308 lines
8.3 KiB
308 lines
8.3 KiB
#include <string.h>
#include "sht3x.h"
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "espressif/esp_common.h"
#include "espressif/sdk_private.h"
#define SHT3x_STATUS_CMD 0xF32D
#define SHT3x_CLEAR_STATUS_CMD 0x3041
#define SHT3x_RESET_CMD 0x30A2
#define SHT3x_MEASURE_PERIODIC_1_CMD 0x2130
#define SHT3x_MEASURE_PERIODIC_2_CMD 0x2236
#define SHT3x_MEASURE_PERIODIC_4_CMD 0x2434
#define SHT3x_MEASURE_PERIODIC_10_CMD 0x2737
#define SHT3x_FETCH_DATA_CMD 0xE000
#ifdef SHT3x_DEBUG
#define DEBUG_PRINTF0(s) printf(s);
#define DEBUG_PRINTF1(s,a) printf(s,a);
#define DEBUG_PRINTF2(s,a,b) printf(s,a,b);
#define DEBUG_PRINTF3(s,a,b,c) printf(s,a,b,c);
#define DEBUG_PRINTF0(s)
#define DEBUG_PRINTF1(s,a)
#define DEBUG_PRINTF2(s,a,b)
#define DEBUG_PRINTF3(s,a,b,c)
sht3x_sensor_t sht3x_sensors[SHT3x_MAX_SENSORS];
static bool sht3x_send_command(uint32_t id, uint16_t cmd)
uint8_t data[2] = { cmd / 256, cmd % 256 };
DEBUG_PRINTF2("%s: Send MSB command byte %0x\n", __FUNCTION__, data[0]);
DEBUG_PRINTF2("%s: Send LSB command byte %0x\n", __FUNCTION__, data[1]);
int error = i2c_slave_write(sht3x_sensors[id].bus, sht3x_sensors[id].addr, 0, data, 2);
if (error)
printf("%s: Error %d on write command %0x to i2c slave on bus %d with addr %0x.\n",
__FUNCTION__, error, cmd, sht3x_sensors[id].bus, sht3x_sensors[id].addr);
return false;
return true;
static bool sht3x_read_data(uint32_t id, uint8_t *data, uint32_t len)
int error = i2c_slave_read(sht3x_sensors[id].bus, sht3x_sensors[id].addr, 0, data, len);
if (error)
printf("%s: Error %d on read %d byte from i2c slave on bus %d with addr %0x.\n",
__FUNCTION__, error, len, sht3x_sensors[id].bus, sht3x_sensors[id].addr);
return false;
# ifdef SHT3x_DEBUG
printf("%s: Read following bytes: ", __FUNCTION__);
for (int i=0; i < len; i++)
printf("%0x ", data[i]);
# endif
return true;
static bool sht3x_is_available (uint32_t sensor)
uint8_t data[3];
if (!sht3x_send_command(sensor, SHT3x_STATUS_CMD))
return false;
if (!sht3x_read_data(sensor, data, 3))
return false;
return true;
static bool sht3x_valid_sensor (uint32_t sensor, const char* function)
if (sensor < 0 || sensor > SHT3x_MAX_SENSORS)
DEBUG_PRINTF2("%s: Wrong sensor id %d.\n", function, sensor);
return false;
if (!sht3x_sensors[sensor].active)
DEBUG_PRINTF2("%s: Sensor with id %d is not active.\n", function, sensor);
return false;
return true;
static void sht3x_compute_values (uint8_t id, uint8_t* data)
sht3x_value_set_t act;
sht3x_value_set_t avg = sht3x_sensors[id].average;
float w = sht3x_sensors[id].average_weight;
act.c_temperature = ((((data[0] * 256.0) + data[1]) * 175) / 65535.0) - 45;
act.f_temperature = ((((data[0] * 256.0) + data[1]) * 347) / 65535.0) - 49;
act.humidity = ((((data[3] * 256.0) + data[4]) * 100) / 65535.0);
if (sht3x_sensors[id].first_measurement)
sht3x_sensors[id].first_measurement = false;
avg = act;
avg.c_temperature = w * act.c_temperature + (1-w) * avg.c_temperature;
avg.f_temperature = w * act.f_temperature + (1-w) * avg.f_temperature;
avg.humidity = w * act.humidity + (1-w) * avg.humidity;
sht3x_sensors[id].actual = act;
sht3x_sensors[id].average = avg;
static void sht3x_callback_task (void *pvParameters)
uint8_t data[6];
uint32_t sensor = (uint32_t)pvParameters;
while (1)
// DEBUG_PRINTF3("%.3f Sensor %d: %s\n", (double)sdk_system_get_time()*1e-3, sensor, __FUNCTION__);
