HTTPD EXAMPLE Description: Based on HTTPD API, an HTTP/HTTPS server example with a simple homepage and GET/POST method test pages are provided Configuration: [platform_opts.h] #define CONFIG_EXAMPLE_HTTPD 1 [lwipopts.h] #define SO_REUSE 1 SSL Configuration for HTTPS: [config_rsa.h] #define POLARSSL_CERTS_C #define POLARSSL_SSL_SRV_C Execution: Can make automatical Wi-Fi connection when booting by using wlan fast connect example. A httpd example thread is started automatically when booting. Both HTTP and HTTPS are supported by this exmaple, and can be changed by modifying USE_HTTPS. Can test with a Web browser connecting to the homepage of httpd server. Should link PolarSSL bignum.c to SRAM to speed up SSL handshake if starting HTTPS server.