/* sptps_speed.c -- SPTPS benchmark Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Guus Sliepen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "system.h" #include "utils.h" #include #include "crypto.h" #include "ecdh.h" #include "ecdsa.h" #include "ecdsagen.h" #include "sptps.h" // Symbols necessary to link with logger.o bool send_request(void *c, const char *msg, ...) { return false; } struct list_t *connection_list = NULL; bool send_meta(void *c, const char *msg , int len) { return false; } char *logfilename = NULL; bool do_detach = false; struct timeval now; static bool send_data(void *handle, uint8_t type, const void *data, size_t len) { int fd = *(int *)handle; send(fd, data, len, 0); return true; } static bool receive_record(void *handle, uint8_t type, const void *data, uint16_t len) { return true; } static void receive_data(sptps_t *sptps) { char buf[4096], *bufp = buf; int fd = *(int *)sptps->handle; size_t len = recv(fd, buf, sizeof buf, 0); while(len) { size_t done = sptps_receive_data(sptps, bufp, len); if(!done) abort(); bufp += done; len -= done; } } struct timespec start; struct timespec end; double elapsed; double rate; unsigned int count; static void clock_start() { count = 0; clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &start); } static bool clock_countto(double seconds) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &end); elapsed = end.tv_sec + end.tv_nsec * 1e-9 - start.tv_sec - start.tv_nsec * 1e-9; if(elapsed < seconds) return ++count; rate = count / elapsed; return false; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ecdsa_t *key1, *key2; ecdh_t *ecdh1, *ecdh2; sptps_t sptps1, sptps2; char buf1[4096], buf2[4096], buf3[4096]; double duration = argc > 1 ? atof(argv[1]) : 10; crypto_init(); randomize(buf1, sizeof buf1); randomize(buf2, sizeof buf2); randomize(buf3, sizeof buf3); // Key generation fprintf(stderr, "Generating keys for %lg seconds: ", duration); for(clock_start(); clock_countto(duration);) ecdsa_free(ecdsa_generate()); fprintf(stderr, "%17.2lf op/s\n", rate); key1 = ecdsa_generate(); key2 = ecdsa_generate(); // Ed25519 signatures fprintf(stderr, "Ed25519 sign for %lg seconds: ", duration); for(clock_start(); clock_countto(duration);) if(!ecdsa_sign(key1, buf1, 256, buf2)) return 1; fprintf(stderr, "%22.2lf op/s\n", rate); fprintf(stderr, "Ed25519 verify for %lg seconds: ", duration); for(clock_start(); clock_countto(duration);) if(!ecdsa_verify(key1, buf1, 256, buf2)) { fprintf(stderr, "Signature verification failed\n"); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "%20.2lf op/s\n", rate); ecdh1 = ecdh_generate_public(buf1); fprintf(stderr, "ECDH for %lg seconds: ", duration); for(clock_start(); clock_countto(duration);) { ecdh2 = ecdh_generate_public(buf2); if(!ecdh2) return 1; if(!ecdh_compute_shared(ecdh2, buf1, buf3)) return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "%28.2lf op/s\n", rate); ecdh_free(ecdh1); // SPTPS authentication phase int fd[2]; if(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fd)) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create a UNIX socket pair: %s\n", sockstrerror(sockerrno)); return 1; } struct pollfd pfd[2] = {{fd[0], POLLIN}, {fd[1], POLLIN}}; fprintf(stderr, "SPTPS/TCP authenticate for %lg seconds: ", duration); for(clock_start(); clock_countto(duration);) { sptps_start(&sptps1, fd + 0, true, false, key1, key2, "sptps_speed", 11, send_data, receive_record); sptps_start(&sptps2, fd + 1, false, false, key2, key1, "sptps_speed", 11, send_data, receive_record); while(poll(pfd, 2, 0)) { if(pfd[0].revents) receive_data(&sptps1); if(pfd[1].revents) receive_data(&sptps2); } sptps_stop(&sptps1); sptps_stop(&sptps2); } fprintf(stderr, "%10.2lf op/s\n", rate * 2); // SPTPS data sptps_start(&sptps1, fd + 0, true, false, key1, key2, "sptps_speed", 11, send_data, receive_record); sptps_start(&sptps2, fd + 1, false, false, key2, key1, "sptps_speed", 11, send_data, receive_record); while(poll(pfd, 2, 0)) { if(pfd[0].revents) receive_data(&sptps1); if(pfd[1].revents) receive_data(&sptps2); } fprintf(stderr, "SPTPS/TCP transmit for %lg seconds: ", duration); for(clock_start(); clock_countto(duration);) { if(!sptps_send_record(&sptps1, 0, buf1, 1451)) abort(); receive_data(&sptps2); } rate *= 2 * 1451 * 8; if(rate > 1e9) fprintf(stderr, "%14.2lf Gbit/s\n", rate / 1e9); else if(rate > 1e6) fprintf(stderr, "%14.2lf Mbit/s\n", rate / 1e6); else if(rate > 1e3) fprintf(stderr, "%14.2lf kbit/s\n", rate / 1e3); sptps_stop(&sptps1); sptps_stop(&sptps2); // SPTPS datagram authentication phase close(fd[0]); close(fd[1]); if(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, fd)) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create a UNIX socket pair: %s\n", sockstrerror(sockerrno)); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "SPTPS/UDP authenticate for %lg seconds: ", duration); for(clock_start(); clock_countto(duration);) { sptps_start(&sptps1, fd + 0, true, true, key1, key2, "sptps_speed", 11, send_data, receive_record); sptps_start(&sptps2, fd + 1, false, true, key2, key1, "sptps_speed", 11, send_data, receive_record); while(poll(pfd, 2, 0)) { if(pfd[0].revents) receive_data(&sptps1); if(pfd[1].revents) receive_data(&sptps2); } sptps_stop(&sptps1); sptps_stop(&sptps2); } fprintf(stderr, "%10.2lf op/s\n", rate * 2); // SPTPS datagram data sptps_start(&sptps1, fd + 0, true, true, key1, key2, "sptps_speed", 11, send_data, receive_record); sptps_start(&sptps2, fd + 1, false, true, key2, key1, "sptps_speed", 11, send_data, receive_record); while(poll(pfd, 2, 0)) { if(pfd[0].revents) receive_data(&sptps1); if(pfd[1].revents) receive_data(&sptps2); } fprintf(stderr, "SPTPS/UDP transmit for %lg seconds: ", duration); for(clock_start(); clock_countto(duration);) { if(!sptps_send_record(&sptps1, 0, buf1, 1451)) abort(); receive_data(&sptps2); } rate *= 2 * 1451 * 8; if(rate > 1e9) fprintf(stderr, "%14.2lf Gbit/s\n", rate / 1e9); else if(rate > 1e6) fprintf(stderr, "%14.2lf Mbit/s\n", rate / 1e6); else if(rate > 1e3) fprintf(stderr, "%14.2lf kbit/s\n", rate / 1e3); sptps_stop(&sptps1); sptps_stop(&sptps2); // Clean up close(fd[0]); close(fd[1]); ecdsa_free(key1); ecdsa_free(key2); crypto_exit(); return 0; }