/* The ESP in the example runs a echo server on (port 50 and 100 ) that outputs information about your ip/port then echo all text you write. It is manage multiple connection and multiple port with one task. This example code is in the public domain. */ #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <espressif/esp_common.h> #include <esp8266.h> #include <esp/uart.h> #include <FreeRTOS.h> #include <task.h> #include <queue.h> #include <dhcpserver.h> #include <lwip/api.h> #define AP_SSID "esp-open-rtos AP" #define AP_PSK "esp-open-rtos" #define ECHO_PORT_1 50 #define ECHO_PORT_2 100 #define EVENTS_QUEUE_SIZE 10 #ifdef CALLBACK_DEBUG #define debug(s, ...) printf("%s: " s "\n", "Cb:", ## __VA_ARGS__) #else #define debug(s, ...) #endif QueueHandle_t xQueue_events; typedef struct { struct netconn *nc ; uint8_t type ; } netconn_events; /* * This function will be call in Lwip in each event on netconn */ static void netCallback(struct netconn *conn, enum netconn_evt evt, uint16_t length) { //Show some callback information (debug) debug("sock:%u\tsta:%u\tevt:%u\tlen:%u\ttyp:%u\tfla:%02X\terr:%d", \ (uint32_t)conn,conn->state,evt,length,conn->type,conn->flags,conn->last_err); netconn_events events ; //If netconn got error, it is close or deleted, dont do treatments on it. if (conn->pending_err) { return; } //Treatments only on rcv events. switch (evt) { case NETCONN_EVT_RCVPLUS: events.nc = conn ; events.type = evt ; break; default: return; break; } //Send the event to the queue xQueueSend(xQueue_events, &events, 1000); } /* * Initialize a server netconn and listen port */ static void set_tcp_server_netconn(struct netconn **nc, uint16_t port, netconn_callback callback) { if(nc == NULL) { printf("%s: netconn missing .\n",__FUNCTION__); return; } *nc = netconn_new_with_callback(NETCONN_TCP, netCallback); if(!*nc) { printf("Status monitor: Failed to allocate netconn.\n"); return; } netconn_set_nonblocking(*nc,NETCONN_FLAG_NON_BLOCKING); //netconn_set_recvtimeout(*nc, 10); netconn_bind(*nc, IP_ADDR_ANY, port); netconn_listen(*nc); } /* * Close and delete a socket properly */ static void close_tcp_netconn(struct netconn *nc) { nc->pending_err=ERR_CLSD; //It is hacky way to be sure than callback will don't do treatment on a netconn closed and deleted netconn_close(nc); netconn_delete(nc); } /* * This task manage each netconn connection without block anything */ static void nonBlockingTCP(void *pvParameters) { struct netconn *nc = NULL; // To create servers set_tcp_server_netconn(&nc, ECHO_PORT_1, netCallback); printf("Server netconn %u ready on port %u.\n",(uint32_t)nc, ECHO_PORT_1); set_tcp_server_netconn(&nc, ECHO_PORT_2, netCallback); printf("Server netconn %u ready on port %u.\n",(uint32_t)nc, ECHO_PORT_2); struct netbuf *netbuf = NULL; // To store incoming Data struct netconn *nc_in = NULL; // To accept incoming netconn // char buf[50]; char* buffer; uint16_t len_buf; while(1) { netconn_events events; xQueueReceive(xQueue_events, &events, portMAX_DELAY); // Wait here an event on netconn if (events.nc->state == NETCONN_LISTEN) // If netconn is a server and receive incoming event on it { printf("Client incoming on server %u.\n", (uint32_t)events.nc); int err = netconn_accept(events.nc, &nc_in); if (err != ERR_OK) { if(nc_in) netconn_delete(nc_in); } printf("New client is %u.\n",(uint32_t)nc_in); ip_addr_t client_addr; //Address port uint16_t client_port; //Client port netconn_peer(nc_in, &client_addr, &client_port); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Your address is %d.%d.%d.%d:%u.\r\n", ip4_addr1(&client_addr), ip4_addr2(&client_addr), ip4_addr3(&client_addr), ip4_addr4(&client_addr), client_port); netconn_write(nc_in, buf, strlen(buf), NETCONN_COPY); } else if(events.nc->state != NETCONN_LISTEN) // If netconn is the client and receive data { if ((netconn_recv(events.nc, &netbuf)) == ERR_OK) // data incoming ? { do { netbuf_data(netbuf, (void*)&buffer, &len_buf); netconn_write(events.nc, buffer, strlen(buffer), NETCONN_COPY); printf("Client %u send: %s\n",(uint32_t)events.nc,buffer); } while (netbuf_next(netbuf) >= 0); netbuf_delete(netbuf); } else { close_tcp_netconn(events.nc); printf("Error read netconn %u, close it \n",(uint32_t)events.nc); } } } } void user_init(void) { uart_set_baud(0, 115200); sdk_os_delay_us(500); // Wait UART printf("SDK version:%s\n", sdk_system_get_sdk_version()); sdk_wifi_set_opmode(SOFTAP_MODE); struct ip_info ap_ip; IP4_ADDR(&ap_ip.ip, 172, 16, 0, 1); IP4_ADDR(&ap_ip.gw, 0, 0, 0, 0); IP4_ADDR(&ap_ip.netmask, 255, 255, 0, 0); sdk_wifi_set_ip_info(1, &ap_ip); struct sdk_softap_config ap_config = { .ssid = AP_SSID, .ssid_hidden = 0, .channel = 3, .ssid_len = strlen(AP_SSID), .authmode = AUTH_WPA_WPA2_PSK, .password = AP_PSK, .max_connection = 3, .beacon_interval = 100, }; sdk_wifi_softap_set_config(&ap_config); ip_addr_t first_client_ip; IP4_ADDR(&first_client_ip, 172, 16, 0, 2); dhcpserver_start(&first_client_ip, 4); printf("DHCP started\n"); //Create a queue to store events on netconns xQueue_events = xQueueCreate( EVENTS_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof(netconn_events)); xTaskCreate(nonBlockingTCP, "lwiptest_noblock", 512, NULL, 2, NULL); }