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* @file rtl8711b_flash.h
* @author
* @version V1.0.0
* @date 2016-05-17
* @brief This file contains all the functions prototypes for the Flash firmware
* library.
* @attention
* This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and
* possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek.
* Copyright(c) 2016, Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
#ifndef _RTL8710B_SPI_FLASH_H
#define _RTL8710B_SPI_FLASH_H
#include "rtl8711b_flashclk.h"
/** @addtogroup AmebaZ_Periph_Driver
* @{
/** @defgroup FLASH
* @brief SPI Flash driver modules
* @{
/** @addtogroup FLASH
* @verbatim
* Introduction
* SPI_Flash_Controller is used to communicate with SPI_Flash.
* Support auto mode and user mode to access Flash.
* Support multi-channel(1/2/4)data bit to transmit/receive.
* Programmable feature:
* SPI channel number - Control channel bits of serial transfer.
* SPI Clock rate - Control the bit rate of serial transfer.
* Flash command registers - Flexible to set the different command codes for
* different flash vendors in automatic mode.
* Dummy cycles- Allow users to add dummy cycles in receiving data path for
* timing tuning or extra pipelining registers.
* Flash address size- Define the size of Flash to enable the slave select output
* in automatic mode.
* How to use SPI_Flash_Controller to Read/Program/Erase flash
* To use the SPI_Flash_Controller to Read/Program/Erase flash, you can follow the steps
* below:
* 1. call FLASH_ClockDiv(FLASH_CLK_DIV2P5) to set Flash Clock, then enable SPIC clock
* using RCC_PeriphClockCmd(APBPeriph_GTIMER, APBPeriph_GTIMER_CLOCK, ENABLE) function.
* 2. call PinCtrl(PERIPHERAL_SPI_FLASH,PinLocat,ON) to configure SPIC pinmux.
* 3. Fill the variable flash_init_para of type FLASH_InitTypeDef with default parameters
* using one of the following functions according to flash vendor:
* flash vendor Struct Init Function
* Winbond FLASH_StructInit(&flash_init_para)
* Gigadevice FLASH_StructInit_GD(&flash_init_para)
* Micron FLASH_StructInit_Micron(&flash_init_para)
* MXIC FLASH_StructInit_MXIC(&flash_init_para)
* Note: (1)We support 4 flash chip vendors above in SDK.
* (2)If the flash chip type is Gigadevic and flash size is more than 2MB,
* you must set the FLASH_cmd_wr_status2 parameter in flash_init_para
* according to spec, because the Write Status Register1 command is
* different from write Status Register2 command.
* (3)If it is Micron flash chip, it is mandatory to set dummy cycles to
* Nonvolatile Configuration Register of flash. The number of dummy cycles is
* determined by Clock Frequency and Bit Mode according to spec.
* (4)If the flash chip type is Micron N25q00aa, you must set FLASH_cmd_chip_e
* parameter according to spec because it is different from default setting.
* 4. Initialize SPIC to designated BitMode using FLASH_Init().
* 5. Enable Quad I/O by setting QuadEnable bit in FLASH status register.
* 6. Calibrate by calling the following function:
* FLASH_CalibrationNew(&flash_init_para, SpicQuadBitMode, FLASH_CLK_DIV2P5, 2, 2, 1).
* 7. Then you can Read/Program/Erase flash by calling corresponding functions.
* Remember to add flash_write_lock() function before those operations and
* flash_write_unlock() after them to protect them when FLASH XIP.
* Note: (1)If flash code has some updates when XIP, you need to flush cache by calling
* Cache_Flush() function.
* (2)When XIP, the flash initialization and calibration have already finished,
* you can Read/Program/Erase flash directly without excuting 1~6 steps described
* above.
* @endverbatim
/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Types SPIC Exported Types
* @{
* @brief FLASH Init structure definition
typedef struct {
u32 FLASH_Id; /*!< Specifies the flash vendor ID.
This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_VENDOR_ID_definitions */
u8 FLASH_cur_bitmode; /*!< Specifies the current bitmode of SPIC.
