.listVolumes(): if img.lower().endswith(".iso"): pass else: images.append(img) return images def get_os_type(self): """Get guest os type""" return util.get_xml_path(self.get_cap_xml(), "/capabilities/guest/os_type") def get_host_arch(self): """Get guest capabilities""" return util.get_xml_path(self.get_cap_xml(), "/capabilities/host/cpu/arch") def create_volume(self, storage, name, size, image_format, metadata=False, disk_owner_uid=0, disk_owner_gid=0): size = int(size) * 1073741824 stg = self.get_storage(storage) storage_type = util.get_xml_path(stg.XMLDesc(0), "/pool/@type") if storage_type == "dir": if image_format in ("qcow", "qcow2"): name += "." + image_format else: name += ".img" alloc = 0 else: alloc = size metadata = False xml = f""" <volume> <name>{name}</name> <capacity>{size}</capacity> <allocation>{alloc}</allocation> <target> <format type='{image_format}'/> <permissions> <owner>{disk_owner_uid}</owner> <group>{disk_owner_gid}</group> <mode>0644</mode> <label>virt_image_t</label> </permissions> <compat>1.1</compat> <features> <lazy_refcounts/> </features> </target> </volume>""" stg.createXML(xml, metadata) try: stg.refresh(0) except: pass vol = stg.storageVolLookupByName(name) return vol.path() def get_volume_type(self, path): vol = self.get_volume_by_path(path) vol_type = util.get_xml_path(vol.XMLDesc(0), "/volume/target/format/@type") if vol_type == "unknown" or vol_type == "iso": return "raw" if vol_type: return vol_type else: return "raw" def get_volume_path(self, volume, pool=None): if not pool: storages = self.get_storages(only_actives=True) else: storages = [pool] for storage in storages: stg = self.get_storage(storage) if[0] != 0: stg.refresh(0) for img in stg.listVolumes(): if img == volume: vol = stg.storageVolLookupByName(img) return vol.path() def get_storage_by_vol_path(self, vol_path): vol = self.get_volume_by_path(vol_path) return vol.storagePoolLookupByVolume() def clone_from_template(self, clone, template, storage=None, metadata=False, disk_owner_uid=0, disk_owner_gid=0): vol = self.get_volume_by_path(template) if not storage: stg = vol.storagePoolLookupByVolume() else: stg = self.get_storage(storage) storage_type = util.get_xml_path(stg.XMLDesc(0), "/pool/@type") format = util.get_xml_path(vol.XMLDesc(0), "/volume/target/format/@type") if storage_type == "dir": clone += ".img" else: metadata = False xml = f""" <volume> <name>{clone}</name> <capacity>0</capacity> <allocation>0</allocation> <target> <format type='{format}'/> <permissions> <owner>{disk_owner_uid}</owner> <group>{disk_owner_gid}</group> <mode>0644</mode> <label>virt_image_t</label> </permissions> <compat>1.1</compat> <features> <lazy_refcounts/> </features> </target> </volume>""" stg.createXMLFrom(xml, vol, metadata) clone_vol = stg.storageVolLookupByName(clone) return clone_vol.path() def _defineXML(self, xml): self.wvm.defineXML(xml) def delete_volume(self, path): vol = self.get_volume_by_path(path) vol.delete() def create_instance( self, name, memory, vcpu, vcpu_mode, uuid, arch, machine, firmware, volumes, networks, nwfilter, graphics, virtio, listen_addr, video="vga", console_pass="random", mac=None, qemu_ga=True, ): """ Create VM function """ caps = self.get_capabilities(arch) dom_caps = self.get_dom_capabilities(arch, machine) memory = int(memory) * 1024 xml = f""" <domain type='{dom_caps["domain"]}'> <name>{name}</name> <description>None</description> <uuid>{uuid}</uuid> <memory unit='KiB'>{memory}</memory> <vcpu>{vcpu}</vcpu>""" if dom_caps["os_support"] == "yes": xml += f"""<os> <type arch='{arch}' machine='{machine}'>{caps["os_type"]}</type>""" xml += """ <boot dev='hd'/> <boot dev='cdrom'/> <bootmenu enable='yes'/>""" if firmware: if firmware["secure"] == "yes": xml += """<loader readonly='%s' type='%s' secure='%s'>%s</loader>""" % ( firmware["readonly"], firmware["type"], firmware["secure"], firmware["loader"], ) if firmware["secure"] == "no": xml += """<loader readonly='%s' type='%s'>%s</loader>""" % ( firmware["readonly"], firmware["type"], firmware["loader"], ) xml += """</os>""" if caps["features"]: xml += """<features>""" if "acpi" in caps["features"]: xml += """<acpi/>""" if "apic" in caps["features"]: xml += """<apic/>""" if "pae" in caps["features"]: xml += """<pae/>""" if firmware.get("secure", "no") == "yes": xml += """<smm state="on"/>""" xml += """</features>""" if vcpu_mode == "host-model": xml += """<cpu mode='host-model'/>""" elif vcpu_mode == "host-passthrough": xml += """<cpu mode='host-passthrough'/>""" elif vcpu_mode == "": pass