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2019-04-02 08:34:25 +00:00
#include <FreeRTOS.h>
#include <task.h>
#include <platform/platform_stdlib.h>
#include <basic_types.h>
#include <platform_opts.h>
#include <dct/dct.h>
#define DCT_BEGIN_ADDR 0x100000 /*!< DCT begin address of flash, ex: 0x100000 = 1M */
#define MODULE_NUM 6 /*!< max number of module */
#define VARIABLE_NAME_SIZE 32 /*!< max size of the variable name */
#define VARIABLE_VALUE_SIZE 64 /*!< max size of the variable value */
static char example_dct_module[] = "dct_test_module";
static char example_dct_variable0[] = "variable0";
static char example_dct_variable1[] = "variable1";
static char example_dct_value0[] = "value0";
static char example_dct_value1[] = "value1";
void example_dct_thread(void* param){
int32_t ret = -1;
dct_handle_t dct_handle;
char value[16];
// initial DCT
// register module
ret = dct_register_module(example_dct_module);
// open module
ret = dct_open_module(&dct_handle, example_dct_module);
if(ret == DCT_SUCCESS){
// set test variable 0
ret = dct_set_variable(&dct_handle, example_dct_variable0, example_dct_value0);
// set test variable 1
ret = dct_set_variable(&dct_handle, example_dct_variable1, example_dct_value1);
// get value of test variable 0
memset(value, 0, sizeof(value));
ret = dct_get_variable(&dct_handle, example_dct_variable0, value, sizeof(value));
if(ret == DCT_SUCCESS)
printf("%s: %s\n", example_dct_variable0, value);
// get value of test variable 1
memset(value, 0, sizeof(value));
ret = dct_get_variable(&dct_handle, example_dct_variable1, value, sizeof(value));
if(ret == DCT_SUCCESS)
printf("%s: %s\n", example_dct_variable1, value);
// delete test variable 0
ret = dct_delete_variable(&dct_handle, example_dct_variable0);
// get value of test variable 0
memset(value, 0, sizeof(value));
ret = dct_get_variable(&dct_handle, example_dct_variable0, value, sizeof(value));
if(ret == DCT_ERR_NOT_FIND)
printf("Delete %s success.\n", example_dct_variable0);
// get variable remaining amount
ret = dct_remain_variable(&dct_handle);
if(ret > 0)
printf("Remaining variable amount:%d\n", ret);
// close module
ret = dct_close_module(&dct_handle);
void example_dct(void)
if(xTaskCreate(example_dct_thread, ((const char*)"example_dct_thread"), 1024, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL) != pdPASS)
printf("\n\r%s xTaskCreate(example_dct_thread) failed", __FUNCTION__);
#endif // #if CONFIG_DCT