We would like to thank the following people for their contributions to tinc: * Alexander Reil and Gemeinde Berg * Allesandro Gatti * Andreas van Cranenburgh * Armijn Hemel * Cris van Pelt * Enrique Zanardi * Flynn Marquardt * Hans Bayle * Ivo van Dong * James MacLean * Jamie Briggs * Jason Harper * Jeroen Ubbink * Jerome Etienne * LubomÃr Bulej * Mads Kiilerich * Marc A. Lehmann * Mark Glines * Markus Goetz * Martin Kihlgren * Matias Carrasco * Max Rijevski * Miles Nordin * Nick Patavalis * Paul Littlefield * Robert van der Meulen * Scott Lamb * Sven-Haegar Koch * Teemu Kiviniemi * Tonnerre Lombard * Wessel Dankers * Wouter van Heyst And everyone we forgot. Thank you! Ivo Timmermans Guus Sliepen