This document shows Ameba SDK 3.5 APIs
Data Structures | Typedefs | Functions
osdep_service.h File Reference

This file provides the OS dependent API. More...

Data Structures

struct  timer_list
struct  task_struct
struct  rtw_worker_thread_t
struct  rtw_event_message_t
struct  worker_timer_entry
struct  work_struct
struct  delayed_work
struct  mem_entry
struct  osdep_service_ops


typedef thread_return(* thread_func_t) (thread_context context)
typedef void(* TIMER_FUN) (void *context)
typedef int(* event_handler_t) (char *buf, int buf_len, int flags, void *user_data)
typedef void(* work_func_t) (void *context)


void init_mem_monitor (_list *pmem_table, int *used_num)
 This function initializes a memory table. More...
void deinit_mem_monitor (_list *pmem_table, int *used_num)
 This function deinitializes a memory table. More...
void add_mem_usage (_list *pmem_table, void *ptr, int size, int *used_num, int flag)
 This function alloc mem_entry to the memory table. More...
void del_mem_usage (_list *pmem_table, void *ptr, int *used_num, int flag)
 This function frees memory from the memory table. More...
int get_mem_usage (_list *pmem_table)
 This function get the memory usage of a memory table. More...
u8 * _rtw_vmalloc (u32 sz)
u8 * _rtw_zvmalloc (u32 sz)
void _rtw_vmfree (u8 *pbuf, u32 sz)
u8 * _rtw_zmalloc (u32 sz)
u8 * _rtw_malloc (u32 sz)
void _rtw_mfree (u8 *pbuf, u32 sz)
u8 * rtw_vmalloc (u32 sz)
 This function allocates the virtually contiguous memory. More...
u8 * rtw_zvmalloc (u32 sz)
 This function allocates the virtually contiguous memory and the values of the memory are setted to 0. More...
void rtw_vmfree (u8 *pbuf, u32 sz)
 This function frees the virtually contiguous memory. More...
u8 * rtw_zmalloc (u32 sz)
 This function allocates the memory and the values of the memory are setted to 0. More...
u8 * rtw_malloc (u32 sz)
 This function allocates the memory. More...
void rtw_mfree (u8 *pbuf, u32 sz)
 This function frees the virtually contiguous memory. More...
void * rtw_malloc2d (int h, int w, int size)
 This function allocates a 2 dimensional array memory. More...
void rtw_mfree2d (void *pbuf, int h, int w, int size)
 This function deallocates the block of memory previously allocated to make it available again. More...
void rtw_memcpy (void *dst, void *src, u32 sz)
 This function copies the values of "sz" bytes from the location pointed to by "src" directly to the memory block pointed to by "des". More...
int rtw_memcmp (void *dst, void *src, u32 sz)
 This function compares the first "sz" bytes of the block of memory pointed by "dst" to the first "sz" bytes pointed by "src". More...
void rtw_memset (void *pbuf, int c, u32 sz)
 This function sets the first "sz" bytes of the block of memory pointed by "pbuf" to the specified "c". More...
void rtw_init_listhead (_list *list)
 This function initializes the head of the list. More...
u32 rtw_is_list_empty (_list *phead)
 This function tests whether a list is empty. More...
void rtw_list_insert_head (_list *plist, _list *phead)
 This function adds a new entry after "phead" for the list. More...
void rtw_list_insert_tail (_list *plist, _list *phead)
 This function adds a new entry before "phead" for the list. More...
void rtw_list_delete (_list *plist)
 This function deletes entry from list and reinitialize it. More...
void rtw_init_sema (_sema *sema, int init_val)
 This function initializes the unnamed semaphore referred to by "sema" to the value "init_val". More...
void rtw_free_sema (_sema *sema)
 This function deletes the semaphore. More...
void rtw_up_sema (_sema *sema)
 This function releases the semaphore. This macro must not be used from an ISR. More...
void rtw_up_sema_from_isr (_sema *sema)
 This function releases the semaphore. This macro can be used from an ISR. More...
u32 rtw_down_sema (_sema *sema)
 This function acquires the semaphore. If no more tasks are allowed to acquire the semaphore, calling this function will put the task to sleep until the semaphore is up. More...
u32 rtw_down_timeout_sema (_sema *sema, u32 timeout)
 This function acquires the semaphore. If no more tasks are allowed to acquire the semaphore, calling this function will put the task to sleep until the semaphore is up. More...
void rtw_mutex_init (_mutex *pmutex)
 This function implements a mutex semaphore by using the existing queue mechanism. More...
void rtw_mutex_free (_mutex *pmutex)
 This function deletes the mutex semaphore. More...
