ota_basic example can receive new image via TCP. However - writing to flash with interrupts disabled causes data loss, and the TCP flow is very slow to recover. Linux sender quickly ramps up RTT timer to very long retry intervals, crippling performance & throughput. Running the update without the flash writes causes the data to be received quickly, so this is definitely an issue with the time taken for the erase cycle. Progress towards #10
382 lines
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# esp-open-rtos common Makefile
# ******************************************************************
# Run 'make help' in any example subdirectory to see a usage summary
# (or skip to the bottom of this file!)
# For example, from the top level run:
# make help -C examples/http_get
# ******************************************************************
# In-depth documentation is at https://github.com/SuperHouse/esp-open-rtos/wiki/Build-Process
# Most sections Copyright 2015 Superhouse Automation Pty Ltd
# BSD Licensed as described in the file LICENSE at top level.
# This makefile is adapted from the esp-mqtt makefile by @tuanpmt
# https://github.com/tuanpmt/esp_mqtt, but it has changed very significantly
# since then.
# assume the 'root' directory (ie top of the tree) is the directory common.mk is in
ROOT := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
# include optional local overrides at the root level, then in program directory
# Create either of these files for local system overrides if possible,
# instead of editing this makefile directly.
-include $(ROOT)local.mk
-include local.mk
# Flash size in megabits
# Valid values are same as for esptool.py - 2m,4m,8m,16m,32m
# Output directories to store intermediate compiled files
# relative to the program directory
FW_BASE ?= $(PROGRAM_DIR)firmware/
# esptool.py from https://github.com/themadinventor/esptool
ESPTOOL ?= esptool.py
# serial port settings for esptool.py
ESPPORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
ESPBAUD ?= 115200
# Set OTA to 1 to build an image that supports rBoot OTA bootloader
# Currently only works with 16mbit or more flash sizes, with 8mbit
# images for each "slot"
OTA ?= 0
ifeq ($(OTA),1)
# for OTA, we build a "SDK v1.2 bootloader" compatible image where everything is in
# one file (should work with the v1.2 binary bootloader, and the FOSS rBoot bootloader).
IMGTOOL ?= esptool2
# Tell C preprocessor that we're building for OTA
FLAVOR ?= release # or debug
# Compiler names, etc. assume gdb
CROSS ?= xtensa-lx106-elf-
AR = $(CROSS)ar
CC = $(CROSS)gcc
CPP = $(CROSS)cpp
LD = $(CROSS)gcc
NM = $(CROSS)nm
C++ = $(CROSS)g++
SIZE = $(CROSS)size
OBJCOPY = $(CROSS)objcopy
OBJDUMP = $(CROSS)objdump
# Source components to compile and link. Each of these are subdirectories
# of the root, with a 'component.mk' file.
# binary esp-iot-rtos SDK libraries to link. These are pre-processed prior to linking.
SDK_LIBS ?= main net80211 phy pp wpa
