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535 lines
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Executable file
* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
#define _OSDEP_API_C_
#include <osdep_api.h>
#include "osdep_service.h"
extern _LONG_CALL_ char *_strcpy(char *dest, const char *src);
extern _LONG_CALL_ VOID *_memset(void *dst0, int Val,SIZE_T length);
u8* RtlMalloc(IN u32 sz)
u8 *pbuf=NULL;
pbuf = rtw_malloc((u32)sz);
return pbuf;
u8* RtlZmalloc(IN u32 sz)
u8 *pbuf;
pbuf= rtw_malloc((u32)sz);
if (pbuf != NULL) {
_memset(pbuf, 0, sz);
return pbuf;
VOID RtlMfree(IN u8 *pbuf, IN u32 sz)
rtw_mfree(pbuf, sz);
VOID* RtlMalloc2d(IN u32 h, IN u32 w, IN u32 size)
u32 j;
VOID **a = (VOID **) rtw_malloc2d(h, w, size);
if(a == NULL)
DBG_ERROR_LOG("%s: alloc memory fail!\n", __FUNCTION__);
return NULL;
return a;
VOID RtlMfree2d(IN VOID *pbuf, IN u32 h, IN u32 w, IN u32 size)
rtw_mfree2d(pbuf, h, w, size);
VOID RtlInitSema(IN _Sema *sema, IN u32 init_val)
rtw_init_sema(sema, init_val);
VOID RtlFreeSema(IN _Sema *sema)
VOID RtlUpSema(IN _Sema *sema)
VOID RtlUpSemaFromISR(IN _Sema *sema)
u32 RtlDownSema(IN _Sema *sema)
return _SUCCESS;
u32 RtlDownSemaWithTimeout(IN _Sema *sema,IN u32 ms)
return rtw_down_timeout_sema(sema, ms);
VOID RtlMutexInit(IN _Mutex *pmutex)
VOID RtlMutexFree(IN _Mutex *pmutex)
VOID RtlSpinlockInit(IN _Lock *plock)
rtw_spinlock_init((_lock *)plock);
VOID RtlSpinlockFree(IN _Lock *plock)
rtw_spinlock_free((_lock *)plock);
VOID RtlSpinlock(IN _Lock *plock)
rtw_spin_lock((_lock *)plock);
VOID RtlSpinunlock(IN _Lock *plock)
rtw_spin_unlock((_lock *)plock);
VOID RtlSpinlockEx(IN _Lock *plock)
VOID RtlSpinunlockEx(IN _Lock *plock)
u32 RtlGetCurrentTime(VOID)
return rtw_get_current_time();
VOID RtlSleepSchedulable(IN u32 ms)
VOID RtlMsleepOS(IN u32 ms)
VOID RtlUsleepOS(IN u32 us)
VOID RtlMdelayOS(IN u32 ms)
VOID RtlUdelayOS(IN u32 us)
#if defined(__ICCARM__)
u64 RtlModular64(IN u64 n, IN u64 base)
unsigned int __base = (base);
unsigned int __rem;
//(void)(((typeof((n)) *)0) == ((__uint64_t *)0));
if (((n) >> 32) == 0) {
__rem = (unsigned int)(n) % __base;
(n) = (unsigned int)(n) / __base;
} else
__rem = __Div64_32(&(n), __base);
return __rem;
u64 RtlModular64(IN u64 x, IN u64 y)
return rtw_modular64(x, y);
* Function: RtlTimerCallbckEntry
* Desc: This function is a timer callback wrapper. All OS timer callback
* will call this function and then call the real callback function inside
* this function.
* Para:
* pxTimer: The FreeRTOS timer handle which is expired and call this callback.
* Return: None
void RtlTimerCallbckEntry (IN _timerHandle pxTimer)
if (NULL == pxTimer) {
MSG_TIMER_ERR("RtlTimerCallbckEntry: NULL Timer Handle Err!\n");
pTimer = (PRTL_TIMER) rtw_timerGetID( pxTimer );
#endif // end of "#ifdef PLATFORM_FREERTOS"
* Function: RtlTimerCreate
* Desc: To create a software timer.
* Para:
* pTimerName: A string for the timer name.
* TimerPeriodMS: The timer period, the unit is milli-second.
* CallbckFunc: The callback function of this timer.
* pContext: A pointer will be used as the parameter to call the timer
* callback function.
