This commit is contained in:
rebane 2016-08-22 17:37:32 +03:00
parent bac8307df0
commit f2c202861a
7 changed files with 94 additions and 47 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -2,4 +2,5 @@ make_array

View file

@ -7,16 +7,17 @@ all:
arm-none-eabi-gcc -Wall -g -Os -mlittle-endian -mlong-calls -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb-interwork -ffunction-sections -ffreestanding -fsingle-precision-constant -Wstrict-aliasing=0 -Wl,-T,rtl8710.ld -nostartfiles -nostdlib -u main -Wl,--section-start=.text=$(FIRMWARE_ADDRESS) -DBUFFER_ADDRESS=$(BUFFER_ADDRESS) rtl8710_flasher.c spi_flash.c -o rtl8710_flasher.elf
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary rtl8710_flasher.elf rtl8710_flasher.bin
gcc make_array.c -o make_array
cp rtl8710_cpu.ocd rtl8710.ocd
cp rtl8710_cpu.tcl rtl8710.ocd
echo "set rtl8710_flasher_firmware_ptr $(FIRMWARE_ADDRESS)" >>rtl8710.ocd
echo "set rtl8710_flasher_buffer $(BUFFER_ADDRESS)" >>rtl8710.ocd
echo "set rtl8710_flasher_buffer_size $(BUFFER_SIZE)" >>rtl8710.ocd
echo "set rtl8710_flasher_sector_size $(FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE)" >>rtl8710.ocd
echo >>rtl8710.ocd
echo "array set rtl8710_flasher_code {" >>rtl8710.ocd
./make_array <rtl8710_flasher.bin >>rtl8710.ocd
echo "}" >>rtl8710.ocd
echo >>rtl8710.ocd
cat rtl8710_flasher.ocd >>rtl8710.ocd
cat rtl8710_flasher.tcl >>rtl8710.ocd
cp rtl8710.ocd script/rtl8710.ocd
@ -25,3 +26,12 @@ clean:
openocd -f interface/stlink-v2-1.cfg -f rtl8710.ocd -c "init" -c "reset halt" -c "rtl8710_flash_read_id" -c "shutdown"
openocd -f interface/stlink-v2-1.cfg -f rtl8710.ocd -c "init" -c "reset halt" -c "rtl8710_flash_read_id" -c "rtl8710_flash_read dump.bin 0 1048576" -c "shutdown"
openocd -f interface/stlink-v2-1.cfg -f rtl8710.ocd -c "init" -c "reset halt" -c "rtl8710_flash_auto_erase 1" -c "rtl8710_flash_write dump.bin 0" -c shutdown
openocd -f interface/stlink-v2-1.cfg -f rtl8710.ocd -c "init" -c "reset halt" -c "rtl8710_reboot" -c shutdown

View file

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ write file (filename) to flash offset (offset)
### rtl8710_flash_verify [filename] [offset]
compare file (filename) with flash offset (offset)
### rtl8710_flash_auto_erase [1/0]
set auto_erase option on/off. flash pages will be autoerased when writing
set auto_erase option on/off. flash sectors will be autoerased when writing
### rtl8710_flash_auto_verify [1/0]
set auto_verify option on/off. each block of data will be auto verified when writing
## examples:

