This just separates them in the one file leaving it as possible future change to actually remove the higher level api or move it to an example.
360 lines
10 KiB
360 lines
10 KiB
#include "bmp180.h"
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "espressif/esp_common.h"
#include "espressif/sdk_private.h"
#include "i2c/i2c.h"
#define BMP180_RX_QUEUE_SIZE 10
#define BMP180_TASK_PRIORITY 9
#define BMP180_DEVICE_ADDRESS 0x77
#define BMP180_VERSION_REG 0xD0
#define BMP180_CONTROL_REG 0xF4
#define BMP180_RESET_REG 0xE0
#define BMP180_OUT_MSB_REG 0xF6
#define BMP180_OUT_LSB_REG 0xF7
#define BMP180_OUT_XLSB_REG 0xF8
// Values for BMP180_CONTROL_REG
#define BMP180_MEASURE_TEMP 0x2E
#define BMP180_MEASURE_PRESS 0x34
// CHIP ID stored in BMP180_VERSION_REG
#define BMP180_CHIP_ID 0x55
// Reset value for BMP180_RESET_REG
#define BMP180_RESET_VALUE 0xB6
static bool bmp180_readRegister16(uint8_t reg, int16_t *r)
uint8_t d[] = { 0, 0 };
if (!i2c_slave_read(BMP180_DEVICE_ADDRESS, reg, d, 2))
return false;
*r = ((int16_t)d[0] << 8) | (d[1]);
return true;
static bool bmp180_start_Messurement(uint8_t cmd)
uint8_t d[] = { BMP180_CONTROL_REG, cmd };
return i2c_slave_write(BMP180_DEVICE_ADDRESS, d, 2);
static bool bmp180_get_uncompensated_temperature(int32_t *ut)
// Write Start Code into reg 0xF4.
if (!bmp180_start_Messurement(BMP180_MEASURE_TEMP))
return false;
// Wait 5ms, datasheet states 4.5ms
int16_t v;
if (!bmp180_readRegister16(BMP180_OUT_MSB_REG, &v))
return false;
*ut = v;
return true;
static bool bmp180_get_uncompensated_pressure(uint8_t oss, uint32_t *up)
uint16_t us;
// Limit oss and set the measurement wait time. The datasheet
// states 4.5, 7.5, 13.5, 25.5ms for oss 0 to 3.
switch (oss) {
case 0: us = 5000; break;
case 1: us = 8000; break;
case 2: us = 14000; break;
default: oss = 3; us = 26000; break;
// Write Start Code into reg 0xF4
if (!bmp180_start_Messurement(BMP180_MEASURE_PRESS | (oss << 6)))
return false;
uint8_t d[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
if (!i2c_slave_read(BMP180_DEVICE_ADDRESS, BMP180_OUT_MSB_REG, d, 3))
return false;
uint32_t r = ((uint32_t)d[0] << 16) | ((uint32_t)d[1] << 8) | d[2];
r >>= 8 - oss;
*up = r;
return true;
// Returns true of success else false.
bool bmp180_fillInternalConstants(bmp180_constants_t *c)
if (!bmp180_readRegister16(BMP180_CALIBRATION_REG+0, &c->AC1) ||
!bmp180_readRegister16(BMP180_CALIBRATION_REG+2, &c->AC2) ||
!bmp180_readRegister16(BMP180_CALIBRATION_REG+4, &c->AC3) ||
!bmp180_readRegister16(BMP180_CALIBRATION_REG+6, (int16_t *)&c->AC4) ||
!bmp180_readRegister16(BMP180_CALIBRATION_REG+8, (int16_t *)&c->AC5) ||
!bmp180_readRegister16(BMP180_CALIBRATION_REG+10, (int16_t *)&c->AC6) ||
!bmp180_readRegister16(BMP180_CALIBRATION_REG+12, &c->B1) ||
!bmp180_readRegister16(BMP180_CALIBRATION_REG+14, &c->B2) ||
!bmp180_readRegister16(BMP180_CALIBRATION_REG+16, &c->MB) ||
!bmp180_readRegister16(BMP180_CALIBRATION_REG+18, &c->MC) ||
!bmp180_readRegister16(BMP180_CALIBRATION_REG+20, &c->MD)) {
return false;
#ifdef BMP180_DEBUG
printf("%s: AC1:=%d AC2:=%d AC3:=%d AC4:=%u AC5:=%u AC6:=%u \n", __FUNCTION__, c->AC1, c->AC2, c->AC3, c->AC4, c->AC5, c->AC6);
printf("%s: B1:=%d B2:=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, c->B1, c->B2);
printf("%s: MB:=%d MC:=%d MD:=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, c->MB, c->MC, c->MD);
// Error if any read as 0x0000 or 0xffff.