This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_BIT_Mode_definitions */
u8 FLASH_baud_rate; /*!< Specifies the spi_sclk divider value. The frequency of spi_sclk is derived from:
Frequency of spi_sclk = Frequency of oc_clk / (2 * FLASH_baud_rate) */
u8 FLASH_baud_boot; /*!< Specifies the spi_sclk divider value for rom boot. The frequency of spi_sclk is derived from:
Frequency of spi_sclk = Frequency of oc_clk / (2 * FLASH_baud_rate) */
u32 FLASH_cur_cmd; /*!< Specifies the current read cmd which is used to read data from flash
in current bitmode. */
/* status bits define */
u32 FLASH_QuadEn_bit; /*!< Specifies the QE bit in status register which is used to enable Quad I/O mode . */
u32 FLASH_Busy_bit; /*!< Specifies the WIP(Write in Progress) bit in status register which indicates whether
the device is busy in program/erase/write status register progress. */
u32 FLASH_WLE_bit; /*!< Specifies the WEL(Write Enable Latch) bit in status register which indicates whether
the device will accepts program/erase/write status register instructions*/
u32 FLASH_Status2_exist; /*!< Specifies whether this flash chip has Status Register2 or not.
This parameter can be 0/1. 0 means it doesn't have Status Register2, 1 means
it has Status Register2.*/
/* calibration data */
u8 FLASH_rd_sample_phase; /*!< Specifies the read sample phase obtained from calibration.*/
u8 FLASH_rd_dummy_cyle[3]; /*!< Specifies the read dummy cycle of different bitmode according to
flash datasheet*/
/* valid R/W command set */
u32 FLASH_rd_dual_o; /*!< Specifies dual data read cmd */
u32 FLASH_rd_dual_io; /*!< Specifies dual data/addr read cmd */
u32 FLASH_rd_quad_o; /*!< Specifies quad data read cmd */
u32 FLASH_rd_quad_io; /*!< Specifies quad data/addr read cmd */
u32 FLASH_wr_dual_i; /*!< Specifies dual data write cmd */
u32 FLASH_wr_dual_ii; /*!< Specifies dual data/addr write cmd */
u32 FLASH_wr_quad_i; /*!< Specifies quad data write cmd */
u32 FLASH_wr_quad_ii; /*!< Specifies quad data/addr write cmd */
u32 FALSH_dual_valid_cmd; /*!< Specifies valid cmd of dual bitmode to program/read flash in auto mode */
u32 FALSH_quad_valid_cmd; /*!< Specifies valid cmd of quad bitmode to program/read flash in auto mode */
/* other command set */
u8 FLASH_cmd_wr_en; /*!< Specifies the Write Enable(WREN) instruction which is for setting WEL bit*/
u8 FLASH_cmd_rd_id; /*!< Specifies the Read ID instruction which is for getting the identity of the flash divice.*/
u8 FLASH_cmd_rd_status; /*!< Specifies the Read Status Register instruction which is for getting the status of flash */
u8 FLASH_cmd_rd_status2; /*!< Specifies the Read Status Register2 instruction which is for getting the status2 of flash */
u8 FLASH_cmd_wr_status; /*!< Specifies the Write Status Register instruction which is for setting the status register of flash */
u8 FLASH_cmd_wr_status2; /*!< Specifies the Write Status Register2 instruction which is for setting the status register2 of flash.
