#include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "main.h" #include "tcpip.h" #include "wifi/wifi_conf.h" #include "wifi_simple_config_parser.h" #ifndef CONFIG_WLAN #define CONFIG_WLAN 1 #endif #if CONFIG_WLAN #include <platform/platform_stdlib.h> #ifdef CONFIG_PROMISC #define _adapter void #define recv_frame void extern void _promisc_deinit(_adapter *padapter); extern int _promisc_recv_func(_adapter *padapter, recv_frame *rframe); extern int _promisc_set(rtw_rcr_level_t enabled, void (*callback)(unsigned char *, unsigned int, void *), unsigned char len_used); extern unsigned char is_promisc_enabled(void); extern int promisc_get_fixed_channel(void *fixed_bssid, unsigned char *ssid, int *ssid_length); extern unsigned char is_promisc_enabled(void); #endif // Add extra interfaces to make release sdk able to determine promisc API linking void promisc_deinit(void *padapter) { #ifdef CONFIG_PROMISC _promisc_deinit(padapter); #endif } int promisc_recv_func(void *padapter, void *rframe) { // Never reach here if not define CONFIG_PROMISC #ifdef CONFIG_PROMISC return _promisc_recv_func(padapter, rframe); #else return 0; #endif } int promisc_set(rtw_rcr_level_t enabled, void (*callback)(unsigned char*, unsigned int, void*), unsigned char len_used) { #ifdef CONFIG_PROMISC return _promisc_set(enabled, callback, len_used); #else return -1; #endif } unsigned char is_promisc_enabled(void) { #ifdef CONFIG_PROMISC return _is_promisc_enabled(); #else return 0; #endif } int promisc_get_fixed_channel(void *fixed_bssid, u8 *ssid, int *ssid_length) { #ifdef CONFIG_PROMISC return _promisc_get_fixed_channel(fixed_bssid, ssid, ssid_length); #else return 0; #endif } // End of Add extra interfaces struct eth_frame { struct eth_frame *prev; struct eth_frame *next; unsigned char da[6]; unsigned char sa[6]; unsigned int len; unsigned char type; signed char rssi; }; #if CONFIG_INIC_CMD_RSP #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) #pragma pack(1) #endif struct inic_eth_frame { unsigned char da[6]; unsigned char sa[6]; unsigned int len; unsigned char type; }; #if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) #pragma pack() #endif static struct inic_eth_frame *inic_frame, *inic_frame_tail = NULL; static int inic_frame_cnt = 0; #define MAX_INIC_FRAME_NUM 50 //maximum packets for each channel extern void inic_c2h_msg(const char *atcmd, char status, char *msg, u16 msg_len); #endif struct eth_buffer { struct eth_frame *head; struct eth_frame *tail; }; static struct eth_buffer eth_buffer; #ifdef CONFIG_PROMISC #define MAX_PACKET_FILTER_INFO 5 #define FILTER_ID_INIT_VALUE 10 rtw_packet_filter_info_t paff_array[MAX_PACKET_FILTER_INFO]={0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; static u8 packet_filter_enable_num = 0; void promisc_init_packet_filter() { int i = 0; for(i=0; i<MAX_PACKET_FILTER_INFO; i++){ paff_array[i].filter_id = FILTER_ID_INIT_VALUE; paff_array[i].enable = 0; paff_array[i].patt.mask_size = 0; paff_array[i].rule = RTW_POSITIVE_MATCHING; paff_array[i].patt.mask = NULL; paff_array[i].patt.pattern = NULL; } packet_filter_enable_num = 0; } int promisc_add_packet_filter(u8 filter_id, rtw_packet_filter_pattern_t *patt, rtw_packet_filter_rule_e rule) { int i = 0; while(i < MAX_PACKET_FILTER_INFO){ if(paff_array[i].filter_id == FILTER_ID_INIT_VALUE){ break; } i++; } if(i == MAX_PACKET_FILTER_INFO) return -1; paff_array[i].filter_id = filter_id; paff_array[i].patt.offset= patt->offset; paff_array[i].patt.mask_size = patt->mask_size; paff_array[i].patt.mask = pvPortMalloc(patt->mask_size); memcpy(paff_array[i].patt.mask, patt->mask, patt->mask_size); paff_array[i].patt.pattern= pvPortMalloc(patt->mask_size); memcpy(paff_array[i].patt.pattern, patt->pattern, patt->mask_size); paff_array[i].rule = rule; paff_array[i].enable = 0; return 0; } int promisc_enable_packet_filter(u8 filter_id) { int i = 0; while(i < MAX_PACKET_FILTER_INFO){ if(paff_array[i].filter_id == filter_id) break; i++; } if(i == MAX_PACKET_FILTER_INFO) return -1; paff_array[i].enable = 1; packet_filter_enable_num++; return 0; } int promisc_disable_packet_filter(u8 filter_id) { int i = 0; while(i < MAX_PACKET_FILTER_INFO){ if(paff_array[i].filter_id == filter_id) break; i++; } if(i == MAX_PACKET_FILTER_INFO) return -1; paff_array[i].enable = 0; packet_filter_enable_num--; return 0; } int promisc_remove_packet_filter(u8 filter_id) { int i = 0; while(i < MAX_PACKET_FILTER_INFO){ if(paff_array[i].filter_id == filter_id) break; i++; } if(i == MAX_PACKET_FILTER_INFO) return -1; paff_array[i].filter_id = FILTER_ID_INIT_VALUE; paff_array[i].enable = 0; paff_array[i].patt.mask_size = 0; paff_array[i].rule = 0; if(paff_array[i].patt.mask){ vPortFree(paff_array[i].patt.mask); paff_array[i].patt.mask = NULL; } if(paff_array[i].patt.pattern){ vPortFree(paff_array[i].patt.pattern); paff_array[i].patt.pattern = NULL; } return 0; } #endif /* Make callback simple to prevent latency to wlan rx when promiscuous mode */ static void promisc_callback(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len, void* userdata) { struct eth_frame *frame = (struct eth_frame *) pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct eth_frame)); if(frame) { frame->prev = NULL; frame->next = NULL; memcpy(frame->da, buf, 6); memcpy(frame->sa, buf + 6, 6); frame->len = len; frame->rssi = ((ieee80211_frame_info_t *)userdata)->rssi; taskENTER_CRITICAL(); if(eth_buffer.tail) { eth_buffer.tail->next = frame; frame->prev = eth_buffer.tail; eth_buffer.tail = frame; } else { eth_buffer.head = frame; eth_buffer.tail = frame; } taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); } } struct eth_frame* retrieve_frame(void) { struct eth_frame *frame = NULL; taskENTER_CRITICAL(); if(eth_buffer.head) { frame = eth_buffer.head; if(eth_buffer.head->next) { eth_buffer.head = eth_buffer.head->next; eth_buffer.head->prev = NULL; } else { eth_buffer.head = NULL; eth_buffer.tail = NULL; } } taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); return frame; } static void promisc_test(int duration, unsigned char len_used) { int ch; unsigned int start_time; struct eth_frame *frame; eth_buffer.head = NULL; eth_buffer.tail = NULL; wifi_enter_promisc_mode(); wifi_set_promisc(RTW_PROMISC_ENABLE, promisc_callback, len_used); for(ch = 1; ch <= 13; ch ++) { if(wifi_set_channel(ch) == 0) printf("\n\n\rSwitch to channel(%d)", ch); start_time = xTaskGetTickCount(); while(1) { unsigned int current_time = xTaskGetTickCount(); if((current_time - start_time) < (duration)) { // duration * configTICK_RATE_HZ frame = retrieve_frame(); if(frame) { int i; printf("\n\rDA:"); for(i = 0; i < 6; i ++) printf(" %02x", frame->da[i]); printf(", SA:"); for(i = 0; i < 6; i ++) printf(" %02x", frame->sa[i]); printf(", len=%d", frame->len); printf(", RSSI=%d", frame->rssi); #if CONFIG_INIC_CMD_RSP if(inic_frame_tail){ if(inic_frame_cnt < MAX_INIC_FRAME_NUM){ memcpy(inic_frame_tail->da, frame->da, 6); memcpy(inic_frame_tail->sa, frame->sa, 6); inic_frame_tail->len = frame->len; inic_frame_tail++; inic_frame_cnt++; } } #endif vPortFree((void *) frame); } else vTaskDelay(1); //delay 1 tick } else break; } #if CONFIG_INIC_CMD_RSP if(inic_frame){ inic_c2h_msg("ATWM", RTW_SUCCESS, (char *)inic_frame, sizeof(struct