/* Copyright (c) 2014 Jarryd Beck Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef CXX_OPTS_HPP #define CXX_OPTS_HPP #if defined(__GNUC__) #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnon-virtual-dtor" #endif #include <exception> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <regex> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <vector> //when we ask cxxopts to use Unicode, help strings are processed using ICU, //which results in the correct lengths being computed for strings when they //are formatted for the help output //it is necessary to make sure that <unicode/unistr.h> can be found by the //compiler, and that icu-uc is linked in to the binary. #ifdef CXXOPTS_USE_UNICODE #include <unicode/unistr.h> namespace cxxopts { typedef icu::UnicodeString String; inline String toLocalString(std::string s) { return icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(s); } class UnicodeStringIterator : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, int32_t> { public: UnicodeStringIterator(const icu::UnicodeString* s, int32_t pos) : s(s) , i(pos) { } value_type operator*() const { return s->char32At(i); } bool operator==(const UnicodeStringIterator& rhs) const { return s == rhs.s && i == rhs.i; } bool operator!=(const UnicodeStringIterator& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } UnicodeStringIterator& operator++() { ++i; return *this; } UnicodeStringIterator operator+(int32_t v) { return UnicodeStringIterator(s, i + v); } private: const icu::UnicodeString* s; int32_t i; }; inline String& stringAppend(String&s, String a) { return s.append(std::move(a)); } inline String& stringAppend(String& s, int n, UChar32 c) { for (int i = 0; i != n; ++i) { s.append(c); } return s; } template <typename Iterator> String& stringAppend(String& s, Iterator begin, Iterator end) { while (begin != end) { s.append(*begin); ++begin; } return s; } inline size_t stringLength(const String& s) { return s.length(); } inline std::string toUTF8String(const String& s) { std::string result; s.toUTF8String(result); return result; } } namespace std { cxxopts::UnicodeStringIterator begin(const icu::UnicodeString& s) { return cxxopts::UnicodeStringIterator(&s, 0); } cxxopts::UnicodeStringIterator end(const icu::UnicodeString& s) { return cxxopts::UnicodeStringIterator(&s, s.length()); } } //ifdef CXXOPTS_USE_UNICODE #else namespace cxxopts { typedef std::string String; template <typename T> T toLocalString(T&& t) { return t; } inline size_t stringLength(const String& s) { return s.length(); } inline String& stringAppend(String&s, String a) { return s.append(std::move(a)); } inline String& stringAppend(String& s, size_t n, char c) { return s.append(n, c); } template <typename Iterator> String& stringAppend(String& s, Iterator begin, Iterator end) { return s.append(begin, end); } template <typename T> std::string toUTF8String(T&& t) { return std::forward<T>(t); } } //ifdef CXXOPTS_USE_UNICODE #endif namespace cxxopts { class Value : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Value> { public: virtual void parse(const std::string& text) const = 0; virtual void parse() const = 0; virtual bool has_arg() const = 0; virtual bool has_default() const = 0; virtual bool has_implicit() const = 0; virtual std::string get_default_value() const = 0; virtual std::string get_implicit_value() const = 0; virtual std::shared_ptr<Value> default_value(const std::string& value) = 0; virtual std::shared_ptr<Value> implicit_value(const std::string& value) = 0; }; class OptionException : public std::exception { public: OptionException(const std::string& message) : m_message(message) { } virtual const char* what() const noexcept { return m_message.c_str(); } private: std::string m_message; }; class OptionSpecException : public OptionException { public: OptionSpecException(const std::string& message) : OptionException(message) { } }; class OptionParseException : public OptionException { public: OptionParseException(const std::string& message) : OptionException(message) { } }; class option_exists_error : public OptionSpecException { public: option_exists_error(const std::string& option) : OptionSpecException(u8"Option ‘" + option + u8"’ already exists") { } }; class invalid_option_format_error : public OptionSpecException { public: invalid_option_format_error(const std::string& format) : OptionSpecException(u8"Invalid option format ‘" + format + u8"’") { } }; class option_not_exists_exception : public OptionParseException { public: option_not_exists_exception(const std::string& option) : OptionParseException(u8"Option ‘" + option + u8"’ does not exist") { } }; class missing_argument_exception : public OptionParseException { public: missing_argument_exception(const std::string& option) : OptionParseException(u8"Option ‘" + option + u8"’ is missing an argument") { } }; class option_requires_argument_exception : public OptionParseException { public: