/* * Routines to access hardware * * Copyright (c) 2013 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. * * This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and * possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek. */ #include "ameba_soc.h" #include "build_info.h" #include "strproc.h" #include "system_8195a.h" u32 random_seed; #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) #pragma section=".ram_image2.bss" #pragma section=".ram_image2.skb.bss" #pragma section=".rom.bss" #pragma section=".ram.start.table" #pragma section=".ram_image1.bss" #pragma section=".image2.start.table1" #pragma section=".image2.start.table2" u8* __bss_start__; u8* __bss_end__; void __iar_data_init_app(void) { __bss_start__ = (u8*)__section_begin(".ram_image2.bss"); __bss_end__ = (u8*)__section_end(".ram_image2.skb.bss"); } #endif extern VOID SOCPS_WakeFromPG(VOID); #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) VOID HalHardFaultHandler_user_define(u32 HardDefaultArg) { } VOID HalHardFaultHandler_Patch_c(u32 HardDefaultArg) { HalHardFaultHandler_user_define(HardDefaultArg); INT_HardFault(HardDefaultArg); } VOID HalHardFaultHandler_Patch_asm(void) { asm("TST LR, #4\n" "ITE EQ\n" "MRSEQ R0, MSP\n" "MRSNE R0, PSP\n" "B HalHardFaultHandler_Patch_c"); } #endif // Override original Interrupt Vector Table VOID BOOT_VectorTableOverride(u32 StackP) { // Override NMI Handler //4 Initial NMI //NewVectorTable[2] = (HAL_VECTOR_FUN)HalNMIHandler_Patch; #if 0//defined ( __ICCARM__ ) //Redefine Hardfault Handler NewVectorTable[3] = (HAL_VECTOR_FUN)HalHardFaultHandler_Patch_asm; #endif } void BOOT_Reason(void) { u32 backup_reg0 = BKUP_Read(BKUP_REG0); DBG_8195A("boot reason: %x \n", backup_reg0); } extern u32 GlobalDebugEnable; VOID BOOT_InitDebugFlg(VOID) { SYSTEM_DATA *SysData = (SYSTEM_DATA *)(SPI_FLASH_BASE + FLASH_SYSTEM_DATA_ADDR); /* reset */ ConfigDebugErr = 0; ConfigDebugWarn = 0; ConfigDebugInfo = 0; #if (defined(CONFIG_POST_SIM) || defined(CONFIG_CP)) return; #endif /* to initial ROM code using global variable */ #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_ERR_MSG ConfigDebugErr = 0xFFFFFFFF;//_DBG_MISC_;] #endif #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_WARN_MSG ConfigDebugWarn = 0xFFFFFFFF; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_MSG ConfigDebugInfo = 0xFFFFFFFF; #endif if (SysData->UlogDbgEn == 0x0) { ConfigDebugErr = 0; ConfigDebugWarn = 0; ConfigDebugInfo = 0; GlobalDebugEnable = 0; } } VOID BOOT_RTC_Init(VOID) { RTC_InitTypeDef RTC_InitStruct_temp; RTC_AlarmTypeDef RTC_AlarmStruct_temp; RTC_TimeTypeDef RTC_TimeStruct; /* for 32K more stable */ NCO32K_Init(32768, XTAL_ClkGet(), 15, 2); RTC_ClokSource(0); RTC_StructInit(&RTC_InitStruct_temp); RTC_Init(&RTC_InitStruct_temp); /* 32760 need add need add 15 cycles (256Hz) every 4 min*/ //RTC_SmoothCalibConfig(RTC_CalibSign_Positive, 15, // RTC_CalibPeriod_4MIN, RTC_Calib_Enable); /* set time when power on */ RTC_GetTime(RTC_Format_BIN, &RTC_TimeStruct); if (RTC_TimeStruct.RTC_Seconds == 0 && RTC_TimeStruct.RTC_Minutes == 0) { RTC_TimeStructInit(&RTC_TimeStruct); RTC_SetTime(RTC_Format_BIN, &RTC_TimeStruct); } /* set alarm */ RTC_AlarmStructInit(&RTC_AlarmStruct_temp); RTC_AlarmStruct_temp.RTC_AlarmTime.RTC_Days = 1; RTC_AlarmStruct_temp.RTC_AlarmTime.RTC_Hours = 1; RTC_AlarmStruct_temp.RTC_AlarmTime.RTC_Minutes = 1; RTC_AlarmStruct_temp.RTC_AlarmTime.RTC_Seconds = 30; RTC_AlarmStruct_temp.RTC_AlarmMask = RTC_AlarmMask_Hours | RTC_AlarmMask_Minutes; RTC_AlarmStruct_temp.RTC_Alarm2Mask = RTC_Alarm2Mask_Days; RTC_SetAlarm(RTC_Format_BIN, &RTC_AlarmStruct_temp); RTC_AlarmCmd(DISABLE); /* RTC interrupt hander is reserved for user */ //InterruptRegister((IRQ_FUN)BOOT_RTC_Handler, RTC_IRQ, NULL, 4); //InterruptEn(RTC_IRQ, 4); } VOID BOOT_PlatformInit(VOID) { u32 Temp = 0; /* Set SPS lower voltage */ //Temp = ((HAL_READ32(SYSTEM_CTRL_BASE, REG_SYS_EFUSE_SYSCFG0)&0xf0ffffff)|0x6000000); //HAL_WRITE32(SYSTEM_CTRL_BASE, REG_SYS_EFUSE_SYSCFG0, Temp); /* Driving control of RF1 clock buffer, 11:large current, 00: small current */ Temp = HAL_READ32(SYSTEM_CTRL_BASE, REG_SYS_XTAL_CTRL1); Temp &= ~(BIT_SYS_XTAL_DRV_RF1(3)); Temp |= BIT_SYS_XTAL_DRV_RF1(1); HAL_WRITE32(SYSTEM_CTRL_BASE, REG_SYS_XTAL_CTRL1, Temp); } //3 Imgae 2 VOID BOOT_Image2(VOID) { int ret = 0; #ifdef CONFIG_FPGA MPU->RNR = 0; //0xE000ED00, 0x98 MPU Region RNRber Register MPU->RBAR = 0; //0xE000ED00, 0x9C MPU Region Base Address Register MPU->RASR = 0x6000027; //0xE000ED00, 0xA0 MPU Region Attribute and Size Register MPU->CTRL = 7; //0xE000ED00, 0x94 MPU Control Register #endif #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) __iar_data_init_app(); #endif BOOT_InitDebugFlg(); BOOT_VectorTableOverride(0x1003EFFC); /* set CPU clock if needed, default is 125MHz */ //CPU_ClkSet((u8)(CPU_CLOCK_SEL_VALUE)); //DelayUs(10); #if (defined(CONFIG_CP)) CPTest_EnterImg2Ok(); #endif DBG_8195A("===== Enter Image 2 ====\n"); //3 0) Vendor Config function //4 Ram Bss Iitial u32 BssLen = (__bss_end__ - __bss_start__); _memset((void *) __bss_start__, 0, BssLen); SystemCoreClockUpdate(); ret = boot_export_symbol.boot_system_init1(); //BOOT_PlatformInit(); #if (!defined(CONFIG_FPGA) && !defined(CONFIG_POST_SIM)) #if defined(CONFIG_OSC8M_8388608HZ) OSC8M_Calibration(DISABLE, OSC32K_CALI_32KCYC_064, OSC8M_8388608HZ); #elif defined(CONFIG_OSC8M_8192000HZ) OSC8M_Calibration(DISABLE, OSC32K_CALI_32KCYC_064, OSC8M_8192000HZ); #elif defined(CONFIG_OSC8M_8000000HZ) OSC8M_Calibration(DISABLE, OSC32K_CALI_32KCYC_064, OSC8M_8000000HZ); #elif defined(CONFIG_OSC8M_16777216HZ) OSC8M_Calibration(DISABLE, OSC32K_CALI_32KCYC_064, OSC8M_16777216HZ); #endif DelayUs(90); DelayUs(90); #endif //CONFIG_FPGA #ifdef CONFIG_CP CPTest_OSCCalibrationOk(); #endif /* Workaround for the GPIOA_7 didn't pull high: it may cause the SDIO Device hardware be enabled automatically at power on and then GPIOA[7:0] will be used for SDIO device */ #ifndef CONFIG_SDIO_DEVICE_EN // SDIO Pin Mux off SDIOD_PIN_FCTRL(OFF); #endif DBG_8195A("OSC8M: %x \n", OSC8M_Get()); BOOT_Reason(); BOOT_RTC_Init(); #if (!defined(CONFIG_FPGA)) random_seed = Gen_RandomSeed(); #endif #if defined(CONFIG_WIFI_NORMAL) && defined(CONFIG_NETWORK) rtw_efuse_boot_write(); #endif ret = boot_export_symbol.boot_system_init2(); APP_Start(); #if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) // it is dummy code, but IAR linker need this __iar_data_init3(); #endif } IMAGE2_VALID_PATTEN_SECTION const u8 RAM_IMG2_VALID_PATTEN[20] = { 'R', 'T', 'K', 'W', 'i', 'n', 0x0, 0xff, (FW_VERSION&0xff), ((FW_VERSION >> 8)&0xff), (FW_SUBVERSION&0xff), ((FW_SUBVERSION >> 8)&0xff), (FW_CHIP_ID&0xff), ((FW_CHIP_ID >> 8)&0xff), (FW_CHIP_VER), (FW_BUS_TYPE), (FW_INFO_RSV1), (FW_INFO_RSV2), (FW_INFO_RSV3), (FW_INFO_RSV4) }; IMAGE2_ENTRY_SECTION RAM_START_FUNCTION gImage2EntryFun0 = { BOOT_Image2, SOCPS_WakeFromPG };