/* info.c -- Show information about a node, subnet or address Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Guus Sliepen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "system.h" #include "control_common.h" #include "list.h" #include "subnet.h" #include "tincctl.h" #include "info.h" #include "utils.h" #include "xalloc.h" void logger(int level, int priority, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); vfprintf(stderr, format, ap); va_end(ap); fputc('\n', stderr); } char *strip_weight(char *netstr) { int len = strlen(netstr); if(len >= 3 && !strcmp(netstr + len - 3, "#10")) netstr[len - 3] = 0; return netstr; } static int info_node(int fd, const char *item) { // Check the list of nodes sendline(fd, "%d %d %s", CONTROL, REQ_DUMP_NODES, item); bool found = false; char line[4096]; char node[4096]; char id[4096]; char from[4096]; char to[4096]; char subnet[4096]; char host[4096]; char port[4096]; char via[4096]; char nexthop[4096]; int code, req, cipher, digest, maclength, compression, distance; short int pmtu = -1, minmtu = 0, maxmtu = 0; unsigned int options = -1; union { node_status_t bits; uint32_t raw; } status_union; node_status_t status; long int last_state_change = -1; while(recvline(fd, line, sizeof line)) { int n = sscanf(line, "%d %d %s %s %s port %s %d %d %d %d %x %"PRIx32" %s %s %d %hd %hd %hd %ld", &code, &req, node, id, host, port, &cipher, &digest, &maclength, &compression, &options, &status_union.raw, nexthop, via, &distance, &pmtu, &minmtu, &maxmtu, &last_state_change); if(n == 2) break; if(n != 19) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse node dump from tincd.\n"); return 1; } if(!strcmp(node, item)) { found = true; break; } } if(!found) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown node %s.\n", item); return 1; } while(recvline(fd, line, sizeof line)) { if(sscanf(line, "%d %d %s", &code, &req, node) == 2) break; } printf("Node: %s\n", item); printf("Node ID: %s\n", id); printf("Address: %s port %s\n", host, port); char timestr[32] = "never"; time_t lsc_time = last_state_change; if(last_state_change) strftime(timestr, sizeof timestr, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&lsc_time)); status = status_union.bits; if(status.reachable) printf("Online since: %s\n", timestr); else printf("Last seen: %s\n", timestr); printf("Status: "); if(status.validkey) printf(" validkey"); if(status.visited) printf(" visited"); if(status.reachable) printf(" reachable"); if(status.indirect) printf(" indirect"); if(status.sptps) printf(" sptps"); if(status.udp_confirmed) printf(" udp_confirmed"); printf("\n"); printf("Options: "); if(options & OPTION_INDIRECT) printf(" indirect"); if(options & OPTION_TCPONLY) printf(" tcponly"); if(options & OPTION_PMTU_DISCOVERY) printf(" pmtu_discovery"); if(options & OPTION_CLAMP_MSS) printf(" clamp_mss"); printf("\n"); printf("Protocol: %d.%d\n", PROT_MAJOR, OPTION_VERSION(options)); printf("Reachability: "); if(!strcmp(host, "MYSELF")) printf("can reach itself\n"); else if(!status.reachable) printf("unreachable\n"); else if(strcmp(via, item)) printf("indirectly via %s\n", via); else if(!status.validkey) printf("unknown\n"); else if(minmtu > 0) printf("directly with UDP\nPMTU: %d\n", pmtu); else if(!strcmp(nexthop, item)) printf("directly with TCP\n"); else printf("none, forwarded via %s\n", nexthop); // List edges printf("Edges: "); sendline(fd, "%d %d %s", CONTROL, REQ_DUMP_EDGES, item); while(recvline(fd, line, sizeof line)) { int n = sscanf(line, "%d %d %s %s", &code, &req, from, to); if(n == 2) break; if(n != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse edge dump from tincd.\n%s\n", line); return 1; } if(!strcmp(from, item)) printf(" %s", to); } printf("\n"); // List subnets printf("Subnets: "); sendline(fd, "%d %d %s", CONTROL, REQ_DUMP_SUBNETS, item); while(recvline(fd, line, sizeof line)) { int n = sscanf(line, "%d %d %s %s", &code, &req, subnet, from); if(n == 2) break; if(n != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse subnet dump from tincd.\n"); return 1; } if(!strcmp(from, item)) printf(" %s", strip_weight(subnet)); } printf("\n"); return 0; } static int info_subnet(int fd, const char *item) { subnet_t subnet, find; if(!str2net(&find, item)) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not parse subnet or address '%s'.\n", item); return 1; } bool address = !strchr(item, '/'); bool weight = strchr(item, '#'); bool found = false; char line[4096]; char netstr[4096]; char owner[4096]; int code, req; sendline(fd, "%d %d %s", CONTROL, REQ_DUMP_SUBNETS, item); while(recvline(fd, line, sizeof line)) { int n = sscanf(line, "%d %d %s %s", &code, &req, netstr, owner); if(n == 2) break; if(n != 4 || !str2net(&subnet, netstr)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse subnet dump from tincd.\n"); return 1; } if(find.type != subnet.type) continue; if(weight) { if(find.weight != subnet.weight) continue; } if(find.type == SUBNET_IPV4) { if(address) { if(maskcmp(&find.net.ipv4.address, &subnet.net.ipv4.address, subnet.net.ipv4.prefixlength)) continue; } else { if(find.net.ipv4.prefixlength != subnet.net.ipv4.prefixlength) continue; if(memcmp(&find.net.ipv4.address, &subnet.net.ipv4.address, sizeof subnet.net.ipv4)) continue; } } else if(find.type == SUBNET_IPV6) { if(address) { if(maskcmp(&find.net.ipv6.address, &subnet.net.ipv6.address, subnet.net.ipv6.prefixlength)) continue; } else { if(find.net.ipv6.prefixlength != subnet.net.ipv6.prefixlength) continue; if(memcmp(&find.net.ipv6.address, &subnet.net.ipv6.address, sizeof subnet.net.ipv6)) continue; } } if(find.type == SUBNET_MAC) { if(memcmp(&find.net.mac.address, &subnet.net.mac.address, sizeof subnet.net.mac)) continue; } found = true; printf("Subnet: %s\n", strip_weight(netstr)); printf("Owner: %s\n", owner); } if(!found) { if(address) fprintf(stderr, "Unknown address %s.\n", item); else fprintf(stderr, "Unknown subnet %s.\n", item); return 1; } return 0; } int info(int fd, const char *item) { if(check_id(item)) return info_node(fd, item); if(strchr(item, '.') || strchr(item, ':')) return info_subnet(fd, item); fprintf(stderr, "Argument is not a node name, subnet or address.\n"); return 1; }