/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "lwip/mem.h" #include "lwip/memp.h" #include "lwip/dhcp.h" #include "lwip/dns.h" #include "ethernetif.h" #include "main.h" #include "lwip_netconf.h" #if CONFIG_WLAN #include "wifi_ind.h" #endif #if defined(STM32F2XX) #include "stm322xg_eval_lcd.h" #elif defined(STM32F4XX) #include "stm324xg_eval_lcd.h" #endif #include <platform/platform_stdlib.h> /*Static IP ADDRESS*/ #ifndef IP_ADDR0 #define IP_ADDR0 192 #define IP_ADDR1 168 #define IP_ADDR2 1 #define IP_ADDR3 80 #endif /*NETMASK*/ #ifndef NETMASK_ADDR0 #define NETMASK_ADDR0 255 #define NETMASK_ADDR1 255 #define NETMASK_ADDR2 255 #define NETMASK_ADDR3 0 #endif /*Gateway Address*/ #ifndef GW_ADDR0 #define GW_ADDR0 192 #define GW_ADDR1 168 #define GW_ADDR2 1 #define GW_ADDR3 1 #endif /*Static IP ADDRESS*/ #ifndef AP_IP_ADDR0 #define AP_IP_ADDR0 192 #define AP_IP_ADDR1 168 #define AP_IP_ADDR2 43 #define AP_IP_ADDR3 1 #endif /*NETMASK*/ #ifndef AP_NETMASK_ADDR0 #define AP_NETMASK_ADDR0 255 #define AP_NETMASK_ADDR1 255 #define AP_NETMASK_ADDR2 255 #define AP_NETMASK_ADDR3 0 #endif /*Gateway Address*/ #ifndef AP_GW_ADDR0 #define AP_GW_ADDR0 192 #define AP_GW_ADDR1 168 #define AP_GW_ADDR2 43 #define AP_GW_ADDR3 1 #endif /*Static IP ADDRESS FOR ETHERNET*/ #ifndef ETH_IP_ADDR0 #define ETH_IP_ADDR0 192 #define ETH_IP_ADDR1 168 #define ETH_IP_ADDR2 0 #define ETH_IP_ADDR3 80 #endif /*NETMASK FOR ETHERNET*/ #ifndef ETH_NETMASK_ADDR0 #define ETH_NETMASK_ADDR0 255 #define ETH_NETMASK_ADDR1 255 #define ETH_NETMASK_ADDR2 255 #define ETH_NETMASK_ADDR3 0 #endif /*Gateway address for ethernet*/ #ifndef ETH_GW_ADDR0 #define ETH_GW_ADDR0 192 #define ETH_GW_ADDR1 168 #define ETH_GW_ADDR2 0 #define ETH_GW_ADDR3 1 #endif /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define MAX_DHCP_TRIES 5 /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ struct netif xnetif[NET_IF_NUM]; /* network interface structure */ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief Initializes the lwIP stack * @param None * @retval None */ #if CONFIG_WLAN extern int error_flag; extern rtw_mode_t wifi_mode; #endif int lwip_init_done = 0; void LwIP_Init(void) { struct ip_addr ipaddr; struct ip_addr netmask; struct ip_addr gw; int8_t idx = 0; /* Create tcp_ip stack thread */ tcpip_init( NULL, NULL ); /* - netif_add(struct netif *netif, struct ip_addr *ipaddr, struct ip_addr *netmask, struct ip_addr *gw, void *state, err_t (* init)(struct netif *netif), err_t (* input)(struct pbuf *p, struct netif *netif)) Adds your network interface to the netif_list. Allocate a struct netif and pass a pointer to this structure as the first argument. Give pointers to cleared ip_addr structures when using DHCP, or fill them with sane numbers otherwise. The state pointer may be NULL. The init function pointer must point to a initialization function for your ethernet netif interface. The following code illustrates it's use.*/ //printf("NET_IF_NUM:%d\n\r",NET_IF_NUM); for(idx=NET_IF_NUM - 1;idx>=0;idx--){ if(idx==0){ IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, IP_ADDR0, IP_ADDR1, IP_ADDR2, IP_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&netmask, NETMASK_ADDR0, NETMASK_ADDR1 , NETMASK_ADDR2, NETMASK_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&gw, GW_ADDR0, GW_ADDR1, GW_ADDR2, GW_ADDR3); } else{ IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, AP_IP_ADDR0, AP_IP_ADDR1, AP_IP_ADDR2, AP_IP_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&netmask, AP_NETMASK_ADDR0, AP_NETMASK_ADDR1 , AP_NETMASK_ADDR2, AP_NETMASK_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&gw, AP_GW_ADDR0, AP_GW_ADDR1, AP_GW_ADDR2, AP_GW_ADDR3); } #if