""" IPy - class and tools for handling of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks. See README file for learn how to use IPy. Further Information might be available at: https://github.com/haypo/python-ipy """ __version__ = '1.00' import bisect import collections import sys import types # Definition of the Ranges for IPv4 IPs # this should include www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space # and www.iana.org/assignments/multicast-addresses IPv4ranges = { '0': 'PUBLIC', # fall back '00000000': 'PRIVATE', # 0/8 '00001010': 'PRIVATE', # 10/8 '0110010001': 'CARRIER_GRADE_NAT', # 100.64/10 '01111111': 'LOOPBACK', # 127.0/8 '1': 'PUBLIC', # fall back '1010100111111110': 'PRIVATE', # 169.254/16 '101011000001': 'PRIVATE', # 172.16/12 '1100000010101000': 'PRIVATE', # 192.168/16 '111': 'RESERVED', # 224/3 } # Definition of the Ranges for IPv6 IPs # http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-address-space/ # http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-unicast-address-assignments/ # http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-multicast-addresses/ IPv6ranges = { '00000000': 'RESERVED', # ::/8 '0' * 96: 'RESERVED', # ::/96 Formerly IPV4COMP [RFC4291] '0' * 128: 'UNSPECIFIED', # ::/128 '0' * 127 + '1': 'LOOPBACK', # ::1/128 '0' * 80 + '1' * 16: 'IPV4MAP', # ::ffff:0:0/96 '00000000011001001111111110011011' + '0' * 64: 'WKP46TRANS', # 0064:ff9b::/96 Well-Known-Prefix [RFC6052] '00000001': 'UNASSIGNED', # 0100::/8 '0000001': 'RESERVED', # 0200::/7 Formerly NSAP [RFC4048] '0000010': 'RESERVED', # 0400::/7 Formerly IPX [RFC3513] '0000011': 'RESERVED', # 0600::/7 '00001': 'RESERVED', # 0800::/5 '0001': 'RESERVED', # 1000::/4 '001': 'GLOBAL-UNICAST', # 2000::/3 [RFC4291] '00100000000000010000000': 'SPECIALPURPOSE', # 2001::/23 [RFC4773] '00100000000000010000000000000000': 'TEREDO', # 2001::/32 [RFC4380] '00100000000000010000000000000010' + '0' * 16: 'BMWG', # 2001:0002::/48 Benchmarking [RFC5180] '0010000000000001000000000001': 'ORCHID', # 2001:0010::/28 (Temp until 2014-03-21) [RFC4843] '00100000000000010000001': 'ALLOCATED APNIC', # 2001:0200::/23 '00100000000000010000010': 'ALLOCATED ARIN', # 2001:0400::/23 '00100000000000010000011': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:0600::/23 '00100000000000010000100': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:0800::/23 '00100000000000010000101': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:0a00::/23 '00100000000000010000110': 'ALLOCATED APNIC', # 2001:0c00::/23 '00100000000000010000110110111000': 'DOCUMENTATION', # 2001:0db8::/32 [RFC3849] '00100000000000010000111': 'ALLOCATED APNIC', # 2001:0e00::/23 '00100000000000010001001': 'ALLOCATED LACNIC', # 2001:1200::/23 '00100000000000010001010': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:1400::/23 '00100000000000010001011': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:1600::/23 '00100000000000010001100': 'ALLOCATED ARIN', # 2001:1800::/23 '00100000000000010001101': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:1a00::/23 '0010000000000001000111': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:1c00::/22 '00100000000000010010': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:2000::/20 '001000000000000100110': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:3000::/21 '0010000000000001001110': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:3800::/22 '0010000000000001001111': 'RESERVED', # 2001:3c00::/22 Possible future allocation to RIPE NCC '00100000000000010100000': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:4000::/23 '00100000000000010100001': 'ALLOCATED AFRINIC', # 2001:4200::/23 '00100000000000010100010': 'ALLOCATED APNIC', # 2001:4400::/23 '00100000000000010100011': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:4600::/23 '00100000000000010100100': 'ALLOCATED ARIN', # 2001:4800::/23 '00100000000000010100101': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:4a00::/23 '00100000000000010100110': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:4c00::/23 '00100000000000010101': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2001:5000::/20 '0010000000000001100': 'ALLOCATED APNIC', # 2001:8000::/19 '00100000000000011010': 'ALLOCATED APNIC', # 2001:a000::/20 '00100000000000011011': 'ALLOCATED APNIC', # 2001:b000::/20 '0010000000000010': '6TO4', # 2002::/16 "6to4" [RFC3056] '001000000000001100': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2003::/18 '001001000000': 'ALLOCATED APNIC', # 2400::/12 '001001100000': 'ALLOCATED ARIN', # 2600::/12 '00100110000100000000000': 'ALLOCATED ARIN', # 2610::/23 '00100110001000000000000': 'ALLOCATED ARIN', # 2620::/23 '001010000000': 'ALLOCATED LACNIC', # 2800::/12 '001010100000': 'ALLOCATED RIPE NCC', # 2a00::/12 '001011000000': 'ALLOCATED AFRINIC', # 2c00::/12 '00101101': 'RESERVED', # 2d00::/8 '0010111': 'RESERVED', # 2e00::/7 '0011': 'RESERVED', # 3000::/4 '010': 'RESERVED', # 4000::/3 '011': 'RESERVED', # 6000::/3 '100': 'RESERVED', # 8000::/3 '101': 'RESERVED', # a000::/3 '110': 'RESERVED', # c000::/3 '1110': 'RESERVED', # e000::/4 '11110': 'RESERVED', # f000::/5 '111110': 'RESERVED', # f800::/6 '1111110': 'ULA', # fc00::/7 [RFC4193] '111111100': 'RESERVED', # fe00::/9 '1111111010': 'LINKLOCAL', # fe80::/10 '1111111011': 'RESERVED', # fec0::/10 Formerly SITELOCAL [RFC4291] '11111111': 'MULTICAST', # ff00::/8 '1111111100000001': 'NODE-LOCAL MULTICAST', # ff01::/16 '1111111100000010': 'LINK-LOCAL MULTICAST', # ff02::/16 '1111111100000100': 'ADMIN-LOCAL MULTICAST', # ff04::/16 '1111111100000101': 'SITE-LOCAL MULTICAST', # ff05::/16 '1111111100001000': 'ORG-LOCAL MULTICAST', # ff08::/16 '1111111100001110': 'GLOBAL MULTICAST', # ff0e::/16 '1111111100001111': 'RESERVED MULTICAST', # ff0f::/16 '111111110011': 'PREFIX-BASED MULTICAST', # ff30::/12 [RFC3306] '111111110111': 'RP-EMBEDDED MULTICAST', # ff70::/12 [RFC3956] } MAX_IPV4_ADDRESS = 0xffffffff MAX_IPV6_ADDRESS = 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff IPV6_TEST_MAP = 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff00000000 IPV6_MAP_MASK = 0x00000000000000000000ffff00000000 if sys.version_info >= (3,): INT_TYPES = (int,) STR_TYPES = (str,) xrange = range else: INT_TYPES = (int, long) STR_TYPES = (str, unicode) class IPint(object): """Handling of IP addresses returning integers. Use class IP instead because some features are not implemented for IPint.""" def __init__(self, data, ipversion=0, make_net=0): """Create an instance of an IP object. Data can be a network specification or a single IP. IP addresses can be specified in all forms understood by parseAddress(). The size of a network can be specified as /prefixlen a.b.c.0/24 2001:658:22a:cafe::/64 -lastIP a.b.c.0-a.b.c.255 2001:658:22a:cafe::-2001:658:22a:cafe:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff /decimal netmask a.b.c.d/ not supported for IPv6 If no size specification is given a size of 1 address (/32 for IPv4 and /128 for IPv6) is assumed. If make_net is True, an IP address will be transformed into the network address by applying the specified netmask. >>> print(IP('')) >>> print(IP('')) >>> print(IP('')) >>> print(IP('', make_net=True)) See module documentation for more examples. """ # Print no Prefixlen for /32 and /128 self.NoPrefixForSingleIp = 1 # Do we want prefix printed by default? see _printPrefix() self.WantPrefixLen = None netbits = 0 prefixlen = -1 # handling of non string values in constructor if isinstance(data, INT_TYPES): self.ip = int(data) if ipversion == 0: if self.ip <= MAX_IPV4_ADDRESS: ipversion = 4 else: ipversion = 6 if ipversion == 4: if self.ip > MAX_IPV4_ADDRESS: raise ValueError("IPv4 Address can't be larger than %x: %x" % (MAX_IPV4_ADDRESS, self.ip)) prefixlen = 32 elif ipversion == 6: if self.ip > MAX_IPV6_ADDRESS: raise ValueError("IPv6 Address can't be larger than %x: %x" % (MAX_IPV6_ADDRESS, self.ip)) prefixlen = 128 else: raise ValueError("only IPv4 and IPv6 supported") self._ipversion = ipversion self._prefixlen = prefixlen # handle IP instance as an parameter elif isinstance(data, IPint): self._ipversion = data._ipversion self._prefixlen = data._prefixlen self.ip = data.ip elif isinstance(data, STR_TYPES): # TODO: refactor me! # splitting of a string into IP and prefixlen et. al. x = data.split('-') if len(x) == 2: # a.b.c.0-a.b.c.255 specification ? (ip, last) = x (self.ip, parsedVersion) = parseAddress(ip) if parsedVersion != 4: raise ValueError("first-last notation only allowed for IPv4") (last, lastversion) = parseAddress(last) if lastversion != 4: raise ValueError("last address should be IPv4, too") if last < self.ip: raise ValueError("last address should be larger than first") size = last - self.ip netbits = _count1Bits(size) # make sure the broadcast is the same as the last ip # otherwise it will return /16 for something like: # if IP('%s/%s' % (ip, 32 - netbits)).broadcast().int() != last: raise ValueError("the range %s is not on a network boundary." % data) elif len(x) == 1: x = data.split('/') # if no prefix is given use defaults if len(x) == 1: ip = x[0] prefixlen = -1 elif len(x) > 2: raise ValueError("only one '/' allowed in IP Address") else: (ip, prefixlen) = x if prefixlen.find('.') != -1: # check if the user might have used a netmask like # a.b.c.d/ (netmask, vers) = parseAddress(prefixlen) if vers != 4: raise ValueError("netmask must be IPv4") prefixlen = _netmaskToPrefixlen(netmask) elif len(x) > 2: raise ValueError("only one '-' allowed in IP Address") else: raise ValueError("can't parse") (self.ip, parsedVersion) = parseAddress(ip, ipversion) if ipversion == 0: ipversion = parsedVersion if prefixlen == -1: bits = _ipVersionToLen(ipversion) prefixlen = bits - netbits self._ipversion = ipversion self._prefixlen = int(prefixlen) if make_net: self.ip = self.ip & _prefixlenToNetmask(self._prefixlen, self._ipversion) if not _checkNetaddrWorksWithPrefixlen(self.ip, self._prefixlen, self._ipversion): raise ValueError("%s has invalid prefix length (%s)" % (repr(self), self._prefixlen)) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported data type: %s" % type(data)) def int(self): """Return the first / base / network addess as an (long) integer. The same as IP[0]. >>> "%X" % IP('').int() 'A000000' """ return self.ip def version(self): """Return the IP version of this Object. >>> IP('').version() 4 >>> IP('::1').version() 6 """ return self._ipversion def prefixlen(self): """Returns Network Prefixlen. >>> IP('').prefixlen() 8 """ return self._prefixlen def net(self): """ Return the base (first) address of a network as an (long) integer. """ return self.int() def broadcast(self): """ Return the broadcast (last) address of a network as an (long) integer. The same as IP[-1].""" return self.int() + self.len() - 1 def _printPrefix(self, want): """Prints Prefixlen/Netmask. Not really. In fact it is our universal Netmask/Prefixlen printer. This is considered an internal function. want == 0 / None don't return anything want == 1 /prefix want == 2 /netmask want == 3 -lastip """ if (self._ipversion == 4 and self._prefixlen == 32) or \ (self._ipversion == 6 and self._prefixlen == 128): if self.NoPrefixForSingleIp: want = 0 if want is None: want = self.WantPrefixLen if want is None: want = 1 if want: if want == 2: # this should work with IP and IPint netmask = self.netmask() if not isinstance(netmask, INT_TYPES): netmask = netmask.int() return "/%s" % (intToIp(netmask, self._ipversion)) elif want == 3: return "-%s" % (intToIp(self.ip + self.len() - 1, self._ipversion)) else: # default return "/%d" % (self._prefixlen) else: return '' # We have different flavours to convert to: # strFullsize 2001:0658:022a:cafe:0200:c0ff:fe8d:08fa # strNormal 2001:658:22a:cafe:200:c0ff:fe8d:08fa # strCompressed 2001:658:22a:cafe::1 # strHex 0x7F000001 0x20010658022ACAFE0200C0FFFE8D08FA # strDec 2130706433 42540616829182469433547974687817795834 def strBin(self, wantprefixlen=None): """Return a string representation as a binary value. >>> print(IP('').strBin()) 01111111000000000000000000000001 >>> print(IP('2001:0658:022a:cafe:0200::1').strBin()) 00100000000000010000011001011000000000100010101011001010111111100000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 """ bits = _ipVersionToLen(self._ipversion) if self.WantPrefixLen is None and wantprefixlen is None: wantprefixlen = 0 ret = _intToBin(self.ip) return '0' * (bits - len(ret)) + ret + self._printPrefix(wantprefixlen) def strCompressed(self, wantprefixlen=None): """Return a string representation in compressed format using '::' Notation. >>> IP('').strCompressed() '' >>> IP('2001:0658:022a:cafe:0200::1').strCompressed() '2001:658:22a:cafe:200::1' >>> IP('ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:f:f:fffc/127').strCompressed() 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:f:f:fffc/127' """ if self.WantPrefixLen is None and wantprefixlen is None: wantprefixlen = 1 if self._ipversion == 4: return self.strFullsize(wantprefixlen) else: if self.ip >> 32 == 0xffff: ipv4 = intToIp(self.ip & MAX_IPV4_ADDRESS, 4) text = "::ffff:" + ipv4 + self._printPrefix(wantprefixlen) return text # find the longest sequence of '0' hextets = [int(x, 16) for x in self.strFullsize(0).split(':')] # every element of followingzeros will contain the number of zeros # following the corresponding element of hextets followingzeros = [0] * 8 for i in xrange(len(hextets)): followingzeros[i] = _countFollowingZeros(hextets[i:]) # compressionpos is the position where we can start removing zeros compressionpos = followingzeros.index(max(followingzeros)) if max(followingzeros) > 1: # genererate string with the longest number of zeros cut out # now we need hextets as strings hextets = [x for x in self.strNormal(0).split(':')] while compressionpos < len(hextets) and hextets[compressionpos] == '0': del (hextets[compressionpos]) hextets.insert(compressionpos, '') if compressionpos + 1 >= len(hextets): hextets.append('') if compressionpos == 0: hextets = [''] + hextets return ':'.join(hextets) + self._printPrefix(wantprefixlen) else: return self.strNormal(0) + self._printPrefix(wantprefixlen) def strNormal(self, wantprefixlen=None): """Return a string representation in the usual format. >>> print(IP('').strNormal()) >>> print(IP('2001:0658:022a:cafe:0200::1').strNormal()) 2001:658:22a:cafe:200:0:0:1 """ if self.WantPrefixLen is None and wantprefixlen is None: wantprefixlen = 1 if self._ipversion == 4: ret = self.strFullsize(0) elif self._ipversion == 6: ret = ':'.join(["%x" % x for x in [int(x, 16) for x in self.strFullsize(0).split(':')]]) else: raise ValueError("only IPv4 and IPv6 supported") return ret + self._printPrefix(wantprefixlen) def strFullsize(self, wantprefixlen=None): """Return a string representation in the non-mangled format. >>> print(IP('').strFullsize()) >>> print(IP('2001:0658:022a:cafe:0200::1').strFullsize()) 2001:0658:022a:cafe:0200:0000:0000:0001 """ if self.WantPrefixLen is None and wantprefixlen is None: wantprefixlen = 1 return intToIp(self.ip, self._ipversion) + self._printPrefix(wantprefixlen) def strHex(self, wantprefixlen=None): """Return a string representation in hex format in lower case. >>> print(IP('').strHex()) 0x7f000001 >>> print(IP('2001:0658:022a:cafe:0200::1').strHex()) 0x20010658022acafe0200000000000001 """ if self.WantPrefixLen is None and wantprefixlen is None: wantprefixlen = 0 x = '0x%x' % self.ip return x + self._printPrefix(wantprefixlen) def strDec(self, wantprefixlen=None): """Return a string representation in decimal format. >>> print(IP('').strDec()) 2130706433 >>> print(IP('2001:0658:022a:cafe:0200::1').strDec()) 42540616829182469433547762482097946625 """ if self.WantPrefixLen is None and wantprefixlen is None: wantprefixlen = 0 x = '%d' % self.ip return x + self._printPrefix(wantprefixlen) def iptype(self): """Return a description of the IP type ('PRIVATE', 'RESERVED', etc). >>> print(IP('').iptype()) LOOPBACK >>> print(IP('').iptype()) PRIVATE >>> print(IP('').iptype()) PUBLIC >>> print(IP('::1').iptype()) LOOPBACK >>> print(IP('2001:0658:022a:cafe:0200::1').iptype()) ALLOCATED RIPE NCC The type information for IPv6 is out of sync with reality. """ # this could be greatly improved if self._ipversion == 4: iprange = IPv4ranges elif self._ipversion == 6: iprange = IPv6ranges else: raise ValueError("only IPv4 and IPv6 supported") bits = self.strBin() for i in xrange(len(bits), 0, -1): if bits[:i] in iprange: return iprange[bits[:i]] return "unknown" def netmask(self): """Return netmask as an integer. >>> "%X" % IP('').netmask().int() 'FFFF0000' """ # TODO: unify with prefixlenToNetmask? bits = _ipVersionToLen(self._ipversion) locallen = bits - self._prefixlen return ((2 ** self._prefixlen) - 1) << locallen def strNetmask(self): """Return netmask as an string. Mostly useful for