359 lines
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359 lines
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sptps.c -- Simple Peer-to-Peer Security
Copyright (C) 2011 Guus Sliepen <guus@tinc-vpn.org>,
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include "system.h"
#include "cipher.h"
#include "crypto.h"
#include "digest.h"
#include "ecdh.h"
#include "ecdsa.h"
#include "prf.h"
#include "sptps.h"
char *logfilename;
#include "utils.c"
static bool error(sptps_t *s, int s_errno, const char *msg) {
fprintf(stderr, "SPTPS error: %s\n", msg);
errno = s_errno;
return false;
static bool send_record_priv(sptps_t *s, uint8_t type, const char *data, uint16_t len) {
char plaintext[len + 23];
char ciphertext[len + 19];
// Create header with sequence number, length and record type
uint32_t seqno = htonl(s->outseqno++);
uint16_t netlen = htons(len);
memcpy(plaintext, &seqno, 4);
memcpy(plaintext + 4, &netlen, 2);
plaintext[6] = type;
// Add plaintext (TODO: avoid unnecessary copy)
memcpy(plaintext + 7, data, len);
if(s->state) {
// If first handshake has finished, encrypt and HMAC
if(!digest_create(&s->outdigest, plaintext, len + 7, plaintext + 7 + len))
return false;
if(!cipher_encrypt(&s->outcipher, plaintext + 4, sizeof ciphertext, ciphertext, NULL, false))
return false;
return s->send_data(s->handle, ciphertext, len + 19);
} else {
// Otherwise send as plaintext
return s->send_data(s->handle, plaintext + 4, len + 3);
bool send_record(sptps_t *s, uint8_t type, const char *data, uint16_t len) {
// Sanity checks: application cannot send data before handshake is finished,
// and only record types 0..127 are allowed.
return error(s, EINVAL, "Handshake phase not finished yet");
if(type & 128)
return error(s, EINVAL, "Invalid application record type");
return send_record_priv(s, type, data, len);
static bool send_kex(sptps_t *s) {
size_t keylen = ECDH_SIZE;
size_t siglen = ecdsa_size(&s->mykey);
char data[32 + keylen + siglen];
// Create a random nonce.
s->myrandom = realloc(s->myrandom, 32);
return error(s, errno, strerror(errno));
randomize(s->myrandom, 32);
memcpy(data, s->myrandom, 32);
// Create a new ECDH public key.
if(!ecdh_generate_public(&s->ecdh, data + 32))
return false;
// Sign the former.
if(!ecdsa_sign(&s->mykey, data, 32 + keylen, data + 32 + keylen))
return false;
// Send the handshake record.
return send_record_priv(s, 128, data, sizeof data);
static bool generate_key_material(sptps_t *s, const char *shared, size_t len, const char *hisrandom) {
// Initialise cipher and digest structures if necessary
if(!s->state) {
bool result
= cipher_open_by_name(&s->incipher, "aes-256-ofb")
&& cipher_open_by_name(&s->outcipher, "aes-256-ofb")
&& digest_open_by_name(&s->indigest, "sha256", 16)
&& digest_open_by_name(&s->outdigest, "sha256", 16);
return false;
// Allocate memory for key material
size_t keylen = digest_keylength(&s->indigest) + digest_keylength(&s->outdigest) + cipher_keylength(&s->incipher) + cipher_keylength(&s->outcipher);
s->key = realloc(s->key, keylen);
return error(s, errno, strerror(errno));
// Create the HMAC seed, which is "key expansion" + session label + server nonce + client nonce
char seed[s->labellen + 64 + 13];
strcpy(seed, "key expansion");
if(s->initiator) {
memcpy(seed + 13, hisrandom, 32);
memcpy(seed + 45, s->myrandom, 32);
} else {
memcpy(seed + 13, s->myrandom, 32);
memcpy(seed + 45, hisrandom, 32);
memcpy(seed + 78, s->label, s->labellen);
// Use PRF to generate the key material
if(!prf(shared, len, seed, s->labellen + 64 + 13, s->key, keylen))
return false;
return true;
static bool send_ack(sptps_t *s) {
return send_record_priv(s, 128, "", 0);
static bool receive_ack(sptps_t *s, const char *data, uint16_t len) {
return false;
// TODO: set cipher/digest keys
return error(s, ENOSYS, "receive_ack() not completely implemented yet");
static bool receive_kex(sptps_t *s, const char *data, uint16_t len) {
size_t keylen = ECDH_SIZE;
size_t siglen = ecdsa_size(&s->hiskey);
// Verify length of KEX record.
if(len != 32 + keylen + siglen)
return error(s, EIO, "Invalid KEX record length");
// Verify signature.
if(!ecdsa_verify(&s->hiskey, data, 32 + keylen, data + 32 + keylen))
return false;
// Compute shared secret.
char shared[ECDH_SHARED_SIZE];
if(!ecdh_compute_shared(&s->ecdh, data + 32, shared))
return false;
// Generate key material from shared secret.
