/* * Routines to access hardware * * Copyright (c) 2013 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. * * This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and * possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek. */ #ifndef _RTL8195A_GPIO_H_ #define _RTL8195A_GPIO_H_ #include "hal_api.h" #include "hal_gpio.h" #define GPIO_PORTA_DR 0x00 // data register #define GPIO_PORTA_DDR 0x04 // data direction #define GPIO_PORTA_CTRL 0x08 // data source control, we should keep it as default: data source from software #define GPIO_PORTB_DR 0x0c // data register #define GPIO_PORTB_DDR 0x10 // data direction #define GPIO_PORTB_CTRL 0x14 // data source control, we should keep it as default: data source from software #define GPIO_PORTC_DR 0x18 // data register #define GPIO_PORTC_DDR 0x1c // data direction #define GPIO_PORTC_CTRL 0x20 // data source control, we should keep it as default: data source from software //1 Only the PORTA can be configured to generate interrupts #define GPIO_INT_EN 0x30 // Interrupt enable register #define GPIO_INT_MASK 0x34 // Interrupt mask #define GPIO_INT_TYPE 0x38 // Interrupt type(level/edge) register #define GPIO_INT_POLARITY 0x3C // Interrupt polarity(Active low/high) register #define GPIO_INT_STATUS 0x40 // Interrupt status #define GPIO_INT_RAWSTATUS 0x44 // Interrupt status without mask #define GPIO_DEBOUNCE 0x48 // Interrupt signal debounce #define GPIO_PORTA_EOI 0x4c // Clear interrupt #define GPIO_EXT_PORTA 0x50 // GPIO IN read or OUT read back #define GPIO_EXT_PORTB 0x54 // GPIO IN read or OUT read back #define GPIO_EXT_PORTC 0x58 // GPIO IN read or OUT read back #define GPIO_INT_SYNC 0x60 // Is level-sensitive interrupt being sync sith PCLK enum { HAL_GPIO_HIGHZ = 0, HAL_GPIO_PULL_LOW = 1, HAL_GPIO_PULL_HIGH = 2 }; //====================================================== // ROM Function prototype extern PHAL_GPIO_ADAPTER _pHAL_Gpio_Adapter; #ifndef CONFIG_RELEASE_BUILD_LIBRARIES static __inline HAL_Status GPIO_Lock ( VOID ) { HAL_Status Status; if (_pHAL_Gpio_Adapter->EnterCritical) { _pHAL_Gpio_Adapter->EnterCritical(); } if(_pHAL_Gpio_Adapter->Locked) { Status = HAL_BUSY; } else { _pHAL_Gpio_Adapter->Locked = 1; Status = HAL_OK; } if (_pHAL_Gpio_Adapter->ExitCritical) { _pHAL_Gpio_Adapter->ExitCritical(); } return Status; } static __inline VOID GPIO_UnLock ( VOID ) { if (_pHAL_Gpio_Adapter->EnterCritical) { _pHAL_Gpio_Adapter->EnterCritical(); } _pHAL_Gpio_Adapter->Locked = 0; if (_pHAL_Gpio_Adapter->ExitCritical) { _pHAL_Gpio_Adapter->ExitCritical(); } } #endif // #ifndef CONFIG_RELEASE_BUILD_LIBRARIES _LONG_CALL_ extern u32 HAL_GPIO_IrqHandler_8195a( IN VOID *pData ); _LONG_CALL_ extern u32 HAL_GPIO_MbedIrqHandler_8195a( IN VOID *pData ); _LONG_CALL_ HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_IntCtrl_8195a( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin, u32 En ); _LONG_CALL_ HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_Init_8195a( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin ); _LONG_CALL_ HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_DeInit_8195a( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin ); _LONG_CALL_ HAL_GPIO_PIN_STATE HAL_GPIO_ReadPin_8195a( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin ); _LONG_CALL_ HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_WritePin_8195a( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin, HAL_GPIO_PIN_STATE Pin_State ); _LONG_CALL_ HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_RegIrq_8195a( IN PIRQ_HANDLE pIrqHandle ); _LONG_CALL_ HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_UnRegIrq_8195a( IN PIRQ_HANDLE pIrqHandle ); _LONG_CALL_ HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_UserRegIrq_8195a( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin, VOID *IrqHandler, VOID *IrqData ); _LONG_CALL_ HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_UserUnRegIrq_8195a( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin ); _LONG_CALL_ HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_MaskIrq_8195a( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin ); _LONG_CALL_ HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_UnMaskIrq_8195a( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin ); _LONG_CALL_ HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_IntDebounce_8195a( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin, u8 Enable ); _LONG_CALL_ u32 HAL_GPIO_GetIPPinName_8195a( u32 chip_pin ); _LONG_CALL_ HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_PullCtrl_8195a( u32 chip_pin, u8 pull_type ); _LONG_CALL_ u32 GPIO_GetChipPinName_8195a( u32 port, u32 pin ); _LONG_CALL_ VOID GPIO_PullCtrl_8195a( u32 chip_pin, u8 pull_type ); _LONG_CALL_ VOID GPIO_Int_SetType_8195a( u8 pin_num, u8 int_mode ); _LONG_CALL_ HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_IntCtrl_8195aV02(HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin, u32 En); _LONG_CALL_ u32 GPIO_Int_Clear_8195aV02(u32 irq_clr); HAL_Status HAL_GPIO_ClearISR_8195a( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin ); /********** HAL In-Line Functions **********/ /** * @brief Reads the specified input port pin. * * @param GPIO_Pin: The data structer which contains the parameters for the GPIO Pin. * * @retval The input port pin current status(High or Low). */ static __inline s32 HAL_GPIO_ReadPin( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin ) { return (s32)HAL_GPIO_ReadPin_8195a(GPIO_Pin); } /** * @brief Write the specified output port pin. * * @param GPIO_Pin: The data structer which contains the parameters for the GPIO Pin. * * @param Pin_State: The state going to be set to the assigned GPIO pin. * * @retval None */ static __inline VOID HAL_GPIO_WritePin( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin, u32 Value ) { HAL_GPIO_WritePin_8195a(GPIO_Pin, (HAL_GPIO_PIN_STATE)Value); } /** * @brief To register a user interrupt handler for a specified pin * * @param GPIO_Pin: The data structer which contains the parameters for the GPIO Pin. * * @param IrqHandler: The IRQ handler to be assigned to the specified pin * * @param IrqData: The pointer will be pass the the IRQ handler * * @retval None */ static __inline VOID HAL_GPIO_UserRegIrq( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin, VOID *IrqHandler, VOID *IrqData ) { HAL_GPIO_UserRegIrq_8195a(GPIO_Pin, IrqHandler, IrqData); } /** * @brief To un-register a user interrupt handler for a specified pin * * @param GPIO_Pin: The data structer which contains the parameters for the GPIO Pin. * * @retval None */ static __inline VOID HAL_GPIO_UserUnRegIrq( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin ) { HAL_GPIO_UserUnRegIrq_8195a(GPIO_Pin); } /** * @brief Enable/Disable GPIO interrupt * * @param GPIO_Pin: The data structer which contains the parameters for the GPIO Pin initialization. * * @param En: Enable (1) or Disable (0) * * @retval HAL_Status */ static __inline VOID HAL_GPIO_IntCtrl( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin, u32 En ) { HAL_GPIO_IntCtrl_8195a(GPIO_Pin, En); } /** * @brief Mask the interrupt of a specified pin * * @param GPIO_Pin: The data structer which contains the parameters for the GPIO Pin. * * @retval None */ static __inline VOID HAL_GPIO_MaskIrq( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin ) { HAL_GPIO_MaskIrq_8195a(GPIO_Pin); } /** * @brief UnMask the interrupt of a specified pin * * @param GPIO_Pin: The data structer which contains the parameters for the GPIO Pin. * * @retval None */ static __inline VOID HAL_GPIO_UnMaskIrq( HAL_GPIO_PIN *GPIO_Pin ) { HAL_GPIO_ClearISR_8195a(GPIO_Pin); HAL_GPIO_UnMaskIrq_8195a(GPIO_Pin); } #endif // end of "#define _RTL8195A_GPIO_H_"