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* @file rtl8711b_uart.h
* @author
* @version V1.0.0
* @date 2016-05-17
* @brief This file contains all the functions prototypes for the UART firmware
* library.
* @attention
* This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and
* possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek.
* Copyright(c) 2016, Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
#ifndef _RTL8710B_UART_H_
#define _RTL8710B_UART_H_
/** @addtogroup AmebaZ_Periph_Driver
* @{
/** @defgroup UART
* @{
/** @addtogroup UART
* @verbatim
* Introduction
* UART0:
* - Base Address: UART0_DEV
* - IPclk: XTAL, normally is 40MHz
* - BaudRate: 110~6000000
* - Low Power Rx: Support
* - SocPs: SleepMode (clock gating & power gating)
* - Boot From UART without Flash
* UART1: The same as UART0 except following
* - Base Address: UART1_DEV
* UART2: Used as loguart
* - Base Address: UART2_DEV
* - IPclk: XTAL, normally is 40MHz
* - BaudRate: 110~6000000, default set 115200 for log
* - Low Power Rx: Not support
* - SocPs: power off when enter power save mode
* - Flash Program use LOGUART
* - GDMA: not support
* UART0:
* - S0: PA_1(rx)/PA_2(cts)/PA_3(rts)/PA_4(tx).
* - S1: PA_18(rx)/PA_19(cts)/PA_22(rts)/PA_23(tx).
* UART1:
* - S0: PA_25(rx)/PA_26(tx).
* UART2: LOGUART, default set to S1, dont change it if not necessary,
* - S0: PA_16(rx)/PA_17(tx).
* - S1: PA_29(rx)/PA_30(tx).
* Low Power Rx
* UART0 & UART1 support
* UART can receive data when soc enter power save mode
* baudrate: 110~500000
* NOTICE: not support Tx/Rx DMA mode under Low Power Rx.
* How to use Normal Uart
* To use the normal uart mode, the following steps are mandatory:
* 1. Enable peripheral clock and power:
* RCC_PeriphClockCmd(APBPeriph_UARTx, APBPeriph_UARTx_CLOCK, ENABLE);
* 2. configure the UART pinmux
* Pinmux_Config(Pin_Num, PINMUX_FUNCTION_UART)
* 3. Set default parameters, change some parameter if needed
* UART_StructInit(UART_InitTypeDef* UART_InitStruct)
* 4. init hardware use step3 parameters.
* UART_Init(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, UART_InitTypeDef *UART_InitStruct)
* 5. Set Baud Rate.
* UART_SetBaud(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 BaudRate)
* 6. Enable IRQ using following function if needed
* UART_INTConfig(): UART IRQ Mask set
* InterruptRegister(): register the uart irq handler
* InterruptEn(): Enable the NVIC interrupt
* 7. Enable uart rx path:
* UART_RxCmd().
* @note in UART_Normal_functions group, these functions below are about Interrupts
* and flags management.
* UART_INTConfig()
* UART_IntStatus()
* UART_LineStatusGet()
* How to use uart in DMA mode
* To use the uart in DMA mode, the following steps are mandatory:
* 1. Enable peripheral clock and power:
* RCC_PeriphClockCmd(APBPeriph_UARTx, APBPeriph_UARTx_CLOCK, ENABLE);
* 2. configure the UART pinmux
* Pinmux_Config(Pin_Num, PINMUX_FUNCTION_UART)
* 3. Set default parameters, and change DMA mode open UART_InitStruct
* UART_StructInit(UART_InitTypeDef* UART_InitStruct)
* 4. init hardware use step3 parameters.
* UART_Init(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, UART_InitTypeDef *UART_InitStruct)
* 5. Set Baud Rate.
* UART_SetBaud(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 BaudRate)
* 6. GDMA related configurations(source address/destination address/block size etc.).
* 7. Configure the uart DMA burst size:
* UART_TXDMAConfig()
* UART_RXDMAConfig().
* 8. Active the UART TX/RX DMA Request:
* 9. Enable uart rx path:
* UART_RxCmd().
* 10. Enable the DMA:
* DMA_Cmd().