else: xml += f"""<cpu mode='custom' match='exact' check='none'> <model fallback='allow'>{vcpu_mode}</model>""" xml += """</cpu>""" xml += """ <clock offset="utc"/> <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff> <on_reboot>restart</on_reboot> <on_crash>restart</on_crash> """ xml += """<devices>""" vd_disk_letters = list(string.ascii_lowercase) fd_disk_letters = list(string.ascii_lowercase) hd_disk_letters = list(string.ascii_lowercase) sd_disk_letters = list(string.ascii_lowercase) add_cd = True for volume in volumes: disk_opts = "" if volume["cache_mode"] is not None and volume["cache_mode"] != "default": disk_opts += f"cache='{volume['cache_mode']}' " if volume["io_mode"] is not None and volume["io_mode"] != "default": disk_opts += f"io='{volume['io_mode']}' " if volume["discard_mode"] is not None and volume["discard_mode"] != "default": disk_opts += f"discard='{volume['discard_mode']}' " if volume["detect_zeroes_mode"] is not None and volume["detect_zeroes_mode"] != "default": disk_opts += f"detect_zeroes='{volume['detect_zeroes_mode']}' " stg = self.get_storage_by_vol_path(volume["path"]) stg_type = util.get_xml_path(stg.XMLDesc(0), "/pool/@type") if volume["device"] == "cdrom": add_cd = False if stg_type == "rbd": ceph_user, secret_uuid, ceph_hosts = get_rbd_storage_data(stg) xml += """<disk type='network' device='disk'> <driver name='qemu' type='%s' %s />""" % ( volume["type"], disk_opts, ) xml += """ <auth username='%s'> <secret type='ceph' uuid='%s'/> </auth> <source protocol='rbd' name='%s'>""" % ( ceph_user, secret_uuid, volume["path"], ) if isinstance(ceph_hosts, list): for host in ceph_hosts: if host.get("port"): xml += """ <host name='%s' port='%s'/>""" % ( host.get("name"), host.get("port"), ) else: xml += """ <host name='%s'/>""" % host.get( "name" ) xml += """</source>""" else: xml += """<disk type='file' device='%s'>""" % volume["device"] xml += """ <driver name='qemu' type='%s' %s/>""" % (volume["type"], disk_opts) xml += """ <source file='%s'/>""" % volume["path"] if volume.get("bus") == "virtio": xml += """<target dev='vd%s' bus='%s'/>""" % (vd_disk_letters.pop(0), volume.get("bus")) elif volume.get("bus") == "ide": xml += """<target dev='hd%s' bus='%s'/>""" % (hd_disk_letters.pop(0), volume.get("bus")) elif volume.get("bus") == "fdc": xml += """<target dev='fd%s' bus='%s'/>""" % (fd_disk_letters.pop(0), volume.get("bus")) elif volume.get("bus") == "sata" or volume.get("bus") == "scsi": xml += """<target dev='sd%s' bus='%s'/>""" % (sd_disk_letters.pop(0), volume.get("bus")) else: xml += """<target dev='sd%s'/>""" % sd_disk_letters.pop(0) xml += """</disk>""" if volume.get("bus") == "scsi": xml += f"""<controller type='scsi' model='{volume.get('scsi_model')}'/>""" if add_cd: xml += """<disk type='file' device='cdrom'> <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/> <source file = '' /> <readonly/>""" if "ide" in dom_caps["disk_bus"]: xml += """<target dev='hd%s' bus='%s'/>""" % (hd_disk_letters.pop(0), "ide") elif "sata" in dom_caps["disk_bus"]: xml += """<target dev='sd%s' bus='%s'/>""" % (sd_disk_letters.pop(0), "sata") elif "scsi" in dom_caps["disk_bus"]: xml += """<target dev='sd%s' bus='%s'/>""" % (sd_disk_letters.pop(0), "scsi") else: xml += """<target dev='vd%s' bus='%s'/>""" % (vd_disk_letters.pop(0), "virtio") xml += """</disk>""" for net in networks.split(","): xml += """<interface type='network'>""" if mac: xml += f"""<mac address='{mac}'/>""" xml += f"""<source network='{net}'/>""" if nwfilter: xml += f"""<filterref filter='{nwfilter}'/>""" if virtio: xml += """<model type='virtio'/>""" xml += """</interface>""" if console_pass == "random": console_pass = "passwd='" + util.randomPasswd() + "'" else: if not console_pass == "": console_pass = "passwd='" + console_pass + "'" if "usb" in dom_caps["disk_bus"]: xml += """<input type='mouse' bus='{}'/>""".format("virtio" if virtio else "usb") xml += """<input type='keyboard' bus='{}'/>""".format("virtio" if virtio else "usb") xml += """<input type='tablet' bus='{}'/>""".format("virtio" if virtio else "usb") else: xml += """<input type='mouse'/>""" xml += """<input type='keyboard'/>""" xml += """<input type='tablet'/>""" xml += f""" <graphics type='{graphics}' port='-1' autoport='yes' {console_pass} listen='{listen_addr}'/> <console type='pty'/> """ if qemu_ga and virtio: xml += """ <channel type='unix'> <target type='virtio' name='org.qemu.guest_agent.0'/> </channel>""" xml += f""" <video> <model type='{video}'/> </video> </devices> </domain>""" self._defineXML(xml)