if(!generate_key_material(s, shared, sizeof shared, data))
return false;
// Send cipher change record if necessary
return false;
// TODO: set cipher/digest keys
if(s->initiator) {
bool result
= cipher_set_key(&s->incipher, s->key, false)
&& digest_set_key(&s->indigest, s->key + cipher_keylength(&s->incipher), digest_keylength(&s->indigest))
&& cipher_set_key(&s->outcipher, s->key + cipher_keylength(&s->incipher) + digest_keylength(&s->indigest), true)
&& digest_set_key(&s->outdigest, s->key + cipher_keylength(&s->incipher) + digest_keylength(&s->indigest) + cipher_keylength(&s->outcipher), digest_keylength(&s->outdigest));
return false;
} else {
bool result
= cipher_set_key(&s->outcipher, s->key, true)
&& digest_set_key(&s->outdigest, s->key + cipher_keylength(&s->outcipher), digest_keylength(&s->outdigest))
&& cipher_set_key(&s->incipher, s->key + cipher_keylength(&s->outcipher) + digest_keylength(&s->outdigest), false)
&& digest_set_key(&s->indigest, s->key + cipher_keylength(&s->outcipher) + digest_keylength(&s->outdigest) + cipher_keylength(&s->incipher), digest_keylength(&s->indigest));
return false;
return true;
static bool receive_handshake(sptps_t *s, const char *data, uint16_t len) {
// Only a few states to deal with handshaking.
switch(s->state) {
case 0:
// We have sent our public ECDH key, we expect our peer to sent one as well.
if(!receive_kex(s, data, len))
return false;
s->state = 1;
return true;
case 1:
// We receive a secondary key exchange request, first respond by sending our own public ECDH key.
return false;
case 2:
// If we already sent our secondary public ECDH key, we expect the peer to send his.
if(!receive_kex(s, data, len))
return false;
s->state = 3;
return true;
case 3:
// We expect an empty handshake message to indicate transition to the new keys.
if(!receive_ack(s, data, len))
return false;
s->state = 1;
return true;
return error(s, EIO, "Invalid session state");
bool receive_data(sptps_t *s, const char *data, size_t len) {
while(len) {
// First read the 2 length bytes.
if(s->buflen < 6) {
size_t toread = 6 - s->buflen;
if(toread > len)
toread = len;
if(s->state) {
if(!cipher_decrypt(&s->incipher, data, toread, s->inbuf + s->buflen, NULL, false))
return false;
} else {
memcpy(s->inbuf + s->buflen, data, toread);
s->buflen += toread;
len -= toread;
data += toread;
// Exit early if we don't have the full length.
if(s->buflen < 6)
return true;
// If we have the length bytes, ensure our buffer can hold the whole request.
uint16_t reclen;
memcpy(&reclen, s->inbuf + 4, 2);
reclen = htons(reclen);
s->inbuf = realloc(s->inbuf, reclen + 23UL);
return error(s, errno, strerror(errno));
// Add sequence number.
uint32_t seqno = htonl(s->inseqno++);
memcpy(s->inbuf, &seqno, 4);
// Exit early if we have no more data to process.
return true;
// Read up to the end of the record.
uint16_t reclen;
memcpy(&reclen, s->inbuf + 4, 2);
reclen = htons(reclen);
size_t toread = reclen + (s->state ? 23UL : 7UL) - s->buflen;
if(toread > len)
toread = len;
if(s->state) {
if(!cipher_decrypt(&s->incipher, data, toread, s->inbuf + s->buflen, NULL, false))
return false;
} else {
memcpy(s->inbuf + s->buflen, data, toread);
s->buflen += toread;
len -= toread;
data += toread;
// If we don't have a whole record, exit.
if(s->buflen < reclen + (s->state ? 23UL : 7UL))
return true;
// Check HMAC.
if(!digest_verify(&s->indigest, s->inbuf, reclen + 7UL, s->inbuf + reclen + 7UL))
error(s, EIO, "Invalid HMAC");
uint8_t type = s->inbuf[6];
// Handle record.
if(type < 128) {
if(!s->receive_record(s->handle, type, s->inbuf + 7, reclen))
return false;
} else if(type == 128) {
if(!receive_handshake(s, s->inbuf + 7, reclen))
return false;
} else {
return error(s, EIO, "Invalid record type");
s->buflen = 4;
return true;
bool start_sptps(sptps_t *s, void *handle, bool initiator, ecdsa_t mykey, ecdsa_t hiskey, const char *label, size_t labellen, send_data_t send_data, receive_record_t receive_record) {
// Initialise struct sptps
memset(s, 0, sizeof *s);
s->handle = handle;
s->initiator = initiator;
s->mykey = mykey;
s->hiskey = hiskey;
s->label = malloc(labellen);
return error(s, errno, strerror(errno));
s->inbuf = malloc(7);
return error(s, errno, strerror(errno));
s->buflen = 4;
memset(s->inbuf, 0, 4);
memcpy(s->label, label, labellen);
s->labellen = labellen;
s->send_data = send_data;
s->receive_record = receive_record;
// Do first KEX immediately
return send_kex(s);
bool stop_sptps(sptps_t *s) {
// Clean up any resources.
return true;