return !(c->AC1 == 0x0000 || c->AC2 == 0x0000 || c->AC3 == 0x0000 ||
c->AC4 == 0x0000 || c->AC5 == 0x0000 || c->AC6 == 0x0000 ||
c->B1 == 0x0000 || c->B2 == 0x0000 ||
c->MB == 0x0000 || c->MC == 0x0000 || c->MD == 0x0000 ||
c->AC1 == 0xffff || c->AC2 == 0xffff || c->AC3 == 0xffff ||
c->AC4 == 0xffff || c->AC5 == 0xffff || c->AC6 == 0xffff ||
c->B1 == 0xffff || c->B2 == 0xffff ||
c->MB == 0xffff || c->MC == 0xffff || c->MD == 0xffff);
bool bmp180_is_available()
uint8_t id;
return i2c_slave_read(BMP180_DEVICE_ADDRESS, BMP180_VERSION_REG, &id, 1) &&
id == BMP180_CHIP_ID;
bool bmp180_measure(bmp180_constants_t *c, int32_t *temperature,
uint32_t *pressure, uint8_t oss)
int32_t T, P;
if (!temperature && !pressure)
return false;
// Temperature is always needed, allso required for pressure only.
// Calculation taken from BMP180 Datasheet
int32_t UT, X1, X2, B5;
if (!bmp180_get_uncompensated_temperature(&UT))
return false;
X1 = ((UT - (int32_t)c->AC6) * (int32_t)c->AC5) >> 15;
X2 = ((int32_t)c->MC << 11) / (X1 + (int32_t)c->MD);
B5 = X1 + X2;
T = (B5 + 8) >> 4;
if (temperature)
*temperature = T;
#ifdef BMP180_DEBUG
printf("%s: T:= %ld.%d\n", __FUNCTION__, T/10, abs(T%10));
if (pressure) {
int32_t X3, B3, B6;
uint32_t B4, B7, UP;
if (!bmp180_get_uncompensated_pressure(oss, &UP))
return false;
// Calculation taken from BMP180 Datasheet
B6 = B5 - 4000;
X1 = ((int32_t)c->B2 * ((B6 * B6) >> 12)) >> 11;
X2 = ((int32_t)c->AC2 * B6) >> 11;
X3 = X1 + X2;
B3 = ((((int32_t)c->AC1 * 4 + X3) << oss) + 2) >> 2;
X1 = ((int32_t)c->AC3 * B6) >> 13;
X2 = ((int32_t)c->B1 * ((B6 * B6) >> 12)) >> 16;
X3 = ((X1 + X2) + 2) >> 2;
B4 = ((uint32_t)c->AC4 * (uint32_t)(X3 + 32768)) >> 15;
B7 = ((uint32_t)UP - B3) * (uint32_t)(50000UL >> oss);
if (B7 < 0x80000000UL) {
P = (B7 * 2) / B4;
} else {
P = (B7 / B4) * 2;
X1 = (P >> 8) * (P >> 8);
X1 = (X1 * 3038) >> 16;
X2 = (-7357 * P) >> 16;
P = P + ((X1 + X2 + (int32_t)3791) >> 4);
if (pressure)
*pressure = P;
#ifdef BMP180_DEBUG
printf("%s: P:= %ld\n", __FUNCTION__, P);
return true;
// BMP180_Event_Command
typedef struct
uint8_t cmd;
const xQueueHandle* resultQueue;
} bmp180_command_t;
// Just works due to the fact that xQueueHandle is a "void *"
static xQueueHandle bmp180_rx_queue = NULL;
static xTaskHandle bmp180_task_handle = NULL;
// Forward declarations
static bool bmp180_informUser_Impl(const xQueueHandle* resultQueue, uint8_t cmd, bmp180_temp_t temperature, bmp180_press_t pressure);
// Set default implementation .. User gets result as bmp180_result_t event
bool (*bmp180_informUser)(const xQueueHandle* resultQueue, uint8_t cmd, bmp180_temp_t temperature, bmp180_press_t pressure) = bmp180_informUser_Impl;
// I2C Driver Task
static void bmp180_driver_task(void *pvParameters)
// Data to be received from user
bmp180_command_t current_command;
bmp180_constants_t bmp180_constants;
#ifdef BMP180_DEBUG
// Wait for commands from the outside
printf("%s: Started Task\n", __FUNCTION__);
// Initialize all internal constants.