void rtw_mutex_put (_mutex *pmutex)
 This function releases a mutex semaphore. More...
void rtw_mutex_get (_mutex *pmutex)
 This function obtains a mutex semaphore. More...
int rtw_mutex_get_timeout (_mutex *pmutex, u32 timeout_ms)
 This function obtains a mutex semaphore with a timeout setting. More...
void rtw_enter_critical (_lock *plock, _irqL *pirqL)
 This function marks the start of a critical code region. Preemptive context switches cannot occur when in a critical region. More...
void rtw_exit_critical (_lock *plock, _irqL *pirqL)
 This function marks end of a critical code region. Preemptive context switches cannot occur when in a critical region. More...
void rtw_enter_critical_from_isr (_lock *plock, _irqL *pirqL)
 This function marks the start of a critical code region from isr. More...
void rtw_exit_critical_from_isr (_lock *plock, _irqL *pirqL)
 This function marks the end of a critical code region from isr. More...
void rtw_enter_critical_bh (_lock *plock, _irqL *pirqL)
 This function obtains a spin lock semaphore. More...
void rtw_exit_critical_bh (_lock *plock, _irqL *pirqL)
 This function releases a spin lock semaphore. More...
int rtw_enter_critical_mutex (_mutex *pmutex, _irqL *pirqL)
 This function obtains a semaphore. More...
void rtw_exit_critical_mutex (_mutex *pmutex, _irqL *pirqL)
 This function releases a semaphore. More...
void rtw_spinlock_init (_lock *plock)
 This function implements a spin lock semaphore by using the existing queue mechanism. More...
void rtw_spinlock_free (_lock *plock)
 This function deletes the spin lock semaphore. More...
void rtw_spin_lock (_lock *plock)
 This function obtains a spin lock semaphore. More...
void rtw_spin_unlock (_lock *plock)
 This function releases a spin lock semaphore. More...
void rtw_spinlock_irqsave (_lock *plock, _irqL *irqL)
 This function marks the start of a critical code region and obtains a spin lock semaphore. More...
void rtw_spinunlock_irqsave (_lock *plock, _irqL *irqL)
 This function releases a spin lock semaphore and marks the end of a critical code region. More...
int rtw_init_xqueue (_xqueue *queue, const char *name, u32 message_size, u32 number_of_messages)
 This function creates a new queue instance. More...
int rtw_push_to_xqueue (_xqueue *queue, void *message, u32 timeout_ms)
 This function posts a message to the back of a queue. The message is queued by copy, not by reference. More...
int rtw_pop_from_xqueue (_xqueue *queue, void *message, u32 timeout_ms)
 This function receives a message from a queue. The message is recieved by copy so a buffer adequate size must be provided. More...
int rtw_deinit_xqueue (_xqueue *queue)
 Delete a queue - freeing all the memory allocated for storing of messages placed on the queue. More...
void rtw_init_queue (_queue *pqueue)
 This function creates a new queue instance. More...
void rtw_deinit_queue (_queue *pqueue)
u32 rtw_is_queue_empty (_queue *pqueue)
u32 rtw_queue_empty (_queue *pqueue)
 This function tests whether the queue is empty. More...
u32 rtw_end_of_queue_search (_list *queue, _list *pelement)
 This function tests whether the "pelement" is at the "queue". More...
_list * rtw_get_queue_head (_queue *queue)
u32 rtw_get_current_time (void)
 Get the count of ticks since the vTaskStartScheduler was called. More...
u32 rtw_systime_to_ms (u32 systime)
 Convert system time to milliseconds. More...
u32 rtw_systime_to_sec (u32 systime)
 Convert system time to seconds. More...
u32 rtw_ms_to_systime (u32 ms)
 Convert milliseconds to system time. More...
u32 rtw_sec_to_systime (u32 sec)
 Convert seconds to system time. More...
s32 rtw_get_passing_time_ms (u32 start)
 Get the passing time from the "start" in milliseconds. More...
s32 rtw_get_time_interval_ms (u32 start, u32 end)
 Get the interval time from the "start" to "end" in milliseconds. More...
void rtw_msleep_os (int ms)
 This function suspends execution of the calling thread for "ms" milliseconds. More...
void rtw_usleep_os (int us)
 This function suspends execution of the calling thread for "us" microseconds. More...
u32 rtw_atoi (u8 *s)
 This function converts the initial portion of the string to integer. More...
void rtw_mdelay_os (int ms)
 This function delays a task for the giving time in milliseconds. More...
void rtw_udelay_os (int us)
 This function delays a task for the giving time in microseconds. More...
void rtw_yield_os (void)
 This function for forcing a context switch. More...