CONFIG_ETHERNET if(idx == NET_IF_NUM - 1) { IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, ETH_IP_ADDR0, ETH_IP_ADDR1, ETH_IP_ADDR2, ETH_IP_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&netmask, ETH_NETMASK_ADDR0, ETH_NETMASK_ADDR1 , ETH_NETMASK_ADDR2, ETH_NETMASK_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&gw, ETH_GW_ADDR0, ETH_GW_ADDR1, ETH_GW_ADDR2, ETH_GW_ADDR3); } #endif xnetif[idx].name[0] = 'r'; xnetif[idx].name[1] = '0'+idx; #if CONFIG_ETHERNET if(idx == NET_IF_NUM - 1) netif_add(&xnetif[idx], &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, NULL, ðernetif_mii_init, &tcpip_input); else netif_add(&xnetif[idx], &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, NULL, ðernetif_init, &tcpip_input); #else netif_add(&xnetif[idx], &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, NULL, ðernetif_init, &tcpip_input); #endif printf("interface %d is initialized\n", idx); } /* Registers the default network interface. */ netif_set_default(&xnetif[0]); /* When the netif is fully configured this function must be called.*/ for(idx = 0;idx < NET_IF_NUM;idx++) netif_set_up(&xnetif[idx]); lwip_init_done = 1; } /** * @brief LwIP_DHCP_Process_Handle * @param None * @retval None */ uint8_t LwIP_DHCP(uint8_t idx, uint8_t dhcp_state) { struct ip_addr ipaddr; struct ip_addr netmask; struct ip_addr gw; uint32_t IPaddress; uint8_t iptab[4]; uint8_t DHCP_state; int mscnt = 0; struct netif *pnetif = NULL; DHCP_state = dhcp_state; #if !CONFIG_ETHERNET if (idx > 1) idx = 1; #endif pnetif = &xnetif[idx]; if (DHCP_state == 0) { pnetif->ip_addr.addr = 0; pnetif->netmask.addr = 0; pnetif->gw.addr = 0; } for (;;) { //printf("\n\r ========DHCP_state:%d============\n\r",DHCP_state); switch (DHCP_state) { case DHCP_START: { #if CONFIG_WLAN wifi_unreg_event_handler(WIFI_EVENT_BEACON_AFTER_DHCP, wifi_rx_beacon_hdl); #endif dhcp_start(pnetif); IPaddress = 0; DHCP_state = DHCP_WAIT_ADDRESS; } break; case DHCP_WAIT_ADDRESS: { /* Read the new IP address */ IPaddress = pnetif->ip_addr.addr; if (IPaddress != 0) { DHCP_state = DHCP_ADDRESS_ASSIGNED; #if CONFIG_WLAN wifi_reg_event_handler(WIFI_EVENT_BEACON_AFTER_DHCP, wifi_rx_beacon_hdl, NULL); #endif /* Stop DHCP */ // dhcp_stop(pnetif); /* can not stop, need to renew, Robbie*/ iptab[0] = (uint8_t) (IPaddress >> 24); iptab[1] = (uint8_t) (IPaddress >> 16); iptab[2] = (uint8_t) (IPaddress >> 8); iptab[3] = (uint8_t) (IPaddress); printf("Interface %d IP address: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", idx, iptab[3], iptab[2], iptab[1], iptab[0]); #if CONFIG_WLAN error_flag = RTW_NO_ERROR; #endif return DHCP_ADDRESS_ASSIGNED; } else { /* DHCP timeout */ if (pnetif->dhcp->tries > MAX_DHCP_TRIES) { DHCP_state = DHCP_TIMEOUT; /* Stop DHCP */ dhcp_stop(pnetif); /* Static address used */ IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, IP_ADDR0, IP_ADDR1, IP_ADDR2, IP_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&netmask, NETMASK_ADDR0, NETMASK_ADDR1, NETMASK_ADDR2, NETMASK_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&gw, GW_ADDR0, GW_ADDR1, GW_ADDR2, GW_ADDR3); netif_set_addr(pnetif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw); iptab[0] = IP_ADDR3; iptab[1] = IP_ADDR2; iptab[2] = IP_ADDR1; iptab[3] = IP_ADDR0; printf("Interface %d DHCP timeout\n", idx); printf("Static IP address: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", iptab[3], iptab[2], iptab[1], iptab[0]); #if CONFIG_WLAN error_flag = RTW_DHCP_FAIL; #endif return DHCP_TIMEOUT; } else { //sys_msleep(DHCP_FINE_TIMER_MSECS); vTaskDelay(DHCP_FINE_TIMER_MSECS); dhcp_fine_tmr(); mscnt += DHCP_FINE_TIMER_MSECS; if (mscnt >= DHCP_COARSE_TIMER_SECS * 1000) { dhcp_coarse_tmr(); mscnt = 0; } } } } break; case DHCP_RELEASE_IP: #if CONFIG_WLAN wifi_unreg_event_handler(WIFI_EVENT_BEACON_AFTER_DHCP, wifi_rx_beacon_hdl); #endif printf("LwIP_DHCP: Release ip\n"); dhcp_release_unicast(pnetif); return DHCP_RELEASE_IP; case DHCP_STOP: #if CONFIG_WLAN wifi_unreg_event_handler(WIFI_EVENT_BEACON_AFTER_DHCP, wifi_rx_beacon_hdl); #endif printf("LwIP_DHCP: dhcp stop.