/* net.c -- most of the network code Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Ivo Timmermans , 2000-2003 Guus Sliepen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id: net.c,v 1.40 2003/08/24 20:38:24 guus Exp $ */ #include "system.h" #include #include "utils.h" #include "avl_tree.h" #include "conf.h" #include "connection.h" #include "device.h" #include "event.h" #include "graph.h" #include "logger.h" #include "meta.h" #include "net.h" #include "netutl.h" #include "process.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "route.h" #include "subnet.h" #include "xalloc.h" bool do_purge = false; volatile bool running = false; time_t now = 0; /* Purge edges and subnets of unreachable nodes. Use carefully. */ static void purge(void) { avl_node_t *nnode, *nnext, *enode, *enext, *snode, *snext; node_t *n; edge_t *e; subnet_t *s; cp(); ifdebug(PROTOCOL) logger(LOG_DEBUG, _("Purging unreachable nodes")); /* Remove all edges and subnets owned by unreachable nodes. */ for(nnode = node_tree->head; nnode; nnode = nnext) { nnext = nnode->next; n = (node_t *) nnode->data; if(!n->status.reachable) { ifdebug(SCARY_THINGS) logger(LOG_DEBUG, _("Purging node %s (%s)"), n->name, n->hostname); for(snode = n->subnet_tree->head; snode; snode = snext) { snext = snode->next; s = (subnet_t *) snode->data; send_del_subnet(broadcast, s); subnet_del(n, s); } for(enode = n->edge_tree->head; enode; enode = enext) { enext = enode->next; e = (edge_t *) enode->data; send_del_edge(broadcast, e); edge_del(e); } } } /* Check if anyone else claims to have an edge to an unreachable node. If not, delete node. */ for(nnode = node_tree->head; nnode; nnode = nnext) { nnext = nnode->next; n = (node_t *) nnode->data; if(!n->status.reachable) { for(enode = edge_weight_tree->head; enode; enode = enext) { enext = enode->next; e = (edge_t *) enode->data; if(e->to == n) break; } if(!enode) node_del(n); } } } /* put all file descriptors in an fd_set array While we're at it, purge stuff that needs to be removed. */ static int build_fdset(fd_set * fs) { avl_node_t *node, *next; connection_t *c; int i, max = 0; cp(); FD_ZERO(fs); for(node = connection_tree->head; node; node = next) { next = node->next; c = (connection_t *) node->data; if(c->status.remove) { connection_del(c); if(!connection_tree->head) purge(); } else { FD_SET(c->socket, fs); if(c->socket > max) max = c->socket; } } for(i = 0; i < listen_sockets; i++) { FD_SET(listen_socket[i].tcp, fs); if(listen_socket[i].tcp > max) max = listen_socket[i].tcp; FD_SET(listen_socket[i].udp, fs); if(listen_socket[i].udp > max) max = listen_socket[i].udp; } FD_SET(device_fd, fs); if(device_fd > max) max = device_fd; return max; } /* Terminate a connection: - Close the socket - Remove associated edge and tell other connections about it if report = true - Check if we need to retry making an outgoing connection - Deactivate the host */ void terminate_connection(connection_t *c, bool report) { cp(); if(c->status.remove) return; ifdebug(CONNECTIONS) logger(LOG_NOTICE, _("Closing connection with %s (%s)"), c->name, c->hostname); c->status.remove = true; c->status.active = false; if(c->node) c->node->connection = NULL; if(c->socket) closesocket(c->socket); if(c->edge) { if(report) send_del_edge(broadcast, c->edge); edge_del(c->edge); /* Run MST and SSSP algorithms */ graph(); } /* Check if this was our outgoing connection */ if(c->outgoing) { retry_outgoing(c->outgoing); c->outgoing = NULL; } } /* Check if the other end is active. If we have sent packets, but didn't receive any, then possibly the other end is dead. We send a PING request over the meta connection. If the other end does not reply in time, we consider them dead and close the connection. */ static void check_dead_connections(void) { avl_node_t *node, *next; connection_t *c; cp(); for(node = connection_tree->head; node; node = next) { next = node->next; c = (connection_t *) node->data; if(c->last_ping_time + pingtimeout < now) { if(c->status.active) { if(c->status.pinged) { ifdebug(CONNECTIONS) logger(LOG_INFO, _("%s (%s) didn't respond to