inic_eth_frame)*inic_frame_cnt); memset(inic_frame, '\0', sizeof(struct inic_eth_frame)*MAX_INIC_FRAME_NUM); inic_frame_tail = inic_frame; inic_frame_cnt = 0; rtw_msleep_os(10); } #endif } wifi_set_promisc(RTW_PROMISC_DISABLE, NULL, 0); while((frame = retrieve_frame()) != NULL) vPortFree((void *) frame); } static void promisc_callback_all(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len, void* userdata) { struct eth_frame *frame = (struct eth_frame *) pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct eth_frame)); if(frame) { frame->prev = NULL; frame->next = NULL; memcpy(frame->da, buf+4, 6); memcpy(frame->sa, buf+10, 6); frame->len = len; /* * type is the first byte of Frame Control Field of 802.11 frame * If the from/to ds information is needed, type could be reused as follows: * frame->type = ((((ieee80211_frame_info_t *)userdata)->i_fc & 0x0100) == 0x0100) ? 2 : 1; * 1: from ds; 2: to ds */ frame->type = *buf; frame->rssi = ((ieee80211_frame_info_t *)userdata)->rssi; taskENTER_CRITICAL(); if(eth_buffer.tail) { eth_buffer.tail->next = frame; frame->prev = eth_buffer.tail; eth_buffer.tail = frame; } else { eth_buffer.head = frame; eth_buffer.tail = frame; } taskEXIT_CRITICAL(); } } static void promisc_test_all(int duration, unsigned char len_used) { int ch; unsigned int start_time; struct eth_frame *frame; eth_buffer.head = NULL; eth_buffer.tail = NULL; wifi_enter_promisc_mode(); wifi_set_promisc(RTW_PROMISC_ENABLE_2, promisc_callback_all, len_used); for(ch = 1; ch <= 13; ch ++) { if(wifi_set_channel(ch) == 0) printf("\n\n\rSwitch to channel(%d)", ch); start_time = xTaskGetTickCount(); while(1) { unsigned int current_time = xTaskGetTickCount(); if((current_time - start_time) < (duration)) { // duration * configTICK_RATE_HZ frame = retrieve_frame(); if(frame) { int i; printf("\n\rTYPE: 0x%x, ", frame->type); printf("DA:"); for(i = 0; i < 6; i ++) printf(" %02x", frame->da[i]); printf(", SA:"); for(i = 0; i < 6; i ++) printf(" %02x", frame->sa[i]); printf(", len=%d", frame->len); printf(", RSSI=%d", frame->rssi); #if CONFIG_INIC_CMD_RSP if(inic_frame_tail){ if(inic_frame_cnt < MAX_INIC_FRAME_NUM){ memcpy(inic_frame_tail->da, frame->da, 6); memcpy(inic_frame_tail->sa, frame->sa, 6); inic_frame_tail->len = frame->len; inic_frame_tail->type = frame->type; inic_frame_tail++; inic_frame_cnt++; } } #endif vPortFree((void *) frame); } else vTaskDelay(1); //delay 1 tick } else break; } #if CONFIG_INIC_CMD_RSP if(inic_frame){ inic_c2h_msg("ATWM", RTW_SUCCESS, (char *)inic_frame, sizeof(struct inic_eth_frame)*inic_frame_cnt); memset(inic_frame, '\0', sizeof(struct inic_eth_frame)*MAX_INIC_FRAME_NUM); inic_frame_tail = inic_frame; inic_frame_cnt = 0; rtw_msleep_os(10); } #endif } wifi_set_promisc(RTW_PROMISC_DISABLE, NULL, 0); while((frame = retrieve_frame()) != NULL) vPortFree((void *) frame); } void cmd_promisc(int argc, char **argv) { int duration; #if CONFIG_INIC_CMD_RSP inic_frame_tail = inic_frame = pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct inic_eth_frame)*MAX_INIC_FRAME_NUM); if(inic_frame == NULL){ inic_c2h_msg("ATWM", RTW_BUFFER_UNAVAILABLE_TEMPORARY, NULL, 0); return; } #endif #ifdef CONFIG_PROMISC wifi_init_packet_filter(); #endif if((argc == 2) && ((duration = atoi(argv[1])) > 0)) //promisc_test(duration, 0); promisc_test_all(duration, 0); else if((argc == 3) && ((duration = atoi(argv[1])) > 0) && (strcmp(argv[2], "with_len") == 0)) promisc_test(duration, 1); else printf("\n\rUsage: %s DURATION_MSECONDS [with_len]", argv[0]); #if CONFIG_INIC_CMD_RSP if(inic_frame) vPortFree(inic_frame); inic_frame_tail = NULL; inic_frame_cnt = 0; #endif } #endif //#if CONFIG_WLAN