Update documentation.
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 212 additions and 486 deletions
@ -12,343 +12,34 @@ maintain a stable network.
provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed
under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.
$Id: CONNECTIVITY,v 2002/06/21 10:11:10 guus Exp $
$Id: CONNECTIVITY,v 2002/09/15 22:19:37 guus Exp $
1. Problem
1. Synchronisation
Each tinc daemon has zero or more connections to other tinc daemons. It will
try to keep it's own information synchronised with the other tinc daemons. If
one of it's peers sends information, the tinc daemon will check if it is new
information. If so, it will update it's own information and forward the new
information to all the other peers.
This scheme will make sure that after a short amount of time all tinc daemons
share the same information. It will also almost completely prevent information
from looping, because "new" information that is already known is ignored and
not forwarded any further. However, since information can also be deleted
there's the possibility of a looping sequence of add/delete messages. This is
resolved by additionaly adding a unique identifier to each broadcasted message.
Messages are dropped if the same message with that identifier has already been
2. Routing
We have a set of nodes (A, B, C, ...) that are part of the same VPN. They need
to connect to eachother and form a single graph that satisfies the tree
Every node tells it's peers to which other peers it is connected. This way
every node will eventually know every connection every node has on the VPN.
Each node will use graph algorithms to determine if other nodes are reachable or not and
what the best route is to other nodes.
There is the possibility that loops are formed, the offending connections must
be eliminated.
Suppose we start with two smaller graphs that want to form a single larger
graph. Both graphs consist of three nodes:
It is very well possible that A wants to connect to D, and F wants to connect
to C, both at the same time. The following loop will occur:
| ^
| |
v |
The situation described here is totally symmetric, there is no preference to
one connection over the other. The problem of resolving the loop, maintaining
consistency and stability is therefore not a trivial one.
What happens when A---D and C---F are connected to eachother? They exchange
lists of known hosts. A knows of B and C, and D knows of E and F. The protocol
defines ADD_HOST messages, from now on we will say that "node X sends and
ADD_HOST(Y) to Z".
There are two possible scenarios: either both A---D and C---F finish
authentication at the same time, or A---D finishes first, so that ADD_HOST
messages will reach C and F before they finish authentication.
1.1 A---D finishes first
After A---D authentication finishes the following actions are taken:
1 A sends ADD_HOST(B) to D
A sends ADD_HOST(C) to D
D sends ADD_HOST(E) to A
D sends ADD_HOST(F) to A
2 A sends ADD_HOST(D) to B
A receives ADD_HOST(E) from D:
A sends ADD_HOST(E) to B
A receives ADD_HOST(F) from D:
A sends ADD_HOST(F) to B
D sends ADD_HOST(A) to E
D receives ADD_HOST(B) from A:
D sends ADD_HOST(B) to E
D receives ADD_HOST(C) from A:
D sends ADD_HOST(C) to E
3 B receives ADD_HOST(D) from A,
B sends ADD_HOST(D) to C
B receives ADD_HOST(E) from A:
B sends ADD_HOST(E) to C
B receives ADD_HOST(F) from A:
B sends ADD_HOST(F) to C
E receives ADD_HOST(A) from D:
E sends ADD_HOST(A) to F
E receives ADD_HOST(B) from D:
E sends ADD_HOST(B) to F
E receives ADD_HOST(C) from D:
E sends ADD_HOST(C) to F
4 C receives ADD_HOST(D) from B.
C receives ADD_HOST(E) from B.
C receives ADD_HOST(F) from B.
F receives ADD_HOST(A) from E.
F receives ADD_HOST(B) from E.
F receives ADD_HOST(C) from E.
Then C---F authentication finishes, the following actions are taken:
1 C notes that F is already known:
Connection is closed.
F notes that C is already known:
Connection is closed.
