#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Author: Bryan Gillespie A massively parallel gcov wrapper for generating intermediate coverage formats fast The goal of fastcov is to generate code coverage intermediate formats as fast as possible (ideally < 1 second), even for large projects with hundreds of gcda objects. The intermediate formats may then be consumed by a report generator such as lcov's genhtml, or a dedicated front end such as coveralls. Sample Usage: $ cd build_dir $ ./fastcov.py --zerocounters $ <run unit tests> $ ./fastcov.py --exclude /usr/include test/ --lcov -o report.info $ genhtml -o code_coverage report.info """ import re import os import sys import glob import json import time import argparse import threading import subprocess import multiprocessing MINIMUM_GCOV = (9,0,0) MINIMUM_CHUNK_SIZE = 5 # Interesting metrics START_TIME = time.time() GCOVS_TOTAL = [] GCOVS_SKIPPED = [] def chunks(l, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.""" for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i + n] def stopwatch(): """Return number of seconds since last time this was called""" global START_TIME end_time = time.time() delta = end_time - START_TIME START_TIME = end_time return delta def parseVersionFromLine(version_str): """Given a string containing a dotted integer version, parse out integers and return as tuple""" version = re.search(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)[^\.]', version_str) if not version: return (0,0,0) return tuple(map(int, version.group(1).split("."))) def getGcovVersion(gcov): p = subprocess.Popen([gcov, "-v"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = p.communicate()[0].decode('UTF-8') p.wait() return parseVersionFromLine(output.split("\n")[0]) def removeFiles(files): for file in files: os.remove(file) def getFilteredGcdaFiles(gcda_files, exclude): def excludeGcda(gcda): for ex in exclude: if ex in gcda: return False return True return list(filter(excludeGcda, gcda_files)) def getGcdaFiles(cwd, gcda_files): if not gcda_files: gcda_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(cwd), "**/*.gcda"), recursive=True) return gcda_files def gcovWorker(cwd, gcov, files, chunk, gcov_filter_options, branch_coverage): gcov_args = "-it" if branch_coverage: gcov_args += "b" p = subprocess.Popen([gcov, gcov_args] + chunk, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): intermediate_json = json.loads(line.decode(sys.stdout.encoding)) intermediate_json_files = processGcovs(cwd, intermediate_json["files"], gcov_filter_options) for f in intermediate_json_files: files.append(f) #thread safe, there might be a better way to do this though GCOVS_TOTAL.append(len(intermediate_json["files"])) GCOVS_SKIPPED.append(len(intermediate_json["files"])-len(intermediate_json_files)) p.wait() def processGcdas(cwd, gcov, jobs, gcda_files, gcov_filter_options, branch_coverage): chunk_size = max(MINIMUM_CHUNK_SIZE, int(len(gcda_files) / jobs) + 1) threads = [] intermediate_json_files = [] for chunk in chunks(gcda_files, chunk_size): t = threading.Thread(target=gcovWorker, args=(cwd, gcov, intermediate_json_files, chunk, gcov_filter_options, branch_coverage)) threads.append(t) t.start() log("Spawned %d gcov threads, each processing at most %d gcda files" % (len(threads), chunk_size)) for t in threads: t.join() return intermediate_json_files def processGcov(cwd, gcov, files, gcov_filter_options): # Add absolute path gcov["file_abs"] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, gcov["file"])) # If explicit sources were passed, check for match if gcov_filter_options["sources"]: if gcov["file_abs"] in gcov_filter_options["sources"]: files.append(gcov) return # Check include filter if gcov_filter_options["include"]: for ex in gcov_filter_options["include"]: if ex in gcov["file"]: files.append(gcov) break return # Check exclude filter for ex in gcov_filter_options["exclude"]: if ex in gcov["file"]: return files.append(gcov) def processGcovs(cwd, gcov_files, gcov_filter_options): files = [] for gcov in gcov_files: processGcov(cwd, gcov, files, gcov_filter_options) return files def dumpBranchCoverageToLcovInfo(f, branches): branch_miss = 0 for line_num, branch_counts in branches.items(): for i, count in enumerate(branch_counts): #Branch (<line number>, <block number>, <branch number>, <taken>) f.write("BRDA:%s,%d,%d,%d\n" % (line_num, int(i/2), i, count)) branch_miss += int(count == 0) f.write("BRF:%d\n" % len(branches)) #Branches Found f.write("BRH:%d\n" % (len(branches) - branch_miss)) #Branches Hit def