if (sht3x_send_command(sensor, SHT3x_MEASURE_ONE_SHOT_CMD))
vTaskDelay (20 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
if (sht3x_read_data(sensor, data, 6))
sht3x_compute_values(sensor, data);
// DEBUG_PRINTF3("%.2f C, %.2f F, %.2f \n",
// sht3x_sensors[sensor].actual.c_temperature,
// sht3x_sensors[sensor].actual.f_temperature,
// sht3x_sensors[sensor].actual.humidity);
if (sht3x_sensors[sensor].cb_function)
vTaskDelay((sht3x_sensors[sensor].period-20) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
vTaskDelay(sht3x_sensors[sensor].period / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
bool sht3x_init()
for (int id=0; id < SHT3x_MAX_SENSORS; id++)
sht3x_sensors[id].active = false;
return true;
uint32_t sht3x_create_sensor(uint8_t bus, uint8_t addr)
static uint32_t id;
static char cb_task_name[20];
// search for first free sensor data structure
for (id=0; id < SHT3x_MAX_SENSORS; id++)
DEBUG_PRINTF3("%s: id=%d active=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, id, sht3x_sensors[id].active);
if (!sht3x_sensors[id].active)
DEBUG_PRINTF2("%s: id=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, id);
if (id == SHT3x_MAX_SENSORS)
DEBUG_PRINTF1("%s: No more sensor data structures available.\n", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
// init sensor data structure
sht3x_sensors[id].bus = bus;
sht3x_sensors[id].addr = addr;
sht3x_sensors[id].period = 1000;
sht3x_sensors[id].first_measurement = true;
sht3x_sensors[id].average_weight = 0.2;
sht3x_sensors[id].cb_function = NULL;
sht3x_sensors[id].cb_task = NULL;
// check whether sensor is available
if (!sht3x_is_available(id))
return -1;
// clear sensor status register
if (!sht3x_send_command(id, SHT3x_CLEAR_STATUS_CMD))
return -1;
snprintf (cb_task_name, 20, "sht3x_cb_task_%d", id);
if (xTaskCreate (sht3x_callback_task, cb_task_name, 256, (void*)id,
&sht3x_sensors[id].cb_task) != pdPASS)
printf("%s: Could not create task %s\n", __FUNCTION__, cb_task_name);
return false;
sht3x_sensors[id].active = true;
return id;
bool sht3x_delete_sensor(uint32_t sensor)
if (!sht3x_valid_sensor(sensor, __FUNCTION__))
return false;
if (sht3x_sensors[sensor].cb_task)
if (memset(&sht3x_sensors[sensor], 1, sizeof(sht3x_sensor_t)) == NULL)
DEBUG_PRINTF2("%s: Could not initialize memory for sensor with id %d.\n", __FUNCTION__, sensor);
return false;
return true;
bool sht3x_set_measurement_period (uint32_t sensor, uint32_t period)
if (!sht3x_valid_sensor(sensor, __FUNCTION__))
return false;
if (period < 20)
DEBUG_PRINTF3("%s: Period of %d ms is less than the minimum period of 20 ms for sensor with id %d.\n", __FUNCTION__, period, sensor);
sht3x_sensors[sensor].period = period;
return true;
bool sht3x_set_callback_function (uint32_t sensor, sht3x_cb_function_t user_function)
if (!sht3x_valid_sensor(sensor, __FUNCTION__))
return false;
sht3x_sensors[sensor].cb_function = user_function;
DEBUG_PRINTF1("%s: Set callback mode done.\n", __FUNCTION__);
return false;
bool sht3x_get_values(uint32_t sensor, sht3x_value_set_t *actual, sht3x_value_set_t *average)
if (!sht3x_valid_sensor(sensor, __FUNCTION__))
return false;
*actual = sht3x_sensors[sensor].actual;
*average = sht3x_sensors[sensor].average;
return true;
bool sht3x_set_average_weight (uint32_t sensor, float weight)
sht3x_sensors[sensor].first_measurement = true;
sht3x_sensors[sensor].average_weight = weight;
return true;