1.2 Both A---D and C---F finish at the same time.
1 A sends ADD_HOST(B) to D
A sends ADD_HOST(C) to D
D sends ADD_HOST(E) to A
D sends ADD_HOST(F) to A
C sends ADD_HOST(A) to F
C sends ADD_HOST(B) to F
F sends ADD_HOST(D) to C
F sends ADD_HOST(E) to C
2 A sends ADD_HOST(D) to B
A receives ADD_HOST(E) from D:
A sends ADD_HOST(E) to B
A receives ADD_HOST(F) from D:
A sends ADD_HOST(F) to B
D sends ADD_HOST(A) to E
D receives ADD_HOST(B) from A:
D sends ADD_HOST(B) to E
D receives ADD_HOST(C) from A:
D sends ADD_HOST(C) to E
C sends ADD_HOST(F) to B
C receives ADD_HOST(D) from F:
A sends ADD_HOST(D) to B
C receives ADD_HOST(E) from F:
A sends ADD_HOST(E) to B
F sends ADD_HOSTS(C) to E
F receives ADD_HOST(A) from C:
D sends ADD_HOST(A) to E
F receives ADD_HOST(B) from C:
D sends ADD_HOST(B) to E
3 B receives ADD_HOST(D) from A,
B sends ADD_HOST(D) to C
B receives ADD_HOST(E) from A:
B sends ADD_HOST(E) to C
B receives ADD_HOST(F) from A:
B sends ADD_HOST(F) to C
E receives ADD_HOST(A) from D:
E sends ADD_HOST(A) to F
E receives ADD_HOST(B) from D:
E sends ADD_HOST(B) to F
E receives ADD_HOST(C) from D:
E sends ADD_HOST(C) to F
B receives ADD_HOST(F) from C, and notes that is is already known:
<insert solution here>
B receives ADD_HOST(D) from C, and notes that is is already known:
<insert solution here>
B receives ADD_HOST(E) from C, and notes that is is already known:
<insert solution here>
E receives ADD_HOST(C) from F, and notes that is is already known:
<insert solution here>
E receives ADD_HOST(A) from F, and notes that is is already known:
<insert solution here>
E receives ADD_HOST(B) from F, and notes that is is already known:
<insert solution here>
4 A receives ADD_HOST(D) from B, and notes that it is already known:
<insert solution here>
A receives ADD_HOST(E) from B, and notes that it is already known:
<insert solution here>
A receives ADD_HOST(F) from B, and notes that it is already known:
<insert solution here>
F receives ADD_HOST(A) from E, and notes that it is already known:
<insert solution here>
F receives ADD_HOST(B) from E, and notes that it is already known:
<insert solution here>
F receives ADD_HOST(B) from E, and notes that it is already known:
<insert solution here>
1.2.1 Augmenting ADD_HOST
A solution would be to augment ADD_HOST with an extra parameter, the nexthop of
the added host:
3 B receives ADD_HOST(D,A) from A,
B sends ADD_HOST(D,A) to C
B receives ADD_HOST(E,D) from A:
B sends ADD_HOST(E,D) to C
B receives ADD_HOST(F,E) from A:
B sends ADD_HOST(F,E) to C
E receives ADD_HOST(A,D) from D:
E sends ADD_HOST(A,D) to F
E receives ADD_HOST(B,A) from D:
E sends ADD_HOST(B,A) to F
E receives ADD_HOST(C,B) from D:
E sends ADD_HOST(C,B) to F
B receives ADD_HOST(F,C) from C, and notes that F is already known:
<insert solution here>
B receives ADD_HOST(D,E) from C, and notes that D is already known:
<insert solution here>
B receives ADD_HOST(E,F) from C, and notes that E is already known:
<insert solution here>
E receives ADD_HOST(C,F) from F, and notes that C is already known:
<insert solution here>
E receives ADD_HOST(A,B) from F, and notes that A is already known:
<insert solution here>
E receives ADD_HOST(B,C) from F, and notes that B is already known:
<insert solution here>
So, B and E have to make a choice. Which ADD_HOST is going to win? Fortunately,
since the ADD_HOST messages are augmented, they have an extra piece of
information they can use to decide in a deterministic way which one is going to
win. For example, B got ADD_HOST(F,E) and ADD_HOST(F,C). Since "E" > "C", it
could let ADD_HOST(F,E) win.
B receives ADD_HOST(F,C) from C, and notes that F is already known:
since "C" < "E", B ignores ADD_HOST(F,E)
B sends ADD_HOST(F,C) to A
E receives ADD_HOST(C,F) from F, and notes that C is already known:
since "F" > "B", E removes the ADD_HOST(C,B) in favour of the new one
E sends ADD_HOST(C,F) to D
4 A receives ADD_HOST(F,E) from B, and notes that F is already known:
since "E" < "D", A ignores ADD_HOST(F,D).