# open source libraries linked in
LIBS ?= hal gcc c
# set to 0 if you want to use the toolchain libc instead of esp-open-rtos newlib
# Note: you will need a recent esp
ENTRY_SYMBOL ?= call_user_start
CFLAGS = -Wall -Werror -Wl,-EL -nostdlib -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -std=gnu99 $(CPPFLAGS)
LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -Wl,--no-check-sections -Wl,-L$(BUILD_DIR)sdklib -Wl,-L$(ROOT)lib -u $(ENTRY_SYMBOL) -Wl,-static -Wl,-Map=build/${PROGRAM}.map $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS)
ifeq ($(FLAVOR),debug)
CFLAGS += -g -O0
LDFLAGS += -g -O0
CFLAGS += -g -O2
LDFLAGS += -g -O2
GITSHORTREV=\"$(shell cd $(ROOT); git rev-parse --short -q HEAD)\"
# Linker scripts, all found in $(ROOT)/ld
LINKER_SCRIPTS = eagle.app.v6.ld eagle.rom.addr.v6.ld
#### no user configurable options below here
ifndef PROGRAM
$(error "Set the PROGRAM environment variable in your Makefile before including common.mk"
# hacky way to get a single space value
empty :=
space := $(empty) $(empty)
# GNU Make lowercase function, bit of a horrorshow but works (courtesy http://stackoverflow.com/a/665045)
lc = $(subst A,a,$(subst B,b,$(subst C,c,$(subst D,d,$(subst E,e,$(subst F,f,$(subst G,g,$(subst H,h,$(subst I,i,$(subst J,j,$(subst K,k,$(subst L,l,$(subst M,m,$(subst N,n,$(subst O,o,$(subst P,p,$(subst Q,q,$(subst R,r,$(subst S,s,$(subst T,t,$(subst U,u,$(subst V,v,$(subst W,w,$(subst X,x,$(subst Y,y,$(subst Z,z,$1))))))))))))))))))))))))))
# assume the program dir is the directory the top-level makefile was run in
PROGRAM_DIR := $(dir $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
# linker scripts get run through the C preprocessor
ifeq ($(OTA),1)
# derive various parts of compiler/linker arguments
SDK_LIB_ARGS = $(addprefix -l,$(SDK_LIBS))
LIB_ARGS = $(addprefix -l,$(LIBS))
ifeq ($(OTA),0)
# for non-OTA, we create two different files for uploading into the flash
# these are the names and options to generate them
FW_ADDR_1 = 0x00000
FW_ADDR_2 = 0x40000
FW_FILE_1 = $(addprefix $(FW_BASE),$(FW_ADDR_1).bin)
FW_FILE_2 = $(addprefix $(FW_BASE),$(FW_ADDR_2).bin)
# for OTA, it's a single monolithic image
FW_FILE = $(addprefix $(FW_BASE),$(PROGRAM).bin)
# Common include directories, shared across all "components"
# components will add their include directories to this argument
# Placing $(PROGRAM_DIR) and $(PROGRAM_DIR)include first allows
# programs to have their own copies of header config files for components
# , which is useful for overriding things.
INC_DIRS = $(PROGRAM_DIR) $(PROGRAM_DIR)include $(ROOT)include
ifeq ($(OWN_LIBC),1)
INC_DIRS += $(ROOT)libc/xtensa-lx106-elf/include
LDFLAGS += -L$(ROOT)libc/xtensa-lx106-elf/lib
ifeq ("$(V)","1")
Q :=
vecho := @true
Q := @
vecho := @echo
.PHONY: all clean debug_print
all: $(PROGRAM_OUT) $(FW_FILE_1) $(FW_FILE_2) $(FW_FILE)