dumpToLcovInfo(fastcov_json, output): with open(output, "w") as f: for sf, data in fastcov_json["sources"].items(): f.write("SF:%s\n" % sf) #Source File fn_miss = 0 for function, fdata in data["functions"].items(): f.write("FN:%d,%s\n" % (fdata["start_line"], function)) #Function Start Line f.write("FNDA:%d,%s\n" % (fdata["execution_count"], function)) #Function Hits fn_miss += int(fdata["execution_count"] == 0) f.write("FNF:%d\n" % len(data["functions"])) #Functions Found f.write("FNH:%d\n" % (len(data["functions"]) - fn_miss)) #Functions Hit if data["branches"]: dumpBranchCoverageToLcovInfo(f, data["branches"]) line_miss = 0 for line_num, count in data["lines"].items(): f.write("DA:%s,%d\n" % (line_num, count)) #Line line_miss += int(count == 0) f.write("LF:%d\n" % len(data["lines"])) #Lines Found f.write("LH:%d\n" % (len(data["lines"]) - line_miss)) #Lines Hit f.write("end_of_record\n") def exclMarkerWorker(fastcov_sources, chunk): for source in chunk: # If there are no covered lines, skip if not fastcov_sources[source]["lines"]: continue start_line = 0 end_line = 0 with open(source) as f: for i, line in enumerate(f, 1): #Start enumeration at line 1 if not "LCOV_EXCL" in line: continue if "LCOV_EXCL_LINE" in line: if str(i) in fastcov_sources[source]["lines"]: del fastcov_sources[source]["lines"][str(i)] if str(i) in fastcov_sources[source]["branches"]: del fastcov_sources[source]["branches"][str(i)] elif "LCOV_EXCL_START" in line: start_line = i elif "LCOV_EXCL_STOP" in line: end_line = i if not start_line: end_line = 0 continue for key in ["lines", "branches"]: for line_num in list(fastcov_sources[source][key].keys()): if int(line_num) <= end_line and int(line_num) >= start_line: del fastcov_sources[source][key][line_num] start_line = end_line = 0 def scanExclusionMarkers(fastcov_json, jobs): chunk_size = max(MINIMUM_CHUNK_SIZE, int(len(fastcov_json["sources"]) / jobs) + 1) threads = [] for chunk in chunks(list(fastcov_json["sources"].keys()), chunk_size): t = threading.Thread(target=exclMarkerWorker, args=(fastcov_json["sources"], chunk)) threads.append(t) t.start() log("Spawned %d threads each scanning at most %d source files" % (len(threads), chunk_size)) for t in threads: t.join() def distillFunction(function_raw, functions): function_name = function_raw["name"] if function_name not in functions: functions[function_name] = { "start_line": function_raw["start_line"], "execution_count": function_raw["execution_count"] } else: functions[function_name]["execution_count"] += function_raw["execution_count"] def distillLine(line_raw, lines, branches): line_number = str(line_raw["line_number"]) if line_number not in lines: lines[line_number] = line_raw["count"] else: lines[line_number] += line_raw["count"] for i, branch in enumerate(line_raw["branches"]): if line_number not in branches: branches[line_number] = [] blen = len(branches[line_number]) glen = len(line_raw["branches"]) if blen < glen: branches[line_number] += [0] * (glen - blen) branches[line_number][i] += branch["count"] def distillSource(source_raw, sources): source_name = source_raw["file_abs"] if source_name not in sources: sources[source_name] = { "functions": {}, "branches": {}, "lines": {}, } for function in source_raw["functions"]: distillFunction(function, sources[source_name]["functions"]) for line in source_raw["lines"]: distillLine(line, sources[source_name]["lines"], sources[source_name]["branches"]) def distillReport(report_raw): report_json = { "sources": {} } for source in report_raw: distillSource(source, report_json["sources"]) return report_json def dumpToJson(intermediate, output): with open(output, "w") as f: json.dump(intermediate, f) def log(line): if not args.quiet: print("[{:.3f}s] {}".format(stopwatch(), line)) def getGcovFilterOptions(args): return { "sources": set([os.path.abspath(s) for s in args.sources]), #Make paths absolute, use set for fast lookups "include": args.includepost, "exclude": args.excludepost, } def main(args): # Need at least gcov 9.0.0 because that's when gcov JSON and stdout streaming was introduced current_gcov_version = getGcovVersion(args.gcov) if current_gcov_version < MINIMUM_GCOV: sys.stderr.write("Minimum gcov version {} required, found {}\n".format(".".join(map(str, MINIMUM_GCOV)), ".".join(map(str, current_gcov_version)))) exit(1) # Get list of gcda files to process gcda_files = getGcdaFiles(args.directory, args.gcda_files) log("Found {} .gcda files ".format(len(gcda_files))) # If gcda filtering is enabled, filter them out now if args.excludepre: gcda_files = getFilteredGcdaFiles(gcda_files, args.excludepre) log("{} .gcda