* How to use uart in Low Power mode
* To use the uart in Low Power mode, the following steps are mandatory:
* 1. Enable peripheral clock and power:
* RCC_PeriphClockCmd(APBPeriph_UARTx, APBPeriph_UARTx_CLOCK, ENABLE);
* 2. configure the UART pinmux
* Pinmux_Config(Pin_Num, PINMUX_FUNCTION_UART)
* 3. Set default parameters, change some parameter if needed
* UART_StructInit(UART_InitTypeDef* UART_InitStruct)
* 4. init hardware use step3 parameters.
* UART_Init(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, UART_InitTypeDef *UART_InitStruct)
* 5. Set Baud Rate.
* UART_SetBaud(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 BaudRate)
* 6. Enable IRQ using following function if needed
* UART_INTConfig(): UART IRQ Mask set
* InterruptRegister(): register the uart irq handler
* InterruptEn(): Enable the NVIC interrupt
* 6. Init Low power RX:
* UART_LPRxStructInit(LPUART_InitTypeDef* LPUART_InitStruct)
* UART_LPRxInit(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, LPUART_InitTypeDef *LPUART_InitStruct)
* 7. Set the low power RX Baud Rate
* UART_LPRxBaudSet(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 BaudRate, u32 RxIPClockHz)
* 8. Enable monitor function if needed.
* UART_LPRxMonitorCmd()
* 9. select Low Power rx path:
* UART_LPRxpathSet()
* 10. select rx path clock source(XTAL/OSC):
* UART_LPRxIPClockSet().
* 11. Enable low power rx path:
* UART_LPRxCmd().
* @note when uart work in low power rx mode, clock source can switch between
* XTAL and OSC. As for how and when to excute switching action,
* refer to related uart specifications for more details.
* @note Besides, if more details about the uart low power rx path contens is needed,
* please refer to uart specifications.
* How to use uart in IrDA mode
* To use the uart in IrDA mode, the following steps are mandatory:
* 1. Enable peripheral clock and power:
* RCC_PeriphClockCmd(APBPeriph_UARTx, APBPeriph_UARTx_CLOCK, ENABLE);
* 2. configure the pinmux:
* Pinmux_Config(Pin_Num, PINMUX_FUNCTION_UART)
* 3. Disable rx path:
* UART_RxCmd().
* 4. Program the IrDA tx pulse width and location and IrDA rx pulse filter:
* UART_IrDAStructInit(IrDA_InitTypeDef * IrDA_InitStruct)
* 5. Init Hardware:
* UART_IrDAInit(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, IrDA_InitTypeDef * IrDA_InitStruct).
* 6. Enable the IrDA function:
* UART_IrDACmd().
* 7. According to the IrDA SIR protocol data format requrement, program Word Length,
* Stop Bit, Parity and DMA Mode(ENABLE/DISABLE):
* UART_StructInit(UART_InitTypeDef* UART_InitStruct)
* UART_Init(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, UART_InitTypeDef *UART_InitStruct)
* 8. Program the Baud Rate:
* UART_SetBaud().
* 9. Enable IRQ if needed:
* UART_INTConfig(): UART IRQ Mask set
* InterruptRegister(): register the uart irq handler
* InterruptEn(): Enable the NVIC interrupt
* 10. Enable uart rx path:
* UART_RxCmd().
* @note Amebaz IrDA just support IrDA SIR protocol, setting baud rate is no more than
* 115200 bps.
* @note because IrDA transfers data using infrared carrier and for the property of the
* IrDA transceiver, IrDA just work in half duplex mode. For details, refer to the IrDA
* protocol specification.
* @endverbatim
/* Exported Types --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup UART_Exported_Types UART Exported Types
* @{
* @brief UART Init structure definition
typedef struct
u32 DmaModeCtrl; /*!< Specifies the uart DMA mode state.
This parameter can be ENABLE or DISABLE. */
u32 WordLen; /*!< Specifies the UART word length.
This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Word_length_define. */
u32 StopBit; /*!< Specifies the UART stop bit number.
This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Stop_Bit_define. */
u32 Parity; /*!< Specifies the UART parity.
This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Parity_Enable_define. */
u32 ParityType; /*!< Specifies the UART parity type.
This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Parity_Type_define. */
u32 StickParity; /*!< Specifies the UART stick parity.
