This document shows Ameba SDK 4.0 APIs
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Chttp_requestThe structure is the context used for HTTP request header parsing
 Chttp_responseThe structure is the context used for HTTP response header parsing
 Chttpc_connThe structure is the context used for connection
 Chttpd_connThe structure is the context used for client connection
 Crtw_ap_infoThe structure is used to describe the setting about SSID, security type, password and default channel, used to start AP mode
 Crtw_bss_info_tThe structure is used to describe the bss info of the network.
It include the version, BSSID, beacon_period, capability, SSID, channel, atm_window, dtim_period, RSSI e.g
 Crtw_macThe structure is used to describe the unique 6-byte MAC address
 Crtw_maclist_tThe structure is used to describe the maclist
 Crtw_network_infoThe structure is used to describe the station mode setting about SSID, security type and password, used when connecting to an AP
 Crtw_packet_filter_pattern_tThe structure is used to set WIFI packet filter pattern
 Crtw_scan_handler_resultThe structure is used to describe the data needed by scan result handler function
 Crtw_scan_resultThe structure is used to describe the scan result of the AP
 Crtw_ssidThe structure is used to describe the SSID
 Crtw_wifi_configThe structure is used to describe the setting when configure the network
 Crtw_wifi_settingThe structure is used to store the WIFI setting gotten from WIFI driver