option_requires_argument_exception(const std::string& option) : OptionParseException(u8"Option ‘" + option + u8"’ requires an argument") { } }; class option_not_has_argument_exception : public OptionParseException { public: option_not_has_argument_exception ( const std::string& option, const std::string& arg ) : OptionParseException( u8"Option ‘" + option + u8"’ does not take an argument, but argument‘" + arg + "’ given") { } }; class option_not_present_exception : public OptionParseException { public: option_not_present_exception(const std::string& option) : OptionParseException(u8"Option ‘" + option + u8"’ not present") { } }; class argument_incorrect_type : public OptionParseException { public: argument_incorrect_type ( const std::string& arg ) : OptionParseException( u8"Argument ‘" + arg + u8"’ failed to parse" ) { } }; namespace values { template <typename T> void parse_value(const std::string& text, T& value) { std::istringstream is(text); if (!(is >> value)) { std::cerr << "cannot parse empty value" << std::endl; throw argument_incorrect_type(text); } if (is.rdbuf()->in_avail() != 0) { throw argument_incorrect_type(text); } } template <typename T> void parse_value(const std::string& text, std::vector<T>& value) { T v; parse_value(text, v); value.push_back(v); } inline void parse_value(const std::string& /*text*/, bool& value) { //TODO recognise on, off, yes, no, enable, disable //so that we can write --long=yes explicitly value = true; } inline void parse_value(const std::string& text, std::string& value) { value = text; } template <typename T> struct value_has_arg { static constexpr bool value = true; }; template <> struct value_has_arg<bool> { static constexpr bool value = false; }; template <typename T> class standard_value : public Value { public: standard_value() : m_result(std::make_shared<T>()) , m_store(m_result.get()) { } standard_value(T* t) : m_store(t) { } void parse(const std::string& text) const { if (m_implicit && text.empty()) { parse_value(m_implicit_value, *m_store); } else { parse_value(text, *m_store); } } void parse() const { parse_value(m_default_value, *m_store); } bool has_arg() const { return value_has_arg<T>::value; } bool has_default() const { return m_default; } bool has_implicit() const { return m_implicit; } virtual std::shared_ptr<Value> default_value(const std::string& value){ m_default = true; m_default_value = value; return shared_from_this(); } virtual std::shared_ptr<Value> implicit_value(const std::string& value){ m_implicit = true; m_implicit_value = value; return shared_from_this(); } std::string get_default_value() const { return m_default_value; } std::string get_implicit_value() const { return m_implicit_value; } const T& get() const { if (m_store == nullptr) { return *m_result; } else { return *m_store; } } protected: std::shared_ptr<T> m_result; T* m_store; bool m_default = false; std::string m_default_value; bool m_implicit = false; std::string m_implicit_value; }; } template <typename T> std::shared_ptr<Value> value() { return std::make_shared<values::standard_value<T>>(); } template <typename T> std::shared_ptr<Value> value(T& t) { return std::make_shared<values::standard_value<T>>(&t); } class OptionAdder; class OptionDetails { public: OptionDetails ( const String& description, std::shared_ptr<const Value> value ) : m_desc(description) , m_value(value) , m_count(0) { } const String& description() const { return m_desc; } bool has_arg() const { return m_value->has_arg(); } void parse(const std::string& text) { m_value->parse(text); ++m_count; } void parse_default() { m_value->parse(); ++m_count; } int count() const { return m_count; } const Value& value() const { return *m_value; } template <typename T> const T& as() const { #ifdef CXXOPTS_NO_RTTI return static_cast<const values::standard_value<T>&>(*m_value).get(); #else return dynamic_cast<const values::standard_value<T>&>(*m_value).get(); #endif } private: String m_desc; std::shared_ptr<const Value> m_value; int m_count; }; struct HelpOptionDetails { std::string s; std::string l; String desc; bool has_arg; bool has_default; std::string default_value; bool has_implicit; std::string implicit_value; std::string arg_help; }; struct HelpGroupDetails { std::string name; std::string description; std::vector<HelpOptionDetails> options; }; class Options { public: Options(std::string program, std::string help_string = "") : m_program(std::move(program)) , m_help_string(toLocalString(std::move(help_string))) { } inline void parse(int& argc, char**& argv); inline OptionAdder add_options(std::string group = ""); inline void add_option ( const std::string& group, const std::string& s, const std::string& l, std::string desc, std::shared_ptr<const Value> value, std::string arg_help ); int count(const std::string& o) const { auto iter = m_options.find(o); if (iter == m_options.end()) { return 0; } return iter->second->count(); } const OptionDetails& operator[](const