D receives ADD_HOST(C,F) from E, and notes that C is already known:
since "F" > "B", D removes the ADD_HOST(C,B),
closes the connection with C, in favour of the new one.
Ok, time to forget this crap.
The problem with the current ADD/DEL_HOST technique is that each host only
knows the general direction in which to send packets for the other hosts. It
really doesn't know much about the true topology of the network, only about
it's direct neighbours. With so little information each host cannot make a
certain decision which it knows for sure all the others will decide too.
Let's do something totally different. Instead of notifying every host of the
addition of a new host, which is represented by a vertex in a graph, lets send
out notifications of new connections, which are the edges in a graph. This is
rather cheap, since our graphs are (almost) spanning trees, there is
approximately one edge for each vertex in the graph, so we don't need to send
more messages. Furthermore, an edge is characterized by two vertices, so we
only send a fixed amount of extra information. The size/complexity of the
problem therefore does not increase much.
What is the advantage of notifying each vertex of new edges instead of new
vertices? Well, all the vertices now know exactly which connections are made
between each host. This was not known with the former schemes.
Ok back to our problem:
Edges are undirected, and are characterised by the vertices it connects, sorted
alphabetically, so the edges in the two graphs are:
(A,B), (B,C), (D,E) and (E,F).
So again we have that A wants to connect to D, and F wants to connect to C,
both at the same time. The following loop will occur:
| ^
| |
v |
Instead of sending ADD_HOSTs, lets assume the hosts send ADD_EDGEs. So, after
making the connections:
1 A sends ADD_EDGE(A,D) to B
A sends ADD_EDGE(A,B) to D
A sends ADD_EDGE(B,C) to D
D sends ADD_EDGE(A,D) to E
D sends ADD_EDGE(D,E) to A
D sends ADD_EDGE(E,F) to A
C sends ADD_EDGE(C,F) to B
C sends ADD_EDGE(A,B) to F
C sends ADD_EDGE(B,C) to F
F sends ADD_EDGE(C,F) to E
F sends ADD_EDGE(D,E) to C
F sends ADD_EDGE(E,F) to C
2 B receives ADD_EDGE(A,D) from A:
B sends ADD_EDGE(A,D) to C
B receives ADD_EDGE(D,E) from A:
B sends ADD_EDGE(D,E) to C
B receives ADD_EDGE(E,F) from A:
B sends ADD_EDGE(E,F) to C
B receives ADD_EDGE(C,F) from C, notes that both C and F are already known,
but that the edge (C,F) was not known, so a loop has been created:
<resolve loop here>
Ok, how to resolve the loop? Remeber, we want to do that in such a way that it
is consistent with the way all the other hosts resolve the loop. Here is the
things B does when it notices that a loop is going to be formed:
B performs a Breadth First Search from the first element of the list of all
known hosts sorted alfabetically, in this case A, and thereby finds a
spanning tree. (This might later be changed into a minimum spanning tree
alhorithm, but the key point here is that all hosts do this with exactly the
same starting parameters.) All known edges that are not in the spanning tree
are marked inactive.
An edge marked inactive does not mean anything, unless this edge is connected
to B itself. In that case, B will stop sending messages over that edge. B might
consider closing this edge, but this is not really needed. Keeping it means no
DEL_EDGE has to be sent for it, and if another edge is removed (which will
quite certainly split the graph if it's a spanning tree), this edge might be
reactivated, without the need of sending a new ADD_EDGE for it. On the other
hand, we mustn't keep to many inactive edges, because we want to keep the
number of known edges linear to the number of hosts (otherwise the size of the
problem will grow quadratically).
So, since B didn't deactivate one of it's own edges, it forwards the
ADD_EDGE(C,F) to A, which also does a BFS, and so on, until it reaches F. F of
course also does a BFS, notes that is is one of it's own edges. It deactivates
the edge (C,F), and consequently will not forward the ADD_EDGE(C,F) to C
anymore. In the mean time, C got messages from B which will make C do the same.
Ok, suppose a DEL_EDGE was sent, and it means an inactive edge has to be
reactivated. The vertices connected by that edge must exchange their entire
knowledge of edges again, because in the mean time other messages could have
been sent, which were not properly forwarded. Take this example:
X C-----D
| | |
| | |
v | |
A-----B- - -E
The edge (B,E) is inactive. X is trying to make a new connection with A. A
sends an ADD_EDGE(A,X) to B, which forwards it to C. At that time, the
connection between C and D goes down, so C sends a DEL_EDGE(C,D) to B, and D
sends a DEL_EDGE(C,D) to E. If we just allow (B,E) to be reactivated again
without anything else, then E and D will never have received the ADD_EDGE(A,X).
