from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from libvirt import libvirtError from admin.decorators import superuser_only from computes.models import Compute from logs.views import addlogmsg from vrtManager import util from vrtManager.instance import wvmInstance, wvmInstances from vrtManager.nwfilters import wvmNWFilter, wvmNWFilters @superuser_only def nwfilters(request, compute_id): """ :param request: :param compute_id: :return: """ error_messages = [] nwfilters_all = [] compute = get_object_or_404(Compute, pk=compute_id) try: conn = wvmNWFilters(compute.hostname, compute.login, compute.password, compute.type) if request.method == 'POST': if 'create_nwfilter' in request.POST: xml = request.POST.get('nwfilter_xml', '') if xml: try: util.etree.fromstring(xml) name = util.get_xml_path(xml, '/filter/@name') uuid = util.get_xml_path(xml, '/filter/uuid') except util.etree.ParseError: name = None for nwf in nwfilters: if name == error_msg = _("A network filter with this name already exists") raise Exception(error_msg) if uuid == nwf.UUIDString(): error_msg = _("A network filter with this uuid already exists") raise Exception(error_msg) else: try: msg = _("Creating NWFilter: %s" % name) conn.create_nwfilter(xml) addlogmsg(request.user.username, compute.hostname, msg) except libvirtError as lib_err: error_messages.append(lib_err) addlogmsg(request.user.username, compute.hostname, lib_err) if 'del_nwfilter' in request.POST: name = request.POST.get('nwfiltername', '') msg = _("Deleting NWFilter: %s" % name) in_use = False nwfilter = conn.get_nwfilter(name) is_conn = wvmInstances(compute.hostname, compute.login, compute.password, compute.type) instances = is_conn.get_instances() for inst in instances: i_conn = wvmInstance(compute.hostname, compute.login, compute.password, compute.type, inst) dom_filterrefs = i_conn.get_filterrefs() if name in dom_filterrefs: in_use = True msg = _("NWFilter is in use by %s. Cannot be deleted." % inst) error_messages.append(msg) addlogmsg(request.user.username, compute.hostname, msg) i_conn.close() break is_conn.close() if nwfilter and not in_use: nwfilter.undefine() addlogmsg(request.user.username, compute.hostname, msg) if 'cln_nwfilter' in request.POST: name = request.POST.get('nwfiltername', '') cln_name = request.POST.get('cln_name', name + '-clone') conn.clone_nwfilter(name, cln_name) msg = _(f"Cloning NWFilter {name} as {cln_name}") addlogmsg(request.user.username, compute.hostname, msg) for nwf in conn.get_nwfilters(): nwfilters_all.append(conn.get_nwfilter_info(nwf)) conn.close() except libvirtError as lib_err: error_messages.append(lib_err) addlogmsg(request.user.username, compute.hostname, lib_err) except Exception as err: error_messages.append(err) addlogmsg(request.user.username, compute.hostname, err) return render(request, 'nwfilters.html', { 'error_messages': error_messages, 'nwfilters': nwfilters_all, 'compute': compute }) def nwfilter(request, compute_id, nwfltr): """ :param request: :param compute_id: :param nwfltr: :return: """ error_messages = [] nwfilters_all = [] compute = get_object_or_404(Compute, pk=compute_id) try: nwfilter = wvmNWFilter(compute.hostname, compute.login, compute.password, compute.type, nwfltr) conn = wvmNWFilters(compute.hostname, compute.login, compute.password, compute.type) for nwf in conn.get_nwfilters(): nwfilters_all.append(conn.get_nwfilter_info(nwf)) uuid = nwfilter.get_uuid() name = nwfilter.get_name() xml = nwfilter.get_xml() rules = nwfilter.get_rules() refs = nwfilter.get_filter_refs() if request.method == 'POST': if 'edit_nwfilter' in request.POST: new_xml = request.POST.get('edit_xml', '') if new_xml: nwfilter.delete() try: conn.create_nwfilter(new_xml) except libvirtError as lib_err: conn.create_nwfilter(xml) raise libvirtError(lib_err) if 'del_nwfilter_rule' in request.POST: action = request.POST.get('action', '') direction = request.POST.get('direction', '') priority = request.POST.get('priority', '') new_xml = nwfilter.delete_rule(action, direction, priority) nwfilter.delete() try: conn.create_nwfilter(new_xml) except libvirtError as lib_err: conn.create_nwfilter(xml) raise libvirtError(lib_err) if 'del_nwfilter_ref' in request.POST: ref_name = request.POST.get('ref') new_xml = nwfilter.delete_ref(ref_name) nwfilter.delete() try: conn.create_nwfilter(new_xml) except libvirtError as lib_err: conn.create_nwfilter(xml) raise libvirtError(lib_err) if 'add_nwfilter_rule' in request.POST: rule_xml = request.POST.get('nwfilterrule_xml', '') if not rule_xml: return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path()) new_xml = nwfilter.add_rule(rule_xml) nwfilter.delete() try: conn.create_nwfilter(new_xml) except libvirtError as lib_err: conn.create_nwfilter(xml) raise libvirtError(lib_err) if 'add_nwfilter_ref' in request.POST: ref_name = request.POST.get('nwfilters_select', '') if not ref_name: return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path()) new_xml = nwfilter.add_ref(ref_name) nwfilter.delete() try: conn.create_nwfilter(new_xml) except libvirtError as lib_err: conn.create_nwfilter(xml) raise libvirtError(lib_err) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path()) conn.close() nwfilter.close() except libvirtError as lib_err: error_messages.append(lib_err) except Exception as error_msg: error_messages.append(error_msg) return render(request, 'nwfilter.html', locals())