ourairquality 05bbe48bd4 bmp180: make a lower level interface available and support oversampling.
An application using multiple I2C devices will need it's own
loop. This reworks the code to make the detection, calibration
constant loading, and measurment functions available too without
having to use the bmp810 task which is still retained.

Adds support for oversampling.

Fixes a bug in the calculation of the temperature.

Better error handling. Checks for I2C errors and errors in the loading
of the calibration constants and propagates these up.
2016-07-20 18:42:51 +10:00

132 lines
3.2 KiB

/* Simple example for I2C / BMP180 / Timer & Event Handling
* This sample code is in the public domain.
#include "espressif/esp_common.h"
#include "esp/uart.h"
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "queue.h"
// BMP180 driver
#include "bmp180/bmp180.h"
#define MY_EVT_TIMER 0x01
#define MY_EVT_BMP180 0x02
#define SCL_PIN GPIO_ID_PIN((0))
#define SDA_PIN GPIO_ID_PIN((2))
typedef struct
uint8_t event_type;
bmp180_result_t bmp180_data;
} my_event_t;
// Communication Queue
static xQueueHandle mainqueue;
static xTimerHandle timerHandle;
// Own BMP180 User Inform Implementation
bool bmp180_i2c_informUser(const xQueueHandle* resultQueue, uint8_t cmd, bmp180_temp_t temperature, bmp180_press_t pressure)
my_event_t ev;
ev.event_type = MY_EVT_BMP180;
ev.bmp180_data.cmd = cmd;
ev.bmp180_data.temperature = temperature;
ev.bmp180_data.pressure = pressure;
return (xQueueSend(*resultQueue, &ev, 0) == pdTRUE);
// Timer call back
static void bmp180_i2c_timer_cb(xTimerHandle xTimer)
my_event_t ev;
ev.event_type = MY_EVT_TIMER;
xQueueSend(mainqueue, &ev, 0);
// Check for communiction events
void bmp180_task(void *pvParameters)
// Received pvParameters is communication queue
xQueueHandle *com_queue = (xQueueHandle *)pvParameters;
printf("%s: Started user interface task\n", __FUNCTION__);
my_event_t ev;
xQueueReceive(*com_queue, &ev, portMAX_DELAY);
printf("%s: Received Timer Event\n", __FUNCTION__);
case MY_EVT_BMP180:
printf("%s: Received BMP180 Event temp:=%d.%dC press=%d.%02dhPa\n", __FUNCTION__, \
(int32_t)ev.bmp180_data.temperature, abs((int32_t)(ev.bmp180_data.temperature*10)%10), \
ev.bmp180_data.pressure/100, ev.bmp180_data.pressure%100 );
// Setup HW
void user_setup(void)
// Set UART Parameter
uart_set_baud(0, 115200);
// Give the UART some time to settle
void user_init(void)
// Setup HW
// Just some infomations
printf("SDK version : %s\n", sdk_system_get_sdk_version());
printf("GIT version : %s\n", GITSHORTREV);
// Use our user inform implementation
bmp180_informUser = bmp180_i2c_informUser;
// Init BMP180 Interface
bmp180_init(SCL_PIN, SDA_PIN);
// Create Main Communication Queue
mainqueue = xQueueCreate(10, sizeof(my_event_t));
// Create user interface task
xTaskCreate(bmp180_task, (signed char *)"bmp180_task", 256, &mainqueue, 2, NULL);
// Create Timer (Trigger a measurement every second)
timerHandle = xTimerCreate((signed char *)"BMP180 Trigger", 1000/portTICK_RATE_MS, pdTRUE, NULL, bmp180_i2c_timer_cb);
if (timerHandle != NULL)
if (xTimerStart(timerHandle, 0) != pdPASS)
printf("%s: Unable to start Timer ...\n", __FUNCTION__);
printf("%s: Unable to create Timer ...\n", __FUNCTION__);