Ruslan V. Uss 546cc47121 Merge pull request from ourairquality/oaq-merge-1
* bmp180: comment typo
* ds3231: minor code style fixes. Comment, on the week day start.
* Reverse engineered ets_timers.o Switch from FreeRTOS queue to task notification. Removed unknown/unused code. Rename sdk_ets_handler_isr to process_pending_timers. Add function for microseconds Simplify time to ticks conversion
* ets_timer: code for using the FreeRTOS timers, and remove from libs.
* libc: update to a recent newlib version.
* LwIP v2 support
* spi_write: use uint32_t for the page iteration counter. The page counter was using an uint8_t which seems unnecessary and might wrap.
* sysparam_get_bool: memcpy the binary values out.
* FreeRTOS 9.0.1
* Add an argument to ISRs. Disable interrupts while masking them.
* sysparam: reserve one more flash sector before placing the sysparams. This is to help work with recent SDKs that add a RF cal sector by default in the fifth last sector - just so the sysparam sectors do not jump around when using different SDK versions.
* upnp example: strip down the lwipopts.h file
* sysparam editor: accept newline to end a line of input.
* Add Wificfg. Uses the sysparam store to save the wifi configuration. Adds a basic http server for configuration.
* lwip: disable the tcpip_core_locking_input option. With this option enabled some lwip input processing occurs in the pp task which works well for some uses but some code uses a lot of stack (e.g. mdns) and will overflow the pp task stask, or might unnecessarily slow the critical pp task,
so disable this by default and if not already defined.
* sdk_cnx_add_rc: fix overflow of the table, when no match is found. Also adds source code for sdk_cnx_rc_search, adding a null pointer dereference. Check (that is not expected to be seen), and source code for sdk_cnx_remove_rc.
* http_get example: fix compilation with ipv6 disabled.
* lwip: update to master branch.
* wificfg: allow the AP channel to be 1.
* lwip: rework the tcp ooseq handling. It now accounts for the number of rx pool buffers used and the
available memory when deciding the number of ooseq buffers to retain. Enable the TCP Selective ACK support which appears to help a lot on lossy wifi when using the OOSEQ option.
* Update lwip, fixes losses of pcbs and associated problems.
* lwip: revise the tcp ooseq limit calulations. Was making a mess of the calculation sign. Also added a COPY_PP_RX_PBUFS define to include appropriate limits for this option.
* lwip: ooseq_max_bytes() - set a practical target memory size.
* lwip: revise ooseq handling. Modified for lwip backwards compatibility based on upstream feedback.
* lwip: update to the 2.0.3 release
* lwip: merge upstream master.
* libc: update to upstream master.
* lwip: fix building without TCP_QUEUE_OOSEQ
2017-10-02 04:50:35 +05:00
ad770x I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
ads111x I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
bearssl Update BearSSL 2017-07-04 23:16:22 +10:00
bh1750 I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
bmp180 Merge pull request from ourairquality/oaq-merge-1 2017-10-02 04:50:35 +05:00
bmp280 I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
cpp_support FreeRTOS type updates. () 2016-11-05 12:04:03 +02:00
crc_generic Crc fix and update () 2017-02-27 22:35:56 +06:00
dhcpserver LwIP v2 support 2017-08-30 13:51:32 +10:00
dht Extras/DHT improvements: makefile fix, replace DHT_TYPE macro by param () 2016-10-26 16:41:08 +03:00
ds18b20 ds18b20 fix for temperature below zero 2016-11-25 21:42:50 +02:00
ds1302 DS1302 RTC driver () 2016-11-05 12:12:16 +02:00
ds1307 I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
ds3231 Merge pull request from ourairquality/oaq-merge-1 2017-10-02 04:50:35 +05:00
fatfs FatFS update to R0.12c 2017-03-15 21:08:44 +05:00
fonts ssd1306 more functions () 2016-12-13 19:42:23 +06:00
hd44780 I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
hmc5883l I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
http-parser HTTP parser intergation () 2016-11-23 17:58:02 +02:00
httpd libc: update to upstream master. 2017-09-21 23:44:24 +10:00
i2c I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
i2s_dma Add an argument to ISRs. Disable interrupts while masking them. 2017-08-30 13:51:32 +10:00
ina3221 I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
jsmn Add JSON support 2016-05-15 22:32:14 +10:00
max7219 MAX7219/MAX7221 dirver + example 2017-02-09 03:31:51 +05:00
mbedtls Update mbed TLS to 2.5.1 2017-07-04 20:24:34 +10:00
mcp4725 I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
mdnsresponder Change xTaskCreate priority. 2017-06-05 19:29:04 -03:00
ms561101ba03 I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
onewire Make headers in extras more cpp friendly 2016-10-24 18:13:17 +05:00
paho_mqtt_c MQTT fix mqtt_timer_expired 2017-07-03 15:50:54 -03:00
pca9685 I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
pcf8574 I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
pcf8591 I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
pwm Add an argument to ISRs. Disable interrupts while masking them. 2017-08-30 13:51:32 +10:00
rboot-ota Fix 2016-12-17 21:00:37 +05:00
sdio Fix for counter overflow in delays based on sdk_system_get_time() 2017-04-22 00:55:41 +05:00
sntp libc: update to upstream master. 2017-09-21 23:44:24 +10:00
softuart Softuart () 2017-03-06 23:28:20 +06:00
spiffs sysparam fixes, tests, spi flash refactoring () 2017-03-22 02:18:04 +05:00
ssd1306 I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
stdin_uart_interrupt Add an argument to ISRs. Disable interrupts while masking them. 2017-08-30 13:51:32 +10:00
tsl2561 I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
tsl4531 I2C bus upgrade () 2017-09-01 14:29:32 +05:00
ultrasonic Fix for counter overflow in delays based on sdk_system_get_time() 2017-04-22 00:55:41 +05:00
wificfg wificfg: allow the AP channel to be 1. 2017-08-30 13:53:01 +10:00
ws2812 Make headers in extras more cpp friendly 2016-10-24 18:13:17 +05:00
ws2812_i2s Add an argument to ISRs. Disable interrupts while masking them. 2017-08-30 13:51:32 +10:00