This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Stick_Parity_Type_define. */
u32 FlowControl; /*!< Specifies the UART auto flow control.
This parameter can be ENABLE or DISABLE. */
u32 RxFifoTrigLevel; /*!< Specifies the UART rx fifo trigger level.
This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_RX_FIFO_TRIGGER_LEVEL_define. */
u32 RxErReportCtrl; /*!< Specifies the UART rx error report control.
This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_Rx_Err_Report_define. */
} UART_InitTypeDef;
* @brief UART Low Power Init structure definition
typedef struct
u32 LPUART_OscPerbitUpdCtrl; /*!< Specifies the OSC perbit update control when use xtal 8M.
This parameter can be ENABLE or DISABLE.
ENABLE: osc perbit updates with xtal perbit when use xtal 8M.
DISABLE: osc perbit does't update with xtal perbit when use xtal 8M.
@note This parameter is only used in low power rx path with xtal 8M.
@note osc perbit will update when use osc 8M, even if LPUART_OscPerbitUpdCtrl is disable */
u32 LPUART_BitNumThres; /*!< Specifies the bit number threshold of one monitor period.
This parameter is used to get the average clock cycles of one bit
and can be a number between 0x00 and 0x7f.
@note This parameter is only used in low power rx path. */
} LPUART_InitTypeDef;
* @brief UART IRDA Init structure definition
typedef struct
u32 UART_IrDARxInv; /*!< Specifies the uart irda rx invert control.
This parameter can be ENABLE or DISABLE.
ENABLE: invert the irda input signal.
DISABLE: does't invert the irda input signal.
@note This parameter is only used in IrDA mode. */
u32 UART_IrDATxInv; /*!< Specifies the uart irda tx invert control.
This parameter can be ENABLE or DISABLE.
ENABLE: invert the irda output signal.
DISABLE: does't invert the irda output signal.
@note This parameter is only used in IrDA mode. */
u32 UART_UpperShift; /*!< Specifies the uart irda tx pulse right edge shift direction.
This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_IRDA_PULSE_SHIFT_define. */
u32 UART_UpperShiftVal; /*!< Specifies the uart irda tx pulse right edge shift value in the given direction.
This parameter can be a number between 0x0000 and 0x7fff. */
u32 UART_LowShift; /*!< Specifies the uart irda tx pulse left edge shift direction.
This parameter can be a value of @ref UART_IRDA_PULSE_SHIFT_define. */
u32 UART_LowShiftVal; /*!< Specifies the uart irda tx pulse left edge shift value in the given direction.
This parameter can be a number between 0x0000 and 0x7fff. */
u32 UART_RxFilterThres; /*!< Specifies the uart irda rx filter threshold.
This parameter can be a number between 0x0000 and 0x7fff
@note This parameter is only used in IrDA mode. */
u32 UART_RxFilterCmd; /*!< Specifies the uart irda rx filter control.
This parameter can be ENABLE or DISABLE.
ENABLE: uart IrDA rx filter is used.
DISABLE: uart IrDA rx filter is not used.