PING"), c->name, c->hostname); c->status.timeout = true; terminate_connection(c, true); } else { send_ping(c); } } else { if(c->status.remove) { logger(LOG_WARNING, _("Old connection_t for %s (%s) status %04x still lingering, deleting..."), c->name, c->hostname, *(uint32_t *)&c->status); connection_del(c); continue; } ifdebug(CONNECTIONS) logger(LOG_WARNING, _("Timeout from %s (%s) during authentication"), c->name, c->hostname); terminate_connection(c, false); } } } } /* check all connections to see if anything happened on their sockets */ static void check_network_activity(fd_set * f) { connection_t *c; avl_node_t *node; int result, i; int len = sizeof(result); vpn_packet_t packet; cp(); if(FD_ISSET(device_fd, f)) { if(read_packet(&packet)) route_outgoing(&packet); } for(node = connection_tree->head; node; node = node->next) { c = (connection_t *) node->data; if(c->status.remove) continue; if(FD_ISSET(c->socket, f)) { if(c->status.connecting) { c->status.connecting = false; getsockopt(c->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &result, &len); if(!result) finish_connecting(c); else { ifdebug(CONNECTIONS) logger(LOG_DEBUG, _("Error while connecting to %s (%s): %s"), c->name, c->hostname, strerror(result)); closesocket(c->socket); do_outgoing_connection(c); continue; } } if(!receive_meta(c)) { terminate_connection(c, c->status.active); continue; } } } for(i = 0; i < listen_sockets; i++) { if(FD_ISSET(listen_socket[i].udp, f)) handle_incoming_vpn_data(listen_socket[i].udp); if(FD_ISSET(listen_socket[i].tcp, f)) handle_new_meta_connection(listen_socket[i].tcp); } } /* this is where it all happens... */ int main_loop(void) { fd_set fset; struct timeval tv; int r, maxfd; time_t last_ping_check, last_config_check; event_t *event; cp(); last_ping_check = now; last_config_check = now; srand(now); running = true; while(running) { now = time(NULL); tv.tv_sec = 1 + (rand() & 7); /* Approx. 5 seconds, randomized to prevent global synchronisation effects */ tv.tv_usec = 0; maxfd = build_fdset(&fset); r = select(maxfd + 1, &fset, NULL, NULL, &tv); if(r < 0) { if(errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN) { logger(LOG_ERR, _("Error while waiting for input: %s"), strerror(errno)); cp_trace(); dump_connections(); return 1; } continue; } check_network_activity(&fset); if(do_purge) { purge(); do_purge = false; } /* Let's check if everybody is still alive */ if(last_ping_check + pingtimeout < now) { check_dead_connections(); last_ping_check = now; if(routing_mode == RMODE_SWITCH) age_mac(); age_past_requests(); /* Should we regenerate our key? */ if(keyexpires < now) { ifdebug(STATUS) logger(LOG_INFO, _("Regenerating symmetric key")); RAND_pseudo_bytes(myself->key, myself->keylength); if(myself->cipher) EVP_DecryptInit_ex(&packet_ctx, myself->cipher, NULL, myself->key, myself->key + myself->cipher->key_len); send_key_changed(broadcast, myself); keyexpires = now + keylifetime; } } while((event = get_expired_event())) { event->handler(event->data); free(event); } if(sigalrm) { logger(LOG_INFO, _("Flushing event queue")); while(event_tree->head) { event = (event_t *) event_tree->head->data; event->handler(event->data); event_del(event); } sigalrm = false; } if(sighup) { connection_t *c; avl_node_t *node; char *fname; struct stat s; sighup = false; /* Reread our own configuration file */ exit_configuration(&config_tree); init_configuration(&config_tree); if(!read_server_config()) { logger(LOG_ERR, _("Unable to reread configuration file, exitting.")); return 1; } /* Close connections to hosts that have a changed or deleted host config file */ for(node = connection_tree->head; node; node = node->next) { c = (connection_t *) node->data; if(c->outgoing) { free(c->outgoing->name); freeaddrinfo(c->outgoing->ai); free(c->outgoing); c->outgoing = NULL; } asprintf(&fname, "%s/hosts/%s", confbase, c->name); if(stat(fname, &s) || s.st_mtime > last_config_check) terminate_connection(c, c->status.active); free(fname); } last_config_check = now; /* Try to make outgoing connections */ try_outgoing_connections(); } } return 0; }