# component_compile_rules: Produces compilation rules for a given
# component
# Call arguments are:
# $(1) - component name
# Expects that the following component-specific variables are defined:
# $(1)_ROOT = Top-level dir containing component. Can be in-tree or out-of-tree.
# $(1)_SRC_DIR = List of source directories for the component. All must be under $(1)_ROOT
# $(1)_INC_DIR = List of include directories specific for the component
# As an alternative to $(1)_SRC_DIR, you can specify source filenames
# as $(1)_SRC_FILES. If you want to specify both directories and
# some additional files, specify directories in $(1)_SRC_DIR and
# additional files in $(1)_EXTRA_SRC_FILES.
# Optional variables:
# $(1)_CFLAGS = CFLAGS to override the default CFLAGS for this component only.
# Each call appends to COMPONENT_ARS which is a list of archive files for compiled components
define component_compile_rules
$(1)_OBJ_DIR = $(call lc,$(BUILD_DIR)$(1)/)
### determine source files and object files ###
$(1)_SRC_FILES ?= $$(foreach sdir,$$($(1)_SRC_DIR), \
$$(wildcard $$(sdir)/*.c) $$(wildcard $$(sdir)/*.s)) \
$(1)_REAL_SRC_FILES = $$(foreach sfile,$$($(1)_SRC_FILES),$$(realpath $$(sfile)))
$(1)_REAL_ROOT = $$(realpath $$($(1)_ROOT))
# patsubst here substitutes real component root path for the relative OBJ_DIR path, making things short again
$(1)_OBJ_FILES_C = $$(patsubst $$($(1)_REAL_ROOT)%.c,$$($(1)_OBJ_DIR)%.o,$$($(1)_REAL_SRC_FILES))
$(1)_OBJ_FILES = $$(patsubst $$($(1)_REAL_ROOT)%.s,$$($(1)_OBJ_DIR)%.o,$$($(1)_OBJ_FILES_C))
# the last included makefile is our component's component.mk makefile (rebuild the component if it changes)
$(1)_MAKEFILE ?= $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
### determine compiler arguments ###
$(1)_CFLAGS ?= $(CFLAGS)
$(1)_CC_ARGS = $(Q) $(CC) $$(addprefix -I,$$(INC_DIRS)) $$(addprefix -I,$$($(1)_INC_DIR)) $$($(1)_CFLAGS)
$(1)_AR = $(call lc,$(BUILD_DIR)$(1).a)
$$($(1)_OBJ_DIR)%.o: $$($(1)_REAL_ROOT)%.c $$($(1)_MAKEFILE) $(wildcard $(ROOT)*.mk) | $$($(1)_SRC_DIR)
$(vecho) "CC $$<"
$(Q) mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
$$($(1)_CC_ARGS) -c $$< -o $$@
$$($(1)_CC_ARGS) -MM -MT $$@ -MF $$(@:.o=.d) $$<
$$($(1)_OBJ_DIR)%.o: $$($(1)_REAL_ROOT)%.s $$($(1)_MAKEFILE) $(wildcard $(ROOT)*.mk) | $$($(1)_SRC_DIR)
$(vecho) "AS $$<"
$(Q) mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
$$($(1)_CC_ARGS) -Xassembler -I$$(dir $$<) -c $$< -o $$@
# the component is shown to depend on both obj and source files so we get a meaningful error message
# for missing explicitly named source files
$$($(1)_AR): $$($(1)_OBJ_FILES) $$($(1)_SRC_FILES)
$(vecho) "AR $$@"
$(Q) mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
$(Q) $(AR) cru $$@ $$^
COMPONENT_ARS += $$($(1)_AR)
-include $$($(1)_OBJ_FILES:.o=.d)
## Linking rules for SDK libraries
## SDK libraries are preprocessed to:
# - remove object files named in <libname>.remove
# - prefix all defined symbols with 'sdk_'
# - weaken all global symbols so they can be overriden from the open SDK side
# SDK binary libraries are preprocessed into build/sdklib
SDK_PROCESSED_LIBS = $(addsuffix .a,$(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)sdklib/lib,$(SDK_LIBS)))
# Make rules for preprocessing each SDK library
# hacky, but prevents confusing error messages if one of these files disappears
touch $@
# Remove comment lines from <libname>.remove files
$(BUILD_DIR)sdklib/%.remove: $(ROOT)lib/%.remove | $(BUILD_DIR)sdklib
$(Q) grep -v "^#" $< | cat > $@
# Stage 1: remove unwanted object files listed in <libname>.remove alongside each library
$(BUILD_DIR)sdklib/%_stage1.a: $(ROOT)lib/%.a $(BUILD_DIR)sdklib/%.remove | $(BUILD_DIR)sdklib
@echo "SDK processing stage 1: Removing unwanted objects from $<"
$(Q) cat $< > $@
$(Q) $(AR) d $@ @$(word 2,$^)
# Generate a regex to match symbols we don't want to rename, listed in
# symbols_norename.txt
$(BUILD_DIR)sdklib/norename.match: $(ROOT)lib/symbols_norename.txt | $(BUILD_DIR)sdklib
cat $< | grep -v "^#" | sed ':begin;$!N;s/\n/\\|/;tbegin' > $@
# Stage 2: Build a list of defined symbols per library, renamed with sdk_ prefix
$(BUILD_DIR)sdklib/%.rename: $(BUILD_DIR)sdklib/%_stage1.a $(BUILD_DIR)sdklib/norename.match
@echo "SDK processing stage 2: Building symbol list for $< -> $@"
$(Q) $(OBJDUMP) -t $< | grep ' g ' \
| sed -r 's/^.+ ([^ ]+)$$/\1 sdk_\1/' \
| grep -v `cat $(BUILD_DIR)sdklib/norename.match` > $@
# Build a master list of all SDK-defined symbols to rename across all libraries
$(BUILD_DIR)sdklib/allsymbols.rename: $(patsubst %.a,%.rename,$(SDK_PROCESSED_LIBS))