@note This parameter is only used in IrDA mode. */
* @}
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup UART_Exported_Constants UART Exported Constants
* @{
/** @defgroup UART_IRDA_PULSE_SHIFT_define
* @{
#define UART_IRDA_PULSE_LEFT_SHIFT ((u32)0x00000000)
#define UART_IRDA_PULSE_RIGHT_SHIFT ((u32)0x00000001)
* @}
/** @defgroup UART_RX_FIFO_TRIGGER_LEVEL_define
* @{
#define UART_RX_FIFOTRIG_LEVEL_1BYTES ((u32)0x00000000)
#define UART_RX_FIFOTRIG_LEVEL_4BYTES ((u32)0x00000040)
#define UART_RX_FIFOTRIG_LEVEL_8BYTES ((u32)0x00000080)
#define UART_RX_FIFOTRIG_LEVEL_14BYTES ((u32)0x000000c0)
* @}
/** @defgroup UART_Word_length_define
* @{
#define RUART_WLS_7BITS ((u32)0x00000000)
#define RUART_WLS_8BITS ((u32)0x00000001)
#define IS_UART_WLS(VAL) (((VAL) == RUART_WLS_7BITS) || \
* @}
/** @defgroup UART_Stop_Bit_define
* @{
#define RUART_STOP_BIT_1 ((u32)0x00000000)
#define RUART_STOP_BIT_2 ((u32)0x00000001)
#define IS_UART_STOP_BIT(VAL) (((VAL) == RUART_STOP_BIT_1) || \
* @}
/** @defgroup UART_Parity_Enable_define
* @{
#define RUART_PARITY_DISABLE ((u32)0x00000000)
#define RUART_PARITY_ENABLE ((u32)0x00000001)
* @}
/** @defgroup UART_Parity_Type_define
* @{
#define RUART_ODD_PARITY ((u32)0x00000000)
#define RUART_EVEN_PARITY ((u32)0x00000001)
* @}
/** @defgroup UART_Stick_Parity_Type_define
* @{
#define RUART_STICK_PARITY_DISABLE ((u32)0x00000000)
#define RUART_STICK_PARITY_ENABLE ((u32)0x00000001)
* @}
/** @defgroup UART_Interrupt_ID_define
* @{
#define RUART_MODEM_STATUS ((u32)0x00000000)
#define RUART_TX_FIFO_EMPTY ((u32)0x00000001)
#define RUART_RECEIVER_DATA_AVAILABLE ((u32)0x00000002)
#define RUART_RECEIVE_LINE_STATUS ((u32)0x00000003)
#define RUART_LP_RX_MONITOR_DONE ((u32)0x00000004)
#define RUART_TIME_OUT_INDICATION ((u32)0x00000006)
* @}
/** @defgroup UART_RX_Clock_Source_define
* note: register REG_PESOC_CLK_SEL 0x0250
* UART0: bit19 & bit20
* UART1: bit26 & bit27
* @{
#define UART_RX_CLK_XTAL_40M ((u32)0x00000000)
#define UART_RX_CLK_OSC_8M ((u32)0x00000001)
#define UART_RX_CLK_XTAL_8M ((u32)0x00000002)
#define IS_UART_RX_CLK(CLK) (((CLK) == UART_RX_CLK_XTAL_40M) || \
((CLK) == UART_RX_CLK_XTAL_8M) || \
* @}
/** @defgroup UART_Rx_Err_Report_define
* @{
#define UART_RX_EEROR_REPORT_DISABLE ((u32)0x00000000)
#define UART_RX_EEROR_REPORT_ENABLE ((u32)0x00000001)
* @}
/** @defgroup UART_Low_Power_Peripheral_define
* @{
* @}
/** @defgroup UART_SoftWare_Status_define
* @{
#define STATETX_DMA 1
#define STATETX_INT 2
#define STATETX_POLL 3
#define STATERX_DMA 1
#define STATERX_INT 2
#define STATERX_POLL 3
* @}
* @}
/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup UART_Exported_Functions UART Exported Functions
* @{
/** @defgroup UART_Normal_functions
* @{
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_DeInit(UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_StructInit(UART_InitTypeDef* UART_InitStruct);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_Init(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, UART_InitTypeDef *UART_InitStruct);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 UART_BaudParaGet(u32 baudrate, u32 *ovsr, u32 *ovsr_adj);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_BaudParaGetFull(u32 IPclk, u32 baudrate, u32 *ovsr, u32 *ovsr_adj);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_SetBaudExt(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 Ovsr, u32 Ovsr_adj);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_SetBaud(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 BaudRate);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_SetRxLevel(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 FifoLv);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_RxCmd(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 NewState);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 UART_Writable(UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 UART_Readable(UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_CharPut(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u8 