IPv6. >>> print(IP('').strNetmask()) >>> print(IP('2001:0658:022a:cafe::0/64').strNetmask()) /64 """ # TODO: unify with prefixlenToNetmask? # Note: call to _ipVersionToLen() also validates version is 4 or 6 bits = _ipVersionToLen(self._ipversion) if self._ipversion == 4: locallen = bits - self._prefixlen return intToIp(((2 ** self._prefixlen) - 1) << locallen, 4) elif self._ipversion == 6: return "/%d" % self._prefixlen def len(self): """Return the length of a subnet. >>> print(IP('').len()) 16 >>> print(IP('').len()) 256 """ bits = _ipVersionToLen(self._ipversion) locallen = bits - self._prefixlen return 2 ** locallen def __nonzero__(self): """All IPy objects should evaluate to true in boolean context. Ordinarily they do, but if handling a default route expressed as, the __len__() of the object becomes 0, which is used as the boolean value of the object. """ return True def __bool__(self): return self.__nonzero__() def __len__(self): """ Return the length of a subnet. Called to implement the built-in function len(). It will break with large IPv6 Networks. Use the object's len() instead. """ return self.len() def __add__(self, other): """Emulate numeric objects through network aggregation""" if self._ipversion != other._ipversion: raise ValueError("Only networks with the same IP version can be added.") if self._prefixlen != other._prefixlen: raise ValueError("Only networks with the same prefixlen can be added.") if self._prefixlen < 1: raise ValueError("Networks with a prefixlen longer than /1 can't be added.") if self > other: # fixed by Skinny Puppy <skin_pup-IPy@happypoo.com> return other.__add__(self) if other.int() - self[-1].int() != 1: raise ValueError("Only adjacent networks can be added together.") ret = IP(self.int(), ipversion=self._ipversion) ret._prefixlen = self.prefixlen() - 1 if not _checkNetaddrWorksWithPrefixlen(ret.ip, ret._prefixlen, ret._ipversion): raise ValueError("The resulting %s has invalid prefix length (%s)" % (repr(ret), ret._prefixlen)) return ret def __sub__(self, other): """Return the prefixes that are in this IP but not in the other""" return _remove_subprefix(self, other) def __getitem__(self, key): """Called to implement evaluation of self[key]. >>> ip=IP('') >>> for x in ip: ... print(repr(x)) ... IP('') IP('') IP('') IP('') >>> ip[2] IP('') >>> ip[-1] IP('') """ if isinstance(key, slice): return [self.ip + int(x) for x in xrange(*key.indices(len(self)))] if not isinstance(key, INT_TYPES): raise TypeError if key < 0: if abs(key) <= self.len(): key = self.len() - abs(key) else: raise IndexError else: if key >= self.len(): raise IndexError return self.ip + int(key) def __contains__(self, item): """Called to implement membership test operators. Should return true if item is in self, false otherwise. Item can be other IP-objects, strings or ints. >>> IP('').strHex() '0xc3b90101' >>> 0xC3B90101 in IP('') True >>> '' in IP('') True >>> IP('') in IP('') False """ if isinstance(item, IP): if item._ipversion != self._ipversion: return False else: item = IP(item) if item.ip >= self.ip and item.ip < self.ip + self.len() - item.len() + 1: return True else: return False def overlaps(self, item): """Check if two IP address ranges overlap. Returns 0 if the two ranges don't overlap, 1 if the given range overlaps at the end and -1 if it does at the beginning. >>> IP('').overlaps('') 1 >>> IP('').overlaps('') 1 >>> IP('').overlaps('') 0 >>> IP('').overlaps('') -1 """ if not isinstance(item, IP): item = IP(item) if item.ip >= self.ip and item.ip < self.ip + self.len(): return 1 elif self.ip >= item.ip and self.ip < item.ip + item.len(): return -1 else: return 0 def __str__(self): """Dispatch to the prefered String Representation. Used to implement str(IP).""" return self.strCompressed() def __repr__(self): """Print a representation of the Object. Used to implement repr(IP). Returns a string which evaluates to an identical Object (without the wantprefixlen stuff - see module docstring. >>> print(repr(IP(''))) IP('') """ return ("IPint('%s')" % (self.strCompressed(1))) def __cmp__(self, other): """Called by comparison operations. Should return a negative integer if self < other, zero if self == other, a positive integer if self > other. Order is first determined by the address family. IPv4 addresses are always smaller than IPv6 addresses: >>> IP('') < IP('2001:db8::') 1 Then the first address is compared. Lower addresses are always smaller: >>> IP('') > IP('') 0 >>> IP('') > IP('') 0 >>> IP('') > IP('') 1 >>> IP('') > IP('') 1 >>> IP('') > IP('') 1 Then the prefix length is compared. Shorter prefixes are considered smaller than longer prefixes: >>> IP('') > IP('') 0 >>> IP('') > IP('') 0 >>> IP('') > IP('') 1 """ if not isinstance(other, IPint): raise TypeError # Lower version -> lower result if self._ipversion != other._ipversion: return self._ipversion < other._ipversion and -1 or 1 # Lower start address -> lower result if self.ip != other.ip: return self.ip < other.ip and -1 or 1 # Shorter prefix length -> lower result if self._prefixlen != other._prefixlen: return self._prefixlen < other._prefixlen and -1 or 1 # No differences found return 0 def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, IPint): return False return self.__cmp__(other) == 0 def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) < 0 def __le__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0 def __hash__(self): """Called for the key object for dictionary operations, and by the built-in function hash(). Should return a 32-bit integer usable as a hash value for dictionary operations. The only required property is that objects which compare equal have the same hash value >>> IP('').