View file

@ -216,5 +216,74 @@ typedef struct{
#define PERI_ON_CPU_PERIPHERAL_CTRL_LOG_UART_IR_EN (((uint32_t)0x01) << 21)
#define PERI_ON_CPU_PERIPHERAL_CTRL_LOG_UART_PIN_SEL (((uint32_t)0x03) << 22)
typedef struct{
volatile uint32_t RBR;
volatile uint32_t THR;
volatile uint32_t DLL;
volatile uint32_t RBR_THR_DLL;
volatile uint32_t IER;
volatile uint32_t DLH;
volatile uint32_t IER_DLH;
volatile uint32_t IIR;
volatile uint32_t FCR;
volatile uint32_t IIR_FCR;
volatile uint32_t LCR;
volatile uint32_t MCR;
volatile uint32_t LSR;
volatile uint32_t MSR;
uint32_t RESERVED1[24];
volatile uint32_t USR;
}__attribute__((packed)) LOG_UART_TypeDef;
#define LOG_UART ((LOG_UART_TypeDef *)0x40003000)
#define LOG_UART_IER_ERBFI (((uint32_t)0x01) << 0)
#define LOG_UART_IER_ETBEI (((uint32_t)0x01) << 1)
#define LOG_UART_IER_ELSI (((uint32_t)0x01) << 2)
#define LOG_UART_IER_EDSSI (((uint32_t)0x01) << 3)
#define LOG_UART_FCR_FIFOE (((uint32_t)0x01) << 0)
#define LOG_UART_FCR_RFIFOR (((uint32_t)0x01) << 1)
#define LOG_UART_FCR_XFIFOR (((uint32_t)0x01) << 2)
#define LOG_UART_FCR_DMAM (((uint32_t)0x01) << 3)
#define LOG_UART_FCR_TET (((uint32_t)0x03) << 4)
#define LOG_UART_FCR_RT (((uint32_t)0x03) << 6)
#define LOG_UART_LCR_DLS (((uint32_t)0x03) << 0)
#define LOG_UART_LCR_STOP (((uint32_t)0x01) << 2)
#define LOG_UART_LCR_PEN (((uint32_t)0x01) << 3)
#define LOG_UART_LCR_EPS (((uint32_t)0x01) << 4)
#define LOG_UART_LCR_STICK_PAR (((uint32_t)0x01) << 5)
#define LOG_UART_LCR_BC (((uint32_t)0x01) << 6)
#define LOG_UART_LCR_DLAB (((uint32_t)0x01) << 7)
#define LOG_UART_MCR_DTR (((uint32_t)0x01) << 0)
#define LOG_UART_MCR_RTS (((uint32_t)0x01) << 1)
#define LOG_UART_MCR_OUT1 (((uint32_t)0x01) << 2)
#define LOG_UART_MCR_OUT2 (((uint32_t)0x01) << 3)
#define LOG_UART_MCR_LOOPBACK (((uint32_t)0x01) << 4)
#define LOG_UART_MCR_AFCE (((uint32_t)0x01) << 5)
#define LOG_UART_LSR_DR (((uint32_t)0x01) << 0)
#define LOG_UART_LSR_OE (((uint32_t)0x01) << 1)
#define LOG_UART_LSR_PE (((uint32_t)0x01) << 2)
#define LOG_UART_LSR_FE (((uint32_t)0x01) << 3)
#define LOG_UART_LSR_BI (((uint32_t)0x01) << 4)
#define LOG_UART_LSR_THRE (((uint32_t)0x01) << 5)
#define LOG_UART_LSR_TEMT (((uint32_t)0x01) << 6)
#define LOG_UART_LSR_RFE (((uint32_t)0x01) << 7)
#define LOG_UART_LSR_ADDR_RCVD (((uint32_t)0x01) << 8)

View file

@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
set rtl8710_flasher_firmware_ptr 0x10001D00
set rtl8710_flasher_buffer 0x10008000
set rtl8710_flasher_buffer_size 262144
set rtl8710_flasher_sector_size 4096
set rtl8710_flasher_command_read_id 0
set rtl8710_flasher_command_mass_erase 1
set rtl8710_flasher_command_sector_erase 2
@ -16,24 +11,12 @@ set rtl8710_flasher_auto_erase 0
set rtl8710_flasher_auto_verify 0
set rtl8710_flasher_auto_erase_sector 0xFFFFFFFF
proc array2file {a local_filename loc} {
for {set offset 0} {$offset < [array size a]} {set offset [expr {$offset + 1}]} {
append bindata [binary format c $a([expr $offset])]
set fp [open $local_filename "a+"]
close $fp
set fp [open $local_filename "r+"]
fconfigure $fp -translation binary
seek $fp $loc
puts -nonewline $fp $bindata
close $fp
proc rtl8710_flasher_init {} {
global rtl8710_flasher_firmware_ptr
global rtl8710_flasher_buffer
global rtl8710_flasher_capacity
global rtl8710_flasher_ready
global rtl8710_flasher_code
if {[expr {$rtl8710_flasher_ready == 0}]} {
echo "initializing RTL8710 SPI programmer"
@ -154,6 +137,7 @@ proc rtl8710_flash_sector_erase {offset} {
proc rtl8710_flash_read {local_filename loc size} {
global rtl8710_flasher_buffer
global rtl8710_flasher_buffer_size
for {set offset 0} {$offset < $size} {set offset [expr {$offset + $rtl8710_flasher_buffer_size}]} {
@ -164,9 +148,8 @@ proc rtl8710_flash_read {local_filename loc size} {
set flash_offset [expr {$loc + $offset}]
echo "read offset $flash_offset"
rtl8710_flasher_read_block $flash_offset $len
set a ""
mem2array a 8 [expr {$rtl8710_flasher_buffer + 0x20}] $len
array2file a $local_filename $offset
dump_image /tmp/_rtl8710_flasher.bin [expr {$rtl8710_flasher_buffer + 0x20}] $len
exec dd conv=notrunc if=/tmp/_rtl8710_flasher.bin "of=$local_filename" bs=1 "seek=$offset"
@ -191,7 +174,7 @@ proc rtl8710_flash_write {local_filename loc} {
set sector [expr {$i / $rtl8710_flasher_sector_size}]
if {[expr {$rtl8710_flasher_auto_erase_sector != $sector}]} {
echo "erase sector $sector"
rtl8710_flasher_sector_erase [expr {$sector * $rtl8710_flasher_sector_size}]
rtl8710_flash_sector_erase [expr {$sector * $rtl8710_flasher_sector_size}]
set rtl8710_flasher_auto_erase_sector $sector