So, B and E have to exchange edges again, and propagate them to the hosts they
already know.
Because all nodes share the same information, using a deterministic algorithm
each node will calculate the same minimum spanning tree for the entire VPN.
The MST will be used to send broadcast VPN packets.
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ This is the protocol documentation for tinc, a Virtual Private Network daemon.
provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed
under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.
$Id: PROTOCOL,v 2002/06/21 10:11:10 guus Exp $
$Id: PROTOCOL,v 2002/09/15 22:19:37 guus Exp $
1. Protocols used in tinc
@ -69,24 +69,62 @@ synchronised.
daemon message
origin ADD_EDGE node1 655 node2 655 222 0
| | | \___________________/ | +-> options
| | | | +----> weight
| | | +----------------> see below
| | +--> UDP port
| +----------> real address
+------------------> name of node on one side of the edge
origin ADD_EDGE node1 node2 655 222 0
| | | | | +-> options
| | | | +----> weight
| | | +--------> UDP port of node2
| | +----------------> real address of node2
| +-------------------------> name of destination node
+-------------------------------> name of source node
origin ADD_SUBNET node
| | +--> prefixlength
| +--------> IPv4 network address
| +--------> network address
+------------------> owner of this subnet
The ADD_EDGE messages are to inform other tinc daemons that a connection between
two nodes exist. The address of the destination node is available so that
VPN packets can be sent directly to that node.
The ADD_SUBNET messages inform other tinc daemons that certain subnets belong
to certain nodes. tinc will use it to determine to which node a VPN packet has
to be sent.
DEL_EDGE node1 node2
| +----> name of destination node
+----------> name of source node
| | +--> prefixlength
| +--------> network address
+------------------> owner of this subnet
In case a connection between two daemons is closed or broken, DEL_EDGE messages
are sent to inform the other daemons of that fact. Each daemon will calculate a
new route to the the daemons, or mark them unreachable if there isn't any.
REQ_KEY origin destination
| +--> name of the tinc daemon it wants the key from
+----------> name of the daemon that wants the key
ANS_KEY origin destination 4ae0b0a82d6e0078 91 64 4
| | \______________/ | | +--> MAC length
| | | | +-----> digest algorithm
| | | +--------> cipher algorithm
| | +--> 128 bits key
| +--> name of the daemon that wants the key
+----------> name of the daemon that uses this key
+--> daemon that has changed it's packet key
The keys used to encrypt VPN packets are not sent out directly. This is
because it would generate a lot of traffic on VPNs with many daemons, and
chances are that not every tinc daemon will ever send a packet to every
@ -97,33 +135,17 @@ act as a proxy and forward its copy back to the requestor.
daemon message
daemon REQ_KEY origin destination
| +--> name of the tinc daemon it wants the key from
+----------> name of the daemon that wants the key
daemon ANS_KEY origin destination 4ae0b0a82d6e0078 91 64 4
| | \______________/ | | +--> MAC length
| | | | +-----> digest algorithm
| | | +--------> cipher algorithm
| | +--> 128 bits key
| +--> name of the daemon that wants the key
+----------> name of the daemon that uses this key
daemon KEY_CHANGED origin
+--> daemon that has changed it's packet key
origin PING
dest. PONG
There is also a mechanism to check if hosts are still alive. Since network
failures or a crash can cause a daemon to be killed without properly
shutting down the TCP connection, this is necessary to keep an up to date
connection list. Pings are sent at regular intervals, except when there
is also some other traffic.
daemon message
origin PING
dest. PONG
is also some other traffic. A little bit of salt (random data) is added
with each PING and PONG message, to make sure that long sequences of PING/PONG
messages without any other traffic won't result in known plaintext.
This basically covers everything that is sent over the meta connection by
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ This is the security documentation for tinc, a Virtual Private Network daemon.
provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed
under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.