__hash__() -167772185 """ thehash = int(-1) ip = self.ip while ip > 0: thehash = thehash ^ (ip & 0x7fffffff) ip = ip >> 32 thehash = thehash ^ self._prefixlen return int(thehash) class IP(IPint): """Class for handling IP addresses and networks.""" def net(self): """Return the base (first) address of a network as an IP object. The same as IP[0]. >>> IP('').net() IP('') """ return IP(IPint.net(self), ipversion=self._ipversion) def broadcast(self): """Return the broadcast (last) address of a network as an IP object. The same as IP[-1]. >>> IP('').broadcast() IP('') """ return IP(IPint.broadcast(self)) def netmask(self): """Return netmask as an IP object. >>> IP('').netmask() IP('') """ return IP(IPint.netmask(self), ipversion=self._ipversion) def _getIPv4Map(self): if self._ipversion != 6: return None if (self.ip >> 32) != 0xffff: return None ipv4 = self.ip & MAX_IPV4_ADDRESS if self._prefixlen != 128: ipv4 = '%s/%s' % (ipv4, 32 - (128 - self._prefixlen)) return IP(ipv4, ipversion=4) def reverseNames(self): """Return a list with values forming the reverse lookup. >>> IP('').reverseNames() [''] >>> IP('').reverseNames() ['', '', '', ''] >>> IP('').reverseNames() ['0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.'] >>> IP('').reverseNames() ['0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.', '1.0.127.in-addr.arpa.'] >>> IP('').reverseNames() ['0.127.in-addr.arpa.'] >>> IP('').reverseNames() ['0.127.in-addr.arpa.', '1.127.in-addr.arpa.'] >>> IP('').reverseNames() ['128.in-addr.arpa.'] >>> IP('').reverseNames() ['128.in-addr.arpa.', '129.in-addr.arpa.'] >>> IP('::1:2').reverseNames() [''] """ if self._ipversion == 4: ret = [] # TODO: Refactor. Add support for IPint objects if self.len() < 2 ** 8: for x in self: ret.append(x.reverseName()) elif self.len() < 2 ** 16: for i in xrange(0, self.len(), 2 ** 8): ret.append(self[i].reverseName()[2:]) elif self.len() < 2 ** 24: for i in xrange(0, self.len(), 2 ** 16): ret.append(self[i].reverseName()[4:]) else: for i in xrange(0, self.len(), 2 ** 24): ret.append(self[i].reverseName()[6:]) return ret elif self._ipversion == 6: ipv4 = self._getIPv4Map() if ipv4 is not None: return ipv4.reverseNames() s = "%x" % self.ip if self._prefixlen % 4 != 0: raise NotImplementedError("can't create IPv6 reverse names at sub nibble level") s = list(s) s.reverse() s = '.'.join(s) first_nibble_index = int(32 - (self._prefixlen // 4)) * 2 return ["%s.ip6.arpa." % s[first_nibble_index:]] else: raise ValueError("only IPv4 and IPv6 supported") def reverseName(self): """Return the value for reverse lookup/PTR records as RFC 2317 look alike. RFC 2317 is an ugly hack which only works for sub-/24 e.g. not for /23. Do not use it. Better set up a zone for every address. See reverseName for a way to achieve that. >>> print(IP('').reverseName()) >>> print(IP('').reverseName()) 0- >>> IP('::1:2').reverseName() '' >>> IP('ff02::/64').reverseName() '' """ if self._ipversion == 4: s = self.strFullsize(0) s = s.split('.') s.reverse() first_byte_index = int(4 - (self._prefixlen // 8)) if self._prefixlen % 8 != 0: nibblepart = "%s-%s" % ( s[3 - (self._prefixlen // 8)], intToIp(self.ip + self.len() - 1, 4).split('.')[-1]) nibblepart += '.' else: nibblepart = "" s = '.'.join(s[first_byte_index:]) return "%s%s.in-addr.arpa." % (nibblepart, s) elif self._ipversion == 6: ipv4 = self._getIPv4Map() if ipv4 is not None: return ipv4.reverseName() s = '%032x' % self.ip if self._prefixlen % 4 != 0: nibblepart = "%s-%x" % (s[self._prefixlen:], self.ip + self.len() - 1) nibblepart += '.' else: nibblepart = "" s = list(s) s.reverse() s = '.'.join(s) first_nibble_index = int(32 - (self._prefixlen // 4)) * 2 return "%s%s.ip6.arpa." % (nibblepart, s[first_nibble_index:]) else: raise ValueError("only IPv4 and IPv6 supported") def make_net(self, netmask): """Transform a single IP address into a network specification by applying the given netmask. Returns a new IP instance. >>> print(IP('').make_net('')) """ if '/' in str(netmask): raise ValueError("invalid netmask (%s)" % netmask) return IP('%s/%s' % (self, netmask), make_net=True) def __getitem__(self, key): """Called to implement evaluation of self[key]. >>> ip=IP('') >>> for x in ip: ... print(str(x)) ... >>> print(str(ip[2])) >>> print(str(ip[-1])) """ if isinstance(key, slice): return [IP(IPint.__getitem__(self, x), ipversion=self._ipversion) for x in xrange(*key.indices(len(self)))] return IP(IPint.__getitem__(self, key), ipversion=self._ipversion) def __repr__(self): """Print a representation of the Object. >>> IP('') IP('') """ return ("IP('%s')" % (self.strCompressed(1))) def get_mac(self): """ Get the 802.3 MAC address from IPv6 RFC 2464 address, in lower case. Return None if the address is an IPv4 or not a IPv6 RFC 2464 address. >>> IP('fe80::f66d:04ff:fe47:2fae').get_mac() 'f4:6d:04:47:2f:ae' """ if self._ipversion != 6: return None if (self.ip & 0x20000ffff000000) != 0x20000fffe000000: return None return '%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x' % ( (((self.ip >> 56) & 0xff) & 0xfd), (self.ip >> 48) & 0xff, (self.ip >> 40) & 0xff, (self.ip >> 16) & 0xff, (self.ip >> 8) & 0xff, self.ip & 0xff, ) def v46map(self): """ Returns the IPv6 mapped address of an IPv4 address, or the corresponding IPv4 address if the IPv6 address is in the appropriate range. Raises a ValueError if the IPv6 address is not translatable. See RFC 4291. >>> IP('').v46map() IP('::ffff:') >>> IP('::ffff:').v46map() IP('') """ if self._ipversion == 4: return IP(str(IPV6_MAP_MASK + self.ip) + "/%s" % (self._prefixlen + 96)) else: if self.ip & IPV6_TEST_MAP == IPV6_MAP_MASK: return IP(str(self.ip - IPV6_MAP_MASK) + "/%s" % (self._prefixlen - 96)) raise ValueError("%s cannot be converted to an IPv4 address." % repr(self)) class IPSet(collections.MutableSet): def __init__(self, iterable=[]): # Make sure it's iterable, otherwise wrap if not isinstance(iterable, collections.Iterable): raise TypeError("'%s' object is not iterable" % type(iterable).