View file

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ if {![using_hla]} {
set rtl8710_flasher_firmware_ptr 0x10001000
set rtl8710_flasher_buffer 0x10008000
set rtl8710_flasher_buffer_size 262144
set rtl8710_flasher_sector_size 4096
array set rtl8710_flasher_code {
0 0xB671B57F 1 0x25FF4B58 2 0x6B196B1A 3 0x7040F042 4 0x69D96318 5 0xF4414E55
@ -96,11 +97,6 @@ array set rtl8710_flasher_code {
252 0xF0004798 253 0xB2C10002 254 0xD0F82900 255 0xBF00BD08 256 0x100012D5
set rtl8710_flasher_firmware_ptr 0x10001D00
set rtl8710_flasher_buffer 0x10008000
set rtl8710_flasher_buffer_size 262144
set rtl8710_flasher_sector_size 4096
set rtl8710_flasher_command_read_id 0
set rtl8710_flasher_command_mass_erase 1
set rtl8710_flasher_command_sector_erase 2
@ -114,24 +110,12 @@ set rtl8710_flasher_auto_erase 0
set rtl8710_flasher_auto_verify 0
set rtl8710_flasher_auto_erase_sector 0xFFFFFFFF
proc array2file {a local_filename loc} {
for {set offset 0} {$offset < [array size a]} {set offset [expr {$offset + 1}]} {
append bindata [binary format c $a([expr $offset])]
set fp [open $local_filename "a+"]
close $fp
set fp [open $local_filename "r+"]
fconfigure $fp -translation binary
seek $fp $loc
puts -nonewline $fp $bindata
close $fp
proc rtl8710_flasher_init {} {
global rtl8710_flasher_firmware_ptr
global rtl8710_flasher_buffer
global rtl8710_flasher_capacity
global rtl8710_flasher_ready
global rtl8710_flasher_code
if {[expr {$rtl8710_flasher_ready == 0}]} {
echo "initializing RTL8710 SPI programmer"
@ -252,6 +236,7 @@ proc rtl8710_flash_sector_erase {offset} {
proc rtl8710_flash_read {local_filename loc size} {
global rtl8710_flasher_buffer
global rtl8710_flasher_buffer_size
for {set offset 0} {$offset < $size} {set offset [expr {$offset + $rtl8710_flasher_buffer_size}]} {
@ -262,9 +247,8 @@ proc rtl8710_flash_read {local_filename loc size} {
set flash_offset [expr {$loc + $offset}]
echo "read offset $flash_offset"
rtl8710_flasher_read_block $flash_offset $len
set a ""
mem2array a 8 [expr {$rtl8710_flasher_buffer + 0x20}] $len
array2file a $local_filename $offset
dump_image /tmp/_rtl8710_flasher.bin [expr {$rtl8710_flasher_buffer + 0x20}] $len
exec dd conv=notrunc if=/tmp/_rtl8710_flasher.bin "of=$local_filename" bs=1 "seek=$offset"
@ -289,7 +273,7 @@ proc rtl8710_flash_write {local_filename loc} {
set sector [expr {$i / $rtl8710_flasher_sector_size}]
if {[expr {$rtl8710_flasher_auto_erase_sector != $sector}]} {
echo "erase sector $sector"
rtl8710_flasher_sector_erase [expr {$sector * $rtl8710_flasher_sector_size}]
rtl8710_flash_sector_erase [expr {$sector * $rtl8710_flasher_sector_size}]
set rtl8710_flasher_auto_erase_sector $sector