if (!bmp180_fillInternalConstants(&bmp180_constants)) {
printf("%s: reading internal constants failed\n", __FUNCTION__);
while(1) {
// Wait for user to insert commands
if (xQueueReceive(bmp180_rx_queue, ¤t_command, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) {
#ifdef BMP180_DEBUG
printf("%s: Received user command %d 0x%p\n", __FUNCTION__, current_command.cmd, current_command.resultQueue);
// use user provided queue
if (current_command.resultQueue != NULL) {
// Work on it ...
int32_t T = 0;
uint32_t P = 0;
if (bmp180_measure(&bmp180_constants, &T, (current_command.cmd & BMP180_PRESSURE) ? &P : NULL, 3)) {
// Inform the user ...
if (!bmp180_informUser(current_command.resultQueue,
(bmp180_press_t)P)) {
// Failed to send info to user
printf("%s: Unable to inform user bmp180_informUser returned \"false\"\n", __FUNCTION__);
static bool bmp180_create_communication_queues()
// Just create them once
if (bmp180_rx_queue == NULL)
bmp180_rx_queue = xQueueCreate(BMP180_RX_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof(bmp180_result_t));
return bmp180_rx_queue != NULL;
static bool bmp180_createTask()
// We already have a task
portBASE_TYPE x = pdPASS;
if (bmp180_task_handle == NULL) {
x = xTaskCreate(bmp180_driver_task, (signed char *)"bmp180_driver_task", 256, NULL, BMP180_TASK_PRIORITY, &bmp180_task_handle);
return x == pdPASS;
// Default user inform implementation
static bool bmp180_informUser_Impl(const xQueueHandle* resultQueue, uint8_t cmd, bmp180_temp_t temperature, bmp180_press_t pressure)
bmp180_result_t result;
result.cmd = cmd;
result.temperature = temperature;
result.pressure = pressure;
return (xQueueSend(*resultQueue, &result, 0) == pdTRUE);
// Just init all needed queues
bool bmp180_init(uint8_t scl, uint8_t sda)
// 1. Create required queues
bool result = false;
if (bmp180_create_communication_queues()) {
// 2. Init i2c driver
i2c_init(scl, sda);
// 3. Check for bmp180 ...
if (bmp180_is_available()) {
// 4. Start driver task
if (bmp180_createTask()) {
// We are finished
result = true;
return result;
void bmp180_trigger_measurement(const xQueueHandle* resultQueue)
bmp180_command_t c;
c.resultQueue = resultQueue;
xQueueSend(bmp180_rx_queue, &c, 0);
void bmp180_trigger_pressure_measurement(const xQueueHandle* resultQueue)
bmp180_command_t c;
c.cmd = BMP180_PRESSURE;
c.resultQueue = resultQueue;
xQueueSend(bmp180_rx_queue, &c, 0);
void bmp180_trigger_temperature_measurement(const xQueueHandle* resultQueue)
bmp180_command_t c;
c.resultQueue = resultQueue;
xQueueSend(bmp180_rx_queue, &c, 0);