In some flash chips, status2 write cmd != status1 write cmd,
like: GD25Q32C, GD25Q64C,GD25Q128C etc.*/
u8 FLASH_cmd_chip_e; /*!< Specifies the Erase Chip instruction which is for erasing the whole chip*/
u8 FLASH_cmd_block_e; /*!< Specifies the Erase Block instruction which is for erasing 64kB*/
u8 FLASH_cmd_sector_e; /*!< Specifies the Erase Sector instruction which is for erasing 4kB*/
u8 FLASH_cmd_pwdn_release; /*!< Specifies the Deep Power Down instruction which is for entering power down mode.*/
u8 FLASH_cmd_pwdn; /*!< Specifies the Release from Deep Power Down instruction
which is for exiting power down mode.*/
/* debug log */
u8 debug; /*!< Specifies whether or not to print debug log.*/
/* new calibration */
u8 phase_shift_idx; /*!< Specifies the phase shift idx in new calibration.*/
} FLASH_InitTypeDef;
* @}
/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Constants FLASH Exported Constants
* @{
/** @defgroup FLASH_CLK_Div_definitions
* @{
#define FLASH_CLK_DIV2P5 0
#define FLASH_CLK_DIV3P0 1
#define FLASH_CLK_DIV3P5 2
#define FLASH_CLK_DIV4P0 3
#define FLASH_CLK_DIV4P5 4
#define FLASH_CLK_DIV5P0 5
#define FLASH_CLK_DIV5P5 6
* @}
/** @defgroup FLASH_BIT_Mode_definitions
* @{
#define SpicOneBitMode 0
#define SpicDualBitMode 1
#define SpicQuadBitMode 2
* @}
/** @defgroup FLASH_ERASE_Type_definitions
* @{
#define EraseChip 0
#define EraseBlock 1
#define EraseSector 2
* @}
/** @defgroup FLASH_WAIT_Type_definitions
* @{
#define WAIT_SPIC_BUSY 0
#define WAIT_WRITE_EN 3
* @}
/** @defgroup WINBOND_W25Q16DV_Spec
* @{
#define FLASH_CMD_WREN 0x06 //write enable
#define FLASH_CMD_WRDI 0x04 //write disable
#define FLASH_CMD_WRSR 0x01 //write status register
#define FLASH_CMD_RDID 0x9F //read idenfication
#define FLASH_CMD_RDSR 0x05 //read status register
#define FLASH_CMD_RDSR2 0x35 //read status register-2
#define FLASH_CMD_READ 0x03 //read data
#define FLASH_CMD_FREAD 0x0B //fast read data
#define FLASH_CMD_RDSFDP 0x5A //Read SFDP
#define FLASH_CMD_RES 0xAB //Read Electronic ID
#define FLASH_CMD_REMS 0x90 //Read Electronic Manufacturer & Device ID
#define FLASH_CMD_DREAD 0x3B //Double Output Mode command
#define FLASH_CMD_SE 0x20 //Sector Erase
#define FLASH_CMD_BE 0xD8 //0x52 //64K Block Erase
#define FLASH_CMD_CE 0x60 //Chip Erase(or 0xC7)
#define FLASH_CMD_PP 0x02 //Page Program
#define FLASH_CMD_DP 0xB9 //Deep Power Down
#define FLASH_CMD_RDP 0xAB //Release from Deep Power-Down
#define FLASH_CMD_2READ 0xBB // 2 x I/O read command
#define FLASH_CMD_4READ 0xEB // 4 x I/O read command
#define FLASH_CMD_QREAD 0x6B // 1I / 4O read command
#define FLASH_CMD_4PP 0x32 //quad page program //this is diff with MXIC
#define FLASH_CMD_FF 0xFF //Release Read Enhanced
#define FLASH_CMD_REMS2 0x92 // read ID for 2x I/O mode //this is diff with MXIC
#define FLASH_CMD_REMS4 0x94 // read ID for 4x I/O mode //this is diff with MXIC
#define FLASH_CMD_RDSCUR 0x48 // read security register //this is diff with MXIC
#define FLASH_CMD_WRSCUR 0x42 // write security register //this is diff with MXIC
#define FLASH_DM_CYCLE_2O 0x08
#define FLASH_DM_CYCLE_2IO 0x04
#define FLASH_DM_CYCLE_4O 0x08
#define FLASH_DM_CYCLE_4IO 0x06
#define FLASH_STATUS_BUSY ((u32)0x00000001)
#define FLASH_STATUS_WLE ((u32)0x00000002)
* @}
/** @defgroup FLASH_VENDOR_ID_definitions
* @{
#define FLASH_ID_MXIC 1
#define FLASH_ID_EON 4
#define FLASH_ID_GD 5
#define FLASH_ID_FM 7
* @}
/** @defgroup FLASH_MANUFACTURER_ID_definitions
* @{
* @}
* @}
/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Functions FLASH Exported Functions
* @{
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_Erase(u32 EraseType, u32 Address);
