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479 lines
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Executable file
#ifndef _SGTL5000_H_
#define _SGTL5000_H_
#define CHIP_ID 0x0000
// 15:8 PARTID 0xA0 - 8 bit identifier for SGTL5000
// 7:0 REVID 0x00 - revision number for SGTL5000.
#define CHIP_DIG_POWER 0x0002
// 6 ADC_POWERUP 1=Enable, 0=disable the ADC block, both digital & analog,
// 5 DAC_POWERUP 1=Enable, 0=disable the DAC block, both analog and digital
// 4 DAP_POWERUP 1=Enable, 0=disable the DAP block
// 1 I2S_OUT_POWERUP 1=Enable, 0=disable the I2S data output
// 0 I2S_IN_POWERUP 1=Enable, 0=disable the I2S data input
#define CHIP_CLK_CTRL 0x0004
// 5:4 RATE_MODE Sets the sample rate mode. MCLK_FREQ is still specified
// relative to the rate in SYS_FS
// 0x0 = SYS_FS specifies the rate
// 0x1 = Rate is 1/2 of the SYS_FS rate
// 0x2 = Rate is 1/4 of the SYS_FS rate
// 0x3 = Rate is 1/6 of the SYS_FS rate
// 3:2 SYS_FS Sets the internal system sample rate (default=2)
// 0x0 = 32 kHz
// 0x1 = 44.1 kHz
// 0x2 = 48 kHz
// 0x3 = 96 kHz
// 1:0 MCLK_FREQ Identifies incoming SYS_MCLK frequency and if the PLL should be used
// 0x0 = 256*Fs
// 0x1 = 384*Fs
// 0x2 = 512*Fs
// 0x3 = Use PLL
// The 0x3 (Use PLL) setting must be used if the SYS_MCLK is not
// a standard multiple of Fs (256, 384, or 512). This setting can
// also be used if SYS_MCLK is a standard multiple of Fs.
// Before this field is set to 0x3 (Use PLL), the PLL must be
// powered up by setting CHIP_ANA_POWER->PLL_POWERUP and
// CHIP_ANA_POWER->VCOAMP_POWERUP. Also, the PLL dividers must
// be calculated based on the external MCLK rate and
// CHIP_PLL_CTRL register must be set (see CHIP_PLL_CTRL register
// description details on how to calculate the divisors).
#define CHIP_I2S_CTRL 0x0006
// 8 SCLKFREQ Sets frequency of I2S_SCLK when in master mode (MS=1). When in slave
// mode (MS=0), this field must be set appropriately to match SCLK input
// rate.
// 0x0 = 64Fs
// 0x1 = 32Fs - Not supported for RJ mode (I2S_MODE = 1)
// 7 MS Configures master or slave of I2S_LRCLK and I2S_SCLK.
// 0x0 = Slave: I2S_LRCLK an I2S_SCLK are inputs
// 0x1 = Master: I2S_LRCLK and I2S_SCLK are outputs
// NOTE: If the PLL is used (CHIP_CLK_CTRL->MCLK_FREQ==0x3),
// the SGTL5000 must be a master of the I2S port (MS==1)
// 6 SCLK_INV Sets the edge that data (input and output) is clocked in on for I2S_SCLK
// 0x0 = data is valid on rising edge of I2S_SCLK
// 0x1 = data is valid on falling edge of I2S_SCLK
// 5:4 DLEN I2S data length (default=1)
// 0x0 = 32 bits (only valid when SCLKFREQ=0),
// not valid for Right Justified Mode
// 0x1 = 24 bits (only valid when SCLKFREQ=0)
// 0x2 = 20 bits
// 0x3 = 16 bits
// 3:2 I2S_MODE Sets the mode for the I2S port
// 0x0 = I2S mode or Left Justified (Use LRALIGN to select)
// 0x1 = Right Justified Mode
// 0x2 = PCM Format A/B
// 0x3 = RESERVED
// 1 LRALIGN I2S_LRCLK Alignment to data word. Not used for Right Justified mode
// 0x0 = Data word starts 1 I2S_SCLK delay after I2S_LRCLK
// transition (I2S format, PCM format A)
// 0x1 = Data word starts after I2S_LRCLK transition (left
// justified format, PCM format B)
// 0 LRPOL I2S_LRCLK Polarity when data is presented.