$Id: SECURITY2,v 2002/06/21 10:11:10 guus Exp $
$Id: SECURITY2,v 2002/09/15 22:19:37 guus Exp $
Proposed new authentication scheme
@ -66,17 +66,15 @@ server CHAL_REPLY 928ffe
After the correct challenge replies are recieved, both ends have proved
their identity. Further information is exchanged.
client ACK 655 123 0
| | | +-> options
| | +----> estimated weight
| +------------> IP address of server as seen by client
+--------------------> UDP port of client
client ACK 655 123 0
| | +-> options
| +----> estimated weight
+--------> listening port of client
server ACK 655 321 0
| | | +-> options
| | +----> estimated weight
| +------------> IP address of client as seen by server
+--------------------> UDP port of server
server ACK 655 321 0
| | +-> options
| +----> estimated weight
+--------> listening port of server
This new scheme has several improvements, both in efficiency and security.
@ -6,10 +6,13 @@
# but for ethertap and FreeBSD this is tap0, tap1, tap2 etcetera,
# for Solaris and OpenBSD it is tun0, tun1, etcetera.
# Set hardware ethernet address (required!)
# Set hardware ethernet address, needed on Linux when in router mode
ifconfig $INTERFACE hw ether fe:fd:0:0:0:0
# Give it the right ip and netmask. Remember, the subnet of the
# tap device must be larger than that of the individual Subnets
# as defined in the host configuration file!
ifconfig $INTERFACE netmask -arp
ifconfig $INTERFACE netmask
# Disable ARP, needed on Linux when in router mode
ifconfig $INTERFACE -arp
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ ConnectTo = beta
# The tap device tinc will use. Required.
# Default is /dev/tap0 for ethertap or FreeBSD,
# /dev/tun0 for Solaris and OpenBSD,
# and /dev/misc/net/tun for Linux tun/tap device.
Device = /dev/misc/net/tun
# and /dev/net/tun for Linux tun/tap device.
Device = /dev/net/tun
# The file in which the private key for this host is stored. Required.
PrivateKeyFile = /etc/tinc/example/rsa_key.priv
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ If you don't specify a host with
.Nm tinc
won't try to connect to other daemons at all,
and will instead just listen for incoming connections.
.It Va Device Li = Ar device Po /dev/tap0 or /dev/misc/net/tun Pc
.It Va Device Li = Ar device Po /dev/tap0 or /dev/net/tun Pc
The virtual network device to use.
.Nm tinc
will automatically detect what kind of device it is.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
@c $Id: tinc.texi,v 2002/07/16 13:18:27 guus Exp $
@c $Id: tinc.texi,v 2002/09/15 22:19:37 guus Exp $
@c %**start of header
@setfilename tinc.info
@settitle tinc Manual
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Copyright @copyright{} 1998-2002 Ivo Timmermans
<ivo@@o2w.nl>, Guus Sliepen <guus@@sliepen.eu.org> and
Wessel Dankers <wsl@@nl.linux.org>.
$Id: tinc.texi,v 2002/07/16 13:18:27 guus Exp $
$Id: tinc.texi,v 2002/09/15 22:19:37 guus Exp $
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Copyright @copyright{} 1998-2002 Ivo Timmermans
<ivo@@o2w.nl>, Guus Sliepen <guus@@sliepen.eu.org> and
Wessel Dankers <wsl@@nl.linux.org>.
$Id: tinc.texi,v 2002/07/16 13:18:27 guus Exp $
$Id: tinc.texi,v 2002/09/15 22:19:37 guus Exp $
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
@ -456,8 +456,8 @@ and the corresponding network interfaces.
@cindex requirements
@cindex libraries
Before you can configure or build tinc, you need to have the OpenSSL
library installed on your system. If you try to configure tinc without
having installed it, configure will give you an error message, and stop.
and zlib libraries installed on your system. If you try to configure tinc without
having them installed, configure will give you an error message, and stop.
* OpenSSL::
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ md5sum before continuing.
tinc comes in a convenient autoconf/automake package, which you can just
treat the same as any other package. Which is just untar it, type
`configure' and then `make'.
`./configure' and then `make'.
More detailed instructions are in the file @file{INSTALL}, which is
included in the source distribution.
@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ mknod -m 600 /dev/tun c 10 200
If you use Linux, and you run the new 2.4 kernel using the devfs filesystem,
then the tun/tap device will probably be automatically generated as
Unlike the ethertap device, you do not need multiple device files if
you are planning to run multiple tinc daemons.
