#include <json.hpp> using json = nlohmann::json; int main() { // create a JSON value json j = { {"number", 1}, {"string", "foo"}, {"array", {1, 2}} }; // read-only access // output element with JSON pointer "/number" std::cout << j.at("/number"_json_pointer) << '\n'; // output element with JSON pointer "/string" std::cout << j.at("/string"_json_pointer) << '\n'; // output element with JSON pointer "/array" std::cout << j.at("/array"_json_pointer) << '\n'; // output element with JSON pointer "/array/1" std::cout << j.at("/array/1"_json_pointer) << '\n'; // writing access // change the string j.at("/string"_json_pointer) = "bar"; // output the changed string std::cout << j["string"] << '\n'; // change an array element j.at("/array/1"_json_pointer) = 21; // output the changed array std::cout << j["array"] << '\n'; }