std::string& option) const { auto iter = m_options.find(option); if (iter == m_options.end()) { throw option_not_present_exception(option); } return *iter->second; } //parse positional arguments into the given option inline void parse_positional(std::string option); inline std::string help(const std::vector<std::string>& groups = {""}) const; inline const std::vector<std::string> groups() const; inline const HelpGroupDetails& group_help(const std::string& group) const; private: inline void add_one_option ( const std::string& option, std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails> details ); inline bool consume_positional(std::string a); inline void add_to_option(const std::string& option, const std::string& arg); inline void parse_option ( std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails> value, const std::string& name, const std::string& arg = "" ); inline void checked_parse_arg ( int argc, char* argv[], int& current, std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails> value, const std::string& name ); inline String help_one_group(const std::string& group) const; std::string m_program; String m_help_string; std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails>> m_options; std::string m_positional; //mapping from groups to help options std::map<std::string, HelpGroupDetails> m_help; }; class OptionAdder { public: OptionAdder(Options& options, std::string group) : m_options(options), m_group(std::move(group)) { } inline OptionAdder& operator() ( const std::string& opts, const std::string& desc, std::shared_ptr<const Value> value = ::cxxopts::value<bool>(), std::string arg_help = "" ); private: Options& m_options; std::string m_group; }; } namespace cxxopts { namespace { constexpr int OPTION_LONGEST = 30; constexpr int OPTION_DESC_GAP = 2; std::basic_regex<char> option_matcher ("--([[:alnum:]][-_[:alnum:]]+)(=(.*))?|-([a-zA-Z]+)"); std::basic_regex<char> option_specifier ("(([a-zA-Z]),)?([a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)"); String format_option ( const HelpOptionDetails& o ) { auto& s = o.s; auto& l = o.l; String result = " "; if (s.size() > 0) { result += "-" + toLocalString(s) + ","; } else { result += " "; } if (l.size() > 0) { result += " --" + toLocalString(l); } if (o.has_arg) { auto arg = o.arg_help.size() > 0 ? toLocalString(o.arg_help) : "arg"; if (o.has_implicit) { result += " [=" + arg + "(=" + toLocalString(o.implicit_value) + ")]"; } else { result += " " + arg; } } return result; } String format_description ( const HelpOptionDetails& o, size_t start, size_t width ) { auto desc = o.desc; if (o.has_default) { desc += toLocalString(" (default:" + o.default_value + ")"); } String result; auto current = std::begin(desc); auto startLine = current; auto lastSpace = current; auto size = size_t{}; while (current != std::end(desc)) { if (*current == ' ') { lastSpace = current; } if (size > width) { if (lastSpace == startLine) { stringAppend(result, startLine, current + 1); stringAppend(result, "\n"); stringAppend(result, start, ' '); startLine = current + 1; lastSpace = startLine; } else { stringAppend(result, startLine, lastSpace); stringAppend(result, "\n"); stringAppend(result, start, ' '); startLine = lastSpace + 1; } size = 0; } else { ++size; } ++current; } //append whatever is left stringAppend(result, startLine, current); return result; } } OptionAdder Options::add_options(std::string group) { return OptionAdder(*this, std::move(group)); } OptionAdder& OptionAdder::operator() ( const std::string& opts, const std::string& desc, std::shared_ptr<const Value> value, std::string arg_help ) { std::match_results<const char*> result; std::regex_match(opts.c_str(), result, option_specifier); if (result.empty()) { throw invalid_option_format_error(opts); } const auto& s = result[2]; const auto& l = result[3]; m_options.add_option(m_group, s.str(), l.str(), desc, value, std::move(arg_help)); return *this; } void Options::parse_option ( std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails> value, const std::string& /*name*/, const std::string& arg ) { value->parse(arg); } void Options::checked_parse_arg ( int argc, char* argv[], int& current, std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails> value, const std::string& name ) { if (current + 1 >= argc) { if (value->value().has_implicit()) { parse_option(value, name, ""); } else { throw missing_argument_exception(name); } } else { if (argv[current + 1][0] == '-' && value->value().has_implicit()) { parse_option(value, name, ""); } else { parse_option(value, name, argv[current + 1]); ++current; } } } void Options::add_to_option(const std::string& option, const std::string& arg) { auto iter = m_options.find(option); if (iter == m_options.end()) { throw option_not_exists_exception(option); } parse_option(iter->second, option, arg); } bool Options::consume_positional(std::string a) { if (m_positional.size() > 