These tests never worked - they weren't run before
Note that these tests would fail because of this library
ordering dictionary keys (which is legal). So changing the
input files (or modifying stored cbor/msgpack/ubjson files)
would make the tests work and they could get removed from
Also move parsing of files in these unit tests to within
the inner sections, so that they're only parsed
number_of_files * number_of_sections instead of
number_of_files * number_of_files * number_of_sections
(so, instead of close to 100k parses about 700).
- updated documentation wrt. new repository layout
- temporarily switched off Homebrew --HEAD building (can only be switched on after release)
- set copyright date to 2018
* Rename 'develop' folder to 'include/nlohmann'
* Rename 'src' folder to 'single_include/nlohmann'
* Use <nlohmann/*> headers in sources and tests
* Change amalgamate config file
We had a lot of issues with failing roundtrips (i.e., parse errors from serializations) in case string were stored in the library that were not UTF-8 encoded. This PR adds an exception in this case.
The CBOR and MessagePack parsers now expect the input to be read until the end. Unless the new parameter "strict" is set to false (it is true by default), an exception is raised if the parser ends prematurely. This is a breaking change as the parsers ignored unread input so far.
Furthermore, the offset/startIndex paramter introduced in #462 was removed as this behavior can be mimicked with an iterator range. For instance, instead of calling "from_cbor(vec, 5);", you can write "from_cbor({vec.begin()+5, vec.end()});".
- You can now pass a reference to a vector to the to_cbor and to_msgpack functions. The output will be written (appended) to the vector. #476
- You can now pass an output stream with uint8_t character type to the to_cbor and to_msgpack functions. #477
- You can now read from uint8_t */size in the to_cbor and to_msgpack functions. An input adapter will be created from this pair, so you need to use braces. #478
- Removed unused headers.
- Added override where needed.
- Added description for parse_error.113 exception.
- Fixed some conversion warnings.
- Integrated cbor_expect_string function for CBOR maps.
- Added documentation on the supported CBOR/MessagePack features.
- Added test to check all initial bytes for CBOR input.
- If an overflow occurs during parsing a number from a JSON text, an
exception (std::out_of_range for the moment, to be replaced by a
user-defined exception #244) is thrown so that the overflow is detected
early and roundtripping is guaranteed.
- NaN and INF floating-point values can be stored in a JSON value and
are not replaced by null. That is, the basic_json class behaves like
double in this regard (no exception occurs). However, NaN and INF are
serialized to “null”.
- Adjusted test cases appropriately.