files after filtering".format(len(gcda_files))) # We "zero" the "counters" by simply deleting all gcda files if args.zerocounters: removeFiles(gcda_files) log("{} .gcda files removed".format(len(gcda_files))) return # Fire up one gcov per cpu and start processing gcdas gcov_filter_options = getGcovFilterOptions(args) intermediate_json_files = processGcdas(args.cdirectory, args.gcov, args.jobs, gcda_files, gcov_filter_options, args.branchcoverage) # Summarize processing results gcov_total = sum(GCOVS_TOTAL) gcov_skipped = sum(GCOVS_SKIPPED) log("Processed {} .gcov files ({} total, {} skipped)".format(gcov_total - gcov_skipped, gcov_total, gcov_skipped)) # Distill all the extraneous info gcov gives us down to the core report fastcov_json = distillReport(intermediate_json_files) log("Aggregated raw gcov JSON into fastcov JSON report") # Dump to desired file format if args.lcov: scanExclusionMarkers(fastcov_json, args.jobs) log("Scanned {} source files for exclusion markers".format(len(fastcov_json["sources"]))) dumpToLcovInfo(fastcov_json, args.output) log("Created lcov info file '{}'".format(args.output)) elif args.gcov_raw: dumpToJson(intermediate_json_files, args.output) log("Created gcov raw json file '{}'".format(args.output)) else: dumpToJson(fastcov_json, args.output) log("Created fastcov json file '{}'".format(args.output)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A parallel gcov wrapper for fast coverage report generation') parser.add_argument('-z', '--zerocounters', dest='zerocounters', action="store_true", help='Recursively delete all gcda files') # Enable Branch Coverage parser.add_argument('-b', '--branch-coverage', dest='branchcoverage', action="store_true", help='Include branch counts in the coverage report') # Filtering Options parser.add_argument('-s', '--source-files', dest='sources', nargs="+", metavar='', default=[], help='Filter: Specify exactly which source files should be included in the final report. Paths must be either absolute or relative to current directory.') parser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', dest='excludepost', nargs="+", metavar='', default=[], help='Filter: Exclude source files from final report if they contain one of the provided substrings (i.e. /usr/include test/, etc.)') parser.add_argument('-i', '--include', dest='includepost', nargs="+", metavar='', default=[], help='Filter: Only include source files in final report that contain one of the provided substrings (i.e. src/ etc.)') parser.add_argument('-f', '--gcda-files', dest='gcda_files', nargs="+", metavar='', default=[], help='Filter: Specify exactly which gcda files should be processed instead of recursively searching the search directory.') parser.add_argument('-E', '--exclude-gcda', dest='excludepre', nargs="+", metavar='', default=[], help='Filter: Exclude gcda files from being processed via simple find matching (not regex)') parser.add_argument('-g', '--gcov', dest='gcov', default='gcov', help='Which gcov binary to use') parser.add_argument('-d', '--search-directory', dest='directory', default=".", help='Base directory to recursively search for gcda files (default: .)') parser.add_argument('-c', '--compiler-directory', dest='cdirectory', default=".", help='Base directory compiler was invoked from (default: .) \ This needs to be set if invoking fastcov from somewhere other than the base compiler directory.') parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', dest='jobs', type=int, default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), help='Number of parallel gcov to spawn (default: %d).' % multiprocessing.cpu_count()) parser.add_argument('-m', '--minimum-chunk-size', dest='minimum_chunk', type=int, default=5, help='Minimum number of files a thread should process (default: 5). \ If you have only 4 gcda files but they are monstrously huge, you could change this value to a 1 so that each thread will only process 1 gcda. Otherise fastcov will spawn only 1 thread to process all of them.') parser.add_argument('-l', '--lcov', dest='lcov', action="store_true", help='Output in lcov info format instead of fastcov json') parser.add_argument('-r', '--gcov-raw', dest='gcov_raw', action="store_true", help='Output in gcov raw json instead of fastcov json') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', default="coverage.json", help='Name of output file (default: coverage.json)') parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet', action="store_true", help='Suppress output to stdout') args = parser.parse_args() main(args)