@ -773,9 +773,9 @@ assume that you use it.
@section How connections work
When tinc starts up, it parses the command-line options and then
reads in the configuration file.
If it sees a `ConnectTo' value pointing to another tinc daemon in the file,
it will try to connect to that other one.
reads in the configuration file tinc.conf.
If it sees one or more `ConnectTo' values pointing to other tinc daemons in that file,
it will try to connect to those other daemons.
Whether this succeeds or not and whether `ConnectTo' is specified or not,
tinc will listen for incoming connection from other deamons.
If you did specify a `ConnectTo' value and the other side is not responding,
@ -783,14 +783,14 @@ tinc will keep retrying.
This means that once started, tinc will stay running until you tell it to stop,
and failures to connect to other tinc daemons will not stop your tinc daemon
for trying again later.
This means you don't have to intervene if there are any network problems.
This means you don't have to intervene if there are temporary network problems.
@cindex client
@cindex server
There is no real distinction between a server and a client in tinc.
If you wish, you can view a tinc daemon without a `ConnectTo' value as a server,
and one which does specify such a value as a client.
It does not matter if two tinc daemons have a `ConnectTo' value pointing to eachother however.
It does not matter if two tinc daemons have a `ConnectTo' value pointing to each other however.
@c ==================================================================
@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ tinc won't try to connect to other daemons at all,
and will instead just listen for incoming connections.
@cindex Device
@item @strong{Device = <device>} (/dev/tap0 or /dev/misc/net/tun)
@item @strong{Device = <device>} (/dev/tap0 or /dev/net/tun)
The virtual network device to use. Note that you can only use one device per
daemon. See also @ref{Device files}.
@ -993,10 +993,8 @@ up to the length of the digest produced by the digest algorithm.
@cindex Port
@item Port = <port> (655)
Connect to the upstream host (given with the ConnectTo directive) on
port port. port may be given in decimal (default), octal (when preceded
by a single zero) o hexadecimal (prefixed with 0x). port is the port
number for both the UDP and the TCP (meta) connections.
This is the port this tinc daemon listens on.
You can use decimal portnumbers or symbolic names (as listed in /etc/services).
@cindex PublicKey
@item PublicKey = <key> [obsolete]
@ -1323,7 +1321,7 @@ and in @file{/etc/tinc/company/tinc.conf}:
Name = BranchD
ConnectTo = BranchC
Device = /dev/misc/net/tun
Device = /dev/net/tun
PrivateKeyFile = /etc/tinc/company/rsa_key.priv
@end example
@ -1393,9 +1391,6 @@ and look in the syslog to find out what the problems are.
Besides the settings in the configuration file, tinc also accepts some
command line options.
This list is a longer version of that in the manpage. The latter is
generated automatically, so may be more up-to-date.
@cindex command line
@cindex runtime options
@cindex options
@ -1434,6 +1429,10 @@ Connect to net NETNAME. @xref{Multiple networks}.
Don't fork and detach.
This will also disable the automatic restart mechanism for fatal errors.
@item -L, --mlock
Lock tinc into main memory.
This will prevent sensitive data like shared private keys to be written to the system swap files/partitions.
@item --version
Output version information and exit.
@ -1456,7 +1455,7 @@ only, so keep an eye on it!
@item You forgot to compile `Netlink device emulation' in the kernel.
@end itemize
@item Can't write to /dev/misc/net/tun: No such device
@item Can't write to /dev/net/tun: No such device
@item You forgot to `modprobe tun'.
@ -1481,15 +1480,6 @@ or if that is not the case, try changing the prefix length into /32.
@item Network doesn't work, syslog shows only packets of length 46
@cindex arp
Jan 1 12:00:00 host tinc.net[1234]: Read packet of length 46 from tap device
Jan 1 12:00:00 host tinc.net[1234]: Trying to look up in connection list failed!
@end example
@item Add the `ifconfig $INTERFACE -arp' to tinc-up.
@end itemize
@item Network address and prefix length do not match!
@ -1510,9 +1500,7 @@ this message. In normal operation, these errors should not occur.
@item You must specify the complete pathname.
Specifying a relative path does not make sense here. tinc changes its
directory to / when starting (to avoid keeping a mount point busy); and
even if we built in a default directory to look for these files, the key
files are bound to be in a different directory.
directory to / when starting (to avoid keeping a mount point busy).
