#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # System startup script for tinc # $Id: init.d,v 2000/10/31 16:22:49 guus Exp $ # # Based on Lubomir Bulej's Redhat init script. # # Create a file $NETSFILE (/etc/tinc/nets.boot), and put all the names of # the networks in there. These names must be valid directory names under # $TCONF (/etc/tinc). Lines starting with a # will be ignored in this # file. # my $DAEMON="/usr/sbin/tincd"; my $NAME="tinc"; my $DESC="tinc daemons"; my $TCONF="/etc/tinc"; my $EXTRA=""; my $NETSFILE="$TCONF/nets.boot"; my @NETS=(); if (! -f $DAEMON) { exit 0; } sub find_nets { if(! open(FH, $NETSFILE)) { warn "Please create $NETSFILE.\n"; exit 0; } while (<FH>) { chomp; if( /^[ ]*([^ \#]+)/i ) { push(@NETS, "$1"); } } if($#NETS == -1) { warn "$NETSFILE doesn't contain any nets.\n"; exit 0; } } if(!defined($ARGV[0])) { die "Usage: /etc/init.d/$NAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}\n"; } if($ARGV[0] eq "start") { find_nets; print "Starting $DESC:"; foreach $n (@NETS) { print " $n"; system("$DAEMON -n $_[0] $EXTRA"); } print ".\n"; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "stop") { find_nets; print "Stopping $DESC:"; foreach $n (@NETS) { print " $n"; system("$DAEMON -n $_[0] $EXTRA -k"); } print ".\n"; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "restart" || $ARGV[0] eq "force-reload") { find_nets; print "Stopping $DESC:"; foreach $n (@NETS) { print " $n"; system("$DAEMON -n $_[0] $EXTRA -k"); } print ".\n"; print "Starting $DESC:"; foreach $n (@NETS) { print " $n"; system("$DAEMON -n $_[0] $EXTRA"); } print ".\n"; } else { die "Usage: /etc/init.d/$NAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}\n"; }