Use onewire_addr_t for onewire addresses Move internal defines out of onewire.h Remove global variables for search state use taskENTER_CRITICAL instead of portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS remove unnecessary onewire_init function Remove unnecessary critical sections Use GPIO_OUT_OPEN_DRAIN reformat/style cleanup
55 lines
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55 lines
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/* ds18b20 - Retrieves temperature from ds18b20 sensors and print it out.
* This sample code is in the public domain.,
#include "espressif/esp_common.h"
#include "esp/uart.h"
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "queue.h"
// DS18B20 driver
#include "ds18b20/ds18b20.h"
void print_temperature(void *pvParameters)
int delay = 500;
uint8_t amount = 0;
// Declare amount of sensors
uint8_t sensors = 2;
ds_sensor_t t[sensors];
// Use GPIO 13 as one wire pin.
uint8_t GPIO_FOR_ONE_WIRE = 13;
while(1) {
// Search all DS18B20, return its amount and feed 't' structure with result data.
amount = ds18b20_read_all(GPIO_FOR_ONE_WIRE, t);
if (amount < sensors){
printf("Something is wrong, I expect to see %d sensors \nbut just %d was detected!\n", sensors, amount);
for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i)
int intpart = (int)t[i].value;
int fraction = (int)((t[i].value - intpart) * 100);
// Multiple "" here is just to satisfy compiler and don`t raise 'hex escape sequence out of range' warning.
printf("Sensor %d report: %d.%02d ""\xC2""\xB0""C\n",t[i].id, intpart, fraction);
vTaskDelay(delay / portTICK_RATE_MS);
void user_init(void)
uart_set_baud(0, 115200);
printf("SDK version:%s\n", sdk_system_get_sdk_version());
xTaskCreate(&print_temperature, (signed char *)"print_temperature", 256, NULL, 2, NULL);