/* top.c -- Show real-time statistics from a running tincd Copyright (C) 2011 Guus Sliepen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "system.h" #ifdef HAVE_CURSES #include #include "control_common.h" #include "list.h" #include "tincctl.h" #include "top.h" #include "xalloc.h" typedef struct nodestats_t { char *name; int i; uint64_t in_packets; uint64_t in_bytes; uint64_t out_packets; uint64_t out_bytes; float in_packets_rate; float in_bytes_rate; float out_packets_rate; float out_bytes_rate; bool known; } nodestats_t; static const char *const sortname[] = { "name", "in pkts", "in bytes", "out pkts", "out bytes", "tot pkts", "tot bytes", }; static int sortmode = 0; static bool cumulative = false; static list_t node_list; static struct timeval now, prev, diff; static int delay = 1000; static bool changed = true; static const char *unit = "bytes"; static float scale = 1; #ifndef timersub #define timersub(a, b, c) do {(c)->tv_sec = (a)->tv_sec - (b)->tv_sec; (c)->tv_usec = (a)->tv_usec = (b)->tv_usec;} while(0) #endif static void update(int fd) { sendline(fd, "%d %d", CONTROL, REQ_DUMP_TRAFFIC); gettimeofday(&now, NULL); timersub(&now, &prev, &diff); prev = now; float interval = diff.tv_sec + diff.tv_usec * 1e-6; char line[4096]; char name[4096]; int code; int req; uint64_t in_packets; uint64_t in_bytes; uint64_t out_packets; uint64_t out_bytes; for(list_node_t *i = node_list.head; i; i = i->next) { nodestats_t *node = i->data; node->known = false; } while(recvline(fd, line, sizeof line)) { int n = sscanf(line, "%d %d %s %"PRIu64" %"PRIu64" %"PRIu64" %"PRIu64, &code, &req, name, &in_packets, &in_bytes, &out_packets, &out_bytes); if(n == 2) break; if(n != 7) { endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "Error receiving traffic information\n"); exit(1); } nodestats_t *found = NULL; for(list_node_t *i = node_list.head; i; i = i->next) { nodestats_t *node = i->data; int result = strcmp(name, node->name); if(result > 0) { continue; } if(result == 0) { found = node; break; } else { found = xmalloc_and_zero(sizeof *found); found->name = xstrdup(name); list_insert_before(&node_list, i, found); changed = true; break; } } if(!found) { found = xmalloc_and_zero(sizeof *found); found->name = xstrdup(name); list_insert_tail(&node_list, found); changed = true; } found->known = true; found->in_packets_rate = (in_packets - found->in_packets) / interval; found->in_bytes_rate = (in_bytes - found->in_bytes) / interval; found->out_packets_rate = (out_packets - found->out_packets) / interval; found->out_bytes_rate = (out_bytes - found->out_bytes) / interval; found->in_packets = in_packets; found->in_bytes = in_bytes; found->out_packets = out_packets; found->out_bytes = out_bytes; } } static void redraw(void) { erase(); mvprintw(0, 0, "Tinc %-16s Nodes: %4d Sort: %-10s %s", netname ?: "", node_list.count, sortname[sortmode], cumulative ? "Cumulative" : "Current"); attrset(A_REVERSE); mvprintw(2, 0, "Node IN pkts IN %s OUT pkts OUT %s", unit, unit); chgat(-1, A_REVERSE, 0, NULL); static nodestats_t **sorted = 0; static int n = 0; if(changed) { n = 0; sorted = xrealloc(sorted, node_list.count * sizeof *sorted); for(list_node_t *i = node_list.head; i; i = i->next) sorted[n++] = i->data; changed = false; } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) sorted[i]->i = i; int cmpfloat(float a, float b) { if(a < b) return -1; else if(a > b) return 1; else return 0; } int cmpu64(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { if(a < b) return -1; else if(a > b) return 1; else return 0; } int sortfunc(const void *a, const void *b) { const nodestats_t *na = *(const nodestats_t **)a; const nodestats_t *nb = *(const nodestats_t **)b; switch(sortmode) { case 1: if(cumulative) return -cmpu64(na->in_packets, nb->in_packets) ?: na->i - nb->i; else return -cmpfloat(na->in_packets_rate, nb->in_packets_rate) ?: na->i - nb->i; case 2: if(cumulative) return -cmpu64(na->in_bytes, nb->in_bytes) ?: na->i - nb->i; else return -cmpfloat(na->in_bytes_rate, nb->in_bytes_rate) ?: na->i - nb->i; case 3: if(cumulative) return -cmpu64(na->out_packets, nb->out_packets) ?: na->i - nb->i; else return -cmpfloat(na->out_packets_rate, nb->out_packets_rate) ?: na->i - nb->i; case 4: if(cumulative) return -cmpu64(na->out_bytes, nb->out_bytes) ?: na->i - nb->i; else return -cmpfloat(na->out_bytes_rate, nb->out_bytes_rate) ?: na->i - nb->i; case 5: if(cumulative) return -cmpu64(na->in_packets + na->out_packets, nb->in_packets + nb->out_packets) ?: na->i - nb->i; else return -cmpfloat(na->in_packets_rate + na->out_packets_rate, nb->in_packets_rate + nb->out_packets_rate) ?: na->i - nb->i; case 6: if(cumulative) return -cmpu64(na->in_bytes + na->out_bytes, nb->in_bytes + nb->out_bytes) ?: na->i - nb->i; else return -cmpfloat(na->in_bytes_rate + na->out_bytes_rate, nb->in_bytes_rate + nb->out_bytes_rate) ?: na->i - nb->i; default: return strcmp(na->name, nb->name) ?: na->i - nb->i; } } qsort(sorted, n, sizeof *sorted, sortfunc); for(int i = 0, row = 3; i < n; i++, row++) { nodestats_t *node = sorted[i]; if(node->known) if(node->in_packets_rate || node->out_packets_rate) attrset(A_BOLD); else attrset(A_NORMAL); else attrset(A_DIM); if(cumulative) mvprintw(row, 0, "%-16s %10"PRIu64" %10.0f %10"PRIu64" %10.0f", node->name, node->in_packets, node->in_bytes * scale, node->out_packets, node->out_bytes * scale); else mvprintw(row, 0, "%-16s %10.0f %10.0f %10.0f %10.0f", node->name, node->in_packets_rate, node->in_bytes_rate * scale, node->out_packets_rate, node->out_bytes_rate * scale); } attrset(A_NORMAL); move(1, 0); refresh(); } void top(int fd) { initscr(); timeout(delay); bool running = true; while(running) { update(fd); redraw(); switch(getch()) { case 's': { timeout(-1); float input = delay * 1e-3; mvprintw(1, 0, "Change delay from %.1fs to: ", input); scanw("%f", &input); if(input < 0.1) input = 0.1; delay = input * 1e3; timeout(delay); break; } case 'c': cumulative = !cumulative; break; case 'n': sortmode = 0; break; case 'i': sortmode = 2; break; case 'I': sortmode = 1; break; case 'o': sortmode = 4; break; case 'O': sortmode = 3; break; case 't': sortmode = 6; break; case 'T': sortmode = 5; break; case 'b': unit = "bytes"; scale = 1; break; case 'k': unit = "kbyte"; scale = 1e-3; break; case 'M': unit = "Mbyte"; scale = 1e-6; break; case 'G': unit = "Gbyte"; scale = 1e-9; break; case 'q': case KEY_BREAK: running = false; break; default: break; } } endwin(); } #endif