Angus Gratton a9e3928c8d Disassembled binary SDK output, direct from xtobjdis with a couple of tweaks
Tweaks to xtobjdis are hg-git sha 6da80c11f

Everything works except for wpa_auth.o & phy_chip_v6_ana.o disassemble
with some functions not correctly detected.
2015-10-03 13:04:35 +10:00

150 lines
8.2 KiB

.section .text, "ax", @progbits
.literal_position # 0: 00000000
# Function @ .text+0x4
.global sdk_os_get_cpu_frequency
.type sdk_os_get_cpu_frequency, @function
movi a2, .Ldata001 # 4: 21ffff
l32i a2, a2, 0 /* [.Ldata001] */ # 7: 2802
ret /* [.Ldata001] */ # 9: 0df0
.section .data, "aw", @progbits
.Ldata001: .word 0x00000050 # 0: 50000000
.section .bss, "aw", @nobits
.global sdk__putc1
.type sdk__putc1, @object
sdk__putc1: .word 0x00000000 # 0: 00000000
.section .irom0.text, "ax", @progbits
.literal_position # 0: 00000000
# 4: 00000000
# 8: 00000000
# Function @ .irom0.text+0xc
# Local variables/stack:
# (local0): word @ -0x10
# (local1): word @ -0xc
# (local2): word[2] @ -0x8
.global sdk_ets_delay_us
.type sdk_ets_delay_us, @function
.global sdk_os_delay_us
.type sdk_os_delay_us, @function
addi sp, sp, -16 /* (local0) */ # c: 12c1f0
s32i a13, sp, 8 /* a13 -> [(local2)] */ # f: d921
s32i a12, sp, 4 /* a12 -> [(local1)] */ # 11: c911
s32i a0, sp, 0 /* a0 -> [(local0)] */ # 13: 0901
mov a12, a2 /* arg0 */ # 15: cd02
call0 xthal_get_ccount # 17: 01fbffc0
# 1b: 0000
movi a0, .Ldata001 # 1d: 01f8ff
l32i a0, a0, 0 /* [.Ldata001] */ # 20: 0800
mov a13, a2 # 22: dd02
mull a12, a0, a12 # 24: c0c082
.Lbr001: call0 xthal_get_ccount # 27: 01f8ffc0
# 2b: 0000
sub a3, a2, a13 # 2d: d032c0
bltu a3, a12, .Lbr001 # 30: c733f3
l32i a12, sp, 4 /* [(local1)] */ # 33: c811
l32i a13, sp, 8 /* [(local2)] */ # 35: d821
l32i a0, sp, 0 /* [(local0)] */ # 37: 0801
addi sp, sp, 16 /* (top of frame) */ # 39: 12c110
ret # 3c: 0df0
.literal_position # 40: 00000000
# Function @ .irom0.text+0x44
.global sdk_ets_update_cpu_frequency
.type sdk_ets_update_cpu_frequency, @function
.global sdk_os_update_cpu_frequency
.type sdk_os_update_cpu_frequency, @function
movi a3, .Ldata001 # 44: 31ffff
s32i a2, a3, 0 /* arg0 -> [.Ldata001] */ # 47: 2903
ret /* arg0 */ # 49: 0df0
.literal_position # 4c: 00000000
# Function @ .irom0.text+0x50
.global sdk_os_install_putc1
.type sdk_os_install_putc1, @function
movi a3, sdk__putc1 # 50: 31ffff
s32i a2, a3, 0 /* arg0 -> [sdk__putc1] */ # 53: 2903
ret /* arg0 */ # 55: 0df0
.literal_position # 58: 00000000
# Function @ .irom0.text+0x5c
# Local variables/stack:
# (local0): word[4] @ -0x10
.global sdk_os_putc
.type sdk_os_putc, @function
addi sp, sp, -16 /* (local0) */ # 5c: 12c1f0
s32i a0, sp, 0 /* a0 -> [(local0)] */ # 5f: 0901
movi a0, sdk__putc1 # 61: 01fdff
l32i a0, a0, 0 /* [sdk__putc1] */ # 64: 0800
callx0 a0 /* [sdk__putc1] */ # 66: c00000
l32i a0, sp, 0 /* [(local0)] */ # 69: 0801
addi sp, sp, 16 /* (top of frame) */ # 6b: 12c110
ret # 6e: 0df0
.literal_position # 70: 00020060
# Function @ .irom0.text+0x74
.global sdk_gpio_output_set
.type sdk_gpio_output_set, @function
movi a6, 0x60000200 # 74: 61ffff
memw # 77: c02000
s32i a2, a6, 0x104 /* arg0 -> [0x60000304] */ # 7a: 226641
memw # 7d: c02000
s32i a3, a6, 0x108 /* arg1 -> [0x60000308] */ # 80: 326642
memw # 83: c02000
s32i a4, a6, 0x110 /* arg2 -> [0x60000310] */ # 86: 426644
memw # 89: c02000
s32i a5, a6, 0x114 /* arg3 -> [0x60000314] */ # 8c: 526645
ret /* arg0 */ # 8f: 0df0
.literal_position # 94: 00060060
# 98: ffffdfff
# Function @ .irom0.text+0x9c
.global sdk_rtc_get_reset_reason
.type sdk_rtc_get_reset_reason, @function
movi a4, 0x60000600 # 9c: 41feff
memw # 9f: c02000
l32i a2, a4, 0x114 /* [0x60000714] */ # a2: 222445
extui a2, a2, 0, 4 # a5: 202034
bnei a2, 5, .Lbr003 # a8: 665224
memw # ab: c02000
l32i a3, a4, 0x118 /* [0x60000718] */ # ae: 322446
extui a3, a3, 8, 6 # b1: 303854
bnei a3, 1, .Lbr002 # b4: 661304
movi a2, 6 /* 0x00000006 */ # b7: 0c62
j .Lbr003 # b9: c60400
.Lbr002: memw # bc: c02000
l32i a6, a4, 0x118 /* [0x60000718] */ # bf: 622446
movi a5, 0 /* 0x00000000 */ # c2: 0c05
extui a6, a6, 8, 6 # c4: 606854
addi a6, a6, -8 # c7: 62c6f8
movnez a2, a5, a6 # ca: 602593
extui a2, a2, 0, 8 # cd: 202074
.Lbr003: movi a8, 0xffdfffff # d0: 81f2ff
memw # d3: c02000
l32i a7, a4, 0x108 /* [0x60000708] */ # d6: 722442
and a7, a7, a8 # d9: 807710
memw # dc: c02000
s32i a7, a4, 0x108 /* a7 -> [0x60000708] */ # df: 726442
ret # e2: 0df0