@end itemize
@end table
@ -1565,9 +1553,11 @@ to deduce the destination of the packets.
Since the latter modes only depend on the link layer information,
any protocol that runs over Ethernet is supported (for instance IPX and Appletalk).
After the destination has been determined, a sequence number will be added to the packet.
The packet will then be encrypted and a message authentication
code will be appended.
After the destination has been determined,
the packet will be compressed (optionally),
a sequence number will be added to the packet,
the packet will then be encrypted
and a message authentication code will be appended.
@cindex encapsulating
@cindex UDP
@ -1586,16 +1576,21 @@ To let the kernel on the receiving end accept the packet, the destination MAC
address must match that of the virtual network interface.
If tinc is in it's default routing mode, ARP does not work, so the correct destination MAC cannot be set
by the sending daemons.
tinc solves this by always overwriting the
destination MAC address with fe:fd:0:0:0:0. That is also the reason why you must
set the MAC address of your tap interface to that address.
tinc solves this by letting the receiving end detect the MAC address
and overwriting the destination MAC address of the received packet.
However, the MAC address of the network interface at the receiver might not always be known to tinc.
That is the reason why you should set the MAC address of your tap interface to that address
when in routing mode.
In switch or hub modes ARP does work so the sender already knows the correct destination MAC address.
In those modes every interface should have a unique MAC address, so make sure they are not the same.
@c ==================================================================
@node The meta-connection, , The UDP tunnel, The connection
@subsection The meta-connection
Having only an UDP connection available is not enough. Though suitable
Having only a UDP connection available is not enough. Though suitable
for transmitting data, we want to be able to reliably send other
information, such as routing and session key information to somebody.
@ -1637,7 +1632,8 @@ The meta protocol consists of requests that can be sent to the other
side. Each request has a unique number and several parameters. All
requests are represented in the standard ASCII character set. It is
possible to use tools such as telnet or netcat to connect to a tinc
daemon and to read and write requests by hand, provided that one
daemon started with the --bypass-security option
and to read and write requests by hand, provided that one
understands the numeric codes sent.
The authentication scheme is described in @ref{Authentication protocol}. After a
@ -1651,64 +1647,78 @@ synchronised.
daemon message
origin ADD_EDGE node1 655 node2 655 222 0
| | | \___________________/ | +-> options
| | | | +----> weight
| | | +----------------> see below
| | +--> UDP port
| +----------> real address
+------------------> name of node on one side of the edge
origin ADD_EDGE node1 node2 655 222 0
| | | | | +-> options
| | | | +----> weight
| | | +--------> UDP port of node2
| | +----------------> real address of node2
| +-------------------------> name of destination node
+-------------------------------> name of source node
origin ADD_SUBNET node
| | +--> prefixlength
| +--------> IPv4 network address
| +--------> network address
+------------------> owner of this subnet
@end example
The ADD_EDGE messages are to inform other tinc daemons that a connection between
two nodes exist. The address of the destination node is available so that
VPN packets can be sent directly to that node.
The ADD_SUBNET messages inform other tinc daemons that certain subnets belong
to certain nodes. tinc will use it to determine to which node a VPN packet has
to be sent.
@cindex DEL_EDGE
@cindex DEL_SUBNET
DEL_EDGE node1 node2
| +----> name of destination node
+----------> name of source node
| | +--> prefixlength
| +--------> network address
+------------------> owner of this subnet
@end example
In case a connection between two daemons is closed or broken, DEL_EDGE messages
are sent to inform the other daemons of that fact. Each daemon will calculate a
new route to the the daemons, or mark them unreachable if there isn't any.
@cindex REQ_KEY
@cindex ANS_KEY
REQ_KEY origin destination
| +--> name of the tinc daemon it wants the key from
+----------> name of the daemon that wants the key
ANS_KEY origin destination 4ae0b0a82d6e0078 91 64 4
| | \______________/ | | +--> MAC length
| | | | +-----> digest algorithm
| | | +--------> cipher algorithm
| | +--> 128 bits key
| +--> name of the daemon that wants the key
+----------> name of the daemon that uses this key
+--> daemon that has changed it's packet key
@end example
The keys used to encrypt VPN packets are not sent out directly. This is
because it would generate a lot of traffic on VPNs with many daemons, and
chances are that not every tinc daemon will ever send a packet to every
other daemon. Instead, if a daemon needs a key it sends a request for it
via the meta connection of the nearest hop in the direction of the
destination. If any hop on the way has already learned the key, it will
act as a proxy and forward its copy back to the requester.
