We would like to thank

 * Hans Bayle (for making some useful coding suggestions and fixing a
   bug or two)
 * Lubomír Bulej (for the Redhat system init script)
 * Wessel Dankers (for the name `tinc' and various suggestions)
 * Mads Kiilerich (for finding some bugs and some errors in the
   documentation, and for making several suggestions to make it all
   more userfriendly, and the Redhat package)
 * James MacLean (for fixing several mission critical bugs, and for
   giving me a few good ideas, and, most of all, for the wonderful
   testing and debugging)
 * Robert van der Meulen (early configuration code)
 * Cris van Pelt (small fixes)
 * Enrique Zanardi (for the Spanish translation)
 * Matias Carrasco (for the Spanish translation of the manual)
 * Jamie Briggs (for finding a lot of socket leaks)
 * Armijn Hemel (for being our very own PR manager)

for their help, support and ideas.  Thank you guys!

And especially Guus Sliepen, for starting this whole project...