/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA * * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __OSDEP_API_H_ #define __OSDEP_API_H_ #include "os_timer.h" #include "os_support.h" #include "osdep_service.h" #define MAX_SEMA_COUNT 32 /* the maximum count of a semaphore */ typedef _sema _Sema; typedef _mutex _Mutex; typedef u32 _Lock; typedef struct TIMER_LIST _Timer; typedef unsigned long _IRQL; typedef _thread_hdl_ _THREAD_HDL_; typedef VOID THREAD_RETURN; typedef VOID THREAD_CONTEXT; #ifndef mdelay #define mdelay(t) ((t/portTICK_RATE_MS)>0)?(vTaskDelay(t/portTICK_RATE_MS)):(vTaskDelay(1)) #endif #ifndef udelay #define udelay(t) ((t/(portTICK_RATE_MS*1000))>0)?vTaskDelay(t/(portTICK_RATE_MS*1000)):(vTaskDelay(1)) #endif /* to delete/start/stop a timer it will send a message to the timer task through a message queue, so we define the max wait time for message sending */ #define RTL_TIMER_API_MAX_BLOCK_TIME 1000 // unit is ms #define RTL_TIMER_API_MAX_BLOCK_TICKS (RTL_TIMER_API_MAX_BLOCK_TIME/portTICK_RATE_MS) typedef VOID (*RTL_TIMER_CALL_BACK)(void *pContext); typedef struct _RTL_TIMER{ #ifdef PLATFORM_FREERTOS _timerHandle TimerHandle; // The timer handle of created FreeRTOS soft-timer #endif RTL_TIMER_CALL_BACK CallBackFunc; // Callback function of this timer u32 msPeriod; // The period of this timer void *Context; // Timer specific context. u8 isPeriodical; // Is a periodical timer u8 TimerName[35]; // The Name of timer }RTL_TIMER, *PRTL_TIMER; __inline static VOID RtlEnterCritical(VOID) { rtw_enter_critical(NULL, NULL); } __inline static VOID RtlExitCritical(VOID) { rtw_exit_critical(NULL, NULL); } __inline static VOID RtlEnterCriticalBh(IN _Lock *plock, IN _IRQL *pirqL) { rtw_enter_critical_bh((_lock *)plock, pirqL); } __inline static VOID RtlExitCriticalBh(IN _Lock *plock, IN _IRQL *pirqL) { rtw_exit_critical_bh((_lock *)plock, pirqL); } __inline static u32 RtlEnterCriticalMutex(IN _Mutex *pmutex, IN _IRQL *pirqL) { return rtw_enter_critical_mutex(pmutex, pirqL); } __inline static VOID RtlExitCriticalMutex(IN _Mutex *pmutex,IN _IRQL *pirqL) { rtw_exit_critical_mutex(pmutex, pirqL); } __inline static VOID RtlInitTimer( IN _Timer *ptimer, IN VOID *Data, IN VOID (*pfunc)(VOID *), IN VOID* cntx ) { ptimer->Function = pfunc; ptimer->Data = (unsigned long)cntx; InitTimer(ptimer); } __inline static VOID RtlSetTimer( IN _Timer *ptimer, IN u32 delay_time ) { ModTimer(ptimer , (JIFFIES+(delay_time*RTL_HZ/1000))); } __inline static VOID RtlCancelTimer( IN _Timer *ptimer, IN u8 *bcancelled ) { DelTimerSync(ptimer); *bcancelled= _TRUE;//TRUE ==1; FALSE==0 } __inline static u32 RtlSystime2Ms(IN u32 systime) { return rtw_systime_to_ms(systime); } __inline static u32 RtlMs2Systime(IN u32 ms) { return rtw_ms_to_systime(ms); } extern u8* RtlZmalloc(u32 sz); extern u8* RtlMalloc(u32 sz); extern VOID RtlMfree(u8 *pbuf, u32 sz); extern VOID* RtlMalloc2d(u32 h, u32 w, u32 size); extern VOID RtlMfree2d(VOID *pbuf, u32 h, u32 w, u32 size); extern VOID RtlInitSema(_Sema *sema, u32 init_val); extern VOID RtlFreeSema(_Sema *sema); extern VOID RtlUpSema(_Sema *sema); extern VOID RtlUpSemaFromISR(_Sema *sema); extern u32 RtlDownSema(_Sema *sema); extern u32 RtlDownSemaWithTimeout(_Sema *sema, u32 ms); extern VOID RtlMutexInit(_Mutex *pmutex); extern VOID RtlMutexFree(_Mutex *pmutex); extern VOID RtlSpinlockInit(_Lock *plock); extern VOID RtlSpinlockFree(_Lock *plock); extern VOID RtlSpinlock(_Lock *plock); extern VOID RtlSpinunlock(_Lock *plock); extern VOID RtlSpinlockEx(_Lock *plock); extern VOID RtlSpinunlockEx(_Lock *plock); extern VOID RtlSleepSchedulable(u32 ms); extern VOID RtlMsleepOS(u32 ms); extern VOID RtlUsleepOS(u32 us); extern VOID RtlMdelayOS(u32 ms); extern VOID RtlUdelayOS(u32 us); extern VOID RtlYieldOS(VOID); #define RtlUpMutex(mutex) RtlUpSema(mutex) #define RtlDownMutex(mutex) RtlDownSema(mutex) __inline static u8 RtlCancelTimerEx(IN _Timer *ptimer) { DelTimerSync(ptimer); return 0; } static __inline VOID ThreadEnter(IN char *name) { DBG_8195A("\rRTKTHREAD_enter %s\n", name); } #define ThreadExit() do{DBG_8195A("\rRTKTHREAD_exit %s\n", __FUNCTION__);}while(0) __inline static VOID FlushSignalsThread(VOID) { } #define RTL_RND(sz, r) ((((sz)+((r)-1))/(r))*(r)) #define RTL_RND4(x) (((x >> 2) + (((x & 3) == 0) ? 0: 1)) << 2) __inline static u32 RtlRnd4(IN u32 sz) { u32 val; val = ((sz >> 2) + ((sz & 3) ? 1: 0)) << 2; return val; } __inline static u32 RtlRnd8(IN u32 sz) { u32 val; val = ((sz >> 3) + ((sz & 7) ? 1: 0)) << 3; return val; } __inline static u32 RtlRnd128(IN u32 sz) { u32 val; val = ((sz >> 7) + ((sz & 127) ? 1: 0)) << 7; return val; } __inline static u32 RtlRnd256(IN u32 sz) { u32 val; val = ((sz >> 8) + ((sz & 255) ? 1: 0)) << 8; return val; } __inline static u32 RtlRnd512(IN u32 sz) { u32 val; val = ((sz >> 9) + ((sz & 511) ? 1: 0)) << 9; return val; } __inline static u32 BitShift(IN u32 BitMask) { u32 i; for (i = 0; i <= 31; i++) if (((BitMask>>i) & 0x1) == 1) break; return i; } //#ifdef __GNUC__ #ifdef PLATFORM_LINUX #define STRUCT_PACKED __attribute__ ((packed)) #else #define STRUCT_PACKED #endif //Atomic integer operations #define RTL_ATOMIC_T atomic_t static inline VOID RTL_ATOMIC_SET(IN RTL_ATOMIC_T *v, IN u32 i) { ATOMIC_SET(v,i); } static inline uint32_t RTL_ATOMIC_READ(IN RTL_ATOMIC_T *v) { return ATOMIC_READ(v); } static inline VOID RTL_ATOMIC_ADD(IN RTL_ATOMIC_T *v, IN u32 i) { ATOMIC_ADD(v,i); } static inline VOID RTL_ATOMIC_SUB(IN RTL_ATOMIC_T *v, IN u32 i) { ATOMIC_SUB(v,i); } static inline VOID RTL_ATOMIC_INC(IN RTL_ATOMIC_T *v) { ATOMIC_INC(v); } static inline VOID RTL_ATOMIC_DEC(IN RTL_ATOMIC_T *v) { ATOMIC_DEC(v); } static inline u32 RTL_ATOMIC_ADD_RETURN(IN RTL_ATOMIC_T *v, IN u32 i) { return ATOMIC_ADD_RETURN(v, i); } static inline u32 RTL_ATOMIC_SUB_RETURN(IN RTL_ATOMIC_T *v, IN u32 i) { return ATOMIC_SUB_RETURN(v, i); } static inline u32 RTL_ATOMIC_INC_RETURN(IN RTL_ATOMIC_T *v) { return ATOMIC_INC_RETURN(v); } static inline u32 RTL_ATOMIC_DEC_RETURN(IN RTL_ATOMIC_T *v) { return ATOMIC_DEC_RETURN(v); } extern u64 RtlModular64(u64 x, u64 y); extern PRTL_TIMER RtlTimerCreate( IN char *pTimerName, IN u32 TimerPeriodMS, IN RTL_TIMER_CALL_BACK CallbckFunc, IN void *pContext, IN u8 isPeriodical ); extern VOID RtlTimerDelete( IN PRTL_TIMER pTimerHdl ); extern u8 RtlTimerStart( IN PRTL_TIMER pTimerHdl, IN u8 isFromISR ); extern u8 RtlTimerStop( IN PRTL_TIMER pTimerHdl, IN u8 isFromISR ); extern u8 RtlTimerReset( IN PRTL_TIMER pTimerHdl, IN u8 isFromISR ); extern u8 RtlTimerChangePeriod( IN PRTL_TIMER pTimerHdl, IN u32 NewPeriodMS, IN u8 isFromISR ); #endif //#ifndef __OSDEP_API_H_