#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # System startup script for tinc # $Id: init.d,v 1.8 2000/05/19 00:15:37 zarq Exp $ # # Based on Lubomir Bulej's Redhat init script. # # Create a file $NETSFILE (/etc/tinc/nets.boot), and put all the names of # the networks in there. These names must be valid directory names under # $TCONF (/etc/tinc). Lines starting with a # will be ignored in this # file. # my $DAEMON="/usr/sbin/tincd"; my $NAME="tinc"; my $DESC="tinc daemons"; my $TCONF="/etc/tinc"; my $EXTRA=""; my $NETSFILE="$TCONF/nets.boot"; my @NETS=(); if (! -f $DAEMON) { exit 0; } sub find_nets { if(! open(FH, $NETSFILE)) { warn "Please create $NETSFILE.\n"; exit 0; } while () { chomp; if( /^[ ]*([^ \#]+)/i ) { push(@NETS, "$1"); } } if($#NETS == -1) { warn "$NETSFILE doesn't contain any nets.\n"; exit 0; } } ############################################################################## # vpn_load () Loads VPN configuration # # $_[0] ... VPN to load sub vpn_load { my @addr; $CFG="$TCONF/$_[0]/tinc.conf"; if(! open($CFG, "< $CFG")) { warn "tinc: $CFG does not exist\n"; return 0; } # load TINCD config while(<$CFG>) { if( /^[ ]*TapDevice[ =]+([^ \#]+)/i ) { $DEV=$1; chomp($DEV); $DEV =~ s/^.*\/([^\/0-9]+)([0-9]+)$/$1$2/; $NUM = $2; } elsif ( /^[ ]*(MyOwnVPNIP|MyVirtualIP)[ =]+([^ \#]+)/i ) { $VPN=$2; chomp($VPN); } elsif ( /^[ ]*VpnMask[ =]+([^ \#]+)/i ) { $VPNMASK=$1; } } if(!defined($DEV)) { warn "tinc: There must be a TapDevice\n"; return 0; } if($DEV eq "") { warn "tinc: TapDevice should be of the form /dev/tapN\n"; return 0; } if(!defined($VPN)) { warn "tinc: MyVirtualIP required\n"; return 0; } if($VPN eq "") { warn "tinc: No argument to MyVirtualIP/MyOwnVPNIP\n"; return 0; } if(defined($VPNMASK) && $VPNMASK eq "") { warn "tinc: Invalid argument to VpnMask\n"; return 0; } $ADR = $VPN; $ADR =~ s/^([^\/]+)\/.*$/$1/; $LEN = $VPN; $LEN =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/; if($ADR eq "" || $LEN eq "") { warn "tinc: Badly formed MyVirtualIP/MyOwnVPNIP\n"; return 0; } @addr = split(/\./, $ADR); $ADR = pack('C4', @addr); $MSK = pack('N4', -1 << (32 - $LEN)); $BRD = join(".", unpack('C4', $ADR | ~$MSK)); # $NET = join(".", unpack('C4', $ADR & $MSK)); $MAC = "fe:fd:" . join(":", map { sprintf "%02x", $_ } unpack('C4', $ADR)); $ADR = join(".", unpack('C4', $ADR)); $MSK = join(".", unpack('C4', $MSK)); # print "$DEV $VPN $NUM $LEN @addr $MAC $MASK $BRD $NET\n"; 1; } ############################################################################## # vpn_start () starts specified VPN # # $_[0] ... VPN to start sub vpn_start { vpn_load($_[0]) || return 0; system("insmod ethertap -s --name=\"ethertap$NUM\" unit=\"$NUM\" >/dev/null"); system("ifconfig $DEV hw ether $MAC"); system("ifconfig $DEV $ADR netmask $MSK broadcast $BRD -arp"); system("start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /var/run/$NAME.$_[0].pid --exec $DAEMON -- -n $_[0] $EXTRA"); if(defined($VPNMASK)) { system("route add -net $ADR netmask $VPNMASK dev $DEV"); } } ############################################################################## # vpn_stop () Stops specified VPN # # $_[0] ... VPN to stop sub vpn_stop { vpn_load($_[0]) || return 1; system("start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/$NAME.$_[0].pid --exec $DAEMON -- -n $_[0] $EXTRA -k"); system("ifconfig $DEV down"); system("rmmod ethertap$NUM -s"); } if(!defined($ARGV[0])) { die "Usage: /etc/init.d/$NAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}\n"; } if($ARGV[0] eq "start") { find_nets; print "Starting $DESC:"; foreach $n (@NETS) { print " $n"; vpn_start($n); } print ".\n"; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "stop") { find_nets; print "Stopping $DESC:"; foreach $n (@NETS) { print " $n"; vpn_stop($n); } print ".\n"; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "restart" || $ARGV[0] eq "force-reload") { find_nets; print "Stopping $DESC:"; foreach $n (@NETS) { print " $n"; vpn_stop($n); } print ".\n"; print "Starting $DESC:"; foreach $n (@NETS) { print " $n"; vpn_start($n); } print ".\n"; } else { die "Usage: /etc/init.d/$NAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}\n"; }