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_SetStatus(u8 Cmd, u32 Len, u8* Status);
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_SetStatusBits(u32 SetBits, u32 NewState);
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_WaitBusy(u32 WaitType);
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_WriteEn(void);
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_TxCmd(u8 cmd, u8 DataPhaseLen, u8* pData);
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_RxCmd(u8 cmd, u32 read_len, u8* read_data);
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_StructInit(FLASH_InitTypeDef* FLASH_InitStruct);
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_StructInit_Micron(FLASH_InitTypeDef* FLASH_InitStruct);
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_StructInit_MXIC(FLASH_InitTypeDef* FLASH_InitStruct);
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_StructInit_GD(FLASH_InitTypeDef* FLASH_InitStruct);
_LONG_CALL_ u8 FLASH_Init(u8 SpicBitMode);
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_SetSpiMode(FLASH_InitTypeDef *FLASH_InitStruct, u8 SpicBitMode);
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_DeepPowerDown(u32 NewState);
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_TxData12B(u32 StartAddr, u8 DataPhaseLen, u8* pData);
_LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_RxData(u8 cmd, u32 StartAddr, u32 read_len, u8* read_data);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_Calibration(FLASH_InitTypeDef* FLASH_InitStruct, u8 SpicBitMode, u8 LineDelay);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_ClockDiv(u8 Div);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_CalibrationNew(FLASH_InitTypeDef* FLASH_InitStruct, u8 SpicBitMode, u8 Div, u8 CalStep, u8 LineDelay, u8 StartIdx);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_CalibrationNewCmd(u32 NewStatus);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_CalibrationPhaseIdx(u8 phase_idx);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_CalibrationPhase(u8 phase_int, u8 phase_sel);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_Calibration500MPSCmd(u32 NewStatus);
_LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_CalibrationInit(u8 CalibrationEnd);
* @}
/** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_XIP_Functions FLASH Exported XIP Functions
* @note these functions will lock cpu when exec to forbit XIP, and flush cache after exec
* @{
void FLASH_Write_Lock(void);
void FLASH_Write_Unlock(void);
void FLASH_RxCmdXIP(u8 cmd, u32 read_len, u8* read_data);
void FLASH_SetStatusXIP(u8 Cmd, u32 Len, u8* Status);
void FLASH_SetStatusBitsXIP(u32 SetBits, u32 NewState);
void FLASH_TxData12BXIP(u32 StartAddr, u8 DataPhaseLen, u8* pData);
void FLASH_TxData256BXIP(u32 StartAddr, u32 DataPhaseLen, u8* pData);
void FLASH_EraseXIP(u32 EraseType, u32 Address);
void FLASH_EreaseDwordsXIP(u32 address, u32 dword_num);
* @}
* @}
* @}
/* Registers Definitions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/******************** Bits definition for SPIC_CTRLR0 register *******************/
#define BIT_CMD_CH(x) (((x) & 0x00000003) << 20)
#define BIT_DATA_CH(x) (((x) & 0x00000003) << 18)
#define BIT_ADDR_CH(x) (((x) & 0x00000003) << 16)
#define BIT_TMOD(x) (((x) & 0x00000003) << 8)
#define BIT_SCPOL (0x00000001 << 7)
#define BIT_SCPH (0x00000001 << 6)
/******************** Bits definition for SPIC_CTRLR1 register *******************/
#define BIT_NDF(x) ((x) & 0xfff)
/******************** Bits definition for SPIC_SSIENR register *******************/
#define BIT_ATCK_CMD (0x00000001 << 1)
#define BIT_SPIC_EN (0x00000001)