// 0x0 = I2S_LRCLK = 0 - Left, 1 - Right
// 1x0 = I2S_LRCLK = 0 - Right, 1 - Left
// The left subframe should be presented first regardless of
// the setting of LRPOL.
#define CHIP_SSS_CTRL 0x000A
// 14 DAP_MIX_LRSWAP DAP Mixer Input Swap
// 0x0 = Normal Operation
// 0x1 = Left and Right channels for the DAP MIXER Input are swapped.
// 13 DAP_LRSWAP DAP Mixer Input Swap
// 0x0 = Normal Operation
// 0x1 = Left and Right channels for the DAP Input are swapped
// 12 DAC_LRSWAP DAC Input Swap
// 0x0 = Normal Operation
// 0x1 = Left and Right channels for the DAC are swapped
// 10 I2S_LRSWAP I2S_DOUT Swap
// 0x0 = Normal Operation
// 0x1 = Left and Right channels for the I2S_DOUT are swapped
// 9:8 DAP_MIX_SELECT Select data source for DAP mixer
// 0x0 = ADC
// 0x1 = I2S_IN
// 0x2 = Reserved
// 0x3 = Reserved
// 7:6 DAP_SELECT Select data source for DAP
// 0x0 = ADC
// 0x1 = I2S_IN
// 0x2 = Reserved
// 0x3 = Reserved
// 5:4 DAC_SELECT Select data source for DAC (default=1)
// 0x0 = ADC
// 0x1 = I2S_IN
// 0x2 = Reserved
// 0x3 = DAP
// 1:0 I2S_SELECT Select data source for I2S_DOUT
// 0x0 = ADC
// 0x1 = I2S_IN
// 0x2 = Reserved
// 0x3 = DAP
#define CHIP_ADCDAC_CTRL 0x000E
// 13 VOL_BUSY_DAC_RIGHT Volume Busy DAC Right
// 0x0 = Ready
// 0x1 = Busy - This indicates the channel has not reached its
// programmed volume/mute level
// 12 VOL_BUSY_DAC_LEFT Volume Busy DAC Left
// 0x0 = Ready
// 0x1 = Busy - This indicates the channel has not reached its
// programmed volume/mute level
// 9 VOL_RAMP_EN Volume Ramp Enable (default=1)
// 0x0 = Disables volume ramp. New volume settings take immediate
// effect without a ramp
// 0x1 = Enables volume ramp
// This field affects DAC_VOL. The volume ramp effects both
// volume settings and mute When set to 1 a soft mute is enabled.
// 8 VOL_EXPO_RAMP Exponential Volume Ramp Enable
// 0x0 = Linear ramp over top 4 volume octaves
// 0x1 = Exponential ramp over full volume range
// This bit only takes effect if VOL_RAMP_EN is 1.
// 3 DAC_MUTE_RIGHT DAC Right Mute (default=1)
// 0x0 = Unmute
// 0x1 = Muted
// If VOL_RAMP_EN = 1, this is a soft mute.
// 2 DAC_MUTE_LEFT DAC Left Mute (default=1)
// 0x0 = Unmute
// 0x1 = Muted
// If VOL_RAMP_EN = 1, this is a soft mute.
// 1 ADC_HPF_FREEZE ADC High Pass Filter Freeze
// 0x0 = Normal operation
// 0x1 = Freeze the ADC high-pass filter offset register. The
// offset continues to be subtracted from the ADC data stream.
// 0 ADC_HPF_BYPASS ADC High Pass Filter Bypass
// 0x0 = Normal operation
// 0x1 = Bypassed and offset not updated
#define CHIP_DAC_VOL 0x0010
// 15:8 DAC_VOL_RIGHT DAC Right Channel Volume. Set the Right channel DAC volume
// with 0.5017 dB steps from 0 to -90 dB
// 0x3B and less = Reserved
// 0x3C = 0 dB
// 0x3D = -0.5 dB
// 0xF0 = -90 dB
// 0xFC and greater = Muted
// If VOL_RAMP_EN = 1, there is an automatic ramp to the
// new volume setting.