__name__) # Make sure we only accept IP objects for prefix in iterable: if not isinstance(prefix, IP): raise ValueError('Only IP objects can be added to an IPSet') # Store and optimize self.prefixes = iterable[:] self.optimize() def __contains__(self, ip): valid_masks = self.prefixtable.keys() if isinstance(ip, IP): # Don't dig through more-specific ranges ip_mask = ip._prefixlen valid_masks = [x for x in valid_masks if x <= ip_mask] for mask in sorted(valid_masks): i = bisect.bisect(self.prefixtable[mask], ip) # Because of sorting order, a match can only occur in the prefix # that comes before the result of the search. if i and ip in self.prefixtable[mask][i - 1]: return True def __iter__(self): for prefix in self.prefixes: yield prefix def __len__(self): return self.len() def __add__(self, other): return IPSet(self.prefixes + other.prefixes) def __sub__(self, other): new = IPSet(self.prefixes) for prefix in other: new.discard(prefix) return new def __and__(self, other): left = iter(self.prefixes) right = iter(other.prefixes) result = [] try: l = next(left) r = next(right) while True: # iterate over prefixes in order, keeping the smaller of the # two if they overlap if l in r: result.append(l) l = next(left) continue elif r in l: result.append(r) r = next(right) continue if l < r: l = next(left) else: r = next(right) except StopIteration: return IPSet(result) def __repr__(self): return '%s([' % self.__class__.__name__ + ', '.join(map(repr, self.prefixes)) + '])' def len(self): return sum(prefix.len() for prefix in self.prefixes) def add(self, value): # Make sure it's iterable, otherwise wrap if not isinstance(value, collections.Iterable): value = [value] # Check type for prefix in value: if not isinstance(prefix, IP): raise ValueError('Only IP objects can be added to an IPSet') # Append and optimize self.prefixes.extend(value) self.optimize() def discard(self, value): # Make sure it's iterable, otherwise wrap if not isinstance(value, collections.Iterable): value = [value] # This is much faster than iterating over the addresses if isinstance(value, IPSet): value = value.prefixes # Remove for del_prefix in value: if not isinstance(del_prefix, IP): raise ValueError('Only IP objects can be removed from an IPSet') # First check if this prefix contains anything in our list found = False d = 0 for i in range(len(self.prefixes)): if self.prefixes[i - d] in del_prefix: self.prefixes.pop(i - d) d = d + 1 found = True if found: # If the prefix was bigger than an existing prefix, then it's # certainly not a subset of one, so skip the rest continue # Maybe one of our prefixes contains this prefix found = False for i in range(len(self.prefixes)): if del_prefix in self.prefixes[i]: self.prefixes[i:i + 1] = self.prefixes[i] - del_prefix break self.optimize() def isdisjoint(self, other): left = iter(self.prefixes) right = iter(other.prefixes) try: l = next(left) r = next(right) while True: if l in r or r in l: return False if l < r: l = next(left) else: r = next(right) except StopIteration: return True def optimize(self): # The algorithm below *depends* on the sort order self.prefixes.sort() # First eliminate all values that are a subset of other values addrlen = len(self.prefixes) i = 0 while i < addrlen: # Everything that might be inside this prefix follows # directly behind it j = i + 1 while j < addrlen and self.prefixes[j] in self.prefixes[i]: # Mark for deletion by overwriting with None self.prefixes[j] = None j += 1 # Continue where we left off i = j # Try to merge as many prefixes as possible run_again = True while run_again: # Filter None values. This happens when a subset is eliminated # above, or when two prefixes are merged below self.prefixes = [a for a in self.prefixes if a is not None] # We'll set run_again to True when we make changes that require # re-evaluation of the whole list run_again = False # We can merge two prefixes that have the same version, same # prefix length and differ only on the last bit of the prefix addrlen = len(self.prefixes) i = 0 while i < addrlen - 1: j = i + 1 try: # The next line will throw an exception when merging # is not possible self.prefixes[i] += self.prefixes[j] self.prefixes[j] = None i = j + 1 run_again = True except ValueError: # Can't be merged, see if position j can be merged i = j # O(n) insertion now by prefix means faster searching on __contains__ # when lots of ranges with the same length exist self.prefixtable = {} for address in self.prefixes: try: self.prefixtable[address._prefixlen].append(address) except KeyError: self.prefixtable[address._prefixlen] = [address] def _parseAddressIPv6(ipstr): """ Internal function used by parseAddress() to parse IPv6 address with ':'. >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('::')) 0 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('::1')) 1 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1')) 1 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('0:0:0::0:0:1')) 1 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0')) 0 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('0:0:0::0:0:0')) 0 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210')) 338770000845734292534325025077361652240 