TxData);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_CharGet(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u8 *pRxByte);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_ReceiveData(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u8* OutBuf, u32 Count);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_SendData(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u8* InBuf, u32 Count);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 UART_ReceiveDataTO(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u8* OutBuf, u32 Count, u32 Times);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 UART_SendDataTO(UART_TypeDef* UARTx,u8* InBuf,u32 Count, u32 Times);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_RxByteCntClear(UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 UART_RxByteCntGet(UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_BreakCtl(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 NewState);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 UART_ClearRxFifo(UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_ClearTxFifo(UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_INTConfig(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 UART_IT, u32 newState);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 UART_IntStatus(UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 UART_ModemStatusGet(UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 UART_LineStatusGet(UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_WaitBusy(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 PollTimes);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_PinMuxInit(u8 UartIndex, u8 PinmuxSelect);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_PinMuxDeinit(u8 UartIndex, u8 PinmuxSelect);
* @}
/** @defgroup UART_DMA_functions
* @{
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_TXDMAConfig(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 TxDmaBurstSize);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_RXDMAConfig(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 RxDmaBurstSize);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_TXDMACmd(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 NewState);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_RXDMACmd(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 NewState);
_LONG_CALL_ BOOL UART_TXGDMA_Init(u8 UartIndex, GDMA_InitTypeDef *GDMA_InitStruct, void *CallbackData, IRQ_FUN CallbackFunc, u8 *pTxBuf, int TxCount);
_LONG_CALL_ BOOL UART_RXGDMA_Init(u8 UartIndex, GDMA_InitTypeDef *GDMA_InitStruct, void *CallbackData, IRQ_FUN CallbackFunc, u8 *pRxBuf, int RxCount);
* @}
/** @defgroup UART_Low_Power_functions
* @{
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_LPRxStructInit(LPUART_InitTypeDef* UART_InitStruct);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_LPRxInit(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, LPUART_InitTypeDef *UART_InitStruct);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_LPRxBaudSet(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 BaudRate, u32 RxIPClockHz);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_LPRxMonitorCmd(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 NewState);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_LPRxpathSet(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 LPRxpath);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_LPRxIPClockSet(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 RxIPClock);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_LPRxCmd(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 NewState);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 UART_LPRxMonBaudCtrlRegGet(UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 UART_LPRxMonitorSatusGet(UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
* @}
/** @defgroup UART_IRDA_functions
* @{
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_IrDAStructInit(IrDA_InitTypeDef * IrDA_InitStruct);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_IrDAInit(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, IrDA_InitTypeDef * IrDA_InitStruct);