void ATOMIC_SET (ATOMIC_T *v, int i)
 This function atomically sets the value of the variable. More...
 This function atomically reads the value of the variable. More...
void ATOMIC_ADD (ATOMIC_T *v, int i)
 This function adds "i" to the contained "v". More...
void ATOMIC_SUB (ATOMIC_T *v, int i)
 This function subtracts "i" from th econtained "v". More...
 This function adds 1 to the contained "v". More...
 This function subtracts 1 from th econtained "v". More...
 This function adds "i" to the contained "v" and returns the result. More...
 This function subtracts "i" from th econtained "v" and returns the result. More...
 This function adds 1 to the contained "v" and returns the result. More...
 This function subtracts 1 from th econtained "v" and returns the result. More...
 This function subtracts 1 from th econtained "v" and test if the result equals 0. More...
u64 rtw_modular64 (u64 x, u64 y)
int rtw_get_random_bytes (void *dst, u32 size)
 This function generates random bytes. More...
u32 rtw_getFreeHeapSize (void)
 This function gets the available heap size. More...
void flush_signals_thread (void)
void rtw_acquire_wakelock (void)
 This function indicates that the WLAN needs to stay on which means cannot go into power saving mode. More...
void rtw_release_wakelock (void)
 This function indicates that the WLAN does not need to stay on which means can go into power saving mode. More...
void rtw_wakelock_timeout (u32 timeout)
int rtw_create_task (struct task_struct *task, const char *name, u32 stack_size, u32 priority, thread_func_t func, void *thctx)
 This function creates a new task and adds it to the list of tasks that are ready to run. More...
void rtw_delete_task (struct task_struct *task)
 This function deletes a task. More...
void rtw_wakeup_task (struct task_struct *task)
 This function wake up a task. More...
int rtw_create_worker_thread (rtw_worker_thread_t *worker_thread, u8 priority, u32 stack_size, u32 event_queue_size)
 This function creates a new worker thread. More...
int rtw_delete_worker_thread (rtw_worker_thread_t *worker_thread)
 This function deletes a worker thread. More...
void rtw_init_delayed_work (struct delayed_work *dwork, work_func_t func, const char *name)
void rtw_deinit_delayed_work (struct delayed_work *dwork)
int rtw_queue_delayed_work (struct workqueue_struct *wq, struct delayed_work *dwork, u32 delay, void *context)
BOOLEAN rtw_cancel_delayed_work (struct delayed_work *dwork)
void rtw_thread_enter (char *name)
 This function prints the name of the thread in DBG_INFO. More...
void rtw_thread_exit (void)
 This function exits the calling thread. More...
u8 rtw_get_scheduler_state (void)
 This function gets the scheduler state of the calling thread. More...
_timerHandle rtw_timerCreate (const signed char *pcTimerName, osdepTickType xTimerPeriodInTicks, u32 uxAutoReload, void *pvTimerID, TIMER_FUN pxCallbackFunction)
 This function creates a new software timer instance. More...
u32 rtw_timerDelete (_timerHandle xTimer, osdepTickType xBlockTime)
 This function deletes a timer that was previously created using rtw_timerCreate. More...
u32 rtw_timerIsTimerActive (_timerHandle xTimer)
 This function queries a timer to see if it is active or dormant. More...
u32 rtw_timerStop (_timerHandle xTimer, osdepTickType xBlockTime)
 This function stops a timer that was previously started. More...
u32 rtw_timerChangePeriod (_timerHandle xTimer, osdepTickType xNewPeriod, osdepTickType xBlockTime)
 This function changes the period of a timer that was previously created. More...
void * rtw_timerGetID (_timerHandle xTimer)
u32 rtw_timerStart (_timerHandle xTimer, osdepTickType xBlockTime)
u32 rtw_timerStartFromISR (_timerHandle xTimer, osdepBASE_TYPE *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken)
u32 rtw_timerStopFromISR (_timerHandle xTimer, osdepBASE_TYPE *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken)
u32 rtw_timerResetFromISR (_timerHandle xTimer, osdepBASE_TYPE *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken)
u32 rtw_timerChangePeriodFromISR (_timerHandle xTimer, osdepTickType xNewPeriod, osdepBASE_TYPE *pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken)
u32 rtw_timerReset (_timerHandle xTimer, osdepTickType xBlockTime)

Detailed Description

This file provides the OS dependent API.


This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek.

Copyright(c) 2016, Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.