This is the first official release. Compared to the [prerelease version 1.0.0-rc1](, only a few minor improvements have been made:
### Changes
- *Changed*: A **UTF-8 byte order mark** is silently ignored.
- *Changed*: `sprintf` is no longer used.
- *Changed*: `iterator_wrapper` also works for const objects; note: the name may change!
- *Changed*: **Error messages** during deserialization have been improved.
- *Added*: The `parse` function now also works with type `std::istream&&`.
- *Added*: Function `value(key, default_value)` returns either a copy of an object's element at the specified key or a given default value if no element with the key exists.
- *Added*: Public functions are tagged with the version they were introduced. This shall allow for better **versioning** in the future.
- *Added*: All public functions and types are **documented** (see including executable examples.
- *Added*: Allocation of all types (in particular arrays, strings, and objects) is now exception-safe.
- *Added*: They descriptions of thrown exceptions have been overworked and are part of the tests suite and documentation.
The 1.0.0 release should be the first "official" release after the initial announcement of the class in January 2015 via reddit ("0.1.0") and a heavily overworked second version ("0.2.0") in February.
### Changes
- *Changed:* In the generic class `basic_json`, all JSON value types (array, object, string, bool, integer number, and floating-point) are now **templated**. That is, you can choose whether you like a `std::list` for your arrays or an `std::unordered_map` for your objects. The specialization `json` sets some reasonable defaults.
- *Changed:* The library now consists of a **single header**, called `json.hpp`. Consequently, build systems such as Automake or CMake are not any longer required.
- *Changed:* The **deserialization** is now supported by a lexer generated with [re2c]( from file [`src/json.hpp.re2c`]( As a result, we strictly follow the JSON specification. Note neither the tool re2c nor its input are required to use the class.
- *Added:* The library now satisfies the [**ReversibleContainer**]( requirement. It hence provides four different iterators (`iterator`, `const_iterator`, `reverse_iterator`, and `const_reverse_iterator`), comparison functions, `swap()`, `size()`, `max_size()`, and `empty()` member functions.
- *Added*: The class uses **user-defined allocators** which default to `std::allocator`, but can be templated via parameter `Allocator`.
- *Added:* To simplify pretty-printing, the `std::setw`**stream manipulator** has been overloaded to set the desired indentation. Pretty-printing a JSON object `j` is as simple as `std::cout << std::setw(4) << j << '\n'`.
- *Changed*: The type `json::value_t::number` is now called `json::value_t::number_integer` to be more symmetric compared to `json::value_t::number_float`.
-*Added*: The documentation is generated with Doxygen and hosted at []( Every public member function is thoroughly described including an example which also can be [tried online](
- *Added*: The class is heavily unit-tested (3341774 assertions) and has a [line coverage of 100%]( With every commit, the code is compiled with g++ 4.9, g++ 5.0, Clang 3.6 (thanks to [Travis CI](, and Microsoft Visual Studio 14 2015 (thanks to [AppVeyor](