\n"); dhcp_stop(pnetif); return DHCP_STOP; default: break; } } } uint8_t* LwIP_GetMAC(struct netif *pnetif) { return (uint8_t *) (pnetif->hwaddr); } uint8_t* LwIP_GetIP(struct netif *pnetif) { return (uint8_t *) &(pnetif->ip_addr); } uint8_t* LwIP_GetGW(struct netif *pnetif) { return (uint8_t *) &(pnetif->gw); } uint8_t* LwIP_GetMASK(struct netif *pnetif) { return (uint8_t *) &(pnetif->netmask); } uint8_t* LwIP_GetBC(struct netif *pnetif) { return (uint8_t *) &(pnetif->dhcp->offered_bc_addr); } #if LWIP_DNS void LwIP_GetDNS(struct ip_addr* dns) { *dns = dns_getserver(0); } void LwIP_SetDNS(struct ip_addr* dns) { dns_setserver(0, dns); } #endif void LwIP_UseStaticIP(struct netif *pnetif) { struct ip_addr ipaddr; struct ip_addr netmask; struct ip_addr gw; /* Static address used */ if(pnetif->name[1] == '0'){ #if CONFIG_WLAN if(wifi_mode == RTW_MODE_STA){ IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, IP_ADDR0 ,IP_ADDR1 , IP_ADDR2 , IP_ADDR3 ); IP4_ADDR(&netmask, NETMASK_ADDR0, NETMASK_ADDR1, NETMASK_ADDR2, NETMASK_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&gw, GW_ADDR0, GW_ADDR1, GW_ADDR2, GW_ADDR3); } else if(wifi_mode == RTW_MODE_AP){ IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, AP_IP_ADDR0, AP_IP_ADDR1, AP_IP_ADDR2, AP_IP_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&netmask, AP_NETMASK_ADDR0, AP_NETMASK_ADDR1 , AP_NETMASK_ADDR2, AP_NETMASK_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&gw, AP_GW_ADDR0, AP_GW_ADDR1, AP_GW_ADDR2, AP_GW_ADDR3); } #endif }else{ IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, AP_IP_ADDR0, AP_IP_ADDR1, AP_IP_ADDR2, AP_IP_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&netmask, AP_NETMASK_ADDR0, AP_NETMASK_ADDR1 , AP_NETMASK_ADDR2, AP_NETMASK_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&gw, AP_GW_ADDR0, AP_GW_ADDR1, AP_GW_ADDR2, AP_GW_ADDR3); } netif_set_addr(pnetif, &ipaddr , &netmask, &gw); } #if LWIP_AUTOIP #include <lwip/autoip.h> void LwIP_AUTOIP(struct netif *pnetif) { uint8_t *ip = LwIP_GetIP(pnetif); autoip_start(pnetif); while((pnetif->autoip->state == AUTOIP_STATE_PROBING) || (pnetif->autoip->state == AUTOIP_STATE_ANNOUNCING)) { vTaskDelay(1000); } if(*((uint32_t *) ip) == 0) { struct ip_addr ipaddr; struct ip_addr netmask; struct ip_addr gw; printf("AUTOIP timeout\n"); /* Static address used */ IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, IP_ADDR0 ,IP_ADDR1 , IP_ADDR2 , IP_ADDR3 ); IP4_ADDR(&netmask, NETMASK_ADDR0, NETMASK_ADDR1, NETMASK_ADDR2, NETMASK_ADDR3); IP4_ADDR(&gw, GW_ADDR0, GW_ADDR1, GW_ADDR2, GW_ADDR3); netif_set_addr(pnetif, &ipaddr , &netmask, &gw); printf("Static IP address : %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]); } else { printf("Link-local address: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]); } } #endif #if LWIP_IPV6 /* Get IPv6 address with lwip 1.5.0 */ void LwIP_AUTOIP_IPv6(struct netif *pnetif) { uint8_t *ipv6 = (uint8_t *) &(pnetif->ip6_addr[0].addr[0]); netif_create_ip6_linklocal_address(pnetif, 1); printf("IPv6 link-local address: %02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x\n", ipv6[0], ipv6[1], ipv6[2], ipv6[3], ipv6[4], ipv6[5], ipv6[6], ipv6[7], ipv6[8], ipv6[9], ipv6[10], ipv6[11], ipv6[12], ipv6[13], ipv6[14], ipv6[15]); } #endif