0) { add_to_option(m_positional, a); return true; } else { return false; } } void Options::parse_positional(std::string option) { m_positional = std::move(option); } void Options::parse(int& argc, char**& argv) { int current = 1; int nextKeep = 1; while (current != argc) { std::match_results<const char*> result; std::regex_match(argv[current], result, option_matcher); if (result.empty()) { //not a flag //if true is returned here then it was consumed, otherwise it is //ignored if (consume_positional(argv[current])) { } else { argv[nextKeep] = argv[current]; ++nextKeep; } //if we return from here then it was parsed successfully, so continue } else { //short or long option? if (result[4].length() != 0) { const std::string& s = result[4]; for (std::size_t i = 0; i != s.size(); ++i) { std::string name(1, s[i]); auto iter = m_options.find(name); if (iter == m_options.end()) { throw option_not_exists_exception(name); } auto value = iter->second; //if no argument then just add it if (!value->has_arg()) { parse_option(value, name); } else { //it must be the last argument if (i + 1 == s.size()) { checked_parse_arg(argc, argv, current, value, name); } else if (value->value().has_implicit()) { parse_option(value, name, ""); } else { //error throw option_requires_argument_exception(name); } } } } else if (result[1].length() != 0) { const std::string& name = result[1]; auto iter = m_options.find(name); if (iter == m_options.end()) { throw option_not_exists_exception(name); } auto opt = iter->second; //equals provided for long option? if (result[3].length() != 0) { //parse the option given //but if it doesn't take an argument, this is an error if (!opt->has_arg()) { throw option_not_has_argument_exception(name, result[3]); } parse_option(opt, name, result[3]); } else { if (opt->has_arg()) { //parse the next argument checked_parse_arg(argc, argv, current, opt, name); } else { //parse with empty argument parse_option(opt, name); } } } } ++current; } for (auto& opt : m_options) { auto& detail = opt.second; auto& value = detail->value(); if(!detail->count() && value.has_default()){ detail->parse_default(); } } argc = nextKeep; } void Options::add_option ( const std::string& group, const std::string& s, const std::string& l, std::string desc, std::shared_ptr<const Value> value, std::string arg_help ) { auto stringDesc = toLocalString(std::move(desc)); auto option = std::make_shared<OptionDetails>(stringDesc, value); if (s.size() > 0) { add_one_option(s, option); } if (l.size() > 0) { add_one_option(l, option); } //add the help details auto& options = m_help[group]; options.options.emplace_back(HelpOptionDetails{s, l, stringDesc, value->has_arg(), value->has_default(), value->get_default_value(), value->has_implicit(), value->get_implicit_value(), std::move(arg_help)}); } void Options::add_one_option ( const std::string& option, std::shared_ptr<OptionDetails> details ) { auto in = m_options.emplace(option, details); if (!in.second) { throw option_exists_error(option); } } String Options::help_one_group(const std::string& g) const { typedef std::vector<std::pair<String, String>> OptionHelp; auto group = m_help.find(g); if (group == m_help.end()) { return ""; } OptionHelp format; size_t longest = 0; String result; if (!g.empty()) { result += toLocalString(" " + g + " options:\n\n"); } for (const auto& o : group->second.options) { auto s = format_option(o); longest = std::max(longest, stringLength(s)); format.push_back(std::make_pair(s, String())); } longest = std::min(longest, static_cast<size_t>(OPTION_LONGEST)); //widest allowed description auto allowed = size_t{76} - longest - OPTION_DESC_GAP; auto fiter = format.begin(); for (const auto& o : group->second.options) { auto d = format_description(o, longest + OPTION_DESC_GAP, allowed); result += fiter->first; if (stringLength(fiter->first) > longest) { result += "\n"; result += toLocalString(std::string(longest + OPTION_DESC_GAP, ' ')); } else { result += toLocalString(std::string(longest + OPTION_DESC_GAP - stringLength(fiter->first), ' ')); } result += d; result += "\n"; ++fiter; } return result; } std::string Options::help(const std::vector<std::string>& groups) const { String result = "Usage:\n " + toLocalString(m_program) + " [OPTION...]" + m_help_string + "\n\n"; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < groups.size(); ++i) { result += help_one_group(groups[i]); if (i < groups.size() - 1) { result += "\n"; } } return toUTF8String(result); } const std::vector<std::string> Options::groups() const { std::vector<std::string> g; std::transform( m_help.begin(), m_help.end(), std::back_inserter(g), [] (const std::map<std::string, HelpGroupDetails>::value_type& pair) { return pair.first; } ); return g; } const HelpGroupDetails& Options::group_help(const std::string& group) const { return m_help.at(group); } } #if defined(__GNU__) #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #endif //CXX_OPTS_HPP