@cindex REQ_KEY
@cindex ANS_KEY
daemon message
daemon REQ_KEY origin destination
| +--> name of the tinc daemon it wants the key from
+----------> name of the daemon that wants the key
daemon ANS_KEY origin destination 4ae0b0a82d6e0078 91 64 4
| | \______________/ | | +--> MAC length
| | | | +-----> digest algorithm
| | | +--------> cipher algorithm
| | +--> 128 bits key
| +--> name of the daemon that wants the key
+----------> name of the daemon that uses this key
daemon KEY_CHANGED origin
+--> daemon that has changed it's packet key
@end example
There is also a mechanism to check if hosts are still alive. Since network
failures or a crash can cause a daemon to be killed without properly
shutting down the TCP connection, this is necessary to keep an up to date
connection list. PINGs are sent at regular intervals, except when there
is also some other traffic. A little bit of salt (random data) is added
with each PING and PONG message, to make sure that long sequences of PING/PONG
messages without any other traffic won't result in known plaintext.
@cindex PING
@cindex PONG
@ -1720,6 +1730,14 @@ dest. PONG
@end example
There is also a mechanism to check if hosts are still alive. Since network
failures or a crash can cause a daemon to be killed without properly
shutting down the TCP connection, this is necessary to keep an up to date
connection list. PINGs are sent at regular intervals, except when there
is also some other traffic. A little bit of salt (random data) is added
with each PING and PONG message, to make sure that long sequences of PING/PONG
messages without any other traffic won't result in known plaintext.
This basically covers what is sent over the meta connection by
@ -1813,17 +1831,15 @@ server CHAL_REPLY 928ffe
After the correct challenge replies are received, both ends have proved
their identity. Further information is exchanged.
client ACK 655 123 0
| | | +-> options
| | +----> estimated weight
| +------------> IP address of server as seen by client
+--------------------> UDP port of client
client ACK 655 123 0
| | +-> options
| +----> estimated weight
+--------> listening port of client
server ACK 655 321 0
| | | +-> options
| | +----> estimated weight
| +------------> IP address of client as seen by server
+--------------------> UDP port of server
server ACK 655 321 0
| | +-> options
| +----> estimated weight
+--------> listening port of server
@end example
@ -1891,8 +1907,8 @@ The UDP packet containing the network packet from the VPN has the following layo
Encrypted with symmetric cipher
@end example
So, the entire VPN packet is encrypted using a symmetric cipher. A 32 bits
sequence number is added in front of the actual VPN packet, to act as a unique
So, the entire VPN packet is encrypted using a symmetric cipher, including a 32 bits
sequence number that is added in front of the actual VPN packet, to act as a unique
IV for each packet and to prevent replay attacks. A message authentication code
is added to the UDP packet to prevent alteration of packets. By default the
first 4 bytes of the digest are used for this, but this can be changed using
@ -1918,8 +1934,8 @@ tinc's website is at @url{http://tinc.nl.linux.org/},
this server is located in the Netherlands.
@cindex IRC
We have an IRC channel on the Open Projects IRC network. Connect to
@uref{http://openprojects.nu/services/irc.html, irc.openprojects.net},
We have an IRC channel on the FreeNode IRC network. Connect to
@uref{http://www.freenode.net/, irc.freenode.net}
and join channel #tinc.
@ -1929,14 +1945,7 @@ and join channel #tinc.
@table @asis
@item Ivo Timmermans (zarq) (@email{ivo@@o2w.nl})
Main coder/hacker and maintainer of the package.
@item Guus Sliepen (guus) (@email{guus@@sliepen.eu.org})
Originator of it all, co-author.
@item Wessel Dankers (Ubiq) (@email{wsl@@nl.linux.org})
For the name `tinc' and various suggestions.
@end table
We have received a lot of valuable input from users. With their help,
@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ Connect to net
.It Fl D, -no-detach
Don't fork and detach.
This will also disable the automatic restart mechanism for fatal errors.
.It Fl L, -mlock
Lock tinc into main memory.
This will prevent sensitive data like shared private keys to be written to the system swap files/partitions.
.It Fl -version
Output version information and exit.
Reference in a new issue