_LONG_CALL_ void UART_IrDACmd(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, u32 NewState);
* @}
* @}
/* Registers Definitions --------------------------------------------------------*/
* @defgroup UART_Register_Definitions UART Register Definitions
* @{
* @defgroup DLH_INTCR
* @{
#define RUART_IER_ERBI ((u32)0x00000001) /*BIT[0], Enable received data available interrupt (rx trigger)*/
#define RUART_IER_ETBEI ((u32)0x00000001<<1) /*BIT[1], Enable transmitter FIFO empty interrupt (tx fifo empty)*/
#define RUART_IER_ELSI ((u32)0x00000001<<2) /*BIT[2], Enable receiver line status interrupt (receiver line status)*/
#define RUART_IER_EDSSI ((u32)0x00000001<<3) /*BIT[3], Enable modem status interrupt (modem status transition)*/
#define RUART_IER_EDMI ((u32)0x00000001<<4) /*BIT[4], Enable low power rx monitor done interrupt (monitor done)*/
#define RUART_IER_ETOI ((u32)0x00000001<<5) /*BIT[5], Enable rx time out interrupt*/
/** @} */
* @defgroup INTID
* @{
#define RUART_IIR_INT_PEND ((u32)0x00000001) /*uart interrupt global status*/
#define RUART_IIR_INT_ID ((u32)0x00000007<<1) /*Uart Interrupt ID mask, register INTID[3:1]*/
/** @} */
* @defgroup FCR
* @{
#define RUART_FIFO_CTL_RX_ERR_RPT ((u32)0x00000001) /*BIT[0], 0x01, RX error report control bit*/
#define RUART_FIFO_CTL_REG_CLEAR_RXFIFO ((u32)0x00000001<<1) /*BIT[1], 0x02, Write 1 clear*/
#define RUART_FIFO_CTL_REG_CLEAR_TXFIFO ((u32)0x00000001<<2) /*BIT[2], 0x04, Write 1 clear*/
#define RUART_FIFO_CTL_REG_DMA_ENABLE ((u32)0x00000001<<3) /*BIT[3], 0x08, Uart DMA control bit*/
#define RUART_FIFO_CTL_REG_RX_TRG_LEV ((u32)0x00000003<<6) /*BIT[7:6], 0xc0, Uart rx trigger level field*/
/** @} */
* @defgroup MCR
* @{
#define RUART_MCL_FLOW_ENABLE ((u32)((0x00000001 << 5) | (0x00000001 << 1))) /*BIT[1],BIT[5],Uart auto flow control enable bit*/
/** @} */
* @defgroup LCR
* @{
#define BIT_UART_LCR_BREAK_CTRL ((u32)0x00000001<<6) /*BIT[6], Uart break control function enable bit*/
#define RUART_LINE_CTL_REG_DLAB_ENABLE ((u32)0x00000001<<7) /*BIT[7], 0x80*/
/** @} */
* @defgroup LSR
* @{
#define RUART_LINE_STATUS_REG_DR ((u32)0x00000001) /*BIT[0], Data ready indicator*/
#define RUART_LINE_STATUS_ERR_OVERRUN ((u32)0x00000001<<1) /*BIT[1], Over run*/
#define RUART_LINE_STATUS_ERR_PARITY ((u32)0x00000001<<2) /*BIT[2], Parity error*/
#define RUART_LINE_STATUS_ERR_FRAMING ((u32)0x00000001<<3) /*BIT[3], Framing error*/
#define RUART_LINE_STATUS_ERR_BREAK ((u32)0x00000001<<4) /*BIT[4], Break interrupt error*/
#define RUART_LINE_STATUS_REG_THRE ((u32)0x00000001<<5) /*BIT[5], 0x20, Transmit holding register empty interrupt enable*/
#define RUART_LINE_STATUS_REG_TEMT ((u32)0x00000001<<6) /*BIT[6], 0x40, Transmitter empty indicator(bit)*/
#define RUART_LINE_STATUS_ERR_RXFIFO ((u32)0x00000001<<7) /*BIT[7], RX FIFO error*/
RUART_LINE_STATUS_ERR_RXFIFO) /*Line status error*/
/** @} */
* @defgroup SPR
* @{
#define RUART_SP_REG_RXBREAK_INT_STATUS ((u32)0x00000001<<7) /*BIT[7], 0x80, Write 1 clear*/
#define RUART_SP_REG_DBG_SEL ((u32)0x0000000F<<8) /*BIT[11:8], Debug port selection*/
#define RUART_SP_REG_XFACTOR_ADJ ((u32)0x000007FF<<16) /*BIT[26:16], ovsr_adj parameter field*/
/** @} */
* @defgroup STSR
* @{
#define RUART_STS_REG_RESET_RCV ((u32)0x00000001<<3) /*BIT[3], 0x08, Reset uart receiver*/
#define RUART_STS_REG_XFACTOR ((u32)0x000FFFFF<<4) /*BIT[23:4]ovsr parameter field*/
/** @} */
* @defgroup MISCR
* @{
#define RUART_IRDA_ENABLE ((u32)0x00000001) /*BIT[0], Enable IrDA*/
#define RUART_IRDA_TX_INVERT ((u32)0x00000001 << 13) /*BIT[13], Enable IrDA tx invert*/
#define RUART_IRDA_RX_INVERT ((u32)0x00000001 << 14) /*BIT[14], Enable IrDA rx invert*/
#define RUART_TXDMA_BURSTSIZE_MASK ((u32)0x0000001F << 3) /*BIT[7:3], Uart tx DMA burst size mask.
This field value must be no more than 16.
Because tx fifo depth is 16 in UART IP hardware*/
#define RUART_RXDMA_BURSTSIZE_MASK ((u32)0x0000001F << 8) /*BIT[12:8], Uart rx DMA burst size mask.
This field value must be no more than 16.