* isPeriodical: Is this timer periodical ? (Auto reload after expired)
* Return: The created timer handle, a pointer. It can be used to delete the
* timer. If timer createion failed, return NULL.
PRTL_TIMER RtlTimerCreate(
IN char *pTimerName,
IN u32 TimerPeriodMS,
IN void *pContext,
IN u8 isPeriodical)
u32 timer_ticks;
int i;
pTimer = (PRTL_TIMER)RtlZmalloc(sizeof(RTL_TIMER));
if (NULL == pTimer) {
MSG_TIMER_ERR("RtlTimerCreate: Alloc Mem Err!\n");
return NULL;
if (portTICK_RATE_MS >= TimerPeriodMS) {
timer_ticks = 1; // at least 1 system tick
else {
timer_ticks = TimerPeriodMS/portTICK_RATE_MS;
pTimer->TimerHandle = rtw_timerCreate ((const char*)(pTimer->TimerName), timer_ticks,
(portBASE_TYPE)isPeriodical, (void *) pTimer, RtlTimerCallbckEntry);
#ifdef PLATFORM_FREERTOS // if any RTOS is used
if (pTimer->TimerHandle) {
pTimer->msPeriod = TimerPeriodMS;
pTimer->CallBackFunc = CallbckFunc;
pTimer->Context = pContext;
pTimer->isPeriodical = isPeriodical;
// copy the timer name
if (NULL != pTimerName) {
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(pTimer->TimerName); i++)
pTimer->TimerName[i] = pTimerName[i];
if(pTimerName[i] == '\0')
else {
_strcpy((char*)(pTimer->TimerName), "None");
MSG_TIMER_INFO("RtlTimerCreate: SW Timer Created: Name=%s Period=%d isPeriodical=%d\n", \
pTimer->TimerName, pTimer->msPeriod, pTimer->isPeriodical);
RtlMfree((u8 *)pTimer, sizeof(RTL_TIMER));
pTimer = NULL;
MSG_TIMER_ERR("RtlTimerCreate: OS Create Timer Failed!\n");
return (pTimer);
* Function: RtlTimerDelete
* Desc: To delete a created software timer.
* Para:
* pTimerHdl: The timer to be deleted
* Return: None
VOID RtlTimerDelete(IN PRTL_TIMER pTimerHdl)
portBASE_TYPE ret;
if (NULL == pTimerHdl) {
MSG_TIMER_ERR("RtlTimerDelete: NULL Timer Handle!\n");
MSG_TIMER_INFO("RtlTimerDelete: Name=%s\n", pTimerHdl->TimerName);
/* try to delete the soft timer and wait max RTL_TIMER_API_MAX_BLOCK_TICKS
to send the delete command to the timer command queue */
ret = rtw_timerDelete(pTimerHdl->TimerHandle, RTL_TIMER_API_MAX_BLOCK_TICKS);
if (pdPASS != ret) {
MSG_TIMER_ERR("RtlTimerDelete: Delete OS Timer Failed!\n");
RtlMfree((u8 *)pTimerHdl, sizeof(RTL_TIMER));
* Function: RtlTimerStart
* Desc: To start a created timer..
* Para:
* pTimerHdl: The timer to be started.
* isFromISR: The flag to indicate that is this function is called from an ISR.
* Return: _SUCCESS or _FAIL
u8 RtlTimerStart(IN PRTL_TIMER pTimerHdl, IN u8 isFromISR)
u8 ret=_FAIL;
portBASE_TYPE HigherPriorityTaskWoken=pdFALSE;
if (isFromISR) {
if (pdPASS == rtw_timerStartFromISR(pTimerHdl->TimerHandle,&HigherPriorityTaskWoken))
// start OS timer successful
if (pdFALSE != HigherPriorityTaskWoken) {
ret = _SUCCESS;
else {
MSG_TIMER_ERR("RtlTimerStart: Start Timer(%s) from ISR failed\n", pTimerHdl->TimerName);
else {
if (pdPASS == rtw_timerStart(pTimerHdl->TimerHandle, RTL_TIMER_API_MAX_BLOCK_TICKS)) {
ret = _SUCCESS;
else {
MSG_TIMER_ERR("RtlTimerStart: Start Timer(%s) failed\n", pTimerHdl->TimerName);
MSG_TIMER_INFO("RtlTimerStart: SW Timer %s Started\n", pTimerHdl->TimerName);
return ret;
* Function: RtlTimerStop
* Desc: To stop a running timer..