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('1080:0000:0000:0000:0008:0800:200C:417A')) 21932261930451111902915077091070067066 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A')) 21932261930451111902915077091070067066 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('1080:0::8:800:200C:417A')) 21932261930451111902915077091070067066 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('1080::8:800:200C:417A')) 21932261930451111902915077091070067066 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:43')) 338958331222012082418099330867817087043 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('FF01:0:0::0:0:43')) 338958331222012082418099330867817087043 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('FF01::43')) 338958331222012082418099330867817087043 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('0:0:0:0:0:0:')) 218186755 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('::')) 218186755 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:')) 281472855454758 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('::FFFF:')) 281472855454758 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A')) 21932261930451111902915077091070067066 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('1080::8:800:200C:417A')) 21932261930451111902915077091070067066 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('::1:2:3:4:5:6')) 1208962713947218704138246 >>> print(_parseAddressIPv6('1:2:3:4:5:6::')) 5192455318486707404433266432802816 """ # Split string into a list, example: # '1080:200C::417A' => ['1080', '200C', '417A'] and fill_pos=2 # and fill_pos is the position of '::' in the list items = [] index = 0 fill_pos = None while index < len(ipstr): text = ipstr[index:] if text.startswith("::"): if fill_pos is not None: # Invalid IPv6, eg. '1::2::' raise ValueError("%r: Invalid IPv6 address: more than one '::'" % ipstr) fill_pos = len(items) index += 2 continue pos = text.find(':') if pos == 0: # Invalid IPv6, eg. '1::2:' raise ValueError("%r: Invalid IPv6 address" % ipstr) if pos != -1: items.append(text[:pos]) if text[pos:pos + 2] == "::": index += pos else: index += pos + 1 if index == len(ipstr): # Invalid IPv6, eg. '1::2:' raise ValueError("%r: Invalid IPv6 address" % ipstr) else: items.append(text) break if items and '.' in items[-1]: # IPv6 ending with IPv4 like '::ffff:' if (fill_pos is not None) and not (fill_pos <= len(items) - 1): # Invalid IPv6: 'ffff:' raise ValueError("%r: Invalid IPv6 address: '::' after IPv4" % ipstr) value = parseAddress(items[-1])[0] items = items[:-1] + ["%04x" % (value >> 16), "%04x" % (value & 0xffff)] # Expand fill_pos to fill with '0' # ['1','2'] with fill_pos=1 => ['1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '2'] if fill_pos is not None: diff = 8 - len(items) if diff <= 0: raise ValueError("%r: Invalid IPv6 address: '::' is not needed" % ipstr) items = items[:fill_pos] + ['0'] * diff + items[fill_pos:] # Here we have a list of 8 strings if len(items) != 8: # Invalid IPv6, eg. '1:2:3' raise ValueError("%r: Invalid IPv6 address: should have 8 hextets" % ipstr) # Convert strings to long integer value = 0 index = 0 for item in items: try: item = int(item, 16) error = not (0 <= item <= 0xffff) except ValueError: error = True if error: raise ValueError("%r: Invalid IPv6 address: invalid hexlet %r" % (ipstr, item)) value = (value << 16) + item index += 1 return value def parseAddress(ipstr, ipversion=0): """ Parse a string and return the corresponding IP address (as integer) and a guess of the IP version. Following address formats are recognized: >>> def testParseAddress(address): ... ip, version = parseAddress(address) ... print(("%s (IPv%s)" % (ip, version))) ... >>> testParseAddress('0x0123456789abcdef') # IPv4 if <= 0xffffffff else IPv6 81985529216486895 (IPv6) >>> testParseAddress('') # IPv4 2071690107 (IPv4) >>> testParseAddress('123.123') # 0-padded IPv4 2071658496 (IPv4) >>> testParseAddress('127') 2130706432 (IPv4) >>> testParseAddress('255') 4278190080 (IPv4) >>> testParseAddress('256') 256 (IPv4) >>> testParseAddress('108000000000000000080800200C417A') 21932261930451111902915077091070067066 (IPv6) >>> testParseAddress('0x108000000000000000080800200C417A') 21932261930451111902915077091070067066 (IPv6) >>> testParseAddress('1080:0000:0000:0000:0008:0800:200C:417A') 21932261930451111902915077091070067066 (IPv6) >>> testParseAddress('1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A') 21932261930451111902915077091070067066 (IPv6) >>> testParseAddress('1080:0::8:800:200C:417A') 21932261930451111902915077091070067066 (IPv6) >>> testParseAddress('::1') 1 (IPv6) >>> testParseAddress('::') 0 (IPv6) >>> testParseAddress('0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:') 281472855454758 (IPv6) >>> testParseAddress('::') 218186755 (IPv6) >>> testParseAddress('::FFFF:') 281472855454758 (IPv6) """ try: hexval = int(ipstr, 16) except ValueError: hexval = None try: intval = int(ipstr, 10) except ValueError: intval = None if ipstr.startswith('0x') and hexval is not None: if hexval > MAX_IPV6_ADDRESS: raise ValueError("IP Address can't be larger than %x: %x" % (MAX_IPV6_ADDRESS, hexval)) if hexval <= MAX_IPV4_ADDRESS: return (hexval, 4) else: return (hexval, 6) if ipstr.find(':') != -1: return (_parseAddressIPv6(ipstr), 6) elif len(ipstr) == 32 and hexval is not None: # assume IPv6 in pure hexadecimal notation return (hexval, 6) elif ipstr.find('.') != -1 or (intval is not None and intval < 256 and ipversion != 6): # assume IPv4 ('127' gets interpreted as '') bytes = ipstr.split('.') if len(bytes) > 4: raise ValueError("IPv4 