cat $^ > $@
# Stage 3: Redefine all SDK symbols as sdk_, weaken all symbols.
$(BUILD_DIR)sdklib/%.a: $(BUILD_DIR)sdklib/%_stage1.a $(BUILD_DIR)sdklib/allsymbols.rename
@echo "SDK processing stage 3: Renaming symbols in SDK library $< -> $@"
$(Q) $(OBJCOPY) --redefine-syms $(word 2,$^) --weaken $< $@
# include "dummy component" for the 'program' object files, defined in the Makefile
# if there's a local.h file in either the program dir or the
# root dir, load macros from it (for WIFI_SSID,WIFI_PASS, etc.)
PROGRAM_LOCAL_H = $(lastword $(wildcard $(ROOT)local.h $(PROGRAM_DIR)local.h))
ifneq ($(PROGRAM_LOCAL_H),)
$(eval $(call component_compile_rules,PROGRAM))
## Include other components (this is where the actual compiler sections are generated)
$(foreach component,$(COMPONENTS), $(eval include $(ROOT)$(component)/component.mk))
## Run linker scripts via C preprocessor to evaluate macros
$(LD_DIR)%.ld: $(ROOT)ld/%.ld | $(LD_DIR)
$(Q) $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -E -C -P $< > $@
# final linking step to produce .elf
$(vecho) "LD $@"
$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,--start-group $(LIB_ARGS) $(SDK_LIB_ARGS) $(COMPONENT_ARS) -Wl,--end-group -o $@
$(Q) mkdir -p $@
$(vecho) "FW $@"
$(ESPTOOL) elf2image $< -o $(FW_BASE)
$(IMGTOOL) -bin -boot2 $(PROGRAM_OUT) $(FW_FILE) .text .data .rodata
ifeq ($(OTA),0)
flash: $(FW_FILE_1) $(FW_FILE_2)
$(ESPTOOL) -p $(ESPPORT) --baud $(ESPBAUD) write_flash $(FW_ADDR_1) $(FW_FILE_1) $(FW_ADDR_2) $(FW_FILE_2)
flash: $(FW_FILE)
$(vecho) "Flashing OTA image slot 0 (bootloader not updated)"
$(ESPTOOL) -p $(ESPPORT) --baud $(ESPBAUD) write_flash 0x2000 $(FW_FILE)
size: $(PROGRAM_OUT)
$(Q) $(CROSS)size --format=sysv $(PROGRAM_OUT)
test: flash
screen $(ESPPORT) 115200
# the rebuild target is written like this so it can be run in a parallel build
# environment without causing weird side effects
$(MAKE) clean
$(MAKE) all
$(Q) rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)
$(Q) rm -rf $(FW_BASE)
# prevent "intermediate" files from being deleted
# print some useful help stuff
@echo "esp-open-rtos make"
@echo ""
@echo "Other targets:"
@echo ""
@echo "all"
@echo "Default target. Will build firmware including any changed source files."
@echo "clean"
@echo "Delete all build output."
@echo ""
@echo "rebuild"
@echo "Build everything fresh from scratch."
@echo ""
@echo "flash"
@echo "Build then upload firmware to MCU. Set ESPPORT & ESPBAUD to override port/baud rate."
@echo ""
@echo "test"
@echo "'flash', then start a GNU Screen session on the same serial port to see serial output."
@echo ""
@echo "size"
@echo "Build, then print a summary of built firmware size."
@echo ""
@echo "TIPS:"
@echo "* You can use -jN for parallel builds. Much faster! Use 'make rebuild' instead of 'make clean all' for parallel builds."
@echo "* You can create a local.mk file to create local overrides of variables like ESPPORT & ESPBAUD."
@echo ""
@echo "make -j2 test ESPPORT=/dev/ttyUSB0"
@echo ""