/* __ _____ _____ _____ __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite) | | |__ | | | | | | version 2.0.8 |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json Licensed under the MIT License . Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Niels Lohmann . Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "catch.hpp" #include "json.hpp" using nlohmann::json; #include TEST_CASE("regression tests") { SECTION("issue #60 - Double quotation mark is not parsed correctly") { SECTION("escape_dobulequote") { auto s = "[\"\\\"foo\\\"\"]"; json j = json::parse(s); auto expected = R"(["\"foo\""])"_json; CHECK(j == expected); } } SECTION("issue #70 - Handle infinity and NaN cases") { SECTION("NAN value") { CHECK(json(NAN) == json()); CHECK(json(json::number_float_t(NAN)) == json()); } SECTION("infinity") { CHECK(json(INFINITY) == json()); CHECK(json(json::number_float_t(INFINITY)) == json()); } } SECTION("pull request #71 - handle enum type") { enum { t = 0 }; json j = json::array(); j.push_back(t); j.push_back(json::object( { {"game_type", t} })); } SECTION("issue #76 - dump() / parse() not idempotent") { // create JSON object json fields; fields["one"] = std::string("one"); fields["two"] = std::string("two three"); fields["three"] = std::string("three \"four\""); // create another JSON object by deserializing the serialization std::string payload = fields.dump(); json parsed_fields = json::parse(payload); // check individual fields to match both objects CHECK(parsed_fields["one"] == fields["one"]); CHECK(parsed_fields["two"] == fields["two"]); CHECK(parsed_fields["three"] == fields["three"]); // check individual fields to match original input CHECK(parsed_fields["one"] == std::string("one")); CHECK(parsed_fields["two"] == std::string("two three")); CHECK(parsed_fields["three"] == std::string("three \"four\"")); // check equality of the objects CHECK(parsed_fields == fields); // check equality of the serialized objects CHECK(fields.dump() == parsed_fields.dump()); // check everything in one line CHECK(fields == json::parse(fields.dump())); } SECTION("issue #82 - lexer::get_number return NAN") { const auto content = R"( { "Test":"Test1", "Number":100, "Foo":42.42 })"; std::stringstream ss; ss << content; json j; ss >> j; std::string test = j["Test"]; CHECK(test == "Test1"); int number = j["Number"]; CHECK(number == 100); float foo = j["Foo"]; CHECK(foo == Approx(42.42)); } SECTION("issue #89 - nonstandard integer type") { // create JSON class with nonstandard integer number type using custom_json = nlohmann::basic_json; custom_json j; j["int_1"] = 1; // we need to cast to int to compile with Catch - the value is int32_t CHECK(static_cast(j["int_1"]) == 1); // tests for correct handling of non-standard integers that overflow the type selected by the user // unsigned integer object creation - expected to wrap and still be stored as an integer j = 4294967296U; // 2^32 CHECK(static_cast(j.type()) == static_cast(custom_json::value_t::number_unsigned)); CHECK(j.get() == 0); // Wrap // unsigned integer parsing - expected to overflow and be stored as a float j = custom_json::parse("4294967296"); // 2^32 CHECK(static_cast(j.type()) == static_cast(custom_json::value_t::number_float)); CHECK(j.get() == 4294967296.0f); // integer object creation - expected to wrap and still be stored as an integer j = -2147483649LL; // -2^31-1 CHECK(static_cast(j.type()) == static_cast(custom_json::value_t::number_integer)); CHECK(j.get() == 2147483647); // Wrap // integer parsing - expected to overflow and be stored as a float with rounding j = custom_json::parse("-2147483649"); // -2^31 CHECK(static_cast(j.type()) == static_cast(custom_json::value_t::number_float)); CHECK(j.get() == -2147483650.0f); } SECTION("issue #93 reverse_iterator operator inheritance problem") { { json a = {1, 2, 3}; json::reverse_iterator rit = a.rbegin(); ++rit; CHECK(*rit == json(2)); CHECK(rit.value() == json(2)); } { json a = {1, 2, 3}; json::reverse_iterator rit = ++a.rbegin(); } { json a = {1, 2, 3}; json::reverse_iterator rit = a.rbegin(); ++rit; json b = {0, 0, 0}; std::transform(rit, a.rend(), b.rbegin(), [](json el) { return el; }); CHECK(b == json({0, 1, 2})); } { json a = {1, 2, 3}; json b = {0, 0, 0}; std::transform(++a.rbegin(), a.rend(), b.rbegin(), [](json el) { return el; }); CHECK(b == json({0, 1, 2})); } } SECTION("issue #100 - failed to iterator json object with reverse_iterator") { json config = { { "111", 111 }, { "112", 112 }, { "113", 113 } }; std::stringstream ss; for (auto it = config.begin(); it != config.end(); ++it) { ss << it.key() << ": " << it.value() << '\n'; } for (auto it = config.rbegin(); it != config.rend(); ++it) { ss << it.key() << ": " << it.value() << '\n'; } CHECK(ss.str() == "111: 111\n112: 112\n113: 113\n113: 113\n112: 112\n111: 111\n"); } SECTION("issue #101 - binary string causes numbers to be dumped as hex") { int64_t number = 10; std::string bytes{"\x00" "asdf\n", 6}; json j; j["int64"] = number; j["binary string"] = bytes; // make sure the number is really printed as decimal "10" and not as // hexadecimal "a" CHECK(j.dump() == "{\"binary string\":\"\\u0000asdf\\n\",\"int64\":10}"); } SECTION("issue #111 - subsequent unicode chars") { std::string bytes{0x7, 0x7}; json j; j["string"] = bytes; CHECK(j["string"] == "\u0007\u0007"); } SECTION("issue #144 - implicit assignment to std::string fails") { json o = {{"name", "value"}}; std::string s1 = o["name"]; CHECK(s1 == "value"); std::string s2; s2 = o["name"]; CHECK(s2 == "value"); } SECTION("issue #146 - character following a surrogate pair is skipped") { CHECK(json::parse("\"\\ud80c\\udc60abc\"").get() == u8"\U00013060abc"); } SECTION("issue #171 - Cannot index by key of type static constexpr const char*") { json j; // Non-const access with key as "char []" char array_key[] = "Key1"; CHECK_NOTHROW(j[array_key] = 1); CHECK(j[array_key] == json(1)); // Non-const access with key as "const char[]" const char const_array_key[] = "Key2"; CHECK_NOTHROW(j[const_array_key] = 2); CHECK(j[const_array_key] == json(2)); // Non-const access with key as "char *" char _ptr_key[] = "Key3"; char* ptr_key = &_ptr_key[0]; CHECK_NOTHROW(j[ptr_key] = 3); CHECK(j[ptr_key] == json(3)); // Non-const access with key as "const char *" const char* const_ptr_key = "Key4"; CHECK_NOTHROW(j[const_ptr_key] = 4); CHECK(j[const_ptr_key] == json(4)); // Non-const access with key as "static constexpr const char *" static constexpr const char* constexpr_ptr_key = "Key5"; CHECK_NOTHROW(j[constexpr_ptr_key] = 5); CHECK(j[constexpr_ptr_key] == json(5)); const json j_const = j; // Const access with key as "char []" CHECK(j_const[array_key] == json(1)); // Const access with key as "const char[]" CHECK(j_const[const_array_key] == json(2)); // Const access with key as "char *" CHECK(j_const[ptr_key] == json(3)); // Const access with key as "const char *" CHECK(j_const[const_ptr_key] == json(4)); // Const access with key as "static constexpr const char *" CHECK(j_const[constexpr_ptr_key] == json(5)); } SECTION("issue #186 miloyip/nativejson-benchmark: floating-point parsing") { json j; j = json::parse("-0.0"); CHECK(j.get() == -0.0); j = json::parse("2.22507385850720113605740979670913197593481954635164564e-308"); CHECK(j.get() == 2.2250738585072009e-308); j = json::parse("0.999999999999999944488848768742172978818416595458984374"); CHECK(j.get() == 0.99999999999999989); j = json::parse("1.00000000000000011102230246251565404236316680908203126"); CHECK(j.get() == 1.00000000000000022); j = json::parse("7205759403792793199999e-5"); CHECK(j.get() == 72057594037927928.0); j = json::parse("922337203685477529599999e-5"); CHECK(j.get() == 9223372036854774784.0); j = json::parse("1014120480182583464902367222169599999e-5"); CHECK(j.get() == 10141204801825834086073718800384.0); j = json::parse("5708990770823839207320493820740630171355185151999e-3"); CHECK(j.get() == 5708990770823838890407843763683279797179383808.0); // create JSON class with nonstandard float number type // float nlohmann::basic_json j_float = 1.23e25f; CHECK(j_float.get() == 1.23e25f); // double nlohmann::basic_json j_double = 1.23e35f; CHECK(j_double.get() == 1.23e35f); // long double nlohmann::basic_json j_long_double = 1.23e45L; CHECK(j_long_double.get() == 1.23e45L); } SECTION("issue #228 - double values are serialized with commas as decimal points") { json j1a = 23.42; json j1b = json::parse("23.42"); json j2a = 2342e-2; //issue #230 //json j2b = json::parse("2342e-2"); json j3a = 10E3; json j3b = json::parse("10E3"); json j3c = json::parse("10e3"); // class to create a locale that would use a comma for decimals class CommaDecimalSeparator : public std::numpunct { protected: char do_decimal_point() const { return ','; } }; // change locale to mess with decimal points auto orig_locale = std::locale::global(std::locale(std::locale(), new CommaDecimalSeparator)); CHECK(j1a.dump() == "23.42"); CHECK(j1b.dump() == "23.42"); // check if locale is properly reset std::stringstream ss; ss.imbue(std::locale(std::locale(), new CommaDecimalSeparator)); ss << 47.11; CHECK(ss.str() == "47,11"); ss << j1a; CHECK(ss.str() == "47,1123.42"); ss << 47.11; CHECK(ss.str() == "47,1123.4247,11"); CHECK(j2a.dump() == "23.42"); //issue #230 //CHECK(j2b.dump() == "23.42"); CHECK(j3a.dump() == "10000"); CHECK(j3b.dump() == "10000"); CHECK(j3c.dump() == "10000"); //CHECK(j3b.dump() == "1E04"); // roundtrip error //CHECK(j3c.dump() == "1e04"); // roundtrip error std::locale::global(orig_locale); } SECTION("issue #379 - locale-independent str-to-num") { // If I save the locale here and restore it in the end // of this block, then setLocale(LC_NUMERIC, "de_DE") // does not actually make snprintf use "," as decimal separator // on some compilers. I have no idea... //const std::string orig_locale_name(setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL)); // Still, just setting some comma-using locale does not // make snprintf output commas on all platforms, so instead // will change dot to comma in the current locale below //setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "de_DE"); auto loc = localeconv(); auto orig_decimal_point = loc->decimal_point; char comma[] = ","; loc->decimal_point = comma; std::array buf; { // verify that strtod now uses commas as decimal-separator const double d1 = std::strtod("3,14", nullptr); CHECK(d1 == 3.14); // verify that strtod does not understand dots as decimal separator const double d2 = std::strtod("3.14", nullptr); CHECK(d2 == 3); } // verify that parsed correctly despite using strtod internally const json j1 = json::parse("3.14"); CHECK(j1.get() == 3.14); // check a different code path const json j2 = json::parse("1.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); CHECK(j2.get() == 1.0); loc->decimal_point = orig_decimal_point; // restore original locale // setlocale(LC_ALL, orig_locale_name.c_str()); } SECTION("issue #233 - Can't use basic_json::iterator as a base iterator for std::move_iterator") { json source = {"a", "b", "c"}; json expected = {"a", "b"}; json dest; std::copy_n(std::make_move_iterator(source.begin()), 2, std::back_inserter(dest)); CHECK(dest == expected); } SECTION("issue #235 - ambiguous overload for 'push_back' and 'operator+='") { json data = {{"key", "value"}}; data.push_back({"key2", "value2"}); data += {"key3", "value3"}; CHECK(data == json({{"key", "value"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}})); } SECTION("issue #269 - diff generates incorrect patch when removing multiple array elements") { json doc = R"( { "arr1": [1, 2, 3, 4] } )"_json; json expected = R"( { "arr1": [1, 2] } )"_json; // check roundtrip CHECK(doc.patch(json::diff(doc, expected)) == expected); } SECTION("issue #283 - value() does not work with _json_pointer types") { json j = { {"object", {{"key1", 1}, {"key2", 2}}}, }; int at_integer = j.at("/object/key2"_json_pointer); int val_integer = j.value("/object/key2"_json_pointer, 0); CHECK(at_integer == val_integer); } SECTION("issue #304 - Unused variable warning") { // code triggered a "warning: unused variable" warning and is left // here to avoid the warning in the future json object; json patch = json::array(); object = object.patch(patch); } SECTION("issue #306 - Parsing fails without space at end of file") { for (auto filename : { "test/data/regression/broken_file.json", "test/data/regression/working_file.json" }) { CAPTURE(filename); json j; std::ifstream f(filename); CHECK_NOTHROW(j << f); } } SECTION("issue #310 - make json_benchmarks no longer working in 2.0.4") { for (auto filename : { "test/data/regression/floats.json", "test/data/regression/signed_ints.json", "test/data/regression/unsigned_ints.json" }) { CAPTURE(filename); json j; std::ifstream f(filename); CHECK_NOTHROW(j << f); } } SECTION("issue #323 - add nested object capabilities to pointers") { json j; j["/this/that/2"_json_pointer] = 27; CHECK(j == json({{"this", {{"that", {nullptr, nullptr, 27}}}}})); } SECTION("issue #329 - serialized value not always can be parsed") { json j = json::parse("22e2222"); CHECK(j == json()); } SECTION("issue #366 - json::parse on failed stream gets stuck") { std::ifstream f("file_not_found.json"); CHECK_THROWS_AS(json::parse(f), std::invalid_argument); } SECTION("issue #367 - calling stream at EOF") { std::stringstream ss; json j; ss << "123"; CHECK_NOTHROW(j << ss); // see https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/367#issuecomment-262841893: // ss is not at EOF; this yielded an error before the fix // (threw basic_string::append). No, it should just throw // a parse error because of the EOF. CHECK_THROWS_AS(j << ss, std::invalid_argument); CHECK_THROWS_WITH(j << ss, "parse error - unexpected end of input"); } }