/******************** Bits definition for SPIC_SER register *******************/
#define BIT_SER (0x00000001)
/******************** Bits definition for SPIC_BAUDR register *******************/
#define BIT_SCKDV(x) ((x) & 0xffff)
/******************** Bits definition for SPIC_SR register *******************/
#define BIT_TXE (0x00000001 << 5)
#define BIT_RFF (0x00000001 << 4)
#define BIT_RFNE (0x00000001 << 3)
#define BIT_TFE (0x00000001 << 2)
#define BIT_TFNF (0x00000001 << 1)
#define BIT_BUSY (0x00000001)
/******************** Bits definition for SPIC_IMR register *******************/
#define BIT_TXSIM (0x00000001 << 9)
#define BIT_ACEIM (0x00000001 << 8)
#define BIT_BYEIM (0x00000001 << 7)
#define BIT_WBEIM (0x00000001 << 6)
#define BIT_FSEIM (0x00000001 << 5)
#define BIT_RXFIM (0x00000001 << 4)
#define BIT_RXOIM (0x00000001 << 3)
#define BIT_RXUIM (0x00000001 << 2)
#define BIT_TXOIM (0x00000001 << 1)
#define BIT_TXEIM (0x00000001)
/******************** Bits definition for SPIC_ISR register *******************/
#define BIT_TXSIS (0x00000001 << 9)
#define BIT_ACEIS (0x00000001 << 8)
#define BIT_BYEIS (0x00000001 << 7)
#define BIT_WBEIS (0x00000001 << 6)
#define BIT_FSEIS (0x00000001 << 5)
#define BIT_RXFIS (0x00000001 << 4)
#define BIT_RXOIS (0x00000001 << 3)
#define BIT_RXUIS (0x00000001 << 2)
#define BIT_TXOIS (0x00000001 << 1)
#define BIT_TXEIS (0x00000001)
/******************** Bits definition for SPIC_RISR register *******************/
#define BIT_ACEIR (0x00000001 << 8)
#define BIT_BYEIR (0x00000001 << 7)
#define BIT_WBEIR (0x00000001 << 6)
#define BIT_FSEIR (0x00000001 << 5)
#define BIT_RXFIR (0x00000001 << 4)
#define BIT_RXOIR (0x00000001 << 3)
#define BIT_RXUIR (0x00000001 << 2)
#define BIT_TXOIR (0x00000001 << 1)
#define BIT_TXEIR (0x00000001)
/******************** Bits definition for SPIC_CTRLR2 register *******************/
#define BIT_FIFO_ENTRY(x) (((x) & 0x0000000f) << 4)
#define BIT_WR_SEQ (0x00000001 << 3)
#define BIT_WPN_DNUM (0x00000001 << 2) /* Indicate the WPn input pin of SPI Flash is connected to, 0(default): WP=spi_sout[2], 1:WP=spi_sout[3]. */
#define BIT_WPN_SET (0x00000001 << 1) /* To implement write protect function. spi_wen_out and the bit of spi_sout which connects to WPN would be initial to 0. */
#define BIT_SO_DUM (0x00000001) /* SO input pin of SPI Flash, 0: SO connects to spi_sout[0]. 1(default): SO connects to spi_sout[1].*/
/******************** Bits definition for SPIC_ADDR_LENGTH register *******************/
#define BIT_ADDR_PHASE_LENGTH(x) ((x) & 0x00000003)
/******************** Bits definition for SPIC_AUTO_LENGTH register *******************/
#define BIT_CS_H_WR_DUM_LEN(x) (((x) & 0x0000000f) << 28)
#define BIT_CS_H_RD_DUM_LEN(x) (((x) & 0x00000003) << 26)
#define BIT_AUTO_DUM_LEN(x) (((x) & 0x000000ff) << 18)
#define BIT_AUTO_ADDR_LENGTH(x) (((x) & 0x00000003) << 16)
#define BIT_RD_DUMMY_LENGTH(x) (((x) & 0x0000ffff))
/******************** Bits definition for SPIC_VALID_CMD register *******************/
#define BIT_WR_BLOCKING (0x00000001 << 9)
#define BIT_WR_QUAD_II (0x00000001 << 8)
#define BIT_WR_QUAD_I (0x00000001 << 7)
#define BIT_WR_DUAL_II (0x00000001 << 6)
#define BIT_WR_DUAL_I (0x00000001 << 5)
#define BIT_RD_QUAD_IO (0x00000001 << 4)
#define BIT_RD_QUAD_O (0x00000001 << 3)
#define BIT_RD_DUAL_IO (0x00000001 << 2)
#define BIT_RD_DUAL_I (0x00000001 << 1)
#define BIT_FRD_SINGEL (0x00000001)
/* Other definations --------------------------------------------------------*/
extern FLASH_InitTypeDef flash_init_para;
extern u32 SpicCalibrationPattern[2];
#endif //_RTL8710B_SPI_FLASH_H
/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 Realtek Semiconductor *****END OF FILE****/