* Para:
* pTimerHdl: The timer to be stoped.
* isFromISR: The flag to indicate that is this function is called from an ISR.
* Return: _SUCCESS or _FAIL
u8 RtlTimerStop(IN PRTL_TIMER pTimerHdl, IN u8 isFromISR)
u8 ret=_FAIL;
portBASE_TYPE HigherPriorityTaskWoken=pdFALSE;
if (isFromISR) {
if (pdPASS == rtw_timerStopFromISR(pTimerHdl->TimerHandle,&HigherPriorityTaskWoken))
// start OS timer successful
if (pdFALSE != HigherPriorityTaskWoken) {
ret = _SUCCESS;
else {
if (pdPASS == rtw_timerStop(pTimerHdl->TimerHandle, RTL_TIMER_API_MAX_BLOCK_TICKS)) {
ret = _SUCCESS;
if (_FAIL == ret) {
MSG_TIMER_ERR("RtlTimerStop: Stop Timer(%s) Failed, IsFromISR=%d\n", pTimerHdl->TimerName, isFromISR);
MSG_TIMER_INFO("RtlTimerStop: SW Timer %s Stoped\n", pTimerHdl->TimerName);
return ret;
* Function: RtlTimerReset
* Desc: To reset a timer. A reset will get a re-start and reset
* the timer ticks counting. A running timer expired time is relative
* to the time when Reset function be called. Please ensure the timer
* is in active state (Started). A stopped timer also will be started
* when this function is called.
* Para:
* pTimerHdl: The timer to be reset.
* isFromISR: The flag to indicate that is this function is called from an ISR.
* Return: _SUCCESS or _FAIL
IN u8 isFromISR
u8 ret=_FAIL;
portBASE_TYPE HigherPriorityTaskWoken=pdFALSE;
if (isFromISR) {
if (pdPASS == rtw_timerResetFromISR(pTimerHdl->TimerHandle,&HigherPriorityTaskWoken))
// start OS timer successful
if (pdFALSE != HigherPriorityTaskWoken) {
ret = _SUCCESS;
else {
if (pdPASS == rtw_timerReset(pTimerHdl->TimerHandle, RTL_TIMER_API_MAX_BLOCK_TICKS)) {
ret = _SUCCESS;
if (_FAIL == ret) {
MSG_TIMER_ERR("RtlTimerReset: Reset Timer(%s) Failed, IsFromISR=%d\n", pTimerHdl->TimerName, isFromISR);
MSG_TIMER_INFO("RtlTimerReset: SW Timer %s Reset\n", pTimerHdl->TimerName);
return ret;
* Function: RtlTimerChangePeriod
* Desc: To change the period of a timer that was created previously.
* Para:
* pTimerHdl: The timer handle to be changed the priod.
* NewPeriodMS: The new timer period, in milli-second.
* isFromISR: The flag to indicate that is this function is called from an ISR.
* Return: _SUCCESS or _FAIL
u8 RtlTimerChangePeriod(
IN u32 NewPeriodMS,
IN u8 isFromISR)
u32 timer_ticks;
u8 ret=_FAIL;
portBASE_TYPE HigherPriorityTaskWoken=pdFALSE;
if (portTICK_RATE_MS >= NewPeriodMS) {
timer_ticks = 1; // at least 1 system tick
else {
timer_ticks = NewPeriodMS/portTICK_RATE_MS;
if (isFromISR) {
if (pdPASS == rtw_timerChangePeriodFromISR(pTimerHdl->TimerHandle, timer_ticks, &HigherPriorityTaskWoken))
// start OS timer successful
if (pdFALSE != HigherPriorityTaskWoken) {
ret = _SUCCESS;
else {
if (pdPASS == rtw_timerChangePeriod(pTimerHdl->TimerHandle, timer_ticks, RTL_TIMER_API_MAX_BLOCK_TICKS)) {
ret = _SUCCESS;
if (_FAIL == ret) {
MSG_TIMER_ERR("RtlTimerChangePeriod: Change Timer(%s) Period Failed, IsFromISR=%d\n", pTimerHdl->TimerName, isFromISR);
else {
pTimerHdl->msPeriod = NewPeriodMS;
MSG_TIMER_INFO("RtlTimerChangePeriod: SW Timer %s change period to %d\n", pTimerHdl->TimerName, pTimerHdl->msPeriod);
return ret;