Address with more than 4 bytes") bytes += ['0'] * (4 - len(bytes)) bytes = [int(x) for x in bytes] for x in bytes: if x > 255 or x < 0: raise ValueError("%r: single byte must be 0 <= byte < 256" % (ipstr)) return ((bytes[0] << 24) + (bytes[1] << 16) + (bytes[2] << 8) + bytes[3], 4) elif intval is not None: # we try to interprete it as a decimal digit - # this ony works for numbers > 255 ... others # will be interpreted as IPv4 first byte if intval > MAX_IPV6_ADDRESS: raise ValueError("IP Address can't be larger than %x: %x" % (MAX_IPV6_ADDRESS, intval)) if intval <= MAX_IPV4_ADDRESS and ipversion != 6: return (intval, 4) else: return (intval, 6) raise ValueError("IP Address format was invalid: %s" % ipstr) def intToIp(ip, version): """Transform an integer string into an IP address.""" # just to be sure and hoping for Python 2.2 ip = int(ip) if ip < 0: raise ValueError("IPs can't be negative: %d" % (ip)) ret = '' if version == 4: if ip > MAX_IPV4_ADDRESS: raise ValueError("IPv4 Address can't be larger than %x: %x" % (MAX_IPV4_ADDRESS, ip)) for l in xrange(4): ret = str(ip & 0xff) + '.' + ret ip = ip >> 8 ret = ret[:-1] elif version == 6: if ip > MAX_IPV6_ADDRESS: raise ValueError("IPv6 Address can't be larger than %x: %x" % (MAX_IPV6_ADDRESS, ip)) l = "%032x" % ip for x in xrange(1, 33): ret = l[-x] + ret if x % 4 == 0: ret = ':' + ret ret = ret[1:] else: raise ValueError("only IPv4 and IPv6 supported") return ret def _ipVersionToLen(version): """Return number of bits in address for a certain IP version. >>> _ipVersionToLen(4) 32 >>> _ipVersionToLen(6) 128 >>> _ipVersionToLen(5) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? File "IPy.py", line 1076, in _ipVersionToLen raise ValueError("only IPv4 and IPv6 supported") ValueError: only IPv4 and IPv6 supported """ if version == 4: return 32 elif version == 6: return 128 else: raise ValueError("only IPv4 and IPv6 supported") def _countFollowingZeros(l): """Return number of elements containing 0 at the beginning of the list.""" if len(l) == 0: return 0 elif l[0] != 0: return 0 else: return 1 + _countFollowingZeros(l[1:]) _BitTable = {'0': '0000', '1': '0001', '2': '0010', '3': '0011', '4': '0100', '5': '0101', '6': '0110', '7': '0111', '8': '1000', '9': '1001', 'a': '1010', 'b': '1011', 'c': '1100', 'd': '1101', 'e': '1110', 'f': '1111'} def _intToBin(val): """Return the binary representation of an integer as string.""" if val < 0: raise ValueError("Only positive values allowed") s = "%x" % val ret = '' for x in s: ret += _BitTable[x] # remove leading zeros while ret[0] == '0' and len(ret) > 1: ret = ret[1:] return ret def _count1Bits(num): """Find the highest bit set to 1 in an integer.""" ret = 0 while num > 0: num = num >> 1 ret += 1 return ret def _count0Bits(num): """Find the highest bit set to 0 in an integer.""" # this could be so easy if _count1Bits(~int(num)) would work as excepted num = int(num) if num < 0: raise ValueError("Only positive Numbers please: %s" % (num)) ret = 0 while num > 0: if num & 1 == 1: break num = num >> 1 ret += 1 return ret def _checkPrefix(ip, prefixlen, version): """Check the validity of a prefix Checks if the variant part of a prefix only has 0s, and the length is correct. >>> _checkPrefix(0x7f000000, 24, 4) 1 >>> _checkPrefix(0x7f000001, 24, 4) 0 >>> repr(_checkPrefix(0x7f000001, -1, 4)) 'None' >>> repr(_checkPrefix(0x7f000001, 33, 4)) 'None' """ # TODO: unify this v4/v6/invalid code in a function bits = _ipVersionToLen(version) if prefixlen < 0 or prefixlen > bits: return None if ip == 0: zbits = bits + 1 else: zbits = _count0Bits(ip) if zbits < bits - prefixlen: return 0 else: return 1 def _checkNetmask(netmask, masklen): """Checks if a netmask is expressable as a prefixlen.""" num = int(netmask) bits = masklen # remove zero bits at the end while (num & 1) == 0 and bits != 0: num = num >> 1 bits -= 1 if bits == 0: break # now check if the rest consists only of ones while bits > 0: if (num & 1) == 0: raise ValueError("Netmask 0x%x can't be expressed as an prefix." % netmask) num = num >> 1 bits -= 1 def _checkNetaddrWorksWithPrefixlen(net, prefixlen, version): """Check if a base addess of a network is compatible with a prefixlen""" try: return (net & _prefixlenToNetmask(prefixlen, version) == net) except ValueError: return False def _netmaskToPrefixlen(netmask): """Convert an Integer representing a netmask to a prefixlen. E.g. 0xffffff00 ( returns 24 """ netlen = _count0Bits(netmask) masklen = _count1Bits(netmask) _checkNetmask(netmask, masklen) return masklen - netlen def _prefixlenToNetmask(prefixlen, version): """Return a mask of n bits as a long integer. From 'IP address conversion functions with the builtin socket module' by Alex Martelli http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/66517 """ if prefixlen == 0: return 0 elif prefixlen < 0: raise ValueError("Prefixlen must be > 0") return ((2 << prefixlen - 1) - 1) << (_ipVersionToLen(version) - prefixlen) def _remove_subprefix(prefix, subprefix): if prefix in subprefix: # Nothing left return IPSet() if subprefix not in prefix: # That prefix isn't even in here return IPSet([IP(prefix)]) # Start cutting in half, recursively prefixes = [ IP('%s/%d' % (prefix[0], prefix._prefixlen + 1)), IP('%s/%d' % (prefix[int(prefix.len() / 2)], prefix._prefixlen + 1)), ] if subprefix in prefixes[0]: return _remove_subprefix(prefixes[0], subprefix) + IPSet([prefixes[1]]) else: return IPSet([prefixes[0]]) + _remove_subprefix(prefixes[1], subprefix) if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest failure, nbtest = doctest.testmod() if failure: import sys sys.exit(1)