// 7:0 DAC_VOL_LEFT DAC Left Channel Volume. Set the Left channel DAC volume
// with 0.5017 dB steps from 0 to -90 dB
// 0x3B and less = Reserved
// 0x3C = 0 dB
// 0x3D = -0.5 dB
// 0xF0 = -90 dB
// 0xFC and greater = Muted
// If VOL_RAMP_EN = 1, there is an automatic ramp to the
// new volume setting.
#define CHIP_PAD_STRENGTH 0x0014
// 9:8 I2S_LRCLK I2S LRCLK Pad Drive Strength (default=1)
// Sets drive strength for output pads per the table below.
// VDDIO 1.8 V 2.5 V 3.3 V
// 0x0 = Disable
// 0x1 = 1.66 mA 2.87 mA 4.02 mA
// 0x2 = 3.33 mA 5.74 mA 8.03 mA
// 0x3 = 4.99 mA 8.61 mA 12.05 mA
// 7:6 I2S_SCLK I2S SCLK Pad Drive Strength (default=1)
// 5:4 I2S_DOUT I2S DOUT Pad Drive Strength (default=1)
// 3:2 CTRL_DATA I2C DATA Pad Drive Strength (default=3)
// 1:0 CTRL_CLK I2C CLK Pad Drive Strength (default=3)
// (all use same table as I2S_LRCLK)
#define CHIP_ANA_ADC_CTRL 0x0020
// 8 ADC_VOL_M6DB ADC Volume Range Reduction
// This bit shifts both right and left analog ADC volume
// range down by 6.0 dB.
// 0x0 = No change in ADC range
// 0x1 = ADC range reduced by 6.0 dB
// 7:4 ADC_VOL_RIGHT ADC Right Channel Volume
// Right channel analog ADC volume control in 1.5 dB steps.
// 0x0 = 0 dB
// 0x1 = +1.5 dB
// ...
// 0xF = +22.5 dB
// This range is -6.0 dB to +16.5 dB if ADC_VOL_M6DB is set to 1.
// 3:0 ADC_VOL_LEFT ADC Left Channel Volume
// (same scale as ADC_VOL_RIGHT)
#define CHIP_ANA_HP_CTRL 0x0022
// 14:8 HP_VOL_RIGHT Headphone Right Channel Volume (default 0x18)
// Right channel headphone volume control with 0.5 dB steps.
// 0x00 = +12 dB
// 0x01 = +11.5 dB
// 0x18 = 0 dB
// ...
// 0x7F = -51.5 dB
// 6:0 HP_VOL_LEFT Headphone Left Channel Volume (default 0x18)
// (same scale as HP_VOL_RIGHT)
#define CHIP_ANA_CTRL 0x0024
// 8 MUTE_LO LINEOUT Mute, 0 = Unmute, 1 = Mute (default 1)
// 6 SELECT_HP Select the headphone input, 0 = DAC, 1 = LINEIN
// 5 EN_ZCD_HP Enable the headphone zero cross detector (ZCD)
// 0x0 = HP ZCD disabled
// 0x1 = HP ZCD enabled
// 4 MUTE_HP Mute the headphone outputs, 0 = Unmute, 1 = Mute (default)
// 2 SELECT_ADC Select the ADC input, 0 = Microphone, 1 = LINEIN
// 1 EN_ZCD_ADC Enable the ADC analog zero cross detector (ZCD)
// 0x0 = ADC ZCD disabled
// 0x1 = ADC ZCD enabled
// 0 MUTE_ADC Mute the ADC analog volume, 0 = Unmute, 1 = Mute (default)
#define CHIP_LINREG_CTRL 0x0026
// 6 VDDC_MAN_ASSN Determines chargepump source when VDDC_ASSN_OVRD is set.
// 0x0 = VDDA
// 0x1 = VDDIO
// 5 VDDC_ASSN_OVRD Charge pump Source Assignment Override
// 0x0 = Charge pump source is automatically assigned based
// on higher of VDDA and VDDIO
// 0x1 = the source of charge pump is manually assigned by
// VDDC_MAN_ASSN If VDDIO and VDDA are both the same
// and greater than 3.1 V, VDDC_ASSN_OVRD and
// VDDC_MAN_ASSN should be used to manually assign
// VDDIO as the source for charge pump.
// 3:0 D_PROGRAMMING Sets the VDDD linear regulator output voltage in 50 mV steps.
// in the 0x0030 (CHIP_ANA_POWER) register after power-up, for
// this setting to produce the proper VDDD voltage.
// 0x0 = 1.60
// 0xF = 0.85
#define CHIP_REF_CTRL 0x0028 // bandgap reference bias voltage and currents
// 8:4 VAG_VAL Analog Ground Voltage Control
// These bits control the analog ground voltage in 25 mV steps.
// This should usually be set to VDDA/2 or lower for best
// performance (maximum output swing at minimum THD). This VAG
// reference is also used for the DAC and ADC voltage reference.
// So changing this voltage scales the output swing of the DAC
// and the output signal of the ADC.
// 0x00 = 0.800 V
// 0x1F = 1.575 V
// 3:1 BIAS_CTRL Bias control
// These bits adjust the bias currents for all of the analog
// blocks. By lowering the bias current a lower quiescent power
// is achieved. It should be noted that this mode can affect
// performance by 3-4 dB.
// 0x0 = Nominal
// 0x1-0x3=+12.5%
// 0x4=-12.5%
// 0x5=-25%
// 0x6=-37.5%
// 0x7=-50%
// 0 SMALL_POP VAG Ramp Control
// Setting this bit slows down the VAG ramp from ~200 to ~400 ms
// to reduce the startup pop, but increases the turn on/off time.
// 0x0 = Normal VAG ramp
// 0x1 = Slow down VAG ramp
#define CHIP_MIC_CTRL 0x002A // microphone gain & internal microphone bias
// 9:8 BIAS_RESISTOR MIC Bias Output Impedance Adjustment
// Controls an adjustable output impedance for the microphone bias.
// If this is set to zero the micbias block is powered off and
// the output is highZ.
// 0x0 = Powered off
// 0x1 = 2.0 kohm
// 0x2 = 4.0 kohm
// 0x3 = 8.0 kohm
// 6:4 BIAS_VOLT MIC Bias Voltage Adjustment
// Controls an adjustable bias voltage for the microphone bias
// amp in 250 mV steps. This bias voltage setting should be no
// more than VDDA-200 mV for adequate power supply rejection.
// 0x0 = 1.25 V
// ...
// 0x7 = 3.00 V
// 1:0 GAIN MIC Amplifier Gain
// Sets the microphone amplifier gain. At 0 dB setting the THD
// can be slightly higher than other paths- typically around
// ~65 dB. At other gain settings the THD are better.
// 0x0 = 0 dB
// 0x1 = +20 dB
// 0x2 = +30 dB
// 0x3 = +40 dB
#define CHIP_LINE_OUT_CTRL 0x002C
// 11:8 OUT_CURRENT Controls the output bias current for the LINEOUT amplifiers. The
// nominal recommended setting for a 10 kohm load with 1.0 nF load cap
// is 0x3. There are only 5 valid settings.
// 0x0=0.18 mA
// 0x1=0.27 mA
// 0x3=0.36 mA
// 0x7=0.45 mA
// 0xF=0.54 mA
// 5:0 LO_VAGCNTRL LINEOUT Amplifier Analog Ground Voltage
// Controls the analog ground voltage for the LINEOUT amplifiers
// in 25 mV steps. This should usually be set to VDDIO/2.
// 0x00 = 0.800 V
// ...
// 0x1F = 1.575 V
// ...
// 0x23 = 1.675 V
// 0x24-0x3F are invalid
#define CHIP_LINE_OUT_VOL 0x002E
// 12:8 LO_VOL_RIGHT LINEOUT Right Channel Volume (default=4)
// Controls the right channel LINEOUT volume in 0.5 dB steps.
// Higher codes have more attenuation.
// 4:0 LO_VOL_LEFT LINEOUT Left Channel Output Level (default=4)
// Used to normalize the output level of the left line output
// to full scale based on the values used to set
// In general this field should be set to:
// 40*log((VAG_VAL)/(LO_VAGCNTRL)) + 15
// Suggested values based on typical VDDIO and VDDA voltages.
// 1.8 V 0.9 3.3 V 1.55 0x06
// 1.8 V 0.9 1.8 V 0.9 0x0F
// 3.3 V 1.55 1.8 V 0.9 0x19
// 3.3 V 1.55 3.3 V 1.55 0x0F
// After setting to the nominal voltage, this field can be used
// to adjust the output level in +/-0.5 dB increments by using
// values higher or lower than the nominal setting.
#define CHIP_ANA_POWER 0x0030 // power down controls for the analog blocks.
// The only other power-down controls are BIAS_RESISTOR in the MIC_CTRL register
// and the EN_ZCD control bits in ANA_CTRL.
// 14 DAC_MONO While DAC_POWERUP is set, this allows the DAC to be put into left only
// mono operation for power savings. 0=mono, 1=stereo (default)
// 13 LINREG_SIMPLE_POWERUP Power up the simple (low power) digital supply regulator.
// After reset, this bit can be cleared IF VDDD is driven
// externally OR the primary digital linreg is enabled with
// 12 STARTUP_POWERUP Power up the circuitry needed during the power up ramp and reset.
// After reset this bit can be cleared if VDDD is coming from
// an external source.
// 11 VDDC_CHRGPMP_POWERUP Power up the VDDC charge pump block. If neither VDDA or VDDIO
// is 3.0 V or larger this bit should be cleared before analog
// blocks are powered up.
// 10 PLL_POWERUP PLL Power Up, 0 = Power down, 1 = Power up
// When cleared, the PLL is turned off. This must be set before
// CHIP_CLK_CTRL->MCLK_FREQ is programmed to 0x3. The
// CHIP_PLL_CTRL register must be configured correctly before
// setting this bit.
// 9 LINREG_D_POWERUP Power up the primary VDDD linear regulator, 0 = Power down, 1 = Power up
// 8 VCOAMP_POWERUP Power up the PLL VCO amplifier, 0 = Power down, 1 = Power up
// 7 VAG_POWERUP Power up the VAG reference buffer.
// Setting this bit starts the power up ramp for the headphone
// and LINEOUT. The headphone (and/or LINEOUT) powerup should
// be set BEFORE clearing this bit. When this bit is cleared
// the power-down ramp is started. The headphone (and/or LINEOUT)
// powerup should stay set until the VAG is fully ramped down
// (200 to 400 ms after clearing this bit).
// 0x0 = Power down, 0x1 = Power up
// 6 ADC_MONO While ADC_POWERUP is set, this allows the ADC to be put into left only
// mono operation for power savings. This mode is useful when
// only using the microphone input.
// 0x0 = Mono (left only), 0x1 = Stereo
// 5 REFTOP_POWERUP Power up the reference bias currents
// 0x0 = Power down, 0x1 = Power up
// This bit can be cleared when the part is a sleep state
// to minimize analog power.
// 4 HEADPHONE_POWERUP Power up the headphone amplifiers
// 0x0 = Power down, 0x1 = Power up
// 3 DAC_POWERUP Power up the DACs
// 0x0 = Power down, 0x1 = Power up
// 2 CAPLESS_HEADPHONE_POWERUP Power up the capless headphone mode
// 0x0 = Power down, 0x1 = Power up
// 1 ADC_POWERUP Power up the ADCs
// 0x0 = Power down, 0x1 = Power up
// 0 LINEOUT_POWERUP Power up the LINEOUT amplifiers
// 0x0 = Power down, 0x1 = Power up
#define CHIP_PLL_CTRL 0x0032
// 15:11 INT_DIVISOR
#define CHIP_CLK_TOP_CTRL 0x0034
// 11 ENABLE_INT_OSC Setting this bit enables an internal oscillator to be used for the
// zero cross detectors, the short detect recovery, and the
// charge pump. This allows the I2S clock to be shut off while
// still operating an analog signal path. This bit can be kept
// on when the I2S clock is enabled, but the I2S clock is more
// accurate so it is preferred to clear this bit when I2S is present.
// 3 INPUT_FREQ_DIV2 SYS_MCLK divider before PLL input
// 0x0 = pass through
// 0x1 = SYS_MCLK is divided by 2 before entering PLL
// This must be set when the input clock is above 17 Mhz. This
// has no effect when the PLL is powered down.
#define CHIP_ANA_STATUS 0x0036
// 9 LRSHORT_STS This bit is high whenever a short is detected on the left or right
// channel headphone drivers.
// 8 CSHORT_STS This bit is high whenever a short is detected on the capless headphone
// common/center channel driver.
// 4 PLL_IS_LOCKED This bit goes high after the PLL is locked.
#define CHIP_ANA_TEST1 0x0038 // intended only for debug.
#define CHIP_ANA_TEST2 0x003A // intended only for debug.
#define CHIP_SHORT_CTRL 0x003C
// 14:12 LVLADJR Right channel headphone short detector in 25 mA steps.
// 0x3=25 mA
// 0x2=50 mA
// 0x1=75 mA
// 0x0=100 mA
// 0x4=125 mA
// 0x5=150 mA
// 0x6=175 mA
// 0x7=200 mA
// This trip point can vary by ~30% over process so leave plenty
// of guard band to avoid false trips. This short detect trip
// point is also effected by the bias current adjustments made
// 10:8 LVLADJL Left channel headphone short detector in 25 mA steps.
// (same scale as LVLADJR)
// 6:4 LVLADJC Capless headphone center channel short detector in 50 mA steps.
// 0x3=50 mA
// 0x2=100 mA
// 0x1=150 mA
// 0x0=200 mA
// 0x4=250 mA
// 0x5=300 mA
// 0x6=350 mA
// 0x7=400 mA
// 3:2 MODE_LR Behavior of left/right short detection
// 0x0 = Disable short detector, reset short detect latch,
// software view non-latched short signal
// 0x1 = Enable short detector and reset the latch at timeout
// (every ~50 ms)
// 0x2 = This mode is not used/invalid
// 0x3 = Enable short detector with only manual reset (have
// to return to 0x0 to reset the latch)
// 1:0 MODE_CM Behavior of capless headphone central short detection
// (same settings as MODE_LR)
#define DAP_CONTROL 0x0100
#define DAP_PEQ 0x0102
#define DAP_BASS_ENHANCE 0x0104
#define DAP_BASS_ENHANCE_CTRL 0x0106
#define DAP_AUDIO_EQ 0x0108
#define DAP_SGTL_SURROUND 0x010A
#define DAP_COEF_WR_B0_MSB 0x010E
#define DAP_COEF_WR_B0_LSB 0x0110
#define DAP_AUDIO_EQ_BASS_BAND0 0x0116 // 115 Hz
#define DAP_AUDIO_EQ_BAND1 0x0118 // 330 Hz
#define DAP_AUDIO_EQ_BAND2 0x011A // 990 Hz
#define DAP_AUDIO_EQ_BAND3 0x011C // 3000 Hz
#define DAP_AUDIO_EQ_TREBLE_BAND4 0x011E // 9900 Hz
#define DAP_MAIN_CHAN 0x0120
#define DAP_MIX_CHAN 0x0122
#define DAP_AVC_CTRL 0x0124
#define DAP_AVC_THRESHOLD 0x0126
#define DAP_AVC_ATTACK 0x0128
#define DAP_AVC_DECAY 0x012A
#define DAP_COEF_WR_B1_MSB 0x012C
#define DAP_COEF_WR_B1_LSB 0x012E
#define DAP_COEF_WR_B2_MSB 0x0130
#define DAP_COEF_WR_B2_LSB 0x0132
#define DAP_COEF_WR_A1_MSB 0x0134
#define DAP_COEF_WR_A1_LSB 0x0136
#define DAP_COEF_WR_A2_MSB 0x0138
#define DAP_COEF_WR_A2_LSB 0x013A
#define SGTL5000_I2C_ADDR_CS_LOW 0x0A // CTRL_ADR0_CS pin low (normal configuration)
#define SGTL5000_I2C_ADDR_CS_HIGH 0x2A // CTRL_ADR0_CS pin high
unsigned char sgtl5000_enable(void);
unsigned char sgtl5000_setVolume(float val);