Because rx fifo depth is 16 in uart IP hardware*/
#define RUART_TXDMA_ENABLE ((u32)0x00000001 << 1) /*BIT[1], Uart tx DMA enable bit*/
#define RUART_RXDMA_ENABLE ((u32)0x00000001 << 2) /*BIT[2], Uart rx DMA enable bit*/
/** @} */
* @defgroup TXPLSR
* @{
#define RUART_IRDA_TX_PUL_LOW_BUND_VAL ((u32)0x00007FFF) /*BIT[14:0], IrDA tx pulse low bound edge shift value*/
#define RUART_IRDA_TX_PUL_LOW_BUND_SHIFT ((u32)0x00000001 << 15) /*BIT[15], IrDA tx pulse low bound edge shift direction*/
#define RUART_IRDA_TX_PUL_UP_BUND_VAL ((u32)0x00007FFF << 16) /*BIT[30:16], IrDA tx pulse upper bound edge shift value*/
#define RUART_IRDA_TX_PUL_UP_BUND_SHIFT ((u32)0x00000001 << 31) /*BIT[31], IrDA tx pulse upper bound edge shift direction*/
/** @} */
* @defgroup RXPLSR
* @{
#define RUART_IRDA_RX_FILTER_ENABLE ((u32)0x00000001) /*BIT[0], IrDA rx filter enable*/
#define RUART_IRDA_RX_FILTER_THRES ((u32)0x00007FFF << 1) /*BIT[15:1], IrDA rx filter threshold field*/
/** @} */
* @defgroup REG_RX_PATH_CTRL
* @{
#define RUART_REG_LP_RX_PATH_SELECT ((u32)0x00000001) /*BIT[0], 0x01, Select uart low power rx path*/
#define RUART_REG_LP_RX_PATH_RESET ((u32)0x00000001 << 2) /*BIT[2], 0x40, Reset uart low power rx path receiver*/
/** @} */
* @defgroup REG_MON_BAUD_CTRL
* @{
#define RUART_LP_RX_MON_ENABLE ((u32)0x00000001) /*BIT[0], 0x01, Enable low power rx monitor function*/
#define RUART_LP_RX_BIT_NUM_THRES ((u32)0x000000FF << 1) /*BIT[8:1], Bit Number threshold of one monitor period*/
#define RUART_LP_RX_OSC_CYCNUM_PERBIT ((u32)0x000FFFFF << 9) /*BIT[28:9], Cycle number perbit for osc clock */
#define RUART_LP_RX_OSC_UPD_IN_XTAL ((u32)0x00000001 << 29) /*BIT[29], Control bit for osc monitor parameter update */
/** @} */
* @defgroup REG_MON_BAUD_STS
* @{
#define RUART_LP_RX_XTAL_CYCNUM_PERBIT ((u32)0x000FFFFF) /*BIT[19:0], Cycle number perbit for xtal clock */
#define RUART_LP_RX_MON_RDY ((u32)0x00000001 << 20) /*BIT[20], Monitor ready status*/
#define RUART_LP_RX_MON_TOTAL_BITS ((u32)0x0000000F << 21) /*BIT[28:21], Actualy monitor bit number */
/** @} */
* @defgroup REG_RX_BYTE_CNT
* @{
/******************** Bits definition for register *******************/
#define RUART_RX_READ_BYTE_CNTER ((u32)0x0000FFFF) /*BIT[15:0], Byte number of data read from rx fifo */
#define RUART_RX_BYTE_CNTER_CLEAR ((u32)0x00000001 << 16) /*BIT[16], Write 1 clear rx byte counter*/
/** @} */
/** @} */
* @}
* @}
/* Other Definitions --------------------------------------------------------*/
typedef struct
u32 LOW_POWER_RX_ENABLE; /*Enable low power RX*/
} UARTCFG_TypeDef;
typedef struct
UART_TypeDef* UARTx;
u32 Tx_HandshakeInterface;
u32 Rx_HandshakeInterface;
IRQn_Type IrqNum;
} UART_DevTable;
extern UARTCFG_TypeDef uart_config[];
extern const UART_DevTable UART_DEV_TABLE[3];
extern u32 UART_StateTx[3];
extern u32 UART_StateRx[3];
extern const u32 BAUDRATE_TABLE_40M[][3];
#define MAX_UART_INDEX (2)
static inline void
UART_SetTxFlag(u32 UartIdx, u32 Flag)
UART_StateTx[UartIdx] = Flag;
static inline void
UART_SetRxFlag(u32 UartIdx, u32 Flag)
UART_StateRx[UartIdx] = Flag;
static inline u32
UART_GetTxFlag(u32 UartIdx)
return (UART_StateTx[UartIdx]);
static inline u32
UART_GetRxFlag(u32 UartIdx)
return (UART_StateRx[